public function validateAdd($data) { if (Auth::user()->tickets()->count() > 0) { $t = Auth::user()->tickets()->order_by('created_at', 'DESC')->first(); if (strtotime($t->created_at) > time() - 3600) { return View::make('msg.error')->with('error', 'You can only make one ticket per hour.'); } } $rules = array('title' => 'required|min:10|max:60', 'message' => 'required|min:30|max:1000'); $messages = array('title_min' => 'Please explain your subject a little more in the subject field', 'message_min' => 'Please explain in at least 30 characters your question', 'message_max' => 'Please explain your question in less than 1000 characters'); $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules, $messages); if ($validator->fails()) { $errors = $validator->errors->all(); $error_str = ''; foreach ($errors as $e) { $error_str .= $e . '<br />'; } return View::make('msg.error')->with('error', $error_str); } $data['user_id'] = Auth::user()->id; $data['ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $data['solved'] = false; self::create($data); return \Laravel\Redirect::to('/support'); }
public function render($slug = null, $check_restrictions = true) { if ($slug == null) { $slug = $this->page_slug; } if ($slug == '/' or empty($slug)) { $slug = 'home'; } if ($slug == '404') { //page not found. Do we have a 404 page? really? :) $page = Model\Page::where('slug', '=', '404')->first(); if (isset($page) and count($page) > 0) { $this->data['meta_title'] = $page->title; $this->data['meta_description'] = $page->meta_description; $this->data['meta_keywords'] = $page->meta_keywords; $this->data['page_content'] = $page->body; return $this->theme->render('', $this->data); } else { // How embarrassing we dont have a 404 page :) // Return default framework 404 return Response::error('404'); } } $page = Model\Page::where('slug', '=', $slug)->first(); if (!isset($page) or empty($page)) { $page = Model\Page::where('slug', '=', '404')->first(); } $page_access = explode(',', $page->restricted_to); if (Restriction::passes($page_access, new Auth())) { if (isset($page) and count($page) > 0) { $this->data['meta_title'] = $page->title; $this->data['meta_description'] = $page->meta_description; $this->data['meta_keywords'] = $page->meta_keywords; $this->data['page_content'] = $page->body; return $this->theme->render('', $this->data); } else { //page not found. Do we have a 404 page? really? :) $page = Model\Page::where('slug', '=', '404')->first(); if (isset($page) and count($page) > 0) { return Redirect::to('404'); } else { // How embarrassing we dont have a 404 page :) // Return default framework 404 return Response::error('404'); } } } else { // not allowed to view page //page not found. Do we have a 404 page? really? :) $page = Model\Page::where('slug', '=', '404')->first(); if (isset($page) and count($page) > 0) { return Redirect::to('404'); } else { // How embarrassing we dont have a 404 page :) // Return default framework 404 return Response::error('404'); } } }
public function post_skype() { $skype = Input::get('api'); $skype = trim($skype); $settings = IniHandle::readini(); $settings['skypeapi'] = $skype; IniHandle::write_ini_file($settings); return \Laravel\Redirect::to('/admin/booter/skype'); }
public function get_index($alias) { //We need Category ID for grabbing products $category_id = CategoryDescription::with('getCategory')->where('alias', '=', $alias)->only('id'); if ($category_id == null) { return \Laravel\Redirect::to('/'); } //getting the products which belongs to this category! $data = Input::all(); //Category attrs for filters. $catAttr = Category::with(array("getAttributeListing", "getAttributeListing.getAttributes"))->where('id', '=', $category_id)->first(); $filter = array(); if (isset($data['Filter'])) { foreach ($data['Filter'] as $cLine) { $kvp = explode('[-]', $cLine); // [0] = Enerji Sınıfı , [1] = A++ $groupID = 0; $attrID = 0; foreach ($catAttr->getAttributeListing