protected function configure() { $this->setDescription('Will create / overrite the configuration'); $this->setHelp(<<<EOF Write a <info>new configuration file</info> to the project folder: Example >> faker:configure Will as you the following questions which can include: Type of Database [mysql|oracle|mssql|pgsql|sqlite|oci8]? Database Schema Name? Database user Password? Database user Name? EOF ); parent::configure(); }
protected function configure() { $this->setDescription('Will write a project folder to location'); $this->setHelp(<<<EOF Write a <info>new project folder</info> to the destination: This is the first command you should run, the folder must exist, you will normally run this within the project folder but can be overriden with -p option. Example <comment>Override the path</comment> >> faker:init <info> -p /home/bob/project </info> <comment>Build into the current folder.</comment> >> faker:init EOF ); $this->setDefinition(array(new InputArgument('folder', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Folder to place the project into', ''))); parent::configure(); }
protected function configure() { $this->setDescription('Analyse the configured database and create a new faker schema'); $this->setHelp(<<<EOF Will <info>create a new faker schema</info> using the configured database. A database must be configured first using <info>config</info> command. you can specify the name of the output file as show below. Example: <comment>Will create schema called myschema.xml</comment> >> faker:analyse myschema <comment>Will default schema to schema.xml</comment> >> faker:analyse EOF ); $this->addArgument('out', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'file name of the faker schema to generate'); parent::configure(); }
protected function configure() { $this->setDescription('Will generate the faker data'); $this->setHelp(<<<EOF Parse the given schema and generate data. Example faker:generate schema.xml <info>Parse schema.xml in sources dir.</info> faker:generate schema.xml true <info>Use the debug outputter.</info> faker:generate <info>Parse schema.xml (default) in sources dir.</info> EOF ); $this->addArgument('schema', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The name of the schema file', 'schema.xml'); parent::configure(); }