public function observeStackActivity($pollInterval = 20) { $eventTable = new StackEventsTable($this->output); $lastStatus = Poller::poll(function () use($eventTable) { try { try { $this->stack = $this->stackFactory->getStack($this->stack->getName(), true); // load fresh instance for updated status $this->output->writeln("-> Polling... (Stack Status: {$this->stack->getStatus()})"); $eventTable->renderEvents($this->stack->getEvents()); } catch (CloudFormationException $exception) { throw Exception::refineException($exception); } } catch (StackNotFoundException $exception) { $this->output->writeln("-> Stack gone."); return Stack::STATUS_STACK_GONE; // this is != false and will stop the poller } return $this->stack->isInProgress() ? false : $this->stack->getStatus(); }, $pollInterval, 1000); $this->printStatus($lastStatus); $this->printResources(); $this->printOutputs(); return $lastStatus; }
public function run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { try { try { return parent::run($input, $output); } catch (CloudFormationException $exception) { throw Exception::refineException($exception); } } catch (StackNoUpdatesToBePerformedException $e) { $output->writeln('No updates are to be performed.'); return 0; // exit code } }
/** * @return \Aws\Result * @throws \Exception */ public function getChangeSet() { $arguments = $this->prepareArguments(); try { $this->executeBeforeScript(); if (isset($arguments['StackPolicyBody'])) { unset($arguments['StackPolicyBody']); } $arguments['ChangeSetName'] = 'stackformation' . time(); $res = $this->getCfnClient()->createChangeSet($arguments); $changeSetId = $res->get('Id'); $result = Poller::poll(function () use($changeSetId) { $result = $this->getCfnClient()->describeChangeSet(['ChangeSetName' => $changeSetId]); if ($this->output && !$this->output->isQuiet()) { $this->output->writeln("Status: {$result['Status']}"); } if ($result['Status'] == 'FAILED') { throw new \Exception($result['StatusReason']); } return $result['Status'] != 'CREATE_COMPLETE' ? false : $result; }); } catch (CloudFormationException $e) { throw Exception::refineException($e); // will try to create a StackNotFoundException } return $result; }
protected function executeWithBlueprint(Blueprint $blueprint, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $dryRun = $input->getOption('dryrun'); if ($dryRun) { $formatter = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\FormatterHelper(); $formattedBlock = $formatter->formatBlock(['Dry Run!'], 'error', true); $output->writeln("\n{$formattedBlock}\n"); } if ($input->getOption('observe')) { $output->writeln('-o/--observe is deprecated now. Deployments are being observed by default. Please remove this option.'); } $stackName = $blueprint->getStackName(); $deleteOnTerminate = $input->getOption('deleteOnTerminate'); $noObserve = $input->getOption('no-observe'); if ($deleteOnTerminate && $noObserve) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('--deleteOnTerminate cannot be used with --no-observe'); } $blueprint = $this->blueprintFactory->getBlueprint($input->getArgument('blueprint')); $blueprintAction = new BlueprintAction($blueprint, $this->profileManager, $output); $stackFactory = $this->profileManager->getStackFactory($blueprint->getProfile()); try { try { $output->writeln("\n\n== Parameters: =="); $table = new Table($output); $table->setHeaders(['Key', 'Value'])->setRows($blueprint->getParameters()); $table->render(); if ($input->getOption('review-parameters')) { $questionHelper = $this->getHelper('question'); $question = new ConfirmationQuestion("Do you want to proceed? [y/N] ", false); if (!$questionHelper->ask($input, $output, $question)) { throw new OperationAbortedException('blueprint:deploy', 'review-parameters'); } } if ($input->getOption('review-changeset')) { $output->writeln("\n\n== Change set: =="); try { $changeSetResult = $blueprintAction->getChangeSet(); $table = new ChangeSetTable($output); $table->render($changeSetResult); $questionHelper = $this->getHelper('question'); $question = new ConfirmationQuestion("Do you want to proceed? [y/N] ", false); if (!