文件: BaseAPI.php 项目: boweiliu/seat
 public static function bootstrap()
     // Configure Pheal
     PhealConfig::getInstance()->cache = new \Pheal\Cache\FileStorage(storage_path() . '/cache/phealcache/');
     PhealConfig::getInstance()->access = new \Pheal\Access\StaticCheck();
     PhealConfig::getInstance()->log = new \Pheal\Log\FileStorage(storage_path() . '/logs/');
     PhealConfig::getInstance()->api_customkeys = true;
     PhealConfig::getInstance()->http_method = 'curl';
     // Build a meaningful User-Agent for CCP should they need to contact someone
     $user_agent = 'SeAT ' . \Config::get('seat.version') . ' API Fetcher at ' . \Config::get('app.url');
     // Add the Url
     // If the administrative_contact is set, add this to the User-Agent, else use the
     // default mail_from in the settings
     if (Settings::getSetting('administrative_contact') == null) {
         $user_agent .= ' Install mail_from: ' . \Config::get('mail.from.name') . ' <' . \Config::get('mail.from.address') . '>';
     } else {
         $user_agent .= ' Administrative Contact: ' . Settings::getSetting('administrative_contact');
     // Set the newly compiled User-Agent
     PhealConfig::getInstance()->http_user_agent = $user_agent;
     // Should the EVE api be determined as 'down', set the cache value for 'eve_api_down'
     // with a expiration of 30 minutes. We will also decrement the current error count
     // by 10 to allow for some calls to happen after the value has expired out of
     // cache
     if (\Cache::get('eve_api_error_count') >= \Config::get('seat.error_limit')) {
         \Cache::put('eve_api_down', true, 30);
         \Cache::decrement('eve_api_error_count', 10);
     // Check if the EVE Api has been detected as 'down'.
     if (\Cache::has('eve_api_down')) {
         throw new Exception\APIServerDown();
     // Disable the Laravel query log. Some of the API calls do.. a lot of queries :P
 public function getNew()
     if (Settings::getSetting('registration_enabled') == 'true') {
         return View::make('register.enabled');
     } else {
         return View::make('register.disabled');
 public static function Update()
     // Before we even bother getting to the point of
     // determining which members are inactive
     // check if there are any users
     // configured that have
     // the required roles
     $recruiters = \Auth::findAllUsersWithAccess('recruiter');
     // If there are none with the role, just stop
     if (count($recruiters) <= 0) {
     // Now we will loop over the recruiters and send
     // a notification about the member inactivity.
     // We should actually batch the members so
     // that we dont spam a 100 entries per
     // recruiter for inactivities. But
     // that can come later :D
     foreach ($recruiters as $recruiter) {
         // Do a lookup to see how many months without a login should
         // be considered as a inactive member
         (int) ($inactive_months = SettingHelper::getSetting('seatnotify_member_inactivity_months'));
         // Now, get a list of members that have not
         // logged in for 1 month.
         $members = \EveCorporationMemberTracking::where('logoffDateTime', '<', \DB::raw('date_sub(NOW(), INTERVAL ' . $inactive_months . ' MONTH)'))->get();
         // If there are no members, continue
         if (!$members) {
         // For every member that we have found, we want
         // to send a notification for.
         foreach ($members as $member) {
             // Determine if this recruiter that we have
             // has access to the corporation that the
             // member is a part of.
             // Is this step really needed?
             if (BaseNotify::canAccessCorp($recruiter->id, $member->corporationID)) {
                 // Get the corporation name for the notification
                 $corporation_name = \DB::table('account_apikeyinfo_characters')->where('corporationID', $member->corporationID)->pluck('corporationName');
                 // Prepare the total notification
                 $notification_type = 'Corporation';
                 $notification_title = 'Member Inactivity';
                 $notification_text = $member->name . ' in ' . $corporation_name . ' has been inactive ' . 'for ' . $inactive_months . ' month(s). The last logon time was ' . \Carbon\Carbon::parse($member->logonDateTime)->diffFOrHumans() . ' with the last ' . 'known location being ' . $member->location . '.';
                 // Send the notification
                 BaseNotify::sendNotification($recruiter->id, $notification_type, $notification_title, $notification_text);
  * Is this command enbaled.