as $item) { if ($kvp[0] === $item->name) { $groupID = $item->id; foreach ($item->getAttributes as $item2) { if ($kvp[1] === $item2->value) { $attrID = $item2->id; $filter[$kvp[0]] = array("val" => $kvp[1], "id" => $attrID, 'GID' => $groupID); } } } } } } $price_range = array(); if (isset($data['Price_Range'])) { $price_range = explode(' - ', $data['Price_Range']); if ($price_range[0] == "2500TL ve üzeri") { $price_range[0] = 2500; $price_range[1] = 999999; } } $countforCache = Category::with('getProducts')->where('id', '=', $category_id)->first()->getProducts()->count(); if (Cache::has('category.products.' . $category_id)) { $a = Cache::get('category.products.' . $category_id); $a = count($a->getProducts); if ($a !== $countforCache) { Cache::forget('category.products.' . $category_id); } } if (!Cache::has('category.products.' . $category_id)) { $result = Category::with(array("getProducts", "getProducts.getDetail", "getProducts.getBrand", "getProducts.getImages", "getProducts.getTax", "getProducts.getDiscount", "getProducts.getAttributes", "getChildren", "getChildren.getDescriptions", "getChildren.getProducts", "getSlideshow", "getSlideshow.getItems", "getAttributeListing", "getAttributeListing.getAttributes", "getAttributeListing.getAttributes.productSpecific"))->where('id', '=', $category_id)->first(); Cache::forever('category.products.' . $category_id, $result, 3); } $result = Cache::get('category.products.' . $category_id); $products = array(); $attributes = array(); $brands = array(); $price = array(); $range = array(); if (isset($filter)) { foreach ($result->getProducts as $product) { $mami = array(); $prodPrice = getItemPrice($product)->tax_raw; foreach ($product->getAttributes as $mam) { $mami[] = $mam->id; } $invalid = FALSE; foreach ($filter as $filtresingle) { if (array_search($filtresingle['id'], $mami) === FALSE) { $invalid = TRUE; break; } } if ($invalid == FALSE) { //check for price range! if (!empty($price_range)) { if ($prodPrice > $price_range[0] && $prodPrice <= $price_range[1]) { $brands[] = $product->getBrand->name; $price[] = getItemPrice($product)->tax_raw; foreach ($product->getAttributes as $attribute) { array_push($attributes, $attribute->id); } array_push($products, $product); } } else { $brands[] = $product->getBrand->name; $price[] = getItemPrice($product)->tax_raw; foreach ($product->getAttributes as $attribute) { array_push($attributes, $attribute->id); } array_push($products, $product); } } else { } } } if ($price != null) { $price = PriceRange::create($price); } if ($brands != null) { $brands = array_unique($brands); } $attributes = array_count_values($attributes); $attrgroup = array(); foreach ($result->getAttributeListing as $groups) { foreach ($groups->getAttributes as $attr) { if (array_key_exists($attr->id, $attributes)) { array_push($attrgroup, $groups->id); } } } Title::put($result->getDescriptions->name . ' Kategorisi'); return View::make('category.index')->with('result', $result)->with('brands', $brands)->with('products', $products)->with('filters', $filter)->with('attribute_filter', $attributes)->with('ranges', $price)->with('selected_ranges', $price_range); }
public function get_index() { return \Laravel\Redirect::to('/'); }
private function _validate_request($type) { // A hook before we go any further. if (method_exists($this, '_before_validation')) { $this->_before_validation(); } // Set rules. if ($type == 'create') { $rules = $this->rules_create; } else { $rules = $this->rules_update; } // If we have rules we validate. if (is_array($rules) && count($rules > 0)) { // Time to validate. $validation = Validator::make(Input::get(), $rules, $this->rules_message); if ($validation->fails()) { if (Input::get('redirect_fail')) { return Redirect::to(Input::get('redirect_fail'))->with_errors($validation)->with('data', Input::get()); } else { return $this->api_response(null, 0, $validation->errors->messages); } } } return false; }