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Jade.php adds inline PHP scripting support to the Jade template compiler.

Fork Details

Due to the existence of several fork of the original project, the intent of this fork is only to keep track of the changes, add new fixes when necessary and shared the source via a personal composer account.
Issues are welcome.


Please check the git commit history for the authoritative list of contributors HERE.

Syntax (wip)

Line Endings

CRLF and CR are converted to LF before parsing.


Jade is indentation based, however currently only supports a 2 space indent.


A tag is simply a leading word:


for example is converted to <html></html>

tags can also have ids:


which would render <div id="container"></div>

how about some classes?


renders <div class="user-details"></div>

multiple classes? and an id? sure:

renders <div id="foo" class="bar baz"></div>

div div div sure is annoying, how about:


which is syntactic sugar for what we have already been doing, and outputs:

<div id="foo"></div><div class="bar"></div>

jade.php has a feature, called "autotags". It's just snippets for tags. Autotags will expand to basic tags with custom attributes. For example:


will expand to <input type="text" /> & it's the same as input( type="text" ), but shorter. Another examples:

input:submit( value="Send" )

will become <input type="submit" value="Send" />.

You can even add you own autotags with:

$parser->setAutotag('input:progress', 'input', array('type'=>'text', class=>'progress-bar'));

that will expands to <input type="text" class="progress-bar" />.

It also supports new HTML5 tags (input:email => <input type="email"/>).

Tag Text

Simply place some content after the tag:

p wahoo!

renders <p>wahoo!</p>.

well cool, but how about large bodies of text:

  | foo bar baz
  | rawr rawr
  | super cool
  | go Jade go

renders <p>foo bar baz rawr.....</p>

Actually want <?php echo ... ?> for some reason? Use {{}} instead:

p {{$something}}

now we have <p><?php echo $something ?></p>


  li one
  li two
  li three


Jade currently supports '(' and ')' as attribute delimiters.

a(href='/login', title='View login page') Login

Alternatively we may use the colon to separate pairs:

a(href: '/login', title: 'View login page') Login

Boolean attributes are also supported:

input(type="checkbox", checked)

Boolean attributes with code will only output the attribute when true:

input(type="checkbox", checked: someValue)

Note: Leading / trailing whitespace is ignore for attr pairs.


To add a doctype simply use !!! followed by an optional value:


Will output the transitional doctype, however:

!!! 5

Will output html 5's doctype. Below are the doctypes defined by default, which can easily be extended:

$doctypes = array(
       '5' => '<!DOCTYPE html>',
       'xml' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>',
       'default' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">',
       'transitional' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">',
       'strict' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">',
       'frameset' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "">',
       '1.1' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">',
       'basic' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.1//EN" "">',
       'mobile' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.2//EN" "">'


Jade Comments

Jade supports sharp comments (//- COMMENT). So jade block:

//- JADE
- $foo = "<script>";
//- ##### COMMENTS ARE SUPPER! ######
  - switch ($foo)
    -case 2 $foo
//-    - case 'strong'
  //-      strong#name= $foo * 2
    -   case 5
      p some text

will be compiled into:

<?php $foo = "<script>"; ?>
  <?php switch ($foo) ?>
    <?php case 2 ?>
      <p class="foo"><?php echo $foo ?></p>
    <?php break; ?>
    <?php case 5 ?>
      <p>some text</p>
    <?php break; ?>
  <?php endswitch; ?>

HTML Comments

Jade supports HTML comments (// comment). So block:

  // This is the peanutbutterjelly element
  | I like sandwiches!

will become:

  <!-- This is the peanutbutterjelly element -->
  I like sandwiches!

As with multiline comments:

  p This doesn't render...
    h1 Because it's commented out!

that compile to:

  <p>This doesn't render...</p>
    <h1>Because it's commented out!</h1>

IE Conditional Comments

Also, Jade supports IE conditional comments, so:

// [if IE]
  a( href = '' )
    h1 Get Firefox

will be parsed to:

<!--[if IE]>
  <a href="">
    <h1>Get Firefox</h1>


Filters are prefixed with :, for example :javascript or :cdata and pass the following block of text to an arbitrary function for processing. View the features at the top of this document for available filters.

    | $data = 40;
    | $data /= 2;
    | echo $data;


    $data = 40;
    $data /= 2;
    echo $data;


Buffered / Non-buffered output

Jade currently supports two classifications of executable code. The first is prefixed by -, and is not buffered:

- var $foo = 'bar';

This can be used for conditionals, or iteration:

- foreach ($items as $item):
  p= $item

Due to Jade's buffering techniques the following is valid as well:

- if ($foo):
    li yay
    li foo
    li worked
- else:
  p hey! didnt work

Second is echoed code, which is used to echo a return value, which is prefixed by =:

- $foo = 'bar'
= $foo
h1= $foo

Which outputs

<?php $foo = 'bar' ?>
<?php echo $foo ?>
<h1><?php echo $foo ?></h1>

Code blocks

Also, Jade has Code Blocks, that supports basic PHP template syntax:

  - while (true):
    li item

Will be rendered to:

  <?php while (true): ?>
  <?php endwhile; ?>

But don't forget about colons : after instructions start (- if(true) :).

There's bunch of default ones: if, else, elseif, while, for, foreach, switch, case.


PHP template system based on JADE template syntax.







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