 public static function graded()
     global $USER, $PAGE;
     $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('theme_snap', 'core', RENDERER_TARGET_GENERAL);
     $grades = activity::events_graded();
     $o = '';
     foreach ($grades as $grade) {
         $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($grade->courseid);
         $course = $modinfo->get_course();
         $modtype = $grade->itemmodule;
         $cm = $modinfo->instances[$modtype][$grade->iteminstance];
         $coursecontext = \context_course::instance($grade->courseid);
         $canviewhiddengrade = has_capability('moodle/grade:viewhidden', $coursecontext);
         $url = new \moodle_url('/grade/report/user/index.php', ['id' => $grade->courseid]);
         if (in_array($modtype, ['quiz', 'assign']) && (!empty($grade->rawgrade) || !empty($grade->feedback))) {
             // Only use the course module url if the activity was graded in the module, not in the gradebook, etc.
             $url = $cm->url;
         $modimageurl = $output->pix_url('icon', $cm->modname);
         $modname = get_string('modulename', 'mod_' . $cm->modname);
         $modimage = \html_writer::img($modimageurl, $modname);
         $gradetitle = "<small>{$course->fullname} / </small> {$cm->name}";
         $releasedon = isset($grade->timemodified) ? $grade->timemodified : $grade->timecreated;
         $meta = get_string('released', 'theme_snap', $output->friendly_datetime($releasedon));
         $grade = new \grade_grade(array('itemid' => $grade->itemid, 'userid' => $USER->id));
         if (!$grade->is_hidden() || $canviewhiddengrade) {
             $o .= $output->snap_media_object($url, $modimage, $gradetitle, $meta, '');
     if (empty($o)) {
         return '<p>' . get_string('nograded', 'theme_snap') . '</p>';
     return $o;
 public function test_events_graded()
     $assign = $this->create_instance(array('duedate' => time(), 'submissiondrafts' => 1, 'assignsubmission_onlinetext_enabled' => 1));
     // Add a submission.
     $submission = $assign->get_user_submission($this->students[0]->id, true);
     $data = new stdClass();
     $data->onlinetext_editor = array('itemid' => file_get_unused_draft_itemid(), 'text' => 'Submission text', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML);
     $plugin = $assign->get_submission_plugin_by_type('onlinetext');
     $plugin->save($submission, $data);
     // And now submit it for marking.
     $submission->status = ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED;
     $assign->testable_update_submission($submission, $this->students[0]->id, true, false);
     // Mark the submission.
     $data = new stdClass();
     $data->grade = '50.0';
     $assign->testable_apply_grade_to_user($data, $this->students[0]->id, 0);
     // TODO remove this next line when the above is fixed  to stop triggering debug messages.
     $actual = activity::events_graded();
     $this->assertCount(1, $actual);
     $actual = activity::events_graded();
     $this->assertCount(0, $actual);
  * Test feedback with assignment restricted to future date.
  * @throws \coding_exception
 public function test_feedback_restricted()
     global $DB;
     $generator = $this->getDataGenerator();
     $course = $generator->create_course();
     $student = $generator->create_user();
     // Enrol student.
     $studentrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'student'));
     $generator->enrol_user($student->id, $course->id, $studentrole->id);
     // Create assign instance.
     $this->create_assignment($course->id, time() + DAYSECS * 2);
     $actual = local::upcoming_deadlines($student->id);
     $expected = 1;
     $this->assertCount($expected, $actual);
     // Create restricted assign instance.
     $opts = ['availability' => $this->get_date_condition_json(time() + WEEKSECS)];
     $assign = $this->create_assignment($course->id, time() + DAYSECS * 2, $opts);
     // Mark restricted assign instasnce.
     $data = $assign->get_user_grade($student->id, true);
     $data->grade = '50.5';
     // Student should only see 1 feedback item as one is normal and one is restricted until next week.
     $actual = activity::events_graded();
     $expected = 1;
     $this->assertCount($expected, $actual);
  * Get the module meta data for a specific module.
  * @param cm_info $mod
  * @return string
 protected function module_meta_html(cm_info $mod)
     global $COURSE;
     $content = '';
     if (is_guest(context_course::instance($COURSE->id))) {
         return '';
     // Do we have an activity function for this module for returning meta data?
     // @todo - check module lib.php for a meta function (won't work for core mods but will for ours if we wish).
     $meta = activity::module_meta($mod);
     if (!$meta->is_set(true)) {
         // Can't get meta data for this module.
         return '';
     $content .= '';
     if ($meta->isteacher) {
         // Teacher - useful teacher meta data.
         if (!empty($meta->timeclose)) {
             $due = get_string('due', 'theme_snap');
             $dateformat = get_string('strftimedate', 'langconfig');
             $labeltext = $due . ' ' . userdate($meta->timeclose, $dateformat);
             $labelclass = 'label label-info';
             $url = new \moodle_url("/mod/{$mod->modname}/view.php", ['id' => $mod->id]);
             $content .= html_writer::link($url, $labeltext, ['class' => $labelclass]);
         $engagementmeta = array();
         $gradedlabel = "info";
         // Below, !== false means we get 0 out of x submissions.
         if (!$meta->submissionnotrequired && $meta->numsubmissions !== false) {
             $engagementmeta[] = get_string('xofy' . $meta->submitstrkey, 'theme_snap', (object) array('completed' => $meta->numsubmissions, 'participants' => \theme_snap\local::course_participant_count($COURSE->id, $mod->modname)));
         if ($meta->numrequiregrading) {
             $gradedlabel = "warning";
             $engagementmeta[] = get_string('xungraded', 'theme_snap', $meta->numrequiregrading);
         if (!empty($engagementmeta)) {
             $engagementstr = implode(', ', $engagementmeta);
             $params = array('action' => 'grading', 'id' => $mod->id, 'tsort' => 'timesubmitted', 'filter' => 'require_grading');
             $url = new moodle_url("/mod/{$mod->modname}/view.php", $params);
             $content .= html_writer::link($url, $engagementstr, ['class' => "label label-{$gradedlabel}"]);
     } else {
         // Student - useful student meta data.
         if (!empty($meta->timeopen) && $meta->timeopen > time()) {
             // TODO - spit out a 'submissions allowed form' tag.
             return $content;
         // Note, due date is rendered seperately for students as it has a warning class if overdue.
         if (!empty($meta->timeclose)) {
             if ($meta->overdue) {
                 $dueinfo = $meta->overduestr;
                 $status = 'danger';
             } else {
                 $dueinfo = $meta->duestr;
                 $status = 'info';
             $url = new \moodle_url("/mod/{$mod->modname}/view.php", ['id' => $mod->id]);
             $dateformat = get_string('strftimedate', 'langconfig');
             $labeltext = $dueinfo . ' ' . userdate($meta->timeclose, $dateformat);
             $labelclass = "label label-{$status}";
             $content .= html_writer::link($url, $labeltext, ['class' => $labelclass]);
         // Feedback meta.
         if (!empty($meta->grade)) {
             // Note - the link that a module takes you to would be better off defined by a function in
             // theme/snap/activity - for now its just hard coded.
             $url = new \moodle_url('/grade/report/user/index.php', ['id' => $COURSE->id]);
             if (in_array($mod->modname, ['quiz', 'assign'])) {
                 $url = new \moodle_url('/mod/' . $mod->modname . '/view.php?id=' . $mod->id);
             $feedbackavailable = get_string('feedbackavailable', 'theme_snap');
             $content .= html_writer::link($url, $feedbackavailable, ['class' => 'label label-info']);
         $content .= $this->submission_cta($mod, $meta);
     return $content;