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These tools are happy working at

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Steal the toolbox! (or just one tool)

Login to your desired machine, mkdir something under /var/www and compose the tools with the following commands (Composer is required):

$ cd /var/www
$ mkdir
$ cd
$ composer create-project ctubio/www-toolbox . --keep-vcs

Available tools

  • portscan
  • dnscheck
  • poolsign

Single webserver setup

just define a virtual host as usual. Drop the files to a subpath if you like to keep your current DocumentRoot, or make use of /pub/www-toolbox.php as Index for the DocumentRoot.

Multiple webservers setup

if you dont like to use a load balancer, configure the main server (lets say [may be your main webserver]) to reverse proxy all request from /tools (or any other path that you like) to the DocumentRoot of the secondary server ( [may be a server dedicated only* for serve the tools]):

at (main webserver):

setup the reverse proxy editing the following configuration files:

/etc/hosts www-toolbox
nginx: /etc/nginx/sites-available/
  location /tools {
      rewrite ^/tools(/.*)$ $1 break;
      proxy_set_header Host $host;
      proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
      proxy_pass http://www-toolbox:80/;
      proxy_read_timeout 90;
apache2: /etc/apache2/sites-available/
  ProxyVia On
  ProxyPass         /tools     http://www-toolbox
  ProxyPassReverse  /tools     http://www-toolbox
  ProxyPassMatch    /tools(.*) http://www-toolbox$1

at (secondary webserver):

just define a virtual host as usual but named www-toolbox (or any other name that you defined previously) with the Index of the DocumentRoot at /pub/www-toolbox.php.

Deploy all tools or just a few of them

in pub/www-toolbox.phpinstead of:

echo new WWWToolbox(

add your list of enabled tools:

echo new WWWToolbox(array(

This will enable only the urls /dnscheck, /sslcheck and /portscan. (or depending your configs may result in /tools/dnscheck, /tools/sslcheck and /tools/portscan, or may result in any other prefix that you make use instead of /tools as your subpath/reverse proxy).

Alternatively, you may customize the urls:

echo new WWWToolbox(array(
  'custom_dnscheck' => 'dnscheck',
  'custom_sslcheck' => 'sslcheck',
  'custom_portscan' => 'portscan'

This will enable the urls /custom_dnscheck (for the tool dnscheck) and so on.

Customize the layout (or any other template)

Please copy the distributed file and feel free to modify anything, because /skin/*.lex files are ignored by git:

$ cd skin
$ cp layout.lex.dist layout.lex
$ vim layout.lex

Very special thanks to:

* may be also dedicated to run some other totally useful secondary apps, ofcourse.