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Oauth2 server implemented with FOSOAuthServerBundle and FOSUserBundle (and Vagrant machine for testing)

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Oauth2 server (Vagrant + apache2 + posgresql + php-fpm + symfony)

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It currently support PHP5.4 ad PHP5.5, for support of PHP5.6, we're waiting for Doctrine2.5 to be released

Please read and check this Readme from times to times so that to not waste time later wondering how to do things which are already explained here

if something is wrong or missing: tell me, if you don't tell me I have no way to improve it =)

  • we use vagrant to create the dev environnement
  • apache2 to provide the web server
  • postgresql for the database
  • php-fpm as the php interpreter
  • symfony + doctrine for the base Framework
  • DoctrineMigration to create database migration (should be simpler than Phinx)
  • FOSOAuthServerBundle to provide the Oauth2 endpoint
  • FOSUserBundle to provide user authentication

for windows user you can have a nfs using this plugin

vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd

Create the vagrant machine

vagrant up


Initiate database

in the vagrant machine (in directory /vagrant ) run:

php app/console  doctrine:migrations:migrate

Create a client

in the vagrant machine (in directory /vagrant ) run: (in case you want to use the grant type password)

php app/console acme:oauth-server:client:create \
--grant-type="password" \
--grant-type="refresh_token" \
--grant-type="token" \

The client-type parameter is optional, the given value is used to specified the type of the client we create. This is a walk around as we cannot use the "scopes" feature provided by oauth2. In the bundle we use, this feature is not available from the client.

it will return you:

Added a new client with public id CLIENT_ID, secret CLIENT_SECRET

Create a new end user

Through the console

php app/console fos:user:create vagrant vagrant

Through an API call

echo '
    "email": "TEST@EXAMPLE.COM" ,
    "username" : "USER_NAME",
    "plain_password" : "PLAIN_TEXT_PASSWORD"
' |  http POST


echo '
    "phone_number": "1234567" ,
    "username" : "USER_NAME",
    "plain_password" : "PLAIN_TEXT_PASSWORD"
' |  http POST


echo '
    "email": "TEST@EXAMPLE.COM" ,
    "phone_number": "1234567" ,
    "username" : "USER_NAME",
    "plain_password" : "PLAIN_TEXT_PASSWORD"
' |  http POST

if everything is made correctly you should get back this

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Type: application/json
Date: XXX
Server: XXXX
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

    "id": 42

once it's done you then need to activate the user with this API call

http PUT{id}/confirmation-token/{confirmationToken}

if the user is correctly activate you will receive a 201 Created status code

if the data are posted are not correct a 400 status code will be returned, containing a JSON array of error message like this:


        "message": "bst.phone_and_email.missing", 
        "property_path": ""

        "message": "fos_user.username.short", 
        "property_path": "username"


        "message": "fos_user.password.blank", 
        "property_path": "plainPassword"

each error has two fields :

  • message: the error code, it's a pre-defined string constant, made to be somewhat human-readable
  • property: if empty, it concerns the full form, if not, it contains the field concerned by the error message

possible value for message:

  • bst.phone_and_email.missing : the user has input neither phone nor email
  • : the email is already taken (it also check case-insensitive and all rules that apply to consider two emails identical)
  • fos_user.username.already_used : the username is already taken (it also check case-insensitive and Unicode trick to obtain the same visual string to avoid user impersonnation)
  • bst.phonenumber.already_used : phone number already used.
  • the email is too short
  • the email is too long
  • fos_user.username.short: the email is too short (currently 2 characters)
  • fos_user.username.long: the email is too long (currently 255 characters)
  • bst.phonenumber.short : phone number too short ( < 3)
  • bst.phonenumber.long : phone number too long ( > 20)
  • phone number contains space characters
  • bst.phonenumber.format: phone number does not match the format (contains letters this kind of thing)
  • fos_user.password.blank: the password has not been precised by user.
  • fos_user.password.short: the password is too short ( < 3 characters)


In order to avoid a user getting "locked" in the following situation:

  1. the user register using phone A
  2. before getting the validation code, the user closes the App AND for some reason never get the validation phone

which would result in the user's email or phone number being marked as used by the system but enable to be used by the user. In order to avoid that, if you register twice with the same credentials, without activitating the first time, the system will accept the second registration and delete the first one.

Backend API calls

These API calls can only be executed by an user connected through a "backend" type client. All these calls will throw access denied exception if the current user is not allowed to perform them.

  • POST /admin/users - Create a new user
  • PUT /admin/users/{id} - Edit an user
  • PUT /admin/users/{id}/roles - Edit the roles of an user
  • GET /admin/users/{id} - Get one user information
  • PATCH /admin/users/{id}/disable - Disable an user

POST /admin/users - Create an user

One user connected through the backend client is allowed to create other users.

echo '
    "email": "TEST@EXAMPLE.COM" ,
    "username" : "USER_NAME",
    "plain_password" : "PLAIN_TEXT_PASSWORD",
    "phone_number": "123456789",
    "roles": ["ROLE_1", "ROLE_2"]
' |  http POST 'Authorization:Bearer {accessToken}'

If everything is made correctly you should get back this

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: application/json
Date: XXX
Server: XXXX
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

    "id": 5

PUT /admin/users/{id} - Edit an user

One user connected through the backend client is allowed to edit an user.

