  * Checks if the specified method matches against the method name
  * expression.
  * Returns TRUE if method name, visibility and arguments constraints match and the target
  * method is not final.
  * @param string $className Ignored in this pointcut filter
  * @param string $methodName Name of the method to match against
  * @param string $methodDeclaringClassName Name of the class the method was originally declared in
  * @param mixed $pointcutQueryIdentifier Some identifier for this query - must at least differ from a previous identifier. Used for circular reference detection.
  * @return boolean TRUE if the class matches, otherwise FALSE
  * @throws \TYPO3\FLOW3\Aop\Exception
 public function matches($className, $methodName, $methodDeclaringClassName, $pointcutQueryIdentifier)
     $matchResult = preg_match('/^' . $this->methodNameFilterExpression . '$/', $methodName);
     if ($matchResult === FALSE) {
         throw new \TYPO3\FLOW3\Aop\Exception('Error in regular expression', 1168876915);
     } elseif ($matchResult !== 1) {
         return FALSE;
     switch ($this->methodVisibility) {
         case 'public':
             if (!($methodDeclaringClassName !== NULL && $this->reflectionService->isMethodPublic($methodDeclaringClassName, $methodName))) {
                 return FALSE;
         case 'protected':
             if (!($methodDeclaringClassName !== NULL && $this->reflectionService->isMethodProtected($methodDeclaringClassName, $methodName))) {
                 return FALSE;
     if ($methodDeclaringClassName !== NULL && $this->reflectionService->isMethodFinal($methodDeclaringClassName, $methodName)) {
         return FALSE;
     $methodArguments = $methodDeclaringClassName === NULL ? array() : $this->reflectionService->getMethodParameters($methodDeclaringClassName, $methodName);
     foreach (array_keys($this->methodArgumentConstraints) as $argumentName) {
         $objectAccess = explode('.', $argumentName, 2);
         $argumentName = $objectAccess[0];
         if (!array_key_exists($argumentName, $methodArguments)) {
             $this->systemLogger->log('The argument "' . $argumentName . '" declared in pointcut does not exist in method ' . $methodDeclaringClassName . '->' . $methodName, LOG_NOTICE);
             return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
  * Takes an array of unparsed command line arguments and options and converts it separated
  * by named arguments, options and unnamed arguments.
  * @param array $rawCommandLineArguments The unparsed command parts (such as "--foo") as an array
  * @param string $controllerObjectName Object name of the designated command controller
  * @param string $controllerCommandName Command name of the recognized command (ie. method name without "Command" suffix)
  * @return array All and exceeding command line arguments
  * @throws \TYPO3\FLOW3\Mvc\Exception\InvalidArgumentMixingException
 protected function parseRawCommandLineArguments(array $rawCommandLineArguments, $controllerObjectName, $controllerCommandName)
     $commandLineArguments = array();
     $exceedingArguments = array();
     $commandMethodName = $controllerCommandName . 'Command';
     $commandMethodParameters = $this->reflectionService->getMethodParameters($controllerObjectName, $commandMethodName);
     $requiredArguments = array();
     $optionalArguments = array();
     $argumentNames = array();
     foreach ($commandMethodParameters as $parameterName => $parameterInfo) {
         $argumentNames[] = $parameterName;
         if ($parameterInfo['optional'] === FALSE) {
             $requiredArguments[strtolower($parameterName)] = array('parameterName' => $parameterName, 'type' => $parameterInfo['type']);
         } else {
             $optionalArguments[strtolower($parameterName)] = array('parameterName' => $parameterName, 'type' => $parameterInfo['type']);
     $decidedToUseNamedArguments = FALSE;
     $decidedToUseUnnamedArguments = FALSE;
     $argumentIndex = 0;
     while (count($rawCommandLineArguments) > 0) {
         $rawArgument = array_shift($rawCommandLineArguments);
         if ($rawArgument[0] === '-') {
             if ($rawArgument[1] === '-') {
                 $rawArgument = substr($rawArgument, 2);
             } else {
                 $rawArgument = substr($rawArgument, 1);
             $argumentName = $this->extractArgumentNameFromCommandLinePart($rawArgument);
             if (isset($optionalArguments[$argumentName])) {
                 $argumentValue = $this->getValueOfCurrentCommandLineOption($rawArgument, $rawCommandLineArguments, $optionalArguments[$argumentName]['type']);
                 $commandLineArguments[$optionalArguments[$argumentName]['parameterName']] = $argumentValue;
