  * @test
 public function getAssignedPartyOfAccountCachesParty()
     $assignedParty = $this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($this->account);
     $this->assertSame($this->party, $assignedParty);
     $assignedParty = $this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($this->account);
     $this->assertSame($this->party, $assignedParty);
  * Retrieves an existing user by the given username
  * @param string $username The username
  * @param string $authenticationProviderName Name of the authentication provider to use. Example: "Typo3BackendProvider"
  * @return User The user, or null if the user does not exist
  * @throws Exception
  * @api
 public function getUser($username, $authenticationProviderName = null)
     if ($authenticationProviderName !== null && isset($this->runtimeUserCache['a_' . $authenticationProviderName][$username])) {
         return $this->runtimeUserCache['a_' . $authenticationProviderName][$username];
     } elseif (isset($this->runtimeUserCache['u_' . $username])) {
         return $this->runtimeUserCache['u_' . $username];
     $account = $this->accountRepository->findByAccountIdentifierAndAuthenticationProviderName($username, $authenticationProviderName ?: $this->defaultAuthenticationProviderName);
     if (!$account instanceof Account) {
         return null;
     $user = $this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($account);
     if (!$user instanceof User) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('Unexpected user type "%s". An account with the identifier "%s" exists, but the corresponding party is not a Neos User.', get_class($user), $username), 1422270948);
     if ($authenticationProviderName !== null) {
         if (!isset($this->runtimeUserCache['a_' . $authenticationProviderName])) {
             $this->runtimeUserCache['a_' . $authenticationProviderName] = [];
         $this->runtimeUserCache['a_' . $authenticationProviderName][$username] = $user;
     } else {
         $this->runtimeUserCache['u_' . $username] = $user;
     return $user;
  * Authenticates against a crowd instance.
  * @param \TYPO3\Flow\Security\Authentication\TokenInterface $authenticationToken The token to be authenticated
  * @return void
  * @throws \TYPO3\Flow\Security\Exception\UnsupportedAuthenticationTokenException
 public function authenticate(TokenInterface $authenticationToken)
     if (!$authenticationToken instanceof UsernamePassword) {
         throw new UnsupportedAuthenticationTokenException('This provider cannot authenticate the given token.', 1217339845);
     $credentials = $authenticationToken->getCredentials();
     if (is_array($credentials) && isset($credentials['username']) && isset($credentials['password'])) {
         $crowdAuthenticationResponse = $this->crowdClient->authenticate($credentials['username'], $credentials['password']);
         if ($crowdAuthenticationResponse !== NULL) {
             /** @var $account \TYPO3\Flow\Security\Account */
             $account = NULL;
             $providerName = $this->name;
             $accountRepository = $this->accountRepository;
             $this->securityContext->withoutAuthorizationChecks(function () use($credentials, $providerName, $accountRepository, &$account) {
                 $account = $accountRepository->findActiveByAccountIdentifierAndAuthenticationProviderName($credentials['username'], $providerName);
             if ($account === NULL) {
                 $account = new Account();
             $authenticateRole = $this->policyService->getRole($this->options['authenticateRole']);
             if ($account->hasRole($authenticateRole) === FALSE) {
             $crowdUser = $this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($account);
             if ($crowdUser instanceof Person) {
                 if ($crowdUser->getName()->getFirstName() !== $crowdAuthenticationResponse['first-name']) {
                 if ($crowdUser->getName()->getLastName() !== $crowdAuthenticationResponse['last-name']) {
                 if ($crowdUser->getPrimaryElectronicAddress()->getIdentifier() !== $crowdAuthenticationResponse['email']) {
             } else {
                 $crowdUser = new Person();
                 $crowdUser->setName(new PersonName('', $crowdAuthenticationResponse['first-name'], '', $crowdAuthenticationResponse['last-name']));
                 $email = new ElectronicAddress();
                 $this->partyService->assignAccountToParty($account, $crowdUser);
         } else {
     } elseif ($authenticationToken->getAuthenticationStatus() !== TokenInterface::AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSFUL) {
  * This returns the (first) *authenticated* OAuth token which doesn't have a party attached.
  *@return AbstractClientToken
 public function getChargedAuthenticatedTokenHavingPartyAttached()
     /** @var $token AbstractClientToken */
     foreach ((array) $this->securityContext->getAuthenticationTokensOfType($this->getTokenClassName()) as $token) {
         if ($token->getAuthenticationStatus() === TokenInterface::AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSFUL && ($token->getAccount() !== NULL || $this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($token->getAccount()) !== NULL)) {
             return $token;
     return NULL;
  * Tries to authenticate the given token. Sets isAuthenticated to TRUE if authentication succeeded.
