文件: Sample.php 项目: seytar/psx
 protected function generateType(PropertyInterface $type, $data)
     if ($type instanceof Property\ComplexType) {
         $fields = array();
         $properties = $type->getProperties();
         foreach ($properties as $name => $property) {
             if (isset($data[$name])) {
                 $fields[$name] = $this->generateType($property, $data[$name]);
             } elseif ($property->isRequired()) {
                 throw new RuntimeException('Missing sample data of required property ' . $name);
         return new Record($type->getName(), $fields);
     } elseif ($type instanceof Property\ArrayType) {
         if (is_array($data)) {
             $values = array();
             foreach ($data as $value) {
                 $values[] = $this->generateType($type->getPrototype(), $value);
             return $values;
         } elseif ($type->isRequired()) {
             throw new RuntimeException('Missing sample data of required property ' . $type->getName());
     } elseif ($type instanceof Property\BooleanType) {
         return (bool) $data;
     } elseif ($type instanceof Property\IntegerType) {
         return (int) $data;
     } elseif ($type instanceof Property\FloatType) {
         return (double) $data;
     } else {
         return (string) $data;
文件: JsonSchema.php 项目: seytar/psx
 protected function generateType(PropertyInterface $type)
     if ($type instanceof Property\ComplexType) {
         $properties = $type->getProperties();
         $props = array();
         $required = array();
         foreach ($properties as $property) {
             $props[$property->getName()] = $this->generateType($property);
             if ($property->isRequired()) {
                 $required[] = $property->getName();
         $result = array('type' => 'object', 'properties' => $props);
         $description = $type->getDescription();
         if (!empty($description)) {
             $result['description'] = $description;
         if (!empty($required)) {
             $result['required'] = $required;
         $result['additionalProperties'] = false;
         $key = 'ref' . $type->getId();
         $this->definitions[$key] = $result;
         return ['$ref' => '#/definitions/' . $key];
     } elseif ($type instanceof Property\ArrayType) {
         $result = array('type' => 'array', 'items' => $this->generateType($type->getPrototype()));
         $description = $type->getDescription();
         if (!empty($description)) {
             $result['description'] = $description;
         $minLength = $type->getMinLength();
         if ($minLength) {
             $result['minItems'] = $minLength;
         $maxLength = $type->getMaxLength();
         if ($maxLength) {
             $result['maxItems'] = $maxLength;
         return $result;
     } elseif ($type instanceof Property\ChoiceType) {
         $properties = $type->getProperties();
         $props = array();
         foreach ($properties as $property) {
             $props[] = $this->generateType($property);
         $result = array('oneOf' => $props);
         $description = $type->getDescription();
         if (!empty($description)) {
             $result['description'] = $description;
         return $result;
     } else {
         $result = array();
         $result['type'] = $this->getPropertyTypeName($type);
         $description = $type->getDescription();
         if (!empty($description)) {
             $result['description'] = $description;
         if ($type instanceof Property\StringType) {
             $minLength = $type->getMinLength();
             if ($minLength) {
                 $result['minLength'] = $minLength;
             $maxLength = $type->getMaxLength();
             if ($maxLength) {
                 $result['maxLength'] = $maxLength;
             $pattern = $type->getPattern();
             if ($pattern) {
                 $result['pattern'] = $pattern;
         } elseif ($type instanceof Property\DecimalType) {
             $min = $type->getMin();
             if ($min) {
                 $result['minimum'] = $min;
             $max = $type->getMax();
             if ($max) {
                 $result['maximum'] = $max;
         $enumeration = $type->getEnumeration();
         if ($enumeration) {
             $result['enum'] = $enumeration;
         return $result;
文件: Html.php 项目: seytar/psx
 protected function getValueDescription(PropertyInterface $type)
     if ($type instanceof Property\ComplexType) {
         $span = '<span class="psx-property-type psx-property-type-complex"><a href="#psx-type-' . $type->getId() . '">' . $type->getName() . '</a></span>';
         return [$span, null];
     } elseif ($type instanceof Property\ArrayType) {
         $constraints = array();
         $min = $type->getMinLength();
         if ($min !== null) {
             $constraints['minimum'] = '<span class="psx-constraint-minimum">' . $min . '</span>';
         $max = $type->getMaxLength();
         if ($max !== null) {
             $constraints['maximum'] = '<span class="psx-constraint-maximum">' . $max . '</span>';
         $constraint = $this->constraintToString($constraints);
         $property = $this->getValueDescription($type->getPrototype());
         $span = '<span class="psx-property-type psx-property-type-array">Array&lt;' . $property[0] . '&gt;</span>';
         return [$span, $constraint];
     } elseif ($type instanceof Property\ChoiceType) {
         $choice = array();
         $properties = $type->getProperties();
         foreach ($properties as $prop) {
             $property = $this->getValueDescription($prop);
             $choice[] = $property[0];
         $span = '<span class="psx-property-type psx-property-type-choice">' . implode('|', $choice) . '</span>';
         return [$span, null];
     } elseif ($type instanceof PropertySimpleAbstract) {
         $typeName = ucfirst($type->getTypeName());
         $constraints = array();
         if ($type->getPattern() !== null) {
