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=== Simple Job Board ===
Contributors: PressTigers
Donate link:
Tags: job, job board, job list, job listing, Job Listings, job lists, job management, job manager, jobs, application, career, job advertisement board, candidate, company, employees, employer, employment, freelance, hiring, internship, listing, manager, positions, recruiting, Recruitment, talent, career page, Career Portal, CV, job Ad, job portal, resume, resume up-loader, vacancy
Requires at least: 3.5.1
Tested up to: 4.2.4
Stable tag: 2.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Powerful & Robust plugin to create a Job Board on your website in simple & elegant way.

== Description ==

= Are you looking for easy, user-friendly and robust Job board plugin? = 
Simple job Board by <a href="">PressTigers</a> is an easy and light weight plugin that adds a job board to your WordPress website. 
This plugin is focused on extendibility and ease of use. A customized job board is created to manage various job offers via Wordpress with Simple job Board. You can add multiple job listings and can show them on any page by inserting [jobpost] shortcode. For every single job listing you can add multiple job features and customized application form.  You can add notes to an application right from the dashboard. 

= Plugin Features =

*   Add, categorize and manage all jobs using the granular WordPress userInterface.
*   Add User access & permission level for the Job board.
*   Allow job listers to add job types in job listings.
*   Add job location to individual job created.
*   Add category shortcode to any post to enlist job listing of that particular category.
*   Add job Location to any post by using specified shorcode.
*   Add Job Type to any post by using specified shorcode.
*   Add combination of multiple shorcodes for job listing.
*   View Applicants' list who applied for particular job.
*   Set job features, application form, filters and email notification for a job through global settings.	

= You just need to follow following steps for a fully functional Job Board: =
1.	After installation, go to "Job Board" menu in the admin panel, and add a new job listing.
2.	Add multiple job features and a fully customized application form right from the job listing editor.
3.	To list all the job listings and start receiving applications, add [jobpost] shortcode in an existing page or add a new page and write shortcode anywhere in the page editor.
4.	After someone fills an application form from the front-end, you will receive it right in the dashboard.
5.	You can add special notes to an application by opening its detail page.

== Installation ==

1. Download plugin.
1. Upload `` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory to your web server.
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
1. Add a standard WordPress page or post and use [jobpost] shortcode in the  editor to make it a Job Board.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How to create a job listing? =
In your WordPress admin panel, go to "Job Board" menu and add a new Job Listing. All the job listings will be shown in the admin panel and on the front-end.

= How to show job listings on the front-end? = 
To list all the job listings and start receiving applications, add [jobpost] shortcode in an existing page or add a new page and write shortcode anywhere in the page editor.

= What languages ??is Simple Job Board plugin available in? = 
You can create job boards in English only

= Where can I assign global settings for same job posts? =  
You can assign global Job listing settings to each Job post through Settings.

= How can I assign or modify settings for a particular individual job post? = 
You can modify job feature values for job listing by Eiditing the job from Dashboard.

= How can I restrict view of Job Board for certain user groups? = 
Once you are in New Job page, you can restrict particular user groups by selecting user groups from the page.

= Can I show only 5 latest jobs on front-end? = 
Yes, you can show any number of posts on your website by using shortcode with "posts" attribute i.e [jobpost posts="5"]

= Can I show job listings without excerpt/summary? = 
Yes, use shortcode with "excerpt" attribute i.e [jobpost excerpt="no"]

= Can I show job listings for particular "Category" using a shortcode? = 
Yes, you can us a shortcode on post page i.e [jobpost category="category-slug"]

= Can I show job listings for particular "Type" using a shortcode? = 
Yes, you can us a shortcode on post page i.e [jobpost type="type-slug"]

= Can I show job listings for particular "Location" using a shortcode? = 
Yes, you can us a shortcode on post page i.e [jobpost location="location-slug"]

= Can I use combination for various shorcodes to display job listings? = 
Yes, you can use various combinations of shortcodes with spaces i.e [jobpost location="location-slug" category="category-slug" type="type-slug"]

= How Can I view the Applicant list for a Job Post? = 
In your WordPress admin panel, go to "Job Board" menu and "Applicants" section

= Where can I use the Type, Location and Categories shortcodes? = 
You can use these shortcodes while you create a New Page or New Post.

= Where can I find more information about Simple Job Board? =  
You can visit <a href="">PressTigers Website</a> or <a href="">blog</a> page.

== Changelog ==

= 2.0 =
* Job Categories shortcode introduced.
* Job Type introduced.
* Job Location introduced.
* Job type shortcode introduced.
* Job location shortcode introduced.
* Job applicant introduced
* Settings introduced

= 1.1 =

* Job categories introduced.
* Fixed 404 error on job detail page in some circumstances.
* Fixed Application drop down fields issue on front-end.

= 1.0 =
*   First release

== Upgrade Notice ==
Upgrade your plugin immediately as it has more secure directory structure.
Please deactivate previous version, upgrade & then re-activate newer version.

== Screenshots ==

1. **Job Board Creation** - Allow users to create a Job Board with ease by using a shortcode.
2. **Job Categories** - Categorized your similar jobs under a group of categories with the help of a shortcode.
3. **Job Type** - This allow your users to specify the type of jobs you offer to them.
4. **Job Location** - Let your users create jobs according to a certain demographic location.
5. **List of Applicants** - You can get all the applicants applied for jobs over here, by clicking each of applicant you can get further details and download the resume.
6. **Application Notes** - This section helps site administrators to add additional notes to received Resumes.
7. **Job Features** - Allow your users to add their own set of features to a job listing or a single job post.
8. **Application Form Fields** - This will help in creating customized job form.
9. **Filters** - Give your users complete control over job listing filters.
10. **Email Notifications** - This section will enable various notification options for users.
11. **Job details page** - Job board detail/single page. Job features and job application form is placed on it.


Add two CPT jobpost and applicant






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