  * @param TokenInterface $authenticationToken The token to be authenticated
  * @throws \TYPO3\Flow\Security\Exception\UnsupportedAuthenticationTokenException
  * @return void
 public function authenticate(TokenInterface $authenticationToken)
     if (!$authenticationToken instanceof AbstractClientToken) {
         throw new UnsupportedAuthenticationTokenException('This provider cannot authenticate the given token.', 1383754993);
     $credentials = $authenticationToken->getCredentials();
     // There is no way to validate the Token or check the scopes at the moment apart from "trying" (and possibly receiving an access denied)
     // we could check the validity of the Token and the scopes here in the future when Instagram provides that
     // Only check if an access Token is present at this time and do a single test call
     if (isset($credentials['accessToken']) && $credentials['accessToken'] !== NULL) {
         // check if a secure request is possible (https://www.instagram.com/developer/secure-api-requests/)
         $userInfo = $this->instagramTokenEndpoint->validateSecureRequestCapability($credentials['accessToken']);
         if ($userInfo === FALSE) {
             $this->securityLogger->log('A secure call to the API with the provided accessToken and clientSecret was not possible', LOG_NOTICE);
             return FALSE;
     } else {
     // From here, we surely know the user is considered authenticated against the remote service,
     // yet to check if there is an immanent account present.
     /** @var $account \TYPO3\Flow\Security\Account */
     $account = NULL;
     $providerName = $this->name;
     $accountRepository = $this->accountRepository;
     $this->securityContext->withoutAuthorizationChecks(function () use($userInfo, $providerName, $accountRepository, &$account) {
         $account = $accountRepository->findByAccountIdentifierAndAuthenticationProviderName($userInfo['id'], $providerName);
     if ($account === NULL) {
         $account = new Account();
     // the access token is valid for an "undefined time" according to instagram (so we cannot know when the user needs to log in again)
     // check if a user is already attached to this account
     if ($this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($account) === null || count($this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($account)) < 1) {
         $user = $this->userService->getCurrentUser();
         if ($user !== null) {
         } else {
             $this->securityLogger->logException(new Exception("The InstagramProvider was unable to determine the backend user, make sure the configuration Typo3BackendProvider requestPattern matches the Instagram Controller and the authentication strategy is set to 'atLeastOne' Token"));
     // persistAll is called automatically at the end of this function, account gets whitelisted to allow
     // persisting for an object thats tinkered with via a GET request
  * @param string $sso
  * @param string $sig
  * @return void
  * @Flow\SkipCsrfProtection
 public function authenticateDiscourseUserAction($sso = '', $sig = '')
     if ($sso === '' && $sig === '') {
         $argumentsOfInterceptedRequest = $this->securityContext->getInterceptedRequest()->getArguments();
         if (!isset($argumentsOfInterceptedRequest['sso']) || !isset($argumentsOfInterceptedRequest['sig'])) {
             return 'This page needs to be called with valid sso and sig arguments from crowd!';
         $sso = $argumentsOfInterceptedRequest['sso'];
         $sig = $argumentsOfInterceptedRequest['sig'];
     if (hash_hmac('sha256', $sso, $this->ssoSecret) === $sig) {
         parse_str(base64_decode($sso), $incomingPayload);
         $currentAccount = $this->securityContext->getAccount();
         /** @var Person $crowdUser */
         $crowdUser = $this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($currentAccount);
         $outgoingPayload = base64_encode(http_build_query(array('nonce' => $incomingPayload['nonce'], 'email' => $crowdUser->getPrimaryElectronicAddress()->getIdentifier(), 'name' => $crowdUser->getName()->getFullName(), 'username' => $currentAccount->getAccountIdentifier(), 'external_id' => $currentAccount->getAccountIdentifier()), '', '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986));
         $outgoingSignature = hash_hmac('sha256', $outgoingPayload, $this->ssoSecret);
         $this->redirectToUri(sprintf('%s?%s', $this->discourseSsoUrl, http_build_query(array('sso' => $outgoingPayload, 'sig' => $outgoingSignature), '', '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986)), 0, 302);
     return 'Sorry, we couldn\'t log you in';
  * Retrieves an existing user by the given username
  * @param string $username The username
  * @param string $authenticationProviderName Name of the authentication provider to use. Example: "Typo3BackendProvider"
  * @return User The user, or NULL if the user does not exist
  * @throws Exception
  * @api
 public function getUser($username, $authenticationProviderName = NULL)
     $account = $this->accountRepository->findByAccountIdentifierAndAuthenticationProviderName($username, $authenticationProviderName ?: $this->defaultAuthenticationProviderName);
     if (!$account instanceof Account) {
         return NULL;
     $user = $this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($account);
     if (!$user instanceof User) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('Unexpected user type "%s". An account with the identifier "%s" exists, but the corresponding party is not a Neos User.', get_class($user), $username), 1422270948);
     return $user;
  * @param Account $account
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return NodeInterface
 public function getProfileNodeOfAccount(Account $account)
     $party = $this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($account);
     $profileNodeIdentifier = $party->getPreferences()->get('profileNodeIdentifier');
     if ($profileNodeIdentifier !== NULL) {
         $contentContext = $this->contextFactory->create(array());
         $profileNode = $contentContext->getNodeByIdentifier($profileNodeIdentifier);
         if (!isset($profileNode) || !$profileNode instanceof NodeInterface) {
             throw new \Exception('Profile not found');
         return $profileNode;
  * Adds a user whose User object has been created elsewhere
  * This method basically "creates" a user like createUser() would, except that it does not create the User
  * object itself. If you need to create the User object elsewhere, for example in your ActionController, make sure
  * to call this method for registering the new user instead of adding it to the PartyRepository manually.
