文件: index.php 项目: kanso-cms/cms
 *		RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} =GET
 *	    RewriteRule ^Kanso/.*$ index.php?$1
 * </IfModule>
 * A sample htaccess file is included in Kanso's 
 * installation package.
# Set the value error reporting configuration to E_ALL
# on PHP's ini
# Remove this if you don't want php to output runtime
# errors to HTTP client.
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
# Set the error_reporting directive at runtime
# Remove this if you don't want php to output runtime
# errors to HTTP client.
# Set the default timezone. Adjust to your own timezone
# if desired
# Require Kanso's main class file
require_once 'Kanso/Kanso.php';
# Register Kanso's auto-loader
# This should be removed if you are using Composer's autoloader
# Create a new Kanso object
$Kanso = new Kanso\Kanso();
# Any customizations should go here - i.e
# after Kanso's instantiation but before any dispatching.
# Initialize and run Kanso