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=== Exchange Membership Addon for WP Courseware ===
Contributors: flyplugins
Donate link:
Tags: fly plugins,iThemes,Exchange Membership,Exchange,wp courseware,wpcourseware,lms,lms for wordpress,learning management system,online ecourse,ecourse,flyplugins,wordpress learning management system
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.9.2
Stable tag: 1.0

This plugin adds integration between Exchange Membership and WP Courseware which allows you to assign course(s) to membership levels for auto enrollment.

== Description ==
[Fly Plugins]( presents [Exchange Membership]( for [WP Courseware](

= Have you ever wanted to sell an online internet course or ecourse? =
The Exchange Membership Addon for WP Courseware will add full integration with WP Courseware. It will allow you to assign WP Courseware courses to a membership level. Once the course(s) are assigned to a membership level, upon purchase of a membership level and registration, a student will automatically be enrolled into the associated courses.

With this addon, you will be able to create a fully automated LMS system in which you can sell courses online, or if you choose to run a free online course, you can do so with ease.

= Exchange Membershipship Plugin Integration with WP Courseware Plugin =

= Basic Configuration Steps =
1. Create a course with WP Courseware and add module(s), unit(s), and quiz(zes)
2. Add units to modules, and add quizzes to units with in modules
3. Create a course outline page using [shortcode]
4. Create a membership level and set a price
5. Associate one or more WP Courseware courses with the membership level
6. New users pay for the course through the shopping cart integration of your choice, the membership plugin assigns them WP user access and assigns them to the membership level for which they paid, and WP Courseware assigns them to the appropriate course(s) based on the membership level

= Check out Fly Plugins =
For more info about Fly Plugins Free and Premium Plugins, check out the following links:

* [WP Courseware LMS plugin for WordPress]( - The best LMS online for WordPress.
* [S3 Media Maestro]( - The best HTML 5 secure media player for WordPress that works hand in hand with Amazon S3.
* Other [Fly Plugins WordPress Plugins]( by Fly Plugins.
* Follow Fly Plugins on [Facebook]( 
* Check out the Fly Plugins [YouTube]( YouTube channel.

== Installation ==

1. Upload the `Exchange Membership for WP Courseware addon` folder into the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. Configure the plugin by going into Training Courses-->Exchange Membership, then associate courses with membership levels (this assumes you already have courses and membership levels created).

== Frequently asked questions ==

= Does this plugin require WP Courseware to already be installed =


= Does this plugin require Exchange Membership to already be installed =


= Where can I get WP Courseware? =

Click here to get the [Best WordPress LMS Plugin](

= Where can I get Exchange Membership? =
Exchange is free from iThemes, however the membership addon is required to sell courses. See link below.
Click here to get [Exchange Membership](

== Screenshots ==

1. The Course Access Settings screen will display which membership levels are associated with which courses

2. This is the actual configuration screen where you can select courses that will be associated with a particular membership level

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =
* Initial release

== Upgrade notice ==


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