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Web FMS Admin Restarter. FileMaker Server restarting web tool


Web Server
FileMaker admin console


Download and unzip it in the root folder of your Web server. Configure your web server, here is an example for apache:

<VirtualHost fmrestarter>
   DocumentRoot "d:/fmrestarter"
   ServerName restarter
   ErrorLog "logs/fmrestarter-error.log"
   CustomLog "logs/fmrestarter-access.log" common
   Options -Indexes -FollowSymLinks -Includes -ExecCGI

   <Directory d:/fmrestarter>
       Order allow,deny
       Deny from all
       <Files index.php>
         Order Allow,Deny
         Allow from all
   <Directory d:/fmrestarter>
      Order Allow,Deny
      Allow from all
  • Make sure the log and stat directories have read/write permissions for the web server user


1 Create MD5 checksum of your FM Server admin console login/password

Access index.php?act=checksum with a webbrowser and enter your FM Server admin console login/password to generate the checksum Save checksum value as MD5check value in restart.ini file Using this checksum we check FileMaker server admin console login/password on web server’s side and don’t send invalid login/pass to FileMaker

MD5check = dfc8dc2b9e0e7d93b9146d812367f035

2 Configure FM Server access

2.1 If you run your FileMaker server on the same server set

fms_server = LOCAL

2.2 If you run your FileMaker server on the distant server configure the following parametrs: Server ssh host:port:

fms_server = ""

2.2.1. FileMaker server ssh username and path to RSA key for password-less authentication:

fms_user = admin
; Path to RSA key for key authorization on FileMaker server
fms_public_key_path = id_rsa_win

2.2.2. Alternatively you can connect with ssh login/pass instead of RSA key (not recommended)

ssh_login = admin
ssh_password = YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE

3 Configure FM local server path to fmsadmin

Example for MAC:

; Path to admin console
fmsadmin_path = "/Library/FileMaker\ Server/Database\ Server/bin/fmsadmin"
; Script to restart FileMaker
; PARAMETERS will be replaced with all required parameters
; Unix/Max version with " > /dev/null 2>&1 &" to redirect all output to null and don't wait for any output
exec_cmd = 'php restart.php PARAMETERS > /dev/null 2>&1 &'

Example for Windows:

; Path to admin console
 fmsadmin_path = "DOUBLEQUOTEC:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Database Server\fmsadminDOUBLEQUOTE"
; Script to restart FileMaker
; PARAMETERS will be replaced with all required parameters
; Windows version with "start /b " to start an application without opening a new Command Prompt window.
 exec_cmd = "start /b php restart.php PARAMETERS"

Run It

Now you can open index.php, enter your FileMaker admin console login/password and restart server or disconnect clients.


Web FMS Admin Restarter. FileMaker Server restarting web tool







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