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dosportal tools and utilities

Database container for brute-force countermeasures in LARGE environments.

We will build a database for blocking 'bad' IPs from multiple sources:

  1. proftpd authentication logs to common storage
  2. F5 ASM logs sent remotely to graylog2 and elasticsearch
  3. several hundred Apache logs sending to a separate graylog2 farm


  • Linux servers with Apache and PHP. PHP to be used for API access to graylog
  • proftpd authentincation logs
  • F5 ASM configured and sending logs to graylog using GELF format
  • mail authentication logs, patched sendmail/pop3/imap/pop3s/imaps daemons to send GELF formatted logs
  • graylog2 + mongodb + elasticsearch cluster backend

More information


  • each FTP server will write to a common location

  • every 5 minutes the management node runs a cron job every 5 mintes that will:

    • grab last 2 hours from logs
    • create a list of: IPs -> domains -> number of faile_logins IPs -> domains -> number of successful_logins
    • if number of successful auth from 1 IP exceeds threshold for max number of domains, add IP to DB
    • if number of failed auth from 1 IP exceeds threshold for max number of failed logins, add IP to DB
  • on each ftp server symlink: ln -s /common/storage/hostname -s /var/log/proftpd.auth

  • run ftpblock to read contents of /common/storage and inject 'bad' IPs into dosportal database
    # FAILED Log sample: # PASS 530 037:13

    # SUCCESS Log sample:
    # PASS 230 042:23


  • configure Enterprise Manager to deploy the following ASM logging profile:

    Profile Name: ASM_REMOTE_PROFILE Application Security: Enabled Local Storage: Enabled Remote Storage: Enabled Remote Storage Type: Remote Protocol: UDP Server Address: GRAYLOG_SERVER_HERE:12201 Storage Format: User-Defined


How to Block:

  • use iptables or ipset - does not scale well
  • use some kind of RBL but all daemons must have support for it
  • use BGP to adversize 'bad' routes

Individual files exist in each directory.