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Wordpress2 Object Oriented Theme

This theme has several classes that will help you create a wordpress theme. You can find them in the folder libs. We will describe some of them



Installation - Dependencies

You need Node JS node js

You need grunt installed globally:

$ npm install -g grunt-cli

Bower installed. Bower is a command line utility.

$ npm install -g bower


$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt


watch js, css, less:

$ grunt watch


distrubution task (compress less, minify css, uglify, minify js)

$ grunt prod


This class should have all your Ajax code

In the construct of this class add, the wordpress ajax action and the method that you will using

add_action( 'wp_ajax_contacts',        array($this, 'contacts' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_contacts', array($this, 'contacts' ) );

Then create the method

public function contacts()
    //our code


This class should have all the wordpress hooks that you will create or use.

  • The Actions should be in the method custom_hooks_actions_noadmin or custom_hooks_actions.
  • The Filters should be in the method custom_hooks_filters_noadmin or custom_hooks_filters.
  • There is already the method pre_get_posts for the action pre_get_posts
    public function custom_hooks_actions() 
      add_action('wploop', array($this, 'wploop') , 10 , 2);
    public function wploop($content , $args)
        //our code


This class should have all the wordpress shortcodes that you will create.

Add in the $shortcodes array, in the init method of this class, all the shortcode themes

    public static function init() {
        $shortcodes = array(
            'youtube' => __CLASS__ . '::youtube'

Then create the static method where will be the shortcode code

    public static function youtube($atts, $content=null) {
        our code


This class should have all the theme code. Basically should be the controller of your theme. This Class have some methods that we will talk later

Config System

Configuration files are used to store any kind of configuration needed for the theme. They are plain PHP files, stored in the config/ folder, which return an associative array

    return array(
        'setting' => 'value',
        'options' => array(
            'foo' => 'bar',

If the above configuration file was called myconf.php, you could access it using:

    $conf = Helper::load_config('myconf');
    echo  $conf['setting'] ;

Theme Options

Is a configuration file where you could add some options that your theme will need. In this moment you can create only four type of inputs ( text , chekbox , select, radio)

    return array(
        'fields'  => array(
                'type'     => 'text',
                'id'       => 'teste_id',
                'title'    => 'Teste Id',
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'      => 'text',
                    'name'      => 'teste_id',
                    'desc'      => 'descrição  teste Id',
                    'class'     => 'css_class'
                'type'     => 'text',
                'id'       => 'teste_id2',
                'title'    => 'Teste Id2',
                'args'     => array(
                    'name'      => 'teste_id2',
                    'desc'      => 'descrição  teste Id2',
                    'class'     => 'css_class'
                'type'     => 'checkbox',
                'id'       => 'responsive',
                'title'    => 'Teste responsive',
                'args'     => array(
                    'value'     => '1',
                    'name'      => 'responsive',
                    'desc'      => 'descrição  responsive',
                    'class'     => 'css_class'
                'type'     => 'select',
                'id'       => 'cores',
                'title'    => 'cores',
                'args'     => array(
                    'options'    => array(
                        'azul'    => 'cor azul',
                        'amarelo' => 'cor amarelo',
                        'verde'   => 'cor verde',
                    'name'      => 'cores',
                    'desc'      => 'descrição cores',
                    'class'     => 'cores'
                'type'     => 'radio',
                'id'       => 'maintenance',
                'title'    => 'maintenance',
                'args'     => array(
                    'options'   => array('yes'=> 'Sim', 'no' =>'Não'),
                    'name'      => 'maintenance',
                    'desc'      => 'descrição maintenance',
                    'class'     => 'maintenance'

Menu Config

Is a configuration file (menu.php) where you create all your theme menus

    return array(
        array('primary' => 'Primary Navigation'),
        array('footer'  => 'Footer Navigation')

Site Config

Is a configuration file (site.php) where you set all your theme configuration

    return array(
        'multilang'     => false,
        'translate_uri' => false,
        'default_lang'  => 'pt',
        'protocol'      => 'http://',

Lang Config

If your theme is multilang, there is also configuration file (lang.php).

     return array(
        'name'   => 'namespace',
        'folder' => '/lang'

The folder is where your files.po will be and the name is the namespace of _e("string" , namespace). Important in the configuration file site.php the option multilang should be true

Content Post Types

Is a file (customPostTypes.php) in the config folder where will be all your content Post types. Use this site to help you to create your content Post types


Supports flashdata, or session data that will only be available for the next server request, and are then automatically cleared. These can be very useful, and are typically used for informational or status messages (for example: "record 2 deleted").

