  * @param AcmeService $acme
  * @param KeyPair $keyPair
  * @param $domain
  * @return \Generator
  * @throws AcmeException
  * @throws \Exception
  * @throws \Throwable
 private function solveChallenge(AcmeService $acme, KeyPair $keyPair, $domain)
     list($location, $challenges) = (yield $acme->requestChallenges($domain));
     $goodChallenges = $this->findSuitableCombination($challenges);
     if (empty($goodChallenges)) {
         throw new AcmeException("Couldn't find any combination of challenges which this client can solve!");
     $challenge = $challenges->challenges[reset($goodChallenges)];
     $token = $challenge->token;
     if (!preg_match("#^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\$#", $token)) {
         throw new AcmeException("Protocol violation: Invalid Token!");
     $payload = $acme->generateHttp01Payload($keyPair, $token);
     $challengeStore = $this->getChallengeStorage();
     try {
         $challengeStore->put($token, $payload);
         (yield $acme->verifyHttp01Challenge($domain, $token, $payload));
         (yield $acme->answerChallenge($challenge->uri, $payload));
         (yield $acme->pollForChallenge($location));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // no finally because generators...
         throw $e;
     } catch (\Throwable $e) {
         // no finally because generators...
         throw $e;
 private function solveChallenge(AcmeService $acme, KeyPair $keyPair, $domain, $path)
     list($location, $challenges) = (yield $acme->requestChallenges($domain));
     $goodChallenges = $this->findSuitableCombination($challenges);
     if (empty($goodChallenges)) {
         throw new AcmeException("Couldn't find any combination of challenges which this client can solve!");
     $challenge = $challenges->challenges[reset($goodChallenges)];
     $token = $challenge->token;
     if (!preg_match("#^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\$#", $token)) {
         throw new AcmeException("Protocol violation: Invalid Token!");
     $payload = $acme->generateHttp01Payload($keyPair, $token);
     $this->climate->whisper("    Providing payload at http://{$domain}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{$token}");
     $challengeStore = new ChallengeStore($path);
     try {
         (yield $challengeStore->put($token, $payload, isset($user) ? $user : null));
         (yield $acme->verifyHttp01Challenge($domain, $token, $payload));
         (yield $acme->answerChallenge($challenge->uri, $payload));
         (yield $acme->pollForChallenge($location));
         $this->climate->comment("    {$domain} is now authorized.");
         (yield $challengeStore->delete($token));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // no finally because generators...
         (yield $challengeStore->delete($token));
         throw $e;
     } catch (Throwable $e) {
         // no finally because generators...
         (yield $challengeStore->delete($token));
         throw $e;