  * Creates a binary signature with R and S coordinates
  * @param Signature $signature
  * @return string
 private function createSignatureHash(Signature $signature) : string
     $length = $this->getSignatureLength();
     return pack('H*', sprintf('%s%s', str_pad($this->adapter->decHex($signature->getR()), $length, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), str_pad($this->adapter->decHex($signature->getS()), $length, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)));
  * Encode Signature
  * This function accepts a signature object, and information about
  * the txout being spent, and the relevant key for signing, and
  * encodes the signature in DER format.
  * @param    Signature $signature
  * @return    string
 public static function encode_signature(Signature $signature)
     $math = EccFactory::getAdapter();
     $generator = EccFactory::getSecgCurves($math)->generator256k1();
     // if S is > half then we substract from N
     if (self::check_signature_is_high_s($signature)) {
         $n = $generator->getOrder();
         $signature = new Signature($signature->getR(), $math->sub($n, $signature->getS()));
     $rBin = pack("H*", BitcoinLib::hex_encode($signature->getR()));
     $sBin = pack("H*", BitcoinLib::hex_encode($signature->getS()));
     // Pad R and S if their highest bit is flipped, ie,
     // they are negative.
     $rt = $rBin[0] & pack('H*', '80');
     if (ord($rt) == 128) {
         $rBin = pack('H*', '00') . $rBin;
     $st = $sBin[0] & pack('H*', '80');
     if (ord($st) == 128) {
         $sBin = pack('H*', '00') . $sBin;
     $r = bin2hex($rBin);
     $s = bin2hex($sBin);
     // Create the signature.
     $der_sig = '30' . self::_dec_to_bytes(4 + (strlen($r) + strlen($s)) / 2, 1) . '02' . self::pushdata($r) . '02' . self::pushdata($s) . '01';
     return $der_sig;
  * Encode Signature
  * This function accepts a signature object, and information about
  * the txout being spent, and the relevant key for signing, and
  * encodes the signature in DER format.
  * @param    Signature $signature
  * @return    string
 public static function encode_signature(Signature $signature)
     $rBin = pack("H*", BitcoinLib::hex_encode($signature->getR()));
     $sBin = pack("H*", BitcoinLib::hex_encode($signature->getS()));
     // Pad R and S if their highest bit is flipped, ie,
     // they are negative.
     $rt = $rBin[0] & pack('H*', '80');
     if (ord($rt) == 128) {
         $rBin = pack('H*', '00') . $rBin;
     $st = $sBin[0] & pack('H*', '80');
     if (ord($st) == 128) {
         $sBin = pack('H*', '00') . $sBin;
     $r = bin2hex($rBin);
     $s = bin2hex($sBin);
     // Create the signature.
     $der_sig = '30' . self::_dec_to_bytes(4 + (strlen($r) + strlen($s)) / 2, 1) . '02' . self::pushdata($r) . '02' . self::pushdata($s) . '01';
     return $der_sig;
  * encode a message signature
  * @param Signature $signature
  * @param           $i
  * @param bool      $compressed
  * @return string
  * @throws \Exception
 private static function encodeMessageSignature(Signature $signature, $i, $compressed = false)
     if (!$compressed) {
         throw new \Exception("Uncompressed message signing not supported!");
     $val = $i + 27;
     if ($compressed) {
         $val += 4;
     return hex2bin(implode("", [BitcoinLib::hex_encode($val), str_pad(BitcoinLib::hex_encode($signature->getR()), 64, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), str_pad(BitcoinLib::hex_encode($signature->getS()), 64, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)]));