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Ushahidi is a platform that crowdsources crisis information, allowing anyone to submit crisis information through text messaging using a mobile phone, email or web form.




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            <h1>Introduction To Ushahidi</h1>
            <p>Ushahidi (meaning “testimony” in Swahili) was originally a website that was quickly developed to map reports of violence in Kenya after the post-election fallout at the beginning of 2008.</p>

                <p>The new Ushahidi Engine incorporates the lessons learned from Kenya to create a platform that can be deployed by anyone to collect and visualize information, especially crisis information.</p>

                <h1>System Requirement</h1>
                There are a few minimum server requirements to run Ushahidi:
                    <li>Server with Unicode support</li>
                    <li>PHP version >= 5.2.3</li>
                    <li>An HTTP Server. <a href="">Kohana</a> which Ushahidi is built upon is known to work with: Apache 1.3+,Apache2.0+,lighttpd, and MS IIS</li>
                <h2>Required Extensions</h2>
                    <li> <a href="">PCRE</a> must be compiled with –enable-utf8 and –enable-unicode-properties for UTF-8 functions to work properly.</li>
                    <li> <a href="">iconv</a> is required for UTF-8 transliteration.</li>
                    <li><a href="">mcrypt</a> is required for encryption.</li>
                    <li><a href="">SPL</a> is required for several core libraries</li>
                    <li> <a href="">mbstring</a> which speeds up Kohana's UTF-8 functions.</li>

            <p>There are two ways to install ushahidi. Either manually by creating and editing a config and database file or by using the web installer. The easiest is to use the web installer as it serves you with a form to fill without creating or editing any file.</p>

            <h2>Web Installer</h2>
                    <li>Upload the unpacked package unto your server.</li>
                    <li>Make sure the uploaded files are owned by www-data or the webserver user to enable the installer make the necessary changes on certain files and folders.</li>
                    <li>Point your browser to <a href="installer/">installer</a>. This should bring up a from for you to fill regarding your database credentials and the directory you uploaded Ushahidi files into.</li>
                    <li>After filling all the required fields of the form, hit the Install button to install ushahidi.</li>
                    <li>After a successful install, the installer should send you to the main page of Ushahidi.</li>

            <h2>Manual Install</h2>
                    <li>Upload the upacked package unto your server.</li>
                    <li>Copy the content of <code>application/config/database.template.php to database.php</code>. If you have access to a unix shell, you can issue this command
                    <code>cp application/config/database.template.php application/config/database.php</code></li>
                    <li>Edit <code>database.php</code> and provide it with the right database credentials.</li>
                    <li>Copy the content of <code>application/config/config.template.php to config.php</code>.</li>
                    <li>Edit <code>config.php</code> providing it with the right values. The comments in the file tells you exactly what to provide.</li>
                    <li>Change the permissions on application/logs, application/cache, media/uploads to writable.</li>
                    <li>Import the tables into your database. The sql file is in the sql folder in the root directory of ushahidi.</li>
                    <li>After all this has been done, load the installed Ushahidi with your browser. The main page should show up if everything went well.</li>
                <h1>Online Resources</h1>
                <p>For further references and documentations, head over to Ushahidi's wiki. It has so much information you might need.</p>
                    <dt><a href="[]=frontlinesms">How to use ushahidi</a></dt>
                    <dd>This is where you will find information reqarding how to use your ushahidi instance.</dd>
                <h1>Ushahidi Support Forum</h1>
                <p>Our <a href="">support forum</a> is the place to connect with the core developers and other users. It will be great to head over there to report or find support regarding using ushahidi.</p>


Ushahidi is a platform that crowdsources crisis information, allowing anyone to submit crisis information through text messaging using a mobile phone, email or web form.







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