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#This is Project 2 for Dwa15 Scott Johnston password generator


requires functions.php it then imports a word list from a file on the server

inputs the list into an array

places the values from the $_GET super global into an array

sets up a couple of default values that will load when the page loads

Depending on which values the user has selected logic calls functions

from functions.php and generates a password that is displayed at the

end of the file with an echo command


###readInFile -

reads a file into an array removing the new line spaces at

the end and throws an exception if the file does not exist

###selectWords - selects the words from the array of words and concatenates them

with the selector

###addSpecialChar -

calls randomSpecChars and concatenates the number of special chars required

###addNumbers -

concatenates a random number between 1 and 1000 to the end of the string


returns a substring of the password


returns a random special character from an array of special chars


similar template to project one there is some custom css in scottsCss.css


resizes the text boxes and aligns the different headings so that they all look

good on a phone screen as well as a pc Provides some color for the password

screen cast link is


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