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                                                                Nov 10, 2004
                                                Dave Coombs <>


NITLog is a weblog system written in PHP, designed to be relatively simple
and to stay out of your way.  Or, more accurately, to stay out of *my* way.

You write entries in text files, you can mark them up with whatever HTML
you want, and there are a few additional useful formatting commands for
including images and bulleted lists.  The layout of your page is completely
customizable.  All of this is described below.

Entries are organized and viewed by month.  The current (or most recent)
month is displayed upside-down, with the newest entries at the top.  All
older months are displayed the other way, chronologically.

If NITLog doesn't do something you want it to do, it could be because I
never thought of it or was too lazy.  Please feel free to let me know what
you'd like to see.  Better yet, please feel doubly free to do some hacking
yourself and send me a patch.

NITLog is freely available under the GPL.  Please see the enclosed LICENSE

Configuration Options

The following options in config.ini.php are available:

        $name        -- the title of your site
        $layout      -- the HTML layout file to crunch and fill with content
        $topdir      -- the directory we're installed in (eg: "nitlog")

        $username    -- your username, optional
        $email       -- email address for site administrator, optional
        $logfile     -- log page requests to this file, optional
        $rsslink     -- true if you want to offer an RSS feed
        $absoluteurl -- used for translating relative paths in RSS feed

Directory Layout

Install NITLog as described in the INSTALL file, beginning, if you like,
with the included example.

Under the 'nitlog' directory, make a directory for each month that has
entries.  November 2004 would be called '200411'.

Inside a month directory, write your entries in files with two-digit
numeric names corresponding to the day of the month.

Entry Formatting

Any HTML is allowed, and will be passed through unharmed.  Additionally,
NITLog automatically performs the following actions on your text:

    - A blank line is replaced with <p>, so you don't need to explicitly
      separate paragraphs with HTML yourself.

    - Lines beginning with a minus sign and a space ("- ") will be turned
      into a bulleted list.  You can put blank lines between consecutive
      bulleted lines.  NITLog is not yet smart enough to deal with indented
      lists, so don't even try.

    - Lines of the form:

            image 1234 This is an image.

      will insert an image into your text.  NITLog expects to find two
      files, "img_1234_sm.jpg" and "img_1234_lg.jpg", corresponding to
      small and large versions of the image, in the same directory as the
      article text.  The small version will be displayed inline, centred,
      with the given caption underneath.  The image is itself a clickable
      link to the larger version.

    - Lines of the form:

            pngimage 1234 This is an image.

      work just like the above, but look for png files instead of jpg.

    - Lines of the form:

            thumb 1234 This is an image.

      will insert a thumbnail image into your text.  NITLog expects to find
      a thumbnail image named "img_1234_th.jpg" in the same directory as
      the article text.

      Clicking the thumbnail will invoke img.php, and allow the user to see
      the caption and view the image in different sizes.  If you have
      "img_1234_sm.jpg", "img_1234_lg.jpg", and "img_1234.jpg", they will
      be treated as small, large, and huge, respectively.

      Don't put a blank line between consecutive "thumb" lines.

A Note About RSS

rss.php will parse the same entries as index.php, and it will give you an
XML RSS feed in return.

It is important to note that when you are linking to other parts of your
nitlog, you want to do it with a relative path involving . or .. or with an
absolute URL.  The escape() function in rss.php translates . and .. into an
absolute URL.  This is necessary because when someone reads your RSS feed
on another site, the relative paths won't otherwise work.  Thus, linking to

    href=""       OK
    href="../nitlog/?m=200411#05"                   OK
    href="./?m=200411#05"                           OK

    href="?m=200411#05"                             BAD BAD BAD
    href="#05"                                      BAD BAD BAD

NITLog is not smart enough to translate the last two into an absolute URL.
Don't do it.

Page Layout

You will want to design your own layout template for NITLog.  This is done
as a regular HTML file, with certain extra markup tags that are parsed by
NITLog and replaced with content.

See example/ for a simple example, and
fancy-example/ for a fancier one.

The following globally scoped tags are replaced by NITLog as appropriate:

    <## title ##>
        the title of your site, as defined by $title in

    <## email ##>
        the site administrator's email address, as defined by $email in

    <## prevmonth ##>
    <## nextmonth ##>
    <## thismonth ##>
        a numeric representation of the previous, next, and current months,
        for linking purposes.  For example, November 2004 is "200411".  Link
        to this month with "http://whatever/nitlog/?m=200411".

    <## prev ##>
    <## next ##>
    <## this ##>
        a textual representation of the previous, next, and current months

    <## prevabbr ##>
    <## nextabbr ##>
        an abbreviated textual representation of the previous and next months

    <## rsslink ##>
        a link to rss.php, constructed from $absoluteurl and $topdir in

The following control structures must be on separate lines, and behave as

    ### ifemail
        stuff passed through only if $email is defined
    ### endif

    ### ifprev
        stuff passed through only if an earlier month exists
    ### endif

    ### ifnext
        stuff passed through only if a future month exists
    ### endif

    ### ifprevnext
        stuff passed through only if an earlier *OR* a future month exists
    ### endif

    ### ifrss
        stuff passed through only if $rss is true
    ### endif

    ### loopentries
        stuff that is repeatedly passed through once for each entry
        in the month
    ### endloopentries

The following tags are available only inside the "loopentries" structure,
and correspond to information about the current entry in the iterator:

    <## entrytitle ##>
        the title of the entry, which is currently always the publication

    <## entrytime ##>
        the date and time the entry was published, determined by the mtime
        of the entry file

    <## entrylink ##>
        a relative link to the current entry.  requires "entryanchor"

    <## entryanchor ##>
        a name for an anchor for the current entry, so that "entrylink"
        will actually work

The following control structures are available only inside the
"loopentries" structure, must be on separate lines, and behave as

    ### ifentrytitle
        stuff passed through only if the current entry has a title.  If the
        two-digit date is "00", this is false.
    ### endif

    ### entrycontent
        this line is replaced by the text of the entry


Please join me in banning the word "blog" from the English language.  And
from all other languages, while we're at it.  Thank you for your support.


A simple blog application in PHP using flat text files







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