             } elseif (isset($requiredArguments[$argumentName])) {
                 if ($decidedToUseUnnamedArguments) {
                     throw new \TYPO3\FLOW3\Mvc\Exception\InvalidArgumentMixingException(sprintf('Unexpected named argument "%s". If you use unnamed arguments, all required arguments must be passed without a name.', $argumentName), 1309971821);
                 $decidedToUseNamedArguments = TRUE;
                 $argumentValue = $this->getValueOfCurrentCommandLineOption($rawArgument, $rawCommandLineArguments, $requiredArguments[$argumentName]['type']);
                 $commandLineArguments[$requiredArguments[$argumentName]['parameterName']] = $argumentValue;
         } else {
             if (count($requiredArguments) > 0) {
                 if ($decidedToUseNamedArguments) {
                     throw new \TYPO3\FLOW3\Mvc\Exception\InvalidArgumentMixingException(sprintf('Unexpected unnamed argument "%s". If you use named arguments, all required arguments must be passed named.', $rawArgument), 1309971820);
                 $argument = array_shift($requiredArguments);
                 $commandLineArguments[$argument['parameterName']] = $rawArgument;
                 $decidedToUseUnnamedArguments = TRUE;
             } else {
                 $exceedingArguments[] = $rawArgument;
     return array($commandLineArguments, $exceedingArguments);
  * This function tries to find yet unmatched dependencies which need to be injected via "inject*" setter methods.
  * @param array &$objectConfigurations
  * @return void
  * @throws \TYPO3\FLOW3\Object\Exception if an injected property is private
 protected function autowireProperties(array &$objectConfigurations)
     foreach ($objectConfigurations as $objectConfiguration) {
         $className = $objectConfiguration->getClassName();
         $properties = $objectConfiguration->getProperties();
         foreach (get_class_methods($className) as $methodName) {
             if (substr($methodName, 0, 6) === 'inject') {
                 $propertyName = strtolower(substr($methodName, 6, 1)) . substr($methodName, 7);
                 $autowiringAnnotation = $this->reflectionService->getMethodAnnotation($className, $methodName, 'TYPO3\\FLOW3\\Annotations\\Autowiring');
                 if ($autowiringAnnotation !== NULL && $autowiringAnnotation->enabled === FALSE) {
                 if ($methodName === 'injectSettings') {
                     $packageKey = $objectConfiguration->getPackageKey();
                     if ($packageKey !== NULL) {
                         $properties[$propertyName] = new ConfigurationProperty($propertyName, $packageKey, ConfigurationProperty::PROPERTY_TYPES_SETTING);
                 } else {
                     if (array_key_exists($propertyName, $properties)) {
                     $methodParameters = $this->reflectionService->getMethodParameters($className, $methodName);
                     if (count($methodParameters) !== 1) {
                         $this->systemLogger->log(sprintf('Could not autowire property %s because %s() expects %s instead of exactly 1 parameter.', "{$className}::{$propertyName}", $methodName, count($methodParameters) ?: 'none'), LOG_DEBUG);
                     $methodParameter = array_pop($methodParameters);
                     if ($methodParameter['class'] === NULL) {
                         $this->systemLogger->log(sprintf('Could not autowire property %s because the method parameter in %s() contained no class type hint.', "{$className}::{$propertyName}", $methodName), LOG_DEBUG);
                     $properties[$propertyName] = new ConfigurationProperty($propertyName, $methodParameter['class'], ConfigurationProperty::PROPERTY_TYPES_OBJECT);
         foreach ($this->reflectionService->getPropertyNamesByAnnotation($className, 'TYPO3\\FLOW3\\Annotations\\Inject') as $propertyName) {
             if ($this->reflectionService->isPropertyPrivate($className, $propertyName)) {
                 $exceptionMessage = 'The property "' . $propertyName . '" in class "' . $className . '" must not be private when annotated for injection.';
                 throw new \TYPO3\FLOW3\Object\Exception($exceptionMessage, 1328109641);
             if (!array_key_exists($propertyName, $properties)) {
                 $objectName = trim(implode('', $this->reflectionService->getPropertyTagValues($className, $propertyName, 'var')), ' \\');
                 $properties[$propertyName] = new ConfigurationProperty($propertyName, $objectName, ConfigurationProperty::PROPERTY_TYPES_OBJECT);
  * Generates the parameters code needed to call the constructor with the saved parameters.
