 *  License: Please check CodeCanyon.net for license details.
 *  More license clarification available here:  http://codecanyon.net/wiki/support/legal-terms/licensing-terms/
// Get the infos about the plugin from the plugin.info file
$info = parse_ini_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../plugin.info');
$plugin_full_name = $info['fullname'];
$plugin_name = $info['modulename'];
$plugin_id = $info['id'];
$plugin_ver = $info['version'];
// Check permissions
if (!module_webnpro_menu_editor::can_i('edit', 'webNpro Menu Editor Settings', 'Config') && module_security::get_loggedin_id() != '1') {
// Include the update class
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../update/updateclass.php';
// Get license infos
$update = new update();
$license = $update->get_license_info();
// Header buttons
$header_buttons[] = array('url' => _BASE_HREF . '?m[0]=' . $plugin_name . '&p[0]=documentation', 'title' => _l('Read Documentation'));
// Settings
$settings = array(array('key' => $plugin_name . '_envato_license_number', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'description' => _l('Plugin License key'), 'size' => '100', 'help' => _l('Please copy your license key here. They called it purchase code on the envato marketplaces. For more information about your license keys location check <a href="http://webnpro.com/images/envato_purchase_code_help.png" target="_blank">this image (...CLICK HERE...)</a>.')));
// Print the heading with the header buttons
print_heading(array('type' => 'h2', 'main' => true, 'title' => _l($plugin_full_name) . ' v' . $plugin_ver, 'button' => $header_buttons));
// Print the setting form
module_config::print_settings_form(array('settings' => $settings));
// Print the license informations
echo '<br/>';
echo $license;
echo '<br>';