echo '
    "email": "TEST@EXAMPLE.COM" ,
    "username" : "USER_NAME",
    "phone_number" : "12345",
    "roles": ["ROLE_1", "ROLE_2"]
' |  http PUT{id} 'Authorization:Bearer {accessToken}'

If everything is made correctly you should get back this

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: application/json
Date: XXX
Server: XXXX
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

    "id": 5

PUT /admin/users/{id}/roles - Edit the roles of an user

One user connected through the backend client is allowed to edit the roles of an user.

echo '
    ["ROLE_1", "ROLE_2"]
' |  http PUT{id}/roles 'Authorization:Bearer {accessToken}'

If everything is made correctly you should get back this

HTTP/1.1 204 No content
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html
Date: XXX
Server: XXXX
Keep-Alive: XXXX

GET /admin/users/{id} - Get an user information

One user connected through the backend client is allowed to check other user information.

http GET{id} 'Authorization:Bearer {accessToken}'

If everything is made correctly you should get back this

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: application/json
Keep-Alive: XXXX
Date: XXX
Server: XXXX

    "email": "",
    "id": 15,
    "phone_number": "123456789",
    "user_roles": [
    "username": "Allan"

PATCH /admin/users/{id}/disable - Disable an user

One user connected through the backend client is allowed to disable other users.

http PATCH{id}/disable 'Authorization:Bearer {accessToken}'

If everything is made correctly you should get back this

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html
Date: XXX
Server: XXXX

PATCH /admin/users/{id}/enable - Enable an user

One user connected through the backend client is allowed to enable other users.

http PATCH{id}/enable 'Authorization:Bearer {accessToken}'

If everything is made correctly you should get back this

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html
Date: XXX
Server: XXXX

PUT /admin/users/{id}/password - change password of a user

One user connected through the backend client is allowed to change password of other users.

echo '
    "new_password" : "NEW_PASSWORD",
' |http PATCH{id}/password 'Authorization:Bearer {accessToken}'

If everything is made correctly you should get back this

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html
Date: XXX
Server: XXXX

Get an authorization token with grant type password

run this HTTP request

and you should get back


Use refresh token

Once your access token is expired you can use the refresh token to get a new access token and new refresh token

Note: a refresh token can only be used once

(not part of oauth2 standard) check if a token is valid

In case you have a microservice architecture and you want a service you own to be able to check on the Oauth2 server if an access token is valid you can use this call /oauth/access_token_valid/{accessToken}

for example:

it will return

  • HTTP status code 200 if the token is valid with the user's information in a Json in body
  • HTTP status code 410 (resource gone) if not. The body is purely for debugging for the moment

example of successful request

    "id": 1,
    "email": "",
    "phone_number": "0545454",
    "roles": [
    "username": "vagrant"

Change password

echo '
    "new_password" : "NEW_PASSWORD",
    "old_password" : "PLAIN_TEXT_PASSWORD"
' |  http PATCH{id}/password

Change email or phone number

echo '
    "new_contact_info" : "NEW_EMAIL_OR_PHONE_NUMBER",
    'password' : 'PLAIN_TEXT_PASSWORD'
' |  http PATCH{id}/request-change-contact-info

The server will send a validation code to the email or phone number given

Then using this validation code a second call need to be made to this API call:

echo '
    "new_contact_info" : "NEW_EMAIL_OR_PHONE_NUMBER"
    "validation_code" : "VALIDATION_CODE"
' |  http PATCH{id}/contact-info

Forgot password

echo '
    "contact_info" : "EMAIL_OR_PHONE_NUMBER"
' |  http POST

if you've entered an existing email or phone number it will return you

{ 'id' : USER_ID }

in the meantime a validation code will be sent to you, you can then use the USER_ID and that VALIDATION_CODE to reset your password using the call

echo '
    "new_password" : "NEW_PASSWORD",
    "validation_code" : "VALIDATION_CODE"
' |  http PATCH{id}/reset-password

Reask for confirmation token to be sent

if for some reason you want to be able to resend the sms/email containing the confirmation token sent after registration you can do using this API call (where {id} is to be replaced by the id given to you after registration)

http PATCH{id}/resend-confirmation-token

it returns a http status 204 in case of success, 404 if the user id does not exist.

Note: the confirmation token will be the same as the one that was originally sent (in order not to confuse the user if finally get the first SMS etc.)

Basic Development tasks

Commit code

commiting code will run automatically php-codesniffer to check that your code is well written

for common mistakes (extra spaces etc.), there is the command

bin/php-cs-fixer  fix src  -v

to fix them for you (don't forget to git add again after you've run this command)

Creating a new Bundle

A middle sized project is supposed to be made of several bundles if not, you're certainly doing something wrong (too much coupling etc.)

php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=%PROJECT_NAME%/%XXX%Bundle --no-interaction --format=yml

replace %PROJECT_NAME% and %XXX% by the project name and the name of the feature your bundle is covering for example

php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=WeBridge/VideoBundle --no-interaction --format=yml

Creating a Database Migration

If you want to add/delete/edit a Table or a column:

For simply create/modify your Entity as normal, and when you're done run

php app/console doctrine:migrations:diff
php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

more instruction in the official documentation



Symfony / Doctrine


Oauth2 server implemented with FOSOAuthServerBundle and FOSUserBundle (and Vagrant machine for testing)






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  • PHP 97.3%
  • Hack 1.6%
  • Other 1.1%