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FLASH is an e-commerce comparison website that helps consumers to shop smartly by comparing the features of a product from differet e-commerce sites. The languages used to design our website are HTML,CSS,JavaScript and PHP.

Note: The products included in our website are only mobiles.


* Firefox or Google Chrome

* EasyPHP(for personal web hosting). To download Click Here and Install it.

Steps to Execute

* Goto "" or Click Here

* Click on (Download Zip) to download the files required to run the website.

* Extract all downloaded files into local server. (Ex: C:\EasyPHP-DevServer-14.1VC9\data\localweb\)

* Import "flash.sql" from database folder which is download from github to database i.e local server(Ex:http://localhost/modules/phpmyadmin414x151007222847/#PMAURL-0:index.php?db=&table=&server=1&target=&token=21b34127faba22fd14396ef2f4beb32c)

* Change database authentication in following files.

1. Flash/dbcontroller.php

2. Flash/includes/dbfunctions.php

Ex: private $host = "localhost";
private $user = "root";
private $password = "";
private $database = "products";

* Open any browser and type "localhost" in address bar.

* Execute the website in browser.(Note: EasyPHP must be STARTED while executing)