  * @return bool
 public function isEnabled()
     return Settings::getSetting('seatscheduled_queue_cleanup') == 'true' ? true : false;
 public function postUpdateSetting()
     $validation = new SettingValidator();
     if ($validation->passes()) {
         // Global Settings
         Settings::setSetting('app_name', Input::get('app_name'));
         Settings::setSetting('color_scheme', Input::get('color_scheme'));
         Settings::setSetting('thousand_seperator', Input::get('thousand_seperator'));
         Settings::setSetting('decimal_seperator', Input::get('decimal_seperator'));
         Settings::setSetting('required_mask', Input::get('required_mask'));
         Settings::setSetting('registration_enabled', Input::get('registration_enabled'));
         Settings::setSetting('administrative_contact', Input::get('administrative_contact'));
         // SeAT Notifications
         Settings::setSetting('seatnotify_member_inactivity_months', Input::get('seatnotify_member_inactivity_months'));
         Settings::setSetting('seatnotify_fuel_warning_days', Input::get('seatnotify_fuel_warning_days'));
         // SeAT Queues
         Settings::setSetting('seatscheduled_character', Input::get('seatscheduled_character'));
         Settings::setSetting('seatscheduled_corporation', Input::get('seatscheduled_corporation'));
         Settings::setSetting('seatscheduled_corporation_assets', Input::get('seatscheduled_corporation_assets'));
         Settings::setSetting('seatscheduled_corporation_wallets', Input::get('seatscheduled_corporation_wallets'));
         Settings::setSetting('seatscheduled_eve', Input::get('seatscheduled_eve'));
         Settings::setSetting('seatscheduled_map', Input::get('seatscheduled_map'));
         Settings::setSetting('seatscheduled_server', Input::get('seatscheduled_server'));
         Settings::setSetting('seatscheduled_notifications', Input::get('seatscheduled_notifications'));
         Settings::setSetting('seatscheduled_queue_cleanup', Input::get('seatscheduled_queue_cleanup'));
         // Were done. Redirect to the setting page, flashing a message
         return Redirect::action('SettingsController@getSettings')->with('success', 'Settings Successfully Saved!');
     } else {
         return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validation->errors);
  * Is this command enbaled.
  * @return bool
 public function isEnabled()
     return Settings::getSetting('seatscheduled_character') == 'true' ? true : false;
  * Is this command enbaled.
  * @return bool
 public function isEnabled()
     return Settings::getSetting('seatscheduled_notifications') == 'true' ? true : false;
 public function postNewKey()
     if (Request::ajax()) {
         // We will validate the key pais as we dont want to cause unneeded errors
         $validation = new APIKeyValidator();
         if ($validation->passes()) {
             // Setup a pheal instance and get some API data :D
             $pheal = new Pheal(Input::get('keyID'), Input::get('vCode'));
             // Get API Key Information
             try {
                 $key_info = $pheal->accountScope->APIKeyInfo();
             } catch (\Pheal\Exceptions\PhealException $e) {
                 return View::make('keys.ajax.errors')->withErrors(array('error' => $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()));
             // Here, based on the type of key, we will either call some further information,
             // or just display what we have learned so far.
             if ($key_info->key->type == 'Corporation') {
                 // Just return the view for corporation keys
                 return View::make('keys.ajax.corporation')->with('keyID', Input::get('keyID'))->with('vCode', Input::get('vCode'))->with('key_info', $key_info)->with('existance', SeatKey::where('keyID', Input::get('keyID'))->count());
             } elseif ($key_info->key->accessMask < Settings::getSetting('required_mask')) {
                 return View::make('keys.ajax.errors')->withErrors(array('error' => 'Invalid API Mask!'));
             // Get API Account Status Information
             try {
                 $status_info = $pheal->accountScope->AccountStatus();
             } catch (\Pheal\Exceptions\PhealException $e) {
                 return View::make('keys.ajax.errors')->withErrors(array('error' => $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()));
             // Return the view
             return View::make('keys.ajax.character')->with('keyID', Input::get('keyID'))->with('vCode', Input::get('vCode'))->with('key_info', $key_info)->with('status_info', $status_info)->with('existance', SeatKey::where('keyID', Input::get('keyID'))->count());
         } else {
             return View::make('keys.ajax.errors')->withErrors($validation->errors);
  * Is this command enbaled.
  * @return bool
 public function isEnabled()
     return Settings::getSetting('seatscheduled_corporation_assets') == 'true' ? true : false;
 public static function sendNotification($user_id, $type, $title, $text)
     // Generate a hash to lookup
     $hash = BaseNotify::makeNotificationHash($user_id, $type, $title, $text);
     // Check the existance of the hash in the notifications table
     if (!\SeatNotification::where('hash', '=', $hash)->exists()) {
         // Send the new noticiation
         $notification = new \SeatNotification();
         $notification->user_id = $user_id;
         $notification->type = $type;
         $notification->title = $title;
         $notification->text = $text;
         $notification->hash = $hash;
         // Check if the user is configured to receive the
         // notifications via email
         if (SettingHelper::getSetting('email_notifications', false, $user_id) == 'true') {
             // Prepare data to be sent along with the email. These
             // are accessed by their keys in the email template
             $data = array('type' => $type, 'title' => $title, 'text' => $text, 'notification_id' => $notification->id);
             // Send the notifications email
             \Mail::send('emails.notifications.notify', $data, function ($message) use($user_id, $title) {
                 $message->to(\Auth::findUserById($user_id)->email, \Auth::findUserById($user_id)->username)->subject('New SeAT ' . $title . ' notification.');
         return true;
     return false;
 public function postSetSettings()
     $validation = new Validators\UserSettingValidator();
     if ($validation->passes()) {
         // We will have to lookup the characterID's name
         // quickly before we set the setting, so lets
         // do that.