  * @param string $className Name of the class the method is declared in
  * @return string The generated parameters code
 protected function buildSavedConstructorParametersCode($className)
     if ($className === NULL) {
         return '';
     $parametersCode = '';
     $methodParameters = $this->reflectionService->getMethodParameters($className, '__construct');
     $methodParametersCount = count($methodParameters);
     if ($methodParametersCount > 0) {
         foreach ($methodParameters as $methodParameterName => $methodParameterInfo) {
             $parametersCode .= '$this->FLOW3_Aop_Proxy_originalConstructorArguments[\'' . $methodParameterName . '\']' . ($methodParametersCount > 0 ? ', ' : '');
     return $parametersCode;
  * Initializes the arguments array of this controller by creating an empty argument object for each of the
  * method arguments found in the designated command method.
  * @return void
  * @throws \TYPO3\FLOW3\Mvc\Exception\InvalidArgumentTypeException
 protected function initializeCommandMethodArguments()
     $methodParameters = $this->reflectionService->getMethodParameters(get_class($this), $this->commandMethodName);
     foreach ($methodParameters as $parameterName => $parameterInfo) {
         $dataType = NULL;
         if (isset($parameterInfo['type'])) {
             $dataType = $parameterInfo['type'];
         } elseif ($parameterInfo['array']) {
             $dataType = 'array';
         if ($dataType === NULL) {
             throw new \TYPO3\FLOW3\Mvc\Exception\InvalidArgumentTypeException('The argument type for parameter $' . $parameterName . ' of method ' . get_class($this) . '->' . $this->commandMethodName . '() could not be detected.', 1306755296);
         $defaultValue = isset($parameterInfo['defaultValue']) ? $parameterInfo['defaultValue'] : NULL;
         $this->arguments->addNewArgument($parameterName, $dataType, $parameterInfo['optional'] === FALSE, $defaultValue);
  * Detects and registers any validators for arguments:
  * - by the data type specified in the param annotations
  * - additional validators specified in the validate annotations of a method
  * @param string $className
  * @param string $methodName
  * @return array An Array of ValidatorConjunctions for each method parameters.
