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Code for Mastering Laravel author by Christopher John

Implemented in Laravel 5.2

This code is written based on Mastering Laravel Book, it contain code for following topics:

Chapter 1: Designing Done Right with phpspec
Chapter 2: Automating Tests – Migrating and Seeding Your Database(with Migration Files and Seedes)
Chapter 3: Building Services, Commands, and Events
Chapter 4: Creating RESTful APIs
Chapter 5: Using the Form Builder
Chapter 8: Querying the Database with the Eloquent ORM

Note : I have used App Namespace in place MyCompany for core files
For testing i have used MyCompany Namespace.
Check my composer.json for more information.

Topics not coded : Will be Updated Soon :

Chapter 6: Taming Complexity with Annotations
Chapter 7: Filtering Requests with Middleware
Chapter 9: Scaling Laravel
Chapter 10: Building, Compiling, and Testing with Elixir.

I will update full code soon feel free to commit and send your code
I need To improve my testing part, it may take some time to update code.

Thank You Christoper John for the book, not only i learned but i have improved my skills too.


Code for Mastering Laravel 5.2 author by Christopher John






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