  * Shutdown the Evaluator and save created expressions overwriting any existing expressions
  * @return void
 public function shutdownObject()
     if ($this->newExpressions === array()) {
     $codeToBeCached = 'return array (' . chr(10);
     foreach ($this->newExpressions as $name => $function) {
         $codeToBeCached .= "'" . $name . "' => " . $function . ',' . chr(10);
     $codeToBeCached .= ');';
     $this->runtimeExpressionsCache->set('Flow_Aop_RuntimeExpressions', $codeToBeCached);
  * Shutdown the Evaluator
 public function shutdownObject()
     if (count($this->newExpressions) > 0) {
         $changesToPersist = FALSE;
         $codeToBeCached = $this->expressionCache->get('cachedExpressionClosures');
          * At this point a race condition could happen, that we try to prevent with an additional check.
          * So we compare the evaluated expressions during this request with the methods the cache has at
          * this point and only add methods that are not present. Only if we added anything we write the cache.
         foreach ($this->newExpressions as $functionName => $newExpression) {
             if (strpos($codeToBeCached, $functionName) === FALSE) {
                 $codeToBeCached .= $newExpression . chr(10);
                 $changesToPersist = TRUE;
         if ($changesToPersist) {
             $this->expressionCache->set('cachedExpressionClosures', $codeToBeCached);
  * Reads the specified class file, appends ORIGINAL_CLASSNAME_SUFFIX to its
  * class name and stores the result in the proxy classes cache.
  * @param string $className Short class name of the class to copy
  * @param string $pathAndFilename Full path and filename of the original class file
  * @param string $proxyClassCode The code that makes up the proxy class
  * @return void
  * @throws Exception If the original class filename doesn't match the actual class name inside the file.
 protected function cacheOriginalClassFileAndProxyCode($className, $pathAndFilename, $proxyClassCode)
     $classCode = file_get_contents($pathAndFilename);
     $classCode = preg_replace('/^<\\?php.*\\n/', '', $classCode);
     $classNameSuffix = self::ORIGINAL_CLASSNAME_SUFFIX;
     $classCode = preg_replace_callback('/^([a-z ]*)(interface|class)\\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/m', function ($matches) use($pathAndFilename, $classNameSuffix) {
         $classNameAccordingToFileName = basename($pathAndFilename, '.php');
         if ($matches[3] !== $classNameAccordingToFileName) {
             throw new Exception('The name of the class "' . $matches[3] . '" is not the same as the filename which is "' . basename($pathAndFilename) . '". Path: ' . $pathAndFilename, 1398356897);
         return $matches[1] . $matches[2] . ' ' . $matches[3] . $classNameSuffix;
     }, $classCode);
     $classCode = preg_replace('/\\?>[\\n\\s\\r]*$/', '', $classCode);
     $this->classesCache->set(str_replace('\\', '_', $className), $classCode . $proxyClassCode);
     * @param string $identifier
     * @param ParsingState $parsingState
     * @return void
    public function store($identifier, ParsingState $parsingState)
        if (!$this->templateCache instanceof FrontendInterface) {
        $identifier = $this->sanitizeIdentifier($identifier);
        $this->variableCounter = 0;
        $generatedRenderFunctions = '';
        if ($parsingState->getVariableContainer()->exists('sections')) {
            $sections = $parsingState->getVariableContainer()->get('sections');
            // TODO: refactor to $parsedTemplate->getSections()
            foreach ($sections as $sectionName => $sectionRootNode) {
                $generatedRenderFunctions .= $this->generateCodeForSection($this->convertListOfSubNodes($sectionRootNode), 'section_' . sha1($sectionName), 'section ' . $sectionName);
        $generatedRenderFunctions .= $this->generateCodeForSection($this->convertListOfSubNodes($parsingState->getRootNode()), 'render', 'Main Render function');
        $convertedLayoutNameNode = $parsingState->hasLayout() ? $this->convert($parsingState->getLayoutNameNode()) : array('initialization' => '', 'execution' => 'NULL');
        $classDefinition = 'class FluidCache_' . $identifier . ' extends \\TYPO3\\Fluid\\Core\\Compiler\\AbstractCompiledTemplate';
        $templateCode = <<<EOD
%s {

public function getVariableContainer() {
\t// TODO
\treturn new \\TYPO3\\Fluid\\Core\\ViewHelper\\TemplateVariableContainer();
public function getLayoutName(\\TYPO3\\Fluid\\Core\\Rendering\\RenderingContextInterface \$renderingContext) {
\$self = \$this;
return %s;
public function hasLayout() {
return %s;


        $templateCode = sprintf($templateCode, $classDefinition, $convertedLayoutNameNode['initialization'], $convertedLayoutNameNode['execution'], $parsingState->hasLayout() ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE', $generatedRenderFunctions);
        $this->templateCache->set($identifier, $templateCode);