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mkLivestatus Client

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Client Setting.

In the case of localhost.

use Kwkm\MkLiveStatusClient as mk;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$config = new mk\Configuration(
        'socketType' => 'unix',
        'socketPath' => '/var/run/nagios/rw/live',

$client = new mk\Client($config);

$parser = new mk\Parser();

In the case of remote network.

use Kwkm\MkLiveStatusClient as mk;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$config = new mk\Configuration(
        'socketType' => 'tcp',
        'socketAddress' => '',
        'socketPort' => 6557,

$client = new mk\Client($config);

$parser = new mk\Parser();

Example - LqlBuilder

Retrieve all contacts.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::CONTACTS);

$result = $parser->get($client->execute($lql));

Retrieves just the columns name and alias.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::CONTACTS);
$lql->columns(array('name', 'alias'));

$result = $parser->get($client->execute($lql));

Gets all services with the current state 2 (critical).

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::SERVICES);
$lql->columns(array('host_name', 'description', 'state'))
    ->filterEqual('state', '2');

$result = $parser->get($client->execute($lql));

Gets all critical services which are currently within their notification period.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::SERVICES);
$lql->columns(array('host_name', 'description', 'state'))
    ->filterEqual('state', '2')
    ->filterEqual('in_notification_period', '1');

$result = $parser->get($client->execute($lql));

Matching lists.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::SERVICES);
$lql->columns(array('host_name', 'description', 'state', 'contacts'))
    ->filterGreaterEqual('contacts', 'harri');

$result = $parser->get($client->execute($lql));

Gets all hosts that do not have parents.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::HOSTS);
    ->filterEqual('parents', '');

$result = $parser->get($client->execute($lql));

Matching attribute lists

Find all hosts with modified attributes.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::HOSTS);
$lql->columns(array('host_name', 'modified_attributes_list'))
    ->filterNotEqual('modified_attributes', '0');

$result = $parser->get($client->execute($lql));

Find hosts where notification have been actively disabled.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::HOSTS);
$lql->columns(array('host_name', 'modified_attributes_list'))
    ->filterMatch('modified_attributes', 'notifications_enabled')
    ->filterEqual('notifications_enabled', '0');

$result = $parser->get($client->execute($lql));

Find hosts where active or passive checks have been tweaked.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::HOSTS);
$lql->columns(array('host_name', 'modified_attributes_list'))
    ->filterSet('modified_attributes ~~ active_checks_enabled,passive_checks_enabled');

$result = $parser->get($client->execute($lql));

Combining Filters with And, Or and Negate.

Selects all services which are in state 1 or in state 3.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::SERVICES);
$lql->filterEqual('state', '1')
    ->filterEqual('state', '3')

$result = $parser->get($client->execute($lql));

Shows all non-OK services which are within a scheduled downtime or which are on a host with a scheduled downtime.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::SERVICES);
$lql->filterGreater('scheduled_downtime_depth', '0')
    ->filterGreater('host_scheduled_downtime_depth', '0')

$result = $parser->get($client->execute($lql));

All services that are either critical and acknowledged or OK.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::SERVICES);
$lql->filterEqual('state', '2')
    ->filterEqual('acknowledged', '1')
    ->filterEqual('state', '0')

$result = $parser->get($client->execute($lql));

Displays all hosts that have neither an a nor an o in their name.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::HOSTS);
$lql->filterMatch('name', 'a')
    ->filterMatch('name', 'o')

$result = $parser->get($client->execute($lql));

Stats and Counts.

The numbers of services which are OK, WARN, CRIT or UNKNOWN.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::SERVICES);
$lql->statsEqual('state', '0')
    ->statsEqual('state', '1')
    ->statsEqual('state', '2')
    ->statsEqual('state', '3');

$result = $parser->decode($client->execute($lql));

The output to services to which the contact harri.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::SERVICES);
$lql->statsEqual('state', '0')
    ->statsEqual('state', '1')
    ->statsEqual('state', '2')
    ->statsEqual('state', '3')
    ->filterGreaterEqual('contacts', 'harri');

$result = $parser->decode($client->execute($lql));

Combining with and/or.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::SERVICES);
$lql->filterGreaterEqual('host_groups', 'windows')
    ->filterEqual('scheduled_downtime_depth', '0')
    ->filterEqual('host_scheduled_downtime_depth', '0')
    ->filterEqual('in_notification_period', '1')
    ->statsEqual('last_hard_state', '0')
    ->statsEqual('last_hard_state', '1')
    ->statsEqual('acknowledged', '0')
    ->statsEqual('last_hard_state', '1')
    ->statsEqual('acknowledged', '1')
    ->statsEqual('last_hard_state', '2')
    ->statsEqual('acknowledged', '0')
    ->statsEqual('last_hard_state', '2')
    ->statsEqual('acknowledged', '1')
    ->statsEqual('last_hard_state', '3')
    ->statsEqual('acknowledged', '0')
    ->statsEqual('last_hard_state', '3')
    ->statsEqual('acknowledged', '1')

$result = $parser->decode($client->execute($lql));

The number of services in the various states for each host in the host group windows.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::SERVICES);
$lql->filterGreaterEqual('host_groups', 'windows')
    ->statsEqual('state', '0')
    ->statsEqual('state', '1')
    ->statsEqual('state', '2')
    ->statsEqual('state', '3')

$result = $parser->decode($client->execute($lql));

Counts the total number of services grouped by the check command.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::SERVICES);
$lql->statsNotEqual('state', '9999')

$result = $parser->decode($client->execute($lql));

Counting the total number of services grouped by their states.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::SERVICES);
$lql->statsNotEqual('state', '9999')

$result = $parser->decode($client->execute($lql));

Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Average, Standard Deviation.

Minimum, maximum and average check execution time of all service checks in state OK.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::SERVICES);
$lql->filterEqual('state', '0')

$result = $parser->decode($client->execute($lql));

Grouping host_name.

$lql = new mk\LqlBuilder(mk\Table::SERVICES);
$lql->filterEqual('state', '0')

$result = $parser->decode($client->execute($lql));

Example - Lql

$column = new mk\Column(

$filter = new mk\Filter();
$filter->equal('state', '2')
       ->equal('acknowledged', '1')
       ->equal('state', '0')

$lql = new mk\Lql(mk\Table::SERVICES);

$result = $parser->get($client->execute($lql));
$column = new mk\Column(

$stats = new mk\Stats();
$stats->equal('state', '0')
      ->equal('state', '1')
      ->equal('state', '2')
      ->equal('state', '3');

$lql = new mk\Lql(mk\Table::SERVICES);

$result = $parser->decode($client->execute($lql));