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Author: James Brumond
Version 0.2.2-b

Copyright 2010 James Brumond
Dual licensed under MIT and GPL


(24 July, 2012)
This library is no longer being maintained. I would be happy to hand over it’s maintenance to someone else if they would like to continue the project, but I will not be making any updates. If you are interested, feel free to open an issue so we can discuss.


An easy to use OpenID library for CodeIgniter applications.

For full documentation, see the project home page at


Download the latest package and extract the files. The file config.php needs to be renamed to openid.php and placed in your ./system/application/config directory. Then, copy all of the files in the lib directory into your ./system/application/libraries directory. That’s it, it’s installed.

Basic Usage

First things first, you need to load the library. There are two main libraries you can load (OpenID and EasyOpenID), but I honestly can’t think of any reason to interact directly with the OpenID library. So, load up the library with a call like:


You are going to need to declare three controller functions (or, depending on how you use the system, more), so you might want to create a completely seperate OpenID controller. Following that model, the following example should explain fairly well how to use the library:


class Openid_auth extends CI_Controller {

	public function __construct() {
        	// load the library
	 * Starts the authentication proccess
	 * If successful, this function will redirect the page
	 * to the OpenID provider's authentication page.
	function try_auth()
		// assuming that the provider is supplied in a URI segment,
		// fetch the provider ID.
		$provider = $this->uri->segment(3);
		// if we have a provider
		if ($provider)
			$result = $this->easyopenid
				->provider($provider)                     // what provider you're using
				->return_to('openid_auth/finish_auth')    // where to redirect after authentication
				->required('email')                       // what data do we want
				->make_request();                         // start the authentication process
			// if an error occured
			if (is_int($result))
				$error = $this->easyopenid->last_error();
				// handle error...
			// error, handle...
	 * Completes the authentication proccess
	 * This function collects the data sent back from the
	 * OpenID provider.
	function finish_auth()
		$result = $this->easyopenid
			->fetch_response()    // collect the provider response
			->result();           // return the response for processing
		// if an error occured
		if (is_int($result))
			$error = $this->easyopenid->last_error();
			// handle error...
			$user_data = $result;
			// handle success...


/* End of file openid_auth.php */
/* Location: ./system/application/controllers/openid_auth.php */


easy to use OpenID library for codeIgniter







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