/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $municipality = Municipality::find(intval($id)); $county = County::find(intval($municipality['county_id'])); $items = Village::where('municipality_id', intval($id))->get(); return view('poi.municipality.show')->with('municipality', $municipality)->with('county', $county)->with('items', $items); }
public function update($id) { // save updated $record = $this->records->find($id); if (!$record) { County::create(Input::all()); return $this->respond($record); } $record->fill(Input::all())->save(); return $this->respond($record); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $region = Region::raw()->findOne(['_id' => intval($id)]); $items = County::where('region_id', intval($id))->get(); return view('poi.region.show')->with('region', $region)->with('items', $items); }
public function processFacilityFile() { ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); $filePath = storage_path('exports') . '/eHealthKenyaFacilities.xlsx'; \Excel::load($filePath, function ($reader) { $provinces = []; $counties = []; $subcounties = []; $facilities = []; $results = $reader->get(); foreach ($results as $sheet) { foreach ($sheet as $row) { $mfl = $row->facility_code; $fname = $row->facility_name; $province = $row->province; $county = $row->county; $subcounty = $row->district; $facilityarr = ['mfl' => $mfl, 'facilityname' => $fname, 'subcounty' => $subcounty]; $subcountyarr = ['subcounty' => $subcounty, 'county' => $county]; if (!in_array($county, $counties)) { $counties[] = $county; } if (!in_array($subcountyarr, $subcounties)) { $subcounties[] = $subcountyarr; } if (!in_array($facilityarr, $facilities)) { $facilities[] = $facilityarr; } } } //insert counties //alter table county auto_increment=1; foreach ($counties as $county) { $countyModel = new County(); $countyModel->name = $county; $countyModel->save(); } $dbCounties = County::all(); foreach ($subcounties as $sc) { $scname = $sc['subcounty']; $countyName = $sc['county']; $countyId = 0; foreach ($dbCounties as $dbs) { if ($countyName == $dbs->name) { $countyId = $dbs->id; break; } //echo $dbs->id.' '. $dbs->name.'<br/>'; } $newSubCounty = new SubCounty(); $newSubCounty->name = $scname; $newSubCounty->county_id = $countyId; $newSubCounty->save(); } $dbSubCounties = SubCounty::all(); $facilityarr = ['mfl' => $mfl, 'facilityname' => $fname, 'subcounty' => $subcounty]; foreach ($facilities as $f) { $mfl = $f['mfl']; $fname = $f['facilityname']; $scName = $f['subcounty']; $scountyId = 0; foreach ($dbSubCounties as $dbsc) { if ($scName == $dbsc->name) { $scountyId = $dbsc->id; break; } } $newFacility = new Facility(); $newFacility->mfl_code = $mfl; $newFacility->subcounty_id = $scountyId; $newFacility->name = $fname; $newFacility->save(); } }); Session::flash('success', 'uploaded file is not valid'); return redirect('/facility-upload'); }
public function geo($id) { $county = County::find(intval($id)); $parser = new Parser(); return response()->json($parser->json($county['geo'])); }
public function getCountyByCitycode() { $citycode = Input::get('citycode'); $county = County::where('citycode', $citycode)->get(); return json_encode(array('result' => true, 'county' => $county)); }
public function destroy($id) { County::find($id)->delete(); $counties = County::orderBy('county')->paginate(env('COUNTY_PAGINATION_MAX')); return view('counties.index')->with('counties', $counties); }