$questionHelper->ask($input, $output, $question)) { throw new OperationAbortedException('blueprint:deploy', 'review-changeset'); } } catch (StackNotFoundException $e) { $questionHelper = $this->getHelper('question'); $question = new ConfirmationQuestion("This stack does not exist yet. Do you want to proceed creating it? [y/N] ", false); if (!$questionHelper->ask($input, $output, $question)) { throw new OperationAbortedException('blueprint:deploy', 'Stack does not exist'); } } } $blueprintAction = new BlueprintAction($blueprint, $this->profileManager, $output); $blueprintAction->deploy($dryRun, $input->getOption('force')); $output->writeln("Triggered deployment of stack '{$stackName}'."); } catch (CloudFormationException $exception) { throw Exception::refineException($exception); } } catch (StackNoUpdatesToBePerformedException $e) { $output->writeln('No updates are to be performed.'); $blueprintAction->executeAfterScript(Stack::STATUS_NO_UPDATES_PERFORMED); return 0; // exit code } catch (StackCannotBeUpdatedException $e) { $questionHelper = $this->getHelper('question'); /* @var $questionHelper QuestionHelper */ $stack = $stackFactory->getStack($stackName, true); switch ($e->getState()) { case 'CREATE_FAILED': if ($questionHelper->ask($input, $output, new ConfirmationQuestion('Stack is in CREATE_FAILED state. Do you want to delete it first? [Y/n]'))) { $output->writeln('Deleting failed stack ' . $stackName); $stack->delete(); $observer = new Observer($stack, $stackFactory, $output); if ($deleteOnTerminate) { $observer->deleteOnSignal(); } $observer->observeStackActivity(); $output->writeln('Deletion completed. Now deploying stack: ' . $stackName); $blueprintAction->deploy($dryRun); } break; case 'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS': if ($questionHelper->ask($input, $output, new ConfirmationQuestion('Stack is in DELETE_IN_PROGRESS state. Do you want to wait and deploy then? [Y/n]'))) { $output->writeln('Waiting until deletion completes for ' . $stackName); $observer = new Observer($stack, $stackFactory, $output); if ($deleteOnTerminate) { $observer->deleteOnSignal(); } $observer->observeStackActivity(); $output->writeln('Deletion completed. Now deploying stack: ' . $stackName); $blueprintAction->deploy($dryRun); } break; case 'UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS': if ($questionHelper->ask($input, $output, new ConfirmationQuestion('Stack is in UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS state. Do you want to cancel the current update and deploy then? [Y/n]'))) { $output->writeln('Cancelling update for ' . $stackName); $stack->cancelUpdate(); $observer = new Observer($stack, $stackFactory, $output); if ($deleteOnTerminate) { $observer->deleteOnSignal(); } $observer->observeStackActivity(); $output->writeln('Cancellation completed. Now deploying stack: ' . $stackName); $blueprintAction->deploy($dryRun); } break; case 'UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED': if ($questionHelper->ask($input, $output, new ConfirmationQuestion('Stack is in UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED state. Do you want to continue the update rollback and deploy then? [Y/n]'))) { $output->writeln('Continuing update rollback for ' . $stackName); $stack->continueUpdateRollback(); $observer = new Observer($stack, $stackFactory, $output); if ($deleteOnTerminate) { $observer->deleteOnSignal(); } $observer->observeStackActivity(); $output->writeln('Update rollback completed. Now deploying stack: ' . $stackName); $blueprintAction->deploy($dryRun); } break; default: throw $e; } } if (!$dryRun) { if ($noObserve) { $output->writeln("\n-> Run this to observe the stack creation/update:"); $output->writeln("{$GLOBALS['argv'][0]} stack:observe {$stackName}\n"); } else { $stack = $stackFactory->getStack($stackName, true); $observer = new Observer($stack, $stackFactory, $output); if ($deleteOnTerminate) { $observer->deleteOnSignal(); } $status = $observer->observeStackActivity(); $blueprintAction->executeAfterScript($status); return $observer->isSuccessfulStatus($status) ? 0 : 1; // exit codes! } } }