  * This method also creates a new user workspace for the given user if no such workspace exist.
  * @param string $username The username of the user to be created.
  * @param string $password Password of the user to be created
  * @param User $user The pre-built user object to start with
  * @param array $roleIdentifiers A list of role identifiers to assign
  * @param string $authenticationProviderName Name of the authentication provider to use. Example: "Typo3BackendProvider"
  * @return User The same user object
  * @api
 public function addUser($username, $password, User $user, array $roleIdentifiers = null, $authenticationProviderName = null)
     if ($roleIdentifiers === null) {
         $roleIdentifiers = array('TYPO3.Neos:Editor');
     $roleIdentifiers = $this->normalizeRoleIdentifiers($roleIdentifiers);
     $account = $this->accountFactory->createAccountWithPassword($username, $password, $roleIdentifiers, $authenticationProviderName ?: $this->defaultAuthenticationProviderName);
     $this->partyService->assignAccountToParty($account, $user);
     $this->createPersonalWorkspace($user, $account);
     return $user;
  * @param \TYPO3\Flow\Security\Account $account
  * @param \TYPO3\Flow\Http\Cookie $sessionCookie
  * @return \stdClass
 protected function buildAccountDTO(\TYPO3\Flow\Security\Account $account, \TYPO3\Flow\Http\Cookie $sessionCookie = NULL)
     $person = $this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($account);
     $simpleAccount = new \stdClass();
     $simpleAccount->displayName = (string) $person->getName();
     if ($sessionCookie !== NULL) {
         $simpleAccount->sessionIdentifier = $sessionCookie->getValue();
     $simpleAccount->profile = sprintf('//typo3.org/services/userimage.php?username=%s&size=big', $account->getAccountIdentifier());
     $simpleAccount->roles = [];
     foreach ($account->getRoles() as $role) {
         /** @var $role \TYPO3\Flow\Security\Policy\Role */
         $simpleAccount->roles[] = $role->getName();
     return $simpleAccount;
  * @param Account $account
  * @param array $userdata
  * @return \TYPO3\Flow\Security\Account
 protected function updateAccount(Account $account, array $userdata)
     $person = $this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($account);
     if ($person === null) {
         $person = new Person();
         $this->partyService->assignAccountToParty($account, $person);
     if (!$account->getRoles()) {
     $this->updatePerson($person, $userdata);
     return $account;
  * @param Registration $registration
 public function createAction(Registration $registration)
     $pendingRegistration = $this->registrationRepository->findOneByAccountAndNotCompleted($this->securityContext->getAccount());
     if ($pendingRegistration !== NULL) {
         $this->view->assign('value', $this->dataTransferObjectFactory->getDataTransferObject($pendingRegistration));
     $registrationLock = new \TYPO3\Flow\Utility\Lock\Lock('T3DD-Registration');
     $account = $this->securityContext->getAccount();
     $registrationEntity = $registration->getPayload();
     $ticketRequest = [];
     $roomRequests = [];
     $participantPosition = 0;
     /** @var \T3DD\Backend\Domain\Model\Registration\Participant $participant */
     foreach ($registrationEntity->getParticipants() as $participant) {
         if ($participant->isRegistrant()) {
             $person = $this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($account);
             if ($participant->getRoomSize() > 0) {
                 for ($i = 1; $i < $participant->getRoomSize(); $i++) {
                     $participant->addRoomMate(new \T3DD\Backend\Domain\Model\Registration\Mate());
         $ticketRequest[] = $participant->getTicketRequest();
         $roomRequest = $participant->getRoomRequest();
         if ($roomRequest !== NULL) {
             $roomRequests[] = $roomRequest;
     $this->view->assign('value', $registration);
  * @return string
 public function getDisplayName()
     return (string) $this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($this->payload)->getName();
  * @return void
 public function indexAction()
     $account = $this->securityContext->getAccount();
     $this->view->assign('account', $account);
     $this->view->assign('person', $this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($account));