             $constraints['pattern'] = '<span class="psx-constraint-pattern">' . $type->getPattern() . '</span>';
         if ($type->getEnumeration() !== null) {
             $enumeration = '<ul class="psx-property-enumeration">';
             foreach ($type->getEnumeration() as $enum) {
                 $enumeration .= '<li><span class="psx-constraint-enumeration-value">' . $enum . '</span></li>';
             $enumeration .= '</ul>';
             $constraints['enumeration'] = '<span class="psx-constraint-enumeration">' . $enumeration . '</span>';
         if ($type instanceof Property\DecimalType) {
             $min = $type->getMin();
             if ($min !== null) {
                 $constraints['minimum'] = '<span class="psx-constraint-minimum">' . $min . '</span>';
             $max = $type->getMax();
             if ($max !== null) {
                 $constraints['maximum'] = '<span class="psx-constraint-maximum">' . $max . '</span>';
         } elseif ($type instanceof Property\StringType) {
             $min = $type->getMinLength();
             if ($min !== null) {
                 $constraints['minimum'] = '<span class="psx-constraint-minimum">' . $min . '</span>';
             $max = $type->getMaxLength();
             if ($max !== null) {
                 $constraints['maximum'] = '<span class="psx-constraint-maximum">' . $max . '</span>';
         $constraint = $this->constraintToString($constraints);
         $cssClass = 'psx-property-type-' . strtolower($typeName);
         if ($type instanceof Property\DateType) {
             $typeName = '<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339#section-5.6" title="RFC3339">Date</a>';
         } elseif ($type instanceof Property\DateTimeType) {
             $typeName = '<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339#section-5.6" title="RFC3339">DateTime</a>';
         } elseif ($type instanceof Property\TimeType) {
             $typeName = '<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339#section-5.6" title="RFC3339">Time</a>';
         } elseif ($type instanceof Property\DurationType) {
             $typeName = '<span title="ISO 8601">Duration</span>';
         $span = '<span class="psx-property-type ' . $cssClass . '">' . $typeName . '</span>';
         return [$span, $constraint];
 protected function recTraverse($data, PropertyInterface $property, VisitorInterface $visitor, $type)
     if ($property instanceof Property\ArrayType) {
         if (!is_array($data) && !$data instanceof Traversable) {
             throw new ValidationException($this->getCurrentPath() . ' must be an array');
         $result = array();
         $index = 0;
         foreach ($data as $value) {
             array_push($this->pathStack, $index);
             $result[] = $this->recTraverse($value, $property->getPrototype(), $visitor, $type);
         return $visitor->visitArray($result, $property, $this->getCurrentPath());
     } elseif ($property instanceof Property\BooleanType) {
         return $visitor->visitBoolean($data, $property, $this->getCurrentPath());
     } elseif ($property instanceof Property\ChoiceType) {
         $properties = $property->getProperties();
         $matches = array();
         foreach ($property as $index => $prop) {
             $value = $this->match($data, $prop);
             if ($value > 0) {
                 $matches[$index] = $value;
         if (empty($matches)) {
             throw new ValidationException($this->getCurrentPath() . ' must be one of the following objects [' . implode(', ', array_keys($properties)) . ']');
         return $this->recTraverse($data, $properties[key($matches)], $visitor, $type);
     } elseif ($property instanceof Property\ComplexType) {
         if ($type == self::TYPE_INCOMING) {
             if ($data instanceof \stdClass) {
                 $data = (array) $data;
             } else {
                 throw new ValidationException($this->getCurrentPath() . ' must be an object');
         } else {
             $data = $this->normalizeToArray($data);
             if (!is_array($data)) {
                 throw new ValidationException($this->getCurrentPath() . ' must be an object');
         $result = new \stdClass();
         foreach ($property as $key => $prop) {
             array_push($this->pathStack, $key);
             if (isset($data[$key])) {
                 $result->{$key} = $this->recTraverse($data[$key], $prop, $visitor, $type);
             } elseif ($prop->isRequired()) {
                 throw new ValidationException($this->getCurrentPath() . ' is required');
         if ($type == self::TYPE_INCOMING) {
             // check whether there are fields which not exist in the schema
             foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                 if (!$property->has($key)) {
                     throw new ValidationException($this->getCurrentPath() . ' property "' . $key . '" does not exist');
         return $visitor->visitComplex($result, $property, $this->getCurrentPath());
     } elseif ($property instanceof Property\DateTimeType) {
         return $visitor->visitDateTime($data, $property, $this->getCurrentPath());
     } elseif ($property instanceof Property\DateType) {
         return $visitor->visitDate($data, $property, $this->getCurrentPath());
     } elseif ($property instanceof Property\DurationType) {
         return $visitor->visitDuration($data, $property, $this->getCurrentPath());
     } elseif ($property instanceof Property\FloatType) {
         return $visitor->visitFloat($data, $property, $this->getCurrentPath());
     } elseif ($property instanceof Property\IntegerType) {
         return $visitor->visitInteger($data, $property, $this->getCurrentPath());
     } elseif ($property instanceof Property\TimeType) {
         return $visitor->visitTime($data, $property, $this->getCurrentPath());
     } elseif ($property instanceof Property\StringType) {
         return $visitor->visitString($data, $property, $this->getCurrentPath());