  * @throws Exception\InvalidValidationConfigurationException
  * @throws Exception\NoSuchValidatorException
  * @throws Exception\InvalidTypeHintException
 public function buildMethodArgumentsValidatorConjunctions($className, $methodName)
     $validatorConjunctions = array();
     $methodParameters = $this->reflectionService->getMethodParameters($className, $methodName);
     if (count($methodParameters) === 0) {
         return $validatorConjunctions;
     foreach ($methodParameters as $parameterName => $methodParameter) {
         $validatorConjunction = $this->createValidator('TYPO3\\FLOW3\\Validation\\Validator\\ConjunctionValidator');
         if (!array_key_exists('type', $methodParameter)) {
             throw new \TYPO3\FLOW3\Validation\Exception\InvalidTypeHintException('Missing type information, probably no @param annotation for parameter "$' . $parameterName . '" in ' . $className . '->' . $methodName . '()', 1281962564);
         if (strpos($methodParameter['type'], '\\') === FALSE) {
             $typeValidator = $this->createValidator($methodParameter['type']);
         } elseif (strpos($methodParameter['type'], '\\Model\\') !== FALSE) {
             $possibleValidatorClassName = str_replace('\\Model\\', '\\Validator\\', $methodParameter['type']) . 'Validator';
             $typeValidator = $this->createValidator($possibleValidatorClassName);
         } else {
             $typeValidator = NULL;
         if ($typeValidator !== NULL) {
         $validatorConjunctions[$parameterName] = $validatorConjunction;
     $validateAnnotations = $this->reflectionService->getMethodAnnotations($className, $methodName, 'TYPO3\\FLOW3\\Annotations\\Validate');
     foreach ($validateAnnotations as $validateAnnotation) {
         $newValidator = $this->createValidator($validateAnnotation->type, $validateAnnotation->options);
         if ($newValidator === NULL) {
             throw new \TYPO3\FLOW3\Validation\Exception\NoSuchValidatorException('Invalid validate annotation in ' . $className . '->' . $methodName . '(): Could not resolve class name for  validator "' . $validateAnnotation->type . '".', 1239853109);
         if (isset($validatorConjunctions[$validateAnnotation->argumentName])) {
         } elseif (strpos($validateAnnotation->argumentName, '.') !== FALSE) {
             $objectPath = explode('.', $validateAnnotation->argumentName);
             $argumentName = array_shift($objectPath);
             $validatorConjunctions[$argumentName]->addValidator($this->buildSubObjectValidator($objectPath, $newValidator));
         } else {
             throw new \TYPO3\FLOW3\Validation\Exception\InvalidValidationConfigurationException('Invalid validate annotation in ' . $className . '->' . $methodName . '(): Validator specified for argument name "' . $validateAnnotation->argumentName . '", but this argument does not exist.', 1253172726);
     return $validatorConjunctions;
  * Builds the PHP code for the parameters of the specified method to be
  * used in a method interceptor in the proxy class
  * @param string $fullClassName Name of the class the method is declared in
  * @param string $methodName Name of the method to create the parameters code for
  * @param boolean $addTypeAndDefaultValue If the type and default value for each parameters should be rendered
  * @return string A comma speparated list of parameters
 public function buildMethodParametersCode($fullClassName, $methodName, $addTypeAndDefaultValue = TRUE)
     $methodParametersCode = '';
     $methodParameterTypeName = '';
     $defaultValue = '';
     $byReferenceSign = '';
     if ($fullClassName === NULL || $methodName === NULL) {
         return '';
     $methodParameters = $this->reflectionService->getMethodParameters($fullClassName, $methodName);
     if (count($methodParameters) > 0) {
         $methodParametersCount = 0;
         foreach ($methodParameters as $methodParameterName => $methodParameterInfo) {
             if ($addTypeAndDefaultValue) {
                 if ($methodParameterInfo['array'] === TRUE) {
                     $methodParameterTypeName = 'array';
                 } else {
                     $methodParameterTypeName = $methodParameterInfo['class'] === NULL ? '' : '\\' . $methodParameterInfo['class'];
                 if ($methodParameterInfo['optional'] === TRUE) {
                     $rawDefaultValue = isset($methodParameterInfo['defaultValue']) ? $methodParameterInfo['defaultValue'] : NULL;
                     if ($rawDefaultValue === NULL) {
                         $defaultValue = ' = NULL';
                     } elseif (is_bool($rawDefaultValue)) {
                         $defaultValue = $rawDefaultValue ? ' = TRUE' : ' = FALSE';
                     } elseif (is_numeric($rawDefaultValue)) {
                         $defaultValue = ' = ' . $rawDefaultValue;
                     } elseif (is_string($rawDefaultValue)) {
                         $defaultValue = " = '" . $rawDefaultValue . "'";
                     } elseif (is_array($rawDefaultValue)) {
                         $defaultValue = " = " . $this->buildArraySetupCode($rawDefaultValue);
                 $byReferenceSign = $methodParameterInfo['byReference'] ? '&' : '';
             $methodParametersCode .= ($methodParametersCount > 0 ? ', ' : '') . ($methodParameterTypeName ? $methodParameterTypeName . ' ' : '') . $byReferenceSign . '$' . $methodParameterName . $defaultValue;
     return $methodParametersCode;
文件: Command.php 项目: nxpthx/FLOW3
  * Returns an array of \TYPO3\FLOW3\Cli\CommandArgumentDefinition that contains
  * information about required/optional arguments of this command.
