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Apply migrations

php yiic.php migrate --migrationPath=application.modules.notify.migrations

Connect component to the config:

'components' => array(
        'countSaveOld'=>false //if need save only a certain amount of notifications, set the number in this property if don't need delete old notification, please set false this property
        'timeUpdateCenter' = 15 * 1000, //how soon check for new notifications
        'numberDisplay' => 6, //ow many notifications will be displayed in a popup window
        'numberDisplayInAll' => 20, //how many notifications will be displayed in page where shows all notifications
        'defaultImage' => '{themeUrl}/img/urbantip-mini-mottotrue.png', //Url to default image, you can user special words:
                                                                        //  '{themeUrl}' == Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl
                                                                        //  '{basePath}' == Yii::app()->basePath
                                                                        //  '{baseUrl}'  == Yii::app()->baseUrl
        'forGuest'=>'Please sign up', //notification for guest

Connect module to the config:

'modules' => array(

Add models to import:

'import' => [

Add widget to the page:


You can check the page URL , If a URL with parameters there's in the table with the notifications for the current user, the notification will change the status to read. If it need, you have to add NotifyUrlHandler to preload property in config

'components' => array(


if you need send notification to user, you can use two methods

Method 1

Yii::app()->notify->create() - return Notify model, and you can use all the functions available for the model

    ->setUserId(2) // to whom you want to send a notification, or Notify::ALL_USERS (or 0) if you want send notification to all users
    ->setUrl(['controller/action',['param'=>'value']]) // this parameter uses a CHtml::normalizeUrl to create url
    ->setDateShow(date('c')) // you can set date when notification will must send to user, default date('c') 
    ->setReadStatus(Notify::NOT_READ) // you can change status 'read' or 'not read'
    ->send(); // it's sending notification to bd, also you can use ->save();

header, description, user_id - it's a required parameters.

Method 2
Yii::app()->notify->addNotifyForUser($user_id, $options=[]);

$options it's a array with Notify model parameters

$options = [
    'user_id'=>2, // to whom you want to send a notification, or Notify::ALL_USERS (or 0) if you want send notification to all users
    'description'=>'description text',
    'url'=>['controller/action',['param'=>'value']], // this parameter uses a CHtml::normalizeUrl to create url
    'date_show'=>date('c'), // you can set date when notification will must send to user, default date('c') 
    'read'=>Notify::NOT_READ, // you can change status 'read' (Notify::READ) or 'not read' (Notify::NOT_READ)

header, description, user_id - it's a required parameters.


Model Notify have a events onAddNotify, onUpdateNotify, onDeleteNotify

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Notification module for Yii 1.1.*






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