         $character_name = \DB::table('account_apikeyinfo_characters')->where('characterID', Input::get('main_character_id'))->pluck('characterName');
         Settings::setSetting('color_scheme', Input::get('color_scheme'), \Auth::User()->id);
         Settings::setSetting('thousand_seperator', Input::get('thousand_seperator'), \Auth::User()->id);
         Settings::setSetting('decimal_seperator', Input::get('decimal_seperator'), \Auth::User()->id);
         Settings::setSetting('main_character_id', Input::get('main_character_id'), \Auth::User()->id);
         Settings::setSetting('main_character_name', $character_name, \Auth::User()->id);
         Settings::setSetting('email_notifications', Input::get('email_notifications'), \Auth::User()->id);
         return Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Settings Saved!');
     } else {
         return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validation->errors);
文件: Fuel.php 项目: boweiliu/seat
 public static function Update()
     // Before we even bother getting to the point of
     // determining which starbases would need a
     // notification to be sent, check if there
     // are any users configured that have
     // ther required roles
     $pos_role_users = \Auth::findAllUsersWithAccess('pos_manager');
     // If there are none with the role, just stop
     if (count($pos_role_users) <= 0) {
     // Next, grab the list of starbases that we are aware of
     $starbases = \DB::table('corporation_starbaselist')->select('corporation_starbaselist.corporationID', 'corporation_starbaselist.itemID', 'corporation_starbaselist.moonID', 'corporation_starbaselist.state', 'corporation_starbaselist.stateTimeStamp', 'corporation_starbaselist.onlineTimeStamp', 'corporation_starbaselist.onlineTimeStamp', 'corporation_starbasedetail.useStandingsFrom', 'corporation_starbasedetail.onAggression', 'corporation_starbasedetail.onCorporationWar', 'corporation_starbasedetail.allowCorporationMembers', 'corporation_starbasedetail.allowAllianceMembers', 'corporation_starbasedetail.fuelBlocks', 'corporation_starbasedetail.strontium', 'corporation_starbasedetail.starbaseCharter', 'invTypes.typeID', 'invTypes.typeName', 'mapDenormalize.itemName', 'mapDenormalize.security', 'invNames.itemName', 'map_sovereignty.solarSystemName', 'corporation_starbasedetail.updated_at')->join('corporation_starbasedetail', 'corporation_starbaselist.itemID', '=', 'corporation_starbasedetail.itemID')->join('mapDenormalize', 'corporation_starbaselist.locationID', '=', 'mapDenormalize.itemID')->join('invNames', 'corporation_starbaselist.moonID', '=', 'invNames.itemID')->join('invTypes', 'corporation_starbaselist.typeID', '=', 'invTypes.typeID')->leftJoin('map_sovereignty', 'corporation_starbaselist.locationID', '=', 'map_sovereignty.solarSystemID')->orderBy('invNames.itemName', 'asc')->get();
     // To determine the fuel needed, we need to get some
     // values out there that tell us *how* much fuel
     // certain towers need. So, we will set a base
     // amount for each of them. Should this
     // change in the future, then we can
     // simply edit the value here
     // The final usage once we have determined the tower
     // type
     $usage = 0;
     $stront_usage = 0;
     // The base values for the tower sizes
     // ... fuel for non sov towers ...
     $large_usage = 40;
     $medium_usage = 20;
     $small_usage = 10;
     // ... and sov towers
     $sov_large_usage = 30;
     $sov_medium_usage = 15;
     $sov_small_usage = 8;
     // Stront usage
     $stront_large = 400;
     $stront_medium = 200;
     $stront_small = 100;
     // Now, we will loop over the starbases that we know if and determine
     // the size of the tower, along with the location of the tower.
     // Towers anchored in sov space get to use less fuel.
     // The result of this loop should have $usage and $stront_usage
     // populated with the correct value for the tower in question
     foreach ($starbases as $starbase) {
         // Lets check if the tower is anchored in space where the
         // owner of it holds sov.
