  * Get products with price reduction.
  * All products returned are actived and none deleted
  * @param integer $limit Product limit. By default, this value is 0
  * @return ArrayCollection Set of products, result of the query
 public function getOfferProducts($limit = 0)
     $query = $this->productRepository->createQueryBuilder('p')->where('p.enabled = :enabled')->andWhere('p.reducedPrice > 0')->andWhere('p.reducedPrice IS NOT NULL')->setParameters(['enabled' => true])->orderBy('p.updatedAt', 'DESC');
     if ($limit > 0) {
     $results = $query->getQuery()->getResult();
     return new ArrayCollection($results);
  * Given a specific Product, return a simple collection of related products
  * @param ProductInterface $product Product
  * @param int              $limit   Limit
  * @return ArrayCollection
 public function getRelatedProducts(ProductInterface $product, $limit)
     $relatedProducts = new ArrayCollection();
     $principalCategory = $product->getPrincipalCategory();
     if ($principalCategory instanceof CategoryInterface) {
         $relatedProducts = $this->productRepository->createQueryBuilder('p')->select('p', 'v', 'o')->leftJoin('p.variants', 'v')->leftJoin('v.options', 'o')->where('p.principalCategory = :principalCategory')->andWhere('p.enabled = :enabled')->setParameters(['principalCategory' => $principalCategory, 'enabled' => true])->getQuery()->getResult();
         $relatedProducts = new ArrayCollection($relatedProducts);
         $relatedProducts = $relatedProducts->slice(0, $limit);
     return $relatedProducts;
  * Test when getting products from multiple categories.
 public function testGettingProductsFromMultipleCategories()
      * @var $rootCategory CategoryInterface
     $rootCategory = $this->categoryRepository->findOneBy(['slug' => 'root-category']);
     $category = $this->categoryRepository->findOneBy(['slug' => 'category']);
     $products = $this->productRepository->getAllFromCategories([$rootCategory, $category]);
     $this->assertCount(3, $products, 'It should only return one product on the root category');
  * Test get home products.
  * @dataProvider dataGetOfferProducts
 public function testGetOfferProducts($count, $numberExpected, $useStock)
     $product = $this->find('product', 2);
     $oldStock = $product->getStock();
     $products = $this->productRepository->getOfferProducts($count, $useStock);
     $this->assertCount($numberExpected, $products);
  * Build a basic query given a set of categories and a set of unwanted
  * products
  * @param ProductInterface[] $products Products
  * @param int                $limit    Limit
  * @return array
 private function getRelatedProductsGivenAnArrayOfProducts(array $products, $limit)
     $categories = [];
      * @var ProductInterface $product
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         $category = $product->getPrincipalCategory();
         if ($category instanceof CategoryInterface && !in_array($category, $categories)) {
             $categories[] = $category;
     if (empty($categories)) {
         return [];
     return $this->productRepository->createQueryBuilder('p')->where("p.principalCategory IN(:categories)")->andWhere("p NOT IN(:products)")->andWhere('p.enabled = :enabled')->setParameters(['categories' => $categories, 'products' => $products, 'enabled' => true])->setMaxResults($limit)->getQuery()->getResult();
  * Checks if there is any product on the store.
  * @return boolean
 protected function isThereAnyProduct()
     $enabledProduct = $this->productRepository->findOneBy(['enabled' => true]);
     return $enabledProduct instanceof ProductInterface;