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Laravel and Non-Laravel Library To Connect to Service


Sign up for the service

Then setup and start watching your processes come in one place instead of 5 plus places!


Docs below and at


Tested on Laravel 4.2 and 5.x more platforms to be tested soon.

Composer install

composer require alfred-nutile-inc/incomings-client:">=2.0"

Add to app.php


NOTE: If you are using Lumen, instead of the above you need to enable the provider in bootstrap/app.php like this:

| Register Service Providers
| Here we will register all of the application's service providers which
| are used to bind services into the container. Service providers are
| totally optional, so you are not required to uncomment this line.


Set in your .env



Laravel 5.6

Add the incomings log channel to your config/logging.php file:

'channels' => [
    'stack' => [
        'driver' => 'stack',
        // Add incomings to the stack:
        'channels' => ['single', 'incomings'],

    'incomings' => [
        'driver' => 'incomings',
        'level' => 'debug',

Send Data to the Service


This is the most simple helper. Each project gets one

@TODO fix broken image need to find the right one url

So you can for example use that on as a PUSH queue route since you can have more than one.

Or even on your server setup a cron job to post every minute your server resource status or security status.



Laravel Facade

Say you are about to send off to a queue

Queue::push("foo", $data);

Now try

$data = ['title' => 'Foo Bar', 'message' => [1,2,3]]


Queue::push("foo", $data);

For the above Facade to work you might have to add

use AlfredNutileInc\Incomings\IncomingsFacade as Incomings;

NOTE: If you're using Lumen, make sure to enable facades in bootstrap/app.php with $app->withFacades();

Also see Laravel Docs for failed Queue

For example I can register with my AppServiceProvider

        Queue::failing(function (JobFailed $event) {
            $message = sprintf("Connection %s, Job %s, Exception %s %s %s",
                    $event->connectionName, implode("\n", $event->data), $event->job->getRawBody()
            $data = ['title' => 'Failed Queue From FooBar', 'message' =>

                json_encode($message, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)



This setup will allow you to use Log::info("Some Message") and all the other Log methods as normal.

All you need to do at the top of your Class is to set use as follow

use AlfredNutileInc\Incomings\Log;

From there on your log messages go to Incomings then to Logger

Even better you now can/should do this

    $send = [
        'title' => 'foo',
        'message' => "bar",

The IncomingLogger will pass this array to giving your incoming more context and then it will just pass the message to Log as normal. So you could even do.

    $send = [
        'title' => 'foo',
        'message' => print_r($some_array_payload, 1),

Like sometimes we do in Log::info as we are watching for non string based info in the logs. Or

    $send = [
        'title' => 'foo',
        'message' => json_encode($some_array_payload, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT),

For nicer looking data.


    protected $routeMiddleware = [
        'auth' => \App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate::class,
        'auth.basic' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\AuthenticateWithBasicAuth::class,
        'guest' => \App\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated::class,
        'incomings' => \AlfredNutileInc\Incomings\IncomingsMiddleWare::class

Then plug it in

Route::get('foobar', ['middleware' => 'incomings', function() {

    return "Send to incomings!";


Then data coming in via POST, GET, etc will be sent to Incomings for a sense of is the data coming into my system correctly etc.

You can pass a title as well

Route::get('foobar', ['middleware' => 'incomings:My Title', function() {

    return "Send to incomings!";


Laravel Exceptions

Just edit your app/Exceptions/Handler.php so it uses Incomings Exception handler



     namespace App\Exceptions;

     use Exception;
     use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;
     use IncomingsExceptionHandler as ExceptionHandler;

     class Handler extends ExceptionHandler



    namespace App\Exceptions;

    use Exception;
    use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;
    use AlfredNutileInc\Incomings\IncomingsExceptionHandler as ExceptionHandler;

    class Handler extends ExceptionHandler

If you are using Lumen, you will need to use the IncomingsExceptionHandlerForLumen instead, like so:


    namespace App\Exceptions;

    use Exception;
    use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;
    use AlfredNutileInc\Incomings\IncomingsExceptionHandlerForLumen as ExceptionHandler;

    class Handler extends ExceptionHandler

Then as seen in this route it will send a message first to

Route::get('/example_exception', function() {

    throw new \Exception("Yo Incomings!!!");


Will send a message like

Bugsnag Too

If you are using a service like BugSnag just follow their directions so your app/Exceptions/Handler.php would then look like this.

<?php namespace App\Exceptions;

use Exception;
use Bugsnag\BugsnagLaravel\BugsnagExceptionHandler as ExceptionHandler;
use AlfredNutileInc\Incomings\IncomingsFacade as Incomings;

class Handler extends ExceptionHandler

    protected $dontReport = [

    public function report(Exception $e)
        $data = [
            'title' => 'Application Exception Error',
            'message' => sprintf(
                "Error Filename %s \n on line %d \n with message %s \n with Code %s",

        return parent::report($e);


Filter for Laravel 4.2

As above plug in your provider

If you are not using DotEnv as I write about here

Then update your .env.php to have your tokens and url


return array(
    'INCOMINGS_URL' => '',
    'INCOMINGS_TOKEN' => 'foo-bar-foo'

Then in your route

Route::get('/', ['before' => 'incomings', function()
	return View::make('hello');

Finally in your filter file add the following app/filters.php

Route::filter('incomings', function() {

        $incomings = new \AlfredNutileInc\Incomings\IncomingsFilter();
    catch(\Exception $e)
        Log::error(sprintf("Error with Incomings :( %s", $e->getMessage());


This will catch any issues and not mess up your application.



Here is an example of using Curl. In this case I want to see some info from my server every hour.

curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST --data @status.json

Then every hour I get to see the updates to that file. The CronJob would run this as root

01 * * * * apt-get upgrade -s | grep -i security > /tmp/status.json
03 * * * * curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST --data @/tmp/status.json

You can even make a bach command to run this all and gather more data like "Last Run" etc.

Drupal 8

Coming Soon...

Drupal 7

Coming Soon...