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Copyright 2009 Khalid Baheyeldin

The Nagios monitoring module intergrates your Drupal site with with the Nagios.
Nagios' successors, Icinga and Icinga 2 can also be used with this module.

Nagios is a network and host monitoring application. For more information about
Nagios, see

The module reports to Nagios that the site is up and running normally,
- PHP is parsing scripts and modules correctly
- The database is accessible from Drupal
- Whether there are configuration issues with the site, such as:
  * pending Drupal version update
  * pending Drupal module updates
  * unwritable 'files' directory
  * Pending updates to the database schema
  * Cron not running for a specified period

If you already use Nagios in your organization to monitor your infrastructure,
then this module will be useful for you. If you only run one or two Drupal
sites, Nagios may be overkill for this task.

Security Note

This module optionally exposes the following information from your web site:
- The number of published nodes.
- The number of active users.
- Whether an action requiring the administrator's attention (e.g pending module
  updates, unreadable 'files' directory, ...etc.)

To mitigate the security risks involve, make sure you use a unique ID. However,
this is not a fool-proof solution. If you are concerned about this information
being publicly accessible, then don't use this module.

To install this module, do the following:

1. Extract the tarball that you downloaded from

2. Upload the nagios directory that you extracted to your sites/all/modules

Configuration for Drupal

To enable this module do the following:

1. Go to Admin -> Build -> Modules
   Enable the module.

2. Go to Admin -> Settings -> Nagios monitoring.
   Enter a unique ID. This must match what you configure Nagios for.
   See below for more details.

   Don't forget to configure Nagios accordingly. See below.

Configuration for Nagios

The exact way to configure Nagios depends on several factors, e.g. how many
Drupal sites you want to monitor, the way Nagios is setup, ...etc.

The following way is just one of many ways to configure Nagios for Drupal. There
are certainly other ways to do it, but it all centers on using the check_drupal
command being run for each site.

1. Copy the check_drupal script in the nagios-plugin directory to your Nagios
   plugins directory (e.g. /usr/lib/nagios/plugins).

2. Change the commands.cfg file for Nagios to include the following:

   Nagios 2.x:

   define command{
     command_name  check_drupal
     command_line  /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_drupal -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u $ARG1$ -T $ARG2$

   Nagios 3.x:

   define command{
     command_name  check_drupal
     command_line  /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_drupal -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -U $ARG1$ -t $ARG2$

   If you are monitoring multiple Drupal instances set up as virtual hosts, you
   may have to use $HOSTNAME$ instead of $HOSTADDRESS$ in the command_line

3. Create a hostgroup for the hosts that run Drupal and need to be monitored.
   This is normally in a hostgroups.cfg file.

   define hostgroup {
     hostgroup_name  drupal-servers
     alias           Drupal servers

4. Defined a service that will run for this host group

   Nagios 2.x:

   define service{
     hostgroup_name         drupal-servers
     service_description    DRUPAL
     check_command          check_drupal!-U "unique_id" -t 2
     use                    generic-service
     notification_interval  0 ; set > 0 if you want to be renotified

   Nagios 3.x:

   define service{
     hostgroup_name         drupal-servers
     service_description    DRUPAL
     check_command          check_drupal!unique_id!2
     use                    generic-service
     notification_interval  0 ; set > 0 if you want to be renotified

Here is an explanation of some of the options:

-U "unique_id"
  This parameter is required.
  It is a unique identifier that is send as the user agent from the Nagios
  check_drupal script, and has to match what the Drupal Nagios module has
  configured.  Both sides have to match, otherwise, you will get "unauthorized"
  errors. The best way is to generate an MD5 or SHA1 string from a combination
  of data, such as date, city, company name, ...etc. For example:

  $ echo "2003-Jan-17 Waterloo, Canada Honda" | md5sum

  The result will be something like this:

  645666c39f06514528987278c4071d85  -

  The resulting hash is hard enough to deduce, and gives a first level
  protection against snooping.

-t 2
  This parameter is optional.
  This means that if the Drupal site does not respond in 2 seconds, an error
  will be reported by Nagios. Increase this value if you site is really slow.
  The default is 2 seconds.

-P nagios
  This parameter is optional.
  For a normal site where Drupal is installed in the web server's DocumentRoot,
  leave this unchanged. If you installed Drupal in a subdirectory, then change
  nagios to sub_directory/nagios. The default is the path nagios.


This module provides an API for other modules to report status back to Nagios.
Your module should implement the following hooks:

This hook is used to provide a way to enabled/disable a certain module from
being included in Nagios reports and alerts.

function yourmodule_nagios_info() {
  return array(
    'name'   => 'Your module name',
    'id'     => 'IDENTIFIER',

Your module should have a yourmodule_nagios() function that does the actual work
of checking something and reporting back a status and some info.

The data returned is an associative array as follows:

  'key'  => 'IDENTIFIER',
  'data' => array(
    'status' => STATUS_CODE,
    'type'   => 'state', // Can be a 'state' for OK, Warning, Critical, Unknown)
                         // or can be 'perf', which does cause an alert, but
                         // can be processed later by custom programs.
    'text'   => 'Text description for the problem',

STATUS_CODE must be one of the following, defined in nagios.module:


Here is an example:

function yourmodule_nagios() {
  $data = array();

  // Check something ...
  $count = ...
  if (!$count) {
    $data = array(
      'status' => NAGIOS_STATUS_WARNING,
      'type'   => 'state',
      'text'   => t('A very brief description of the warning'),
  else {
    $data = array(
      'status' => NAGIOS_STATUS_OK,
      'type'   => 'state',
      'text'   => '',

  return array(
    'key' => 'IDENTIFIER', // This identifier will appear on Nagios' monitoring
                           // pages and alerts.
    'data' => $data,

For a real life example on how to use this API, check the performance.module in
the devel project at

This hook provides standard form API elements to be included at
admin/settings/nagios. You can set any thresholds you want in this hook.

If you want to report bugs, feature requests, or submit a patch, please do so
at the project page on the Drupal web site.

Khalid Baheyeldin ( and
Greg Harvey (
Christian Bläul (

The authors can also be contacted for paid customizations of this
and other modules.


Port to Drupal 8 of the Nagios module






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