  * If the command does not expect any arguments, an empty array is returned
  * @return array<\TYPO3\FLOW3\Cli\CommandArgumentDefinition>
 public function getArgumentDefinitions()
     if (!$this->hasArguments()) {
         return array();
     $commandArgumentDefinitions = array();
     $commandMethodReflection = $this->getCommandMethodReflection();
     $annotations = $commandMethodReflection->getTagsValues();
     $commandParameters = $this->reflectionService->getMethodParameters($this->controllerClassName, $this->controllerCommandName . 'Command');
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($commandParameters as $commandParameterName => $commandParameterDefinition) {
         $explodedAnnotation = explode(' ', $annotations['param'][$i]);
         $description = implode(' ', $explodedAnnotation);
         $required = $commandParameterDefinition['optional'] !== TRUE;
         $commandArgumentDefinitions[] = new CommandArgumentDefinition($commandParameterName, $required, $description);
     return $commandArgumentDefinitions;
  * Builds a new instance of $objectType with the given $possibleConstructorArgumentValues.
  * If constructor argument values are missing from the given array the method looks for a
  * default value in the constructor signature.
  * Furthermore, the constructor arguments are removed from $possibleConstructorArgumentValues
  * @param array &$possibleConstructorArgumentValues
  * @param string $objectType
  * @return object The created instance
  * @throws \TYPO3\FLOW3\Property\Exception\InvalidTargetException if a required constructor argument is missing
 protected function buildObject(array &$possibleConstructorArgumentValues, $objectType)
     $className = $this->objectManager->getClassNameByObjectName($objectType);
     if ($this->reflectionService->hasMethod($className, '__construct')) {
         $constructorSignature = $this->reflectionService->getMethodParameters($className, '__construct');
         $constructorArguments = array();
         foreach ($constructorSignature as $constructorArgumentName => $constructorArgumentInformation) {
             if (array_key_exists($constructorArgumentName, $possibleConstructorArgumentValues)) {
                 $constructorArguments[] = $possibleConstructorArgumentValues[$constructorArgumentName];
             } elseif ($constructorArgumentInformation['optional'] === TRUE) {
                 $constructorArguments[] = $constructorArgumentInformation['defaultValue'];
             } else {
                 throw new \TYPO3\FLOW3\Property\Exception\InvalidTargetException('Missing constructor argument "' . $constructorArgumentName . '" for object of type "' . $objectType . '".', 1268734872);
         $classReflection = new \ReflectionClass($className);
         return $classReflection->newInstanceArgs($constructorArguments);
     } else {
         return new $className();
  * Renders additional code for the __construct() method of the Proxy Class which realizes constructor injection.
