  * Get a path or URL to a user pciture
  * @param   integer  $id
  * @param   string   $name
  * @param   string   $email
  * @param   bool     $thumbnail
  * @return  string
 public function picture($id, $name, $email, $thumbnail = true)
     $processor = new Processor();
     $size = $this->pictureSize;
     $file = $this->pictureName;
     if ($thumbnail) {
         $size = $this->thumbnailSize;
         $file = $this->thumbnailName;
     $dir = $this->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . String::pad($id, 5) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     $path = $dir . $file;
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         return with(new Moderator($path))->getUrl();
     $image = $processor->getImageData($email, $size, $this->color);
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         @mkdir($dir, 0755, true);
     @file_put_contents($path, $image);
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         return sprintf('data:image/png;base64,%s', base64_encode($image));
     return with(new Moderator($path))->getUrl();
  * Get member picture
  * @param   mixed    $member     Member to get picture for
  * @param   integer  $anonymous  Anonymous user?
  * @param   boolean  $thumbit    Display thumbnail (default) or full image?
  * @return  string   Image URL
 public static function getMemberPhoto($member, $anonymous = 0, $thumbit = true, $serveFile = true)
     static $dfthumb;
     static $dffull;
     $config = \Component::params('com_members');
     // Get the default picture
     // We need to do this here as it may be needed by the Gravatar service
     if (!$dffull) {
         $dffull = '/core/components/com_members/site/assets/img/profile.gif';
         //ltrim($config->get('defaultpic', '/components/com_members/site/assets/img/profile.gif'), DS);
     if (!$dfthumb) {
         if ($thumbit) {
             $dfthumb = self::thumbit($dffull);
     // lets make sure we have a profile object
     if ($member instanceof User) {
         return $member->picture($anonymous, $thumbit, $serveFile);
     } else {
         if (is_numeric($member) || is_string($member)) {
             $member = Profile::getInstance($member);
     $paths = array();
     $apppath = trim(substr(PATH_APP, strlen(PATH_ROOT)), DS) . '/site/members';
     // If not anonymous
     if (!$anonymous) {
         // If we have a member
         if (is_object($member)) {
             if (!$member->get('picture')) {
                 // Do we auto-generate a picture?
                 if ($config->get('identicon')) {
                     $path = PATH_APP . DS . trim($config->get('webpath', '/site/members'), DS) . DS . self::niceidformat($member->get('uidNumber'));
                     if (!is_dir($path)) {
                     if (is_dir($path)) {
                         $identicon = new Identicon();
                         // Create a profile image
                         $imageData = $identicon->getImageData($member->get('email'), 200, $config->get('identicon_color', null));
                         file_put_contents($path . DS . 'identicon.png', $imageData);
                         // Create a thumbnail image
                         $imageData = $identicon->getImageData($member->get('email'), 50, $config->get('identicon_color', null));
                         file_put_contents($path . DS . 'identicon_thumb.png', $imageData);
                         // Save image to profile
                         $member->set('picture', 'identicon.png');
                         // Update directly. Using update() method can cause unexpected data loss in some cases.
                         $database = \App::get('db');
                         $database->setQuery("UPDATE `#__xprofiles` SET picture=" . $database->quote($member->get('picture')) . " WHERE uidNumber=" . $member->get('uidNumber'));
             // If member has a picture set
             if ($member->get('picture')) {
                 $thumb = DS . $apppath . DS . self::niceidformat($member->get('uidNumber'));
                 $thumbAlt = $thumb . DS . ltrim($member->get('picture'), DS);
                 if ($thumbit) {
                     $thumbAlt = $thumb . DS . 'thumb.png';
                 $thumb .= DS . ltrim($member->get('picture'), DS);
                 if ($thumbit) {
                     $thumb = self::thumbit($thumb);
                 $paths[] = $thumbAlt;
                 $paths[] = $thumb;
             } else {
                 // If use of gravatars is enabled
                 if ($config->get('gravatar')) {
                     $hash = md5(strtolower(trim($member->get('email'))));
                     $protocol = \App::get('request')->isSecure() ? 'https' : 'http';
                     //$paths[] = $protocol . '://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' . htmlspecialchars($hash) . '?' . (!$thumbit ? 's=300&' : '') . 'd=' . urlencode(JURI::base() . $dfthumb);
                     return $protocol . '://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' . htmlspecialchars($hash) . '?' . (!$thumbit ? 's=300&' : '') . 'd=' . urlencode(str_replace('/administrator', '', rtrim(\App::get('request')->base(), '/')) . '/' . $dfthumb);
     // Add the default picture last
     $paths[] = $thumbit ? $dfthumb : $dffull;
     // Start running through paths until we find a valid one
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         if ($path && file_exists(PATH_ROOT . $path)) {
             if (!$anonymous) {
                 // build base path (ex. /site/members/12345)
                 $baseMemberPath = DS . $apppath . DS . self::niceidformat($member->get('uidNumber'));
                 // if we want to serve file & path is within /site
                 if ($serveFile && strpos($path, $baseMemberPath) !== false) {
                     // get picture name (allows to pics in subfolder)
                     $pic = trim(str_replace($baseMemberPath, '', $path), DS);
                     // build serve link
                     $link = with(new \Hubzero\Content\Moderator(PATH_ROOT . $path))->getUrl();
                     return $link;
             return str_replace('/administrator', '', rtrim(\App::get('request')->base(true), '/')) . $path;
  * Get a path or URL to a user pciture
  * @param   string  $email
  * @param   bool    $thumbnail
  * @return  string
 public function picture($email, $thumbnail = true)
     $processor = new Processor();
     $size = $this->pictureSize;
     $file = $this->pictureName;
     if ($thumbnail) {
         $size = $this->thumbnailSize;
         $file = $this->thumbnailName;
     $path = $this->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         return $path;
     $image = $processor->getImageData($email, $size, $this->color);
     @file_put_contents($path, $image);
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         return sprintf('data:image/png;base64,%s', base64_encode($image));
     return $path;