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I know, you may say: “why another PHP ORM? There are so many of them!”. And I would agree, but I've been looking for an ORM that would fit my needs and I haven't found it. So I've written one.


Classic features of any ORM

  • CRUD manipulation:

    • Create:

      $object = new Class(<attributes>);


      $object = Class::create(<attributes>);
    • Read:


      (and its derivated: Class::findByPK(), Class::all(), Class::first(), Class::last(), Class::one())

    • Update:

      $object->myAttr = $myValue;



      for several attributes in a row.

    • Delete:



  • Model relationships:

    • belongs_to, has_one, has_many, many_many;
    • conditions on relations;
    • order by in *_many relations.

Great features

Write no SQL anymore. There is no need, not once, to write SQL, even for complex searches.

  • Conditions can be made through a model arborescence:

    'conditions' => array(
        'company/contacts/last_name' => 'Doe',
  • Do not use methods to construct your query conditions: one array suffises:

    'conditions' => array(
            'company/contacts/first_name' => 'John',
            'company/contacts/last_name'  => 'Doe',
            'company/contacts/first_name' => 'Paul',
            'company/contacts/last_name'  => 'Smith',

    But you can do better. Check this out:

    'conditions' => array(
        'company/contacts/first_name,last_name' => array(array('John', 'Doe'), array('Paul', 'Smith')),

    Great, isn't it?

  • Order your result by a related model's attribute:

    'order_by' => 'company/director/last_name',
  • Order your result by a COUNT:

    'order_by' => array('#contacts' => 'DESC'),

One of the strenghts of this ORM is that it can be used on top of any database. I mean that if, for example, you have to use a really ugly database schema, this ORM is perfect. With combination of a few features of it, you can abstract in a very clean way your schema.

  • Attribute to column translation: In the model column definition array you can change columns' names for a more fitting ones.

    protected static $_columns = array(
        'first_name', // Column is named "first_name" and it is a good one.
        'age' => 'years_since_birth', // Column "years_since_birth" of
                                      // database table will be named "age" in our model.
  • Callbacks at every important step of interaction with database (Names are meaningful):

    • _onBeforeLoad();
    • _onAfterLoad();
    • _onBeforeInsert();
    • _onAfterInsert();
    • _onBeforeUpdate();
    • _onAfterUpdate();
    • _onBeforeDelete();
    • _onAfterDelete().
  • Handling functions for conditions on virtual attributes.

Other cool features

  • Optional getters and setters;
  • Optional count getters;
  • Model attributes filters: an easy way to manage attributes you want to retrieve from DB;
  • Scopes;


SimpleAR requires the following:

  • PHP 5.3 or higher.


  1. Just copy lib/ folder content anywhere in your code (a libraries/SimpleAR/ folder sounds good, for example).

  2. Include SimpleAR.php with some basic configuration:

    include 'libraries/SimpleAR/SimpleAR.php';
    $cfg = new SimpleAR\Config();
    $cfg->dsn = array(
        'driver'   => DB_DRIVER,
        'host'     => DB_HOST,
        'name'     => DB_NAME,
        'user'     => DB_USER,
        'password' => DB_PASS,
    // Note trailing slash.
    $cfg->modelDirectory  = 'path/to/any/directory_you_want/'; // You can pass
                                                               // an array too.
    $app = new SimpleAR($config);
  3. No, there is no third step; It's done!

How to use SimpleAR?

To use SimpleAR functionalities, simply make your model classes extends SimpleAR's Model class:


class MyModel extends SimpleAR\Model

You are done.


There are several available configuration options you can modify the same way as shown in Installation - step two.

All of them are describe in documentation.


Create a Model class

Database settings

Most simple case:

class User extends SimpleAR\Model
Set table and primary key


  • User database table will be named according to Config::classToTable item. By default, it applies the PHP strtolower() function. So, here our table is supposed to be named “user”.

  • Table primary key will be named according to Config::primaryKey item. By default, it is “id”.

You can still explicitly set your values:

class User extends SimpleAR\Model
    // Database table name.
    protected static $_tableName = 'users';

    // Table primary key.
    protected static $_primaryKey = array('id');
Set columns

If you don't specify them, columns will be retrieved thanks to a SHOW COLUMNS query. I recommend to specify them, it will save one database query for each loaded model:

class User extends SimpleAR\Model

    protected static $_columns = array(

You can set a different name for your attribute if column name does not suit you:

class User extends SimpleAR\Model

    protected static $_columns = array(
        // “age” will be used for “years_since_birth” column.
        'age' => 'years_since_birth',


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