  * @param \TYPO3\FLOW3\Object\Configuration\Configuration $objectConfiguration
  * @return string The built code
  * @throws \TYPO3\FLOW3\Object\Exception\UnknownObjectException
 protected function buildConstructorInjectionCode(\TYPO3\FLOW3\Object\Configuration\Configuration $objectConfiguration)
     $assignments = array();
     $argumentConfigurations = $objectConfiguration->getArguments();
     $constructorParameterInfo = $this->reflectionService->getMethodParameters($objectConfiguration->getClassName(), '__construct');
     $argumentNumberToOptionalInfo = array();
     foreach ($constructorParameterInfo as $parameterInfo) {
         $argumentNumberToOptionalInfo[$parameterInfo['position'] + 1] = $parameterInfo['optional'];
     foreach ($argumentConfigurations as $argumentNumber => $argumentConfiguration) {
         if ($argumentConfiguration === NULL) {
         $argumentValue = $argumentConfiguration->getValue();
         $assignmentPrologue = 'if (!isset($arguments[' . ($argumentNumber - 1) . '])) $arguments[' . ($argumentNumber - 1) . '] = ';
         if ($argumentValue !== NULL) {
             switch ($argumentConfiguration->getType()) {
                 case \TYPO3\FLOW3\Object\Configuration\ConfigurationArgument::ARGUMENT_TYPES_OBJECT:
                     if ($argumentValue instanceof \TYPO3\FLOW3\Object\Configuration\Configuration) {
                         $argumentValueObjectName = $argumentValue->getObjectName();
                         if ($this->objectConfigurations[$argumentValueObjectName]->getScope() === \TYPO3\FLOW3\Object\Configuration\Configuration::SCOPE_PROTOTYPE) {
                             $assignments[] = $assignmentPrologue . 'new \\' . $argumentValueObjectName . '(' . $this->buildMethodParametersCode($argumentValue->getArguments()) . ')';
                         } else {
                             $assignments[] = $assignmentPrologue . '\\TYPO3\\FLOW3\\Core\\Bootstrap::$staticObjectManager->get(\'' . $argumentValueObjectName . '\')';
                     } else {
                         if (strpos($argumentValue, '.') !== FALSE) {
                             $settingPath = explode('.', $argumentValue);
                             $settings = Arrays::getValueByPath($this->configurationManager->getConfiguration(ConfigurationManager::CONFIGURATION_TYPE_SETTINGS), array_shift($settingPath));
                             $argumentValue = Arrays::getValueByPath($settings, $settingPath);
                         if (!isset($this->objectConfigurations[$argumentValue])) {
                             throw new \TYPO3\FLOW3\Object\Exception\UnknownObjectException('The object "' . $argumentValue . '" which was specified as an argument in the object configuration of object "' . $objectConfiguration->getObjectName() . '" does not exist.', 1264669967);
                         $assignments[] = $assignmentPrologue . '\\TYPO3\\FLOW3\\Core\\Bootstrap::$staticObjectManager->get(\'' . $argumentValue . '\')';
                 case \TYPO3\FLOW3\Object\Configuration\ConfigurationArgument::ARGUMENT_TYPES_STRAIGHTVALUE:
                     $assignments[] = $assignmentPrologue . var_export($argumentValue, TRUE);
                 case \TYPO3\FLOW3\Object\Configuration\ConfigurationArgument::ARGUMENT_TYPES_SETTING:
                     $assignments[] = $assignmentPrologue . '\\TYPO3\\FLOW3\\Core\\Bootstrap::$staticObjectManager->getSettingsByPath(explode(\'.\', \'' . $argumentValue . '\'))';
         } else {
             if (isset($argumentNumberToOptionalInfo[$argumentNumber]) && $argumentNumberToOptionalInfo[$argumentNumber] === TRUE) {
                 $assignments[] = $assignmentPrologue . 'NULL';
     $code = count($assignments) > 0 ? "\n\t\t" . implode(";\n\t\t", $assignments) . ";\n" : '';
     $index = 0;
     foreach ($constructorParameterInfo as $parameterName => $parameterInfo) {
         if ($parameterInfo['optional'] === TRUE) {
         if ($objectConfiguration->getScope() === \TYPO3\FLOW3\Object\Configuration\Configuration::SCOPE_SINGLETON) {
             $code .= '		if (!isset($arguments[' . $index . '])) throw new \\TYPO3\\FLOW3\\Object\\Exception\\UnresolvedDependenciesException(\'Missing required constructor argument $' . $parameterName . ' in class \' . __CLASS__ . \'. ' . 'Please check your calling code and Dependency Injection configuration.\', 1296143787);' . "\n";
         } else {
             $code .= '		if (!isset($arguments[' . $index . '])) throw new \\TYPO3\\FLOW3\\Object\\Exception\\UnresolvedDependenciesException(\'Missing required constructor argument $' . $parameterName . ' in class \' . __CLASS__ . \'. ' . 'Note that constructor injection is only support for objects of scope singleton (and this is not a singleton) – for other scopes you must pass each required argument to the constructor yourself.\', 1296143788);' . "\n";
     return $code;