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Brouwkuyp brew control application

Still in development phase!

To start brewing, run following command:

app/console brouwkuyp:brew

To consume messages sent by the Arduino, be sure to have the consume command running via:

app/console brouwkuyp:consume


Development commands

Get up to date:

git pull --rebase upstream develop composer install

Composer install ensures that all necessary commands are ran, such as assets and cache clearing etc.

Generate entities

app/console doc:gen:entities BrouwkuypDashboardBundle --no-backup

Update database, view changes

app/console doc:sch:update --dump-sql

Updated orm files, generate doctrine migration file

app/console doc:mig:diff

Double check file in app/DoctrineMigrations Perform doctrine migration

app/console doc:mig:mig

Commit changes

git add -A

git commit or git commit -m 'commit message'

Push to github

git push origin develop

Create pull request form develop to master on


Extra commands

yum -y update yum -y install mlocate updatedb locate less locate node npm install -g less