  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function getUrl()
     $this->__initializer__ && $this->__initializer__->__invoke($this, 'getUrl', array());
     return parent::getUrl();
  * Record page hit.
  * @param           $page
  * @param Request   $request
  * @param string    $code
  * @param Lead|null $lead
  * @param array     $query
  * @return Hit $hit
  * @throws \Exception
 public function hitPage($page, Request $request, $code = '200', Lead $lead = null, $query = [])
     // Don't skew results with user hits
     if (!$this->security->isAnonymous()) {
     // Process the query
     if (empty($query)) {
         $query = $this->getHitQuery($request, $page);
     $hit = new Hit();
     $hit->setDateHit(new \Datetime());
     // Check for existing IP
     $ipAddress = $this->ipLookupHelper->getIpAddress();
     // Check for any clickthrough info
     $clickthrough = [];
     if (!empty($query['ct'])) {
         $clickthrough = $query['ct'];
         if (!is_array($clickthrough)) {
             $clickthrough = $this->decodeArrayFromUrl($clickthrough);
         if (!empty($clickthrough['channel'])) {
             if (count($clickthrough['channel']) === 1) {
                 $channelId = reset($clickthrough['channel']);
                 $channel = key($clickthrough['channel']);
             } else {
                 $channel = $clickthrough['channel'][0];
                 $channelId = (int) $clickthrough['channel'][1];
         } elseif (!empty($clickthrough['source'])) {
         if (!empty($clickthrough['email'])) {
             $emailRepo = $this->em->getRepository('MauticEmailBundle:Email');
             if ($emailEntity = $emailRepo->getEntity($clickthrough['email'])) {
     // Get lead if required
     if (null == $lead) {
         $lead = $this->leadModel->getContactFromRequest($query);
     // Set info from request
     $hit->setUrl(isset($query['page_url']) ? $query['page_url'] : $request->getRequestUri());
     if (isset($query['page_referrer'])) {
     if (isset($query['page_language'])) {
     if (isset($query['page_title'])) {
     // Store tracking ID
     list($trackingId, $trackingNewlyGenerated) = $this->leadModel->getTrackingCookie();
     $isUnique = $trackingNewlyGenerated;
     if (!$trackingNewlyGenerated) {
         $lastHit = $request->cookies->get('mautic_referer_id');
         if (!empty($lastHit)) {
             //this is not a new session so update the last hit if applicable with the date/time the user left
         // Check if this is a unique page hit
         $isUnique = $this->getHitRepository()->isUniquePageHit($page, $trackingId);
     if (!empty($page)) {
         if ($page instanceof Page) {
             $isVariant = $isUnique ? $page->getVariantStartDate() : false;
             try {
                 $this->getRepository()->upHitCount($page->getId(), 1, $isUnique, !empty($isVariant));
             } catch (\Exception $exception) {
                 $this->logger->addError($exception->getMessage(), ['exception' => $exception]);
         } elseif ($page instanceof Redirect) {
             try {
                 $this->pageRedirectModel->getRepository()->upHitCount($page->getId(), 1, $isUnique);
                 // If this is a trackable, up the trackable counts as well
                 if (!empty($clickthrough['channel'])) {
                     $channelId = reset($clickthrough['channel']);
                     $channel = key($clickthrough['channel']);
                     $this->pageTrackableModel->getRepository()->upHitCount($page->getId(), $channel, $channelId, 1, $isUnique);
             } catch (\Exception $exception) {
                 if (MAUTIC_ENV === 'dev') {
                     throw $exception;
                 } else {
                     $this->logger->addError($exception->getMessage(), ['exception' => $exception]);
     //glean info from the IP address
     if ($details = $ipAddress->getIpDetails()) {
     if (!$hit->getReferer()) {
     if ($isUnique) {
         // Add UTM tags entry if a UTM tag exist
         $queryHasUtmTags = false;
         if (!is_array($query)) {
             parse_str($query, $query);
         foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
             if (strpos($key, 'utm_') !== false) {
                 $queryHasUtmTags = true;
         if ($queryHasUtmTags) {
             $utmTags = new UtmTag();
             if (key_exists('utm_campaign', $query)) {
             if (key_exists('utm_term', $query)) {
             if (key_exists('utm_content', $query)) {
             if (key_exists('utm_medium', $query)) {
             if (key_exists('utm_source', $query)) {
             $repo = $this->em->getRepository('MauticLeadBundle:UtmTag');
             $this->leadModel->setUtmTags($lead, $utmTags);
     //get a list of the languages the user prefers
     $browserLanguages = $request->server->get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE');
     if (!empty($browserLanguages)) {
         $languages = explode(',', $browserLanguages);
         foreach ($languages as $k => $l) {
             if ($pos = strpos(';q=', $l) !== false) {
                 //remove weights
                 $languages[$k] = substr($l, 0, $pos);
     //device granularity
     $dd = new DeviceDetector($request->server->get('HTTP_USER_AGENT'));
     $deviceRepo = $this->leadModel->getDeviceRepository();
     $device = $deviceRepo->getDevice(null, $lead, $dd->getDeviceName(), $dd->getBrand(), $dd->getModel());
     if (empty($device)) {
         $device = new LeadDevice();
     } else {
         $device = $deviceRepo->getEntity($device['id']);
     // Wrap in a try/catch to prevent deadlock errors on busy servers
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
         if (MAUTIC_ENV === 'dev') {
             throw $exception;
         } else {
             $this->logger->addError($exception->getMessage(), ['exception' => $exception]);
     if ($this->dispatcher->hasListeners(PageEvents::PAGE_ON_HIT)) {
         $event = new PageHitEvent($hit, $request, $code, $clickthrough, $isUnique);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch(PageEvents::PAGE_ON_HIT, $event);
     //save hit to the cookie to use to update the exit time
     $this->cookieHelper->setCookie('mautic_referer_id', $hit->getId());
     return $hit;