  * Collect tax totals for quote address
  * @param Quote $quote
  * @param ShippingAssignmentInterface $shippingAssignment
  * @param Address\Total $total
  * @return $this
  * @throws RemoteServiceUnavailableException
 public function collect(Quote $quote, ShippingAssignmentInterface $shippingAssignment, Address\Total $total)
     // If quote is virtual, getShipping will return billing address, so no need to check if quote is virtual
     $address = $shippingAssignment->getShipping()->getAddress();
     $storeId = $quote->getStoreId();
     // This will allow a merchant to configure default tax settings for their site using Magento's core tax
     // calculation and AvaTax's calculation will only kick in during cart/checkout. This is useful for countries
     // where merchants are required to display prices including tax (such as some countries that charge VAT tax).
     if (!$this->config->isModuleEnabled($storeId) || $this->config->getTaxMode($storeId) == Config::TAX_MODE_NO_ESTIMATE_OR_SUBMIT || !$this->config->isAddressTaxable($address, $storeId)) {
         return parent::collect($quote, $shippingAssignment, $total);
     $postcode = $address->getPostcode();
     // If postcode is not present, then collect totals is being run from a context where customer has not submitted
     // their address, such as on the product listing, product detail, or cart page. Once the user enters their
     // postcode in the "Estimate Shipping & Tax" form on the cart page, or submits their shipping address in the
     // checkout, then a postcode will be present.
     if (!$postcode) {
         return parent::collect($quote, $shippingAssignment, $total);
     if (!$shippingAssignment->getItems()) {
         return $this;
     $taxQuoteDetails = $this->getTaxQuoteDetails($shippingAssignment, $total, $storeId, false);
     $baseTaxQuoteDetails = $this->getTaxQuoteDetails($shippingAssignment, $total, $storeId, true);
     // Get array of tax details
     try {
         $taxDetailsList = $this->interactionGetTax->getTaxDetailsForQuote($quote, $taxQuoteDetails, $baseTaxQuoteDetails, $shippingAssignment);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         switch ($this->config->getErrorAction($quote->getStoreId())) {
             case Config::ERROR_ACTION_DISABLE_CHECKOUT:
                 $this->coreRegistry->register(self::AVATAX_GET_TAX_REQUEST_ERROR, true, true);
                 return parent::collect($quote, $shippingAssignment, $total);
                  * Note: while this should return Magento's tax calculation, the tax calculation may be slightly
                  * off, as these two collect methods will not have run:
                  * @see \Magento\Tax\Model\Sales\Total\Quote\Shipping::collect()
                  * @see \Magento\Tax\Model\Sales\Total\Quote\Subtotal::collect()
                 return parent::collect($quote, $shippingAssignment, $total);
     $taxDetails = $taxDetailsList[InteractionGet::KEY_TAX_DETAILS];
     $baseTaxDetails = $taxDetailsList[InteractionGet::KEY_BASE_TAX_DETAILS];
     $itemsByType = $this->organizeItemTaxDetailsByType($taxDetails, $baseTaxDetails);
     if (isset($itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_PRODUCT])) {
         $this->processProductItems($shippingAssignment, $itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_PRODUCT], $total);
     if (isset($itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_SHIPPING])) {
         $shippingTaxDetails = $itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_SHIPPING][self::ITEM_CODE_SHIPPING][self::KEY_ITEM];
         $baseShippingTaxDetails = $itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_SHIPPING][self::ITEM_CODE_SHIPPING][self::KEY_BASE_ITEM];
         $this->processShippingTaxInfo($shippingAssignment, $total, $shippingTaxDetails, $baseShippingTaxDetails);
     //Process taxable items that are not product or shipping
     $this->processExtraTaxables($total, $itemsByType);
     //Save applied taxes for each item and the quote in aggregation
     $this->processAppliedTaxes($total, $shippingAssignment, $itemsByType);
     if ($this->includeExtraTax()) {
         $total->addTotalAmount('extra_tax', $total->getExtraTaxAmount());
         $total->addBaseTotalAmount('extra_tax', $total->getBaseExtraTaxAmount());
     return $this;