Add Flashdata:

     Helper::set_flashdata("name"   , value);

Get Flashdata:


Delete all Flashdata:


Views System

A view is a simply php file that could be include in any place of our code, without any logic programming. This files are in the views folder

Create a view and set is variables

    $view = View::factory();
    $view->set('variable1', $data);
    $view->set('variable2', $data2);
    echo $view->render('viewfilename');

Wordpress template files

In this theme you dont need to always call the header and the footer, you only need to set what is the view that should be render

     global $site;
    $site->set_content('page' , array('template' =>'PAGE'));

In the set_content method the first parameter is the view you want to call , and the second parameter is a array of the view variables.

You could do that also through the Site Class this way.

Site Class code :

     public function page()
        $this->view->set('template', "PAGE");
        $content = $this->view->render('page');

In the template file

        global $site;

The views header , head , footer , and main (the content view) are in views/template/


  • VIEWS (view folder path)
  • LIBS (libs folder path)
  • CONFIG (config folder path)

Properties of Site Class

  • data_header , a array where you can store data, that could access in the view template/header.php. In the __construct of class Site, set this properties, doing this away, the data that you define is the same in all site
    //In Site.php
    function __construct()
        $this->data_header = array( "teste" => "data header");
    //In template/header.php
    <?php if(isset($data_header['teste'])) echo $data_header['teste'] ?>
  • data_footer , a array where you can store data, that could access in the view template/footer.php. In the __construct of class Site, set this properties, doing this away, the data that you define is the same in all site
    //In Site.php 
    function __construct()
        $this->data_footer = array( "teste" => "data footer");    

In template/footer.php

    <?php if(isset($data_footer['teste'])) echo $data_footer['teste'] ?>
  • data_main , a array where you can store data, that could access in the view template/main.php. In the __construct of class Site, set this properties, doing this away, the data that you define is the same in all site
    //In Site.php
    function __construct()
        $this->data_main = array( "teste" => "data main");    
    //In template/main.php
    <?php if(isset($data_main['teste'])) echo $data_main['teste'] ?>

Methods of Site Class

  • set_data_header($data_header = array()), you set the $data_header just in the specific method , and could only access to this data when, you call this method
    //In Site.php 
    public function index()
        $data_header = array( "teste" => "data header");
        $content = $this->view->render('index');
  • set_data_footer($data_footer= array()), you set the $data_footer just in the specific method , and could only access to this data when, you call this method
    //In Site.php 
    public function index()
        $data_footer = array( "teste" => "data footer");
        $content = $this->view->render('index');
  • set_data_main($data_main= array()), you set the $data_main just in the specific method , and could only access to this data when, you call this method
    //In Site.php 
    public function index()
        $data_main = array( "teste" => "data main");
        $content = $this->view->render('index');
  • set_data_header($data_header = array()), you set the $data_header just in a specific method , and could only access to this data when you call this method

    In Site.php

    public function index()
        $data_header = array( "teste" => "data header");
        $content = $this->view->render('index');
  • set_view($view , $data = array())
    $site->set_view($view , $data )
  • get_view($view , $data = array())
    $view = $site->get_view($view , $data )
  • pagination($num_pages)
    echo $site->pagination(10)


This class have, like her name says, some helpers:

  • current_uri()
  • current_url()
  • get_protocol()
  • redirect($location, $status=302)
    HELPER::redirect($location, $status)
  • getSiteTitle()
  • siteInfo()
  • link_select($url , $class)
    HELPER::link_select("" , "active")



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