         $sov_tower = false;
         // Get the allianceID that the corporation is a member of
         $alliance_id = \DB::table('corporation_corporationsheet')->where('corporationID', $starbase->corporationID)->pluck('allianceID');
         // Check if the alliance_id was actually determined. If so,
         // do the sov_towers loop, else we just set the
         if ($alliance_id) {
             // Lets see if this tower is in a sov system
             $sov_location = \DB::table('corporation_starbaselist')->whereIn('locationID', function ($location) use($alliance_id) {
                 $location->select('solarSystemID')->from('map_sovereignty')->where('factionID', 0)->where('allianceID', $alliance_id);
             })->where('corporationID', $starbase->corporationID)->where('itemID', $starbase->itemID)->first();
             if ($sov_location) {
                 $sov_tower = true;
         // With the soverenity status known, move on to
         // determine the size of the tower.
         if (strpos($starbase->typeName, 'Small') !== false) {
             $stront_usage = $stront_small;
             $usage = $sov_tower ? $sov_small_usage : $small_usage;
         } elseif (strpos($starbase->typeName, 'Medium') !== false) {
             $stront_usage = $stront_medium;
             $usage = $sov_tower ? $sov_medium_usage : $medium_usage;
         } else {
             $stront_usage = $stront_large;
             $usage = $sov_tower ? $sov_large_usage : $large_usage;
         // Now we finally have $usage and $stront_usage known!
         // Lets get to the part where we finally check if
         // there is enough reserves. If not, do what
         // we came for and notify someone
         // If now plus (the fuel amount devided by the usage) muliplied
         // by hours is less than the configured days, send a
         // notification
         // Retreive the configured days ...
         (int) ($warning_days = SettingHelper::getSetting('seatnotify_fuel_warning_days'));
         // ... and process a notification if required
         if (\Carbon\Carbon::now()->addHours($starbase->fuelBlocks / $usage)->lte(\Carbon\Carbon::now()->addDays($warning_days))) {
             // OK! We need to tell someone that their towers fuel is
             // going to be running out soon!
             foreach ($pos_role_users as $pos_user) {
                 // A last check is done now to make sure we
                 // don't let everyone for every corp know
                 // about a specific corp. No, we first
                 // check that the user we want to
                 // send to has the role for that
                 // specific corp too!
                 if (BaseNotify::canAccessCorp($pos_user->id, $starbase->corporationID)) {
                     // Ok! Time to finally get to pushing the
                     // notification out! :D
                     // Get the corporation name for the notification
                     $corporation_name = \DB::table('account_apikeyinfo_characters')->where('corporationID', $starbase->corporationID)->pluck('corporationName');
                     // Prepare the total notification
                     $notification_type = 'Starbase';
                     $notification_title = 'Low Fuel Reserve';
                     $notification_text = 'The ' . $starbase->typeName . ' at ' . $starbase->itemName . ' owned by ' . $corporation_name . ' has ' . $starbase->fuelBlocks . ' fuel blocks left. The estimated offline time is ' . \Carbon\Carbon::now()->addHours($starbase->fuelBlocks / $usage)->diffForHumans() . '.';
                     // Send the notification
                     BaseNotify::sendNotification($pos_user->id, $notification_type, $notification_title, $notification_text);
         // End fuel left over if()
         // Check how many starbase charters are left. We
         // will have to check the security of the
         // anchored system to ensure we dont
         // spazz out and notifify about
         // 0sec towers.
         // If the security status of the system the tower
         // is anchored in is > 5, check the charters
         if ($starbase->security >= 5) {
             if (Carbon\Carbon::now()->addHours($starbase->starbaseCharter / 1)->lte(Carbon\Carbon::now()->addDays($warning_days))) {
                 // OK! We need to tell someone that their towers charters is
                 // going to be running out soon!
                 foreach ($pos_role_users as $pos_user) {
                     // A last check is done now to make sure we
                     // don't let everyone for every corp know
                     // about a specific corp. No, we first
                     // check that the user we want to
                     // send to has the role for that
                     // specific corp too!
                     if (BaseNotify::canAccessCorp($pos_user->id, $starbase->corporationID)) {
                         // Ok! Time to finally get to pushing the
                         // notification out! :D
                         // Get the corporation name for the notification
                         $corporation_name = \DB::table('account_apikeyinfo_characters')->where('corporationID', $starbase->corporationID)->pluck('corporationName');
                         // Prepare the total notification
                         $notification_type = 'Starbase';
                         $notification_title = 'Low Charter Reserve';
                         $notification_text = 'The ' . $starbase->typeName . ' at ' . $starbase->itemName . ' owned by ' . $corporation_name . ' has ' . $starbase->fuelBlocks . ' starbase charters left. The estimated offline time is ' . \Carbon\Carbon::now()->addHours($starbase->starbaseCharter / 1)->diffForHumans() . '.';
                         // Send the notification
                         BaseNotify::sendNotification($pos_user->id, $notification_type, $notification_title, $notification_text);
         // End charters left over if()