  * Check if this stack is identical to the supplied stack object (i.e. has
  * the same template body and parrameters).
  * @param Stack $stack Stack to compare this stack to.
  * @return boolean Whether the two stacks objects are identical.
 public function isIdentical(self $stack)
     return $this->getTemplate()->isIdentical($stack->getTemplate()) && $this->getParameters()->isIdentical($stack->getParameters()) && $this->getTags()->isIdentical($stack->getTags());
  * Delete the stack represented by the supplied model using the CloudFormation API.
  * @param Stack $stack Model of the stack to delete.
 public function delete(Stack $stack)
     $response = $this->cloudFormation->DeleteStack(['StackName' => $stack->getName()]);
  * Update the stack using the scaling profile specified in the supplied event.
  * @param Stack $stack Model of stack to update.
  * @param Event|null $event Model of event specifying the scaling profile,
  *     or null to use the default profile.
  * @return bool Whether the stack has been updated.
 public function scale(Stack $stack, Event $event = null)
     $this->logger->debug(sprintf('Attempting temporal scaling for stack "%s"', $stack->getName()));
     $timeSinceLastUpdated = time() - $stack->getLastUpdatedTime()->getTimestamp();
     if ($timeSinceLastUpdated < $this->minimumUpdateInterval) {
         $this->logger->warn(sprintf('Not scaling stack "%s", as it was last updated %d seconds ago (less than the %d second minimum update interval)', $stack->getName(), $timeSinceLastUpdated, $this->minimumUpdateInterval));
         return false;
     if ($stack->getStatus() !== 'CREATE_COMPLETE' && $stack->getStatus() !== 'UPDATE_COMPLETE' && $stack->getStatus() !== 'ROLLBACK_COMPLETE') {
         $this->logger->warn(sprintf('Not scaling stack "%s", as its current status ("%s") is not CREATE_COMPLETE, UPDATE_COMPLETE or ROLLBACK_COMPLETE', $stack->getName(), $stack->getStatus()));
         return false;
     $scalingProfile = $event === null ? 'default' : $event->getSummary();
     if (!isset($this->scalingProfiles[$stack->getTemplate()->getName()][$scalingProfile])) {
         $this->logger->error(sprintf('Not scaling stack "%s", no scaling profile with name "%s" found', $stack->getName(), $scalingProfile));
         return false;
     $newStack = $this->configStackMapper->create($stack->getTemplate()->getName(), $stack->getEnvironment(), $scalingProfile, $stack->getName());
     $scalingProfileParameterKeys = array_keys($this->scalingProfiles[$stack->getTemplate()->getName()][$scalingProfile]);
     $changedParameterKeys = array_keys(array_diff_assoc($newStack->getParameters()->toArray(), $stack->getParameters()->toArray()));
     if (!$changedParameterKeys) {
         $this->logger->info(sprintf('Not updating stack "%s" using scaling profile "%s" as no parameters have changed', $stack->getName(), $scalingProfile));
         return false;
     foreach ($changedParameterKeys as $key) {
         if (!in_array($key, $scalingProfileParameterKeys)) {
             $this->logger->warn(sprintf('Not updating stack "%s" as updating it would affect parameter "%s" that is not part of a scaling profile', $stack->getName(), $key));
             return false;
     $this->logger->info(sprintf('Updating stack "%s" using scaling profile "%s"', $stack->getName(), $scalingProfile));
     return true;