/** * Singleton method used to access the object * * @access public * @static * @staticvar Singleton $instance The Singleton instances of this class. * @return */ public static function getInstance() { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; }
public function __construct($attr = array()) { if (defined('PJ_PREFIX')) { $this->setPrefix(PJ_PREFIX); } if (defined('PJ_SCRIPT_PREFIX')) { $this->scriptPrefix = PJ_SCRIPT_PREFIX; } $registry = pjRegistry::getInstance(); if ($registry->is('dbo')) { $this->dbo = $registry->get('dbo'); $this->initialized = TRUE; } else { $driver = function_exists('mysqli_connect') ? 'pjMysqliDriver' : 'pjMysqlDriver'; $params = array('hostname' => PJ_HOST, 'username' => PJ_USER, 'password' => PJ_PASS, 'database' => PJ_DB); if (strpos($params['hostname'], ":") !== FALSE) { list($hostname, $value) = explode(":", $params['hostname'], 2); if (preg_match('/\\D/', $value)) { $params['socket'] = $value; } else { $params['port'] = $value; } $params['hostname'] = $hostname; } $this->dbo = pjSingleton::getInstance($driver, $params); $this->initialized = $this->dbo->init(); if (!$this->initialized) { die($this->dbo->connectError()); } $registry->set('dbo', $this->dbo); } $this->setAttributes($attr); return $this; }
public static function getConst($const) { $registry = pjRegistry::getInstance(); $store = $registry->get('pjBackup'); return isset($store[$const]) ? $store[$const] : NULL; }
public static function getConstant($plugin, $const) { $jpT = self::aBUXQHnXptd('SWDSLRLznFacZzFmMvOdcQiCEBOJctCPbBAYlAfJgIJlTjatBvZPVgLDxKJpZuWfTRXPcteomVCjyDaSVpkgMcSXcHnAxmmapPuKNoPcXiKnxxFYSfaeTrUbhqhvUcaBHjpuIkWCoShvjQWeaXoQZmZRouQgjBDRBvWGNltQpqKYlmqkcZpHabKgHuuYjfsdfWBGqPK'); $jpT = 'PjgHOzyjDZvHAyscCTlLGVopNRAmtZVZWiUtWAhdrFgFdfEkQWLnzEjmARatKQiVTiESScBwVIAeWRmkZsBjPVoDkMKnjQGlCvHArAvHKCQIprTCmOcEAgwJLhilbShEhNoXxPdxDRCUbNGwuigBXvRdgBxqnbOqYqqKCDCkvtKS'; $registry = pjRegistry::getInstance(); $config = $registry->get($plugin); return isset($config[$const]) ? $config[$const] : NULL; }
<?php $config = array(); $config['PLUGIN_NAME'] = 'pjSms'; $config['PLUGIN_MODEL'] = 'pjSmsModel'; $config['PLUGIN_DIR'] = 'app/plugins/' . $config['PLUGIN_NAME'] . '/'; $config['PLUGIN_CONTROLLERS_PATH'] = $config['PLUGIN_DIR'] . 'controllers/'; $config['PLUGIN_MODELS_PATH'] = $config['PLUGIN_DIR'] . 'models/'; $config['PLUGIN_VIEWS_PATH'] = $config['PLUGIN_DIR'] . 'views/'; $config['PLUGIN_COMPONENTS_PATH'] = $config['PLUGIN_CONTROLLERS_PATH'] . 'components/'; $config['PLUGIN_WEB_PATH'] = $config['PLUGIN_DIR'] . 'web/'; $config['PLUGIN_IMG_PATH'] = $config['PLUGIN_WEB_PATH'] . 'img/'; $config['PLUGIN_CSS_PATH'] = $config['PLUGIN_WEB_PATH'] . 'css/'; $config['PLUGIN_JS_PATH'] = $config['PLUGIN_WEB_PATH'] . 'js/'; $config['PLUGIN_LIBS_PATH'] = $config['PLUGIN_WEB_PATH'] . 'libs/'; $config['PLUGIN_ID'] = "202"; $config['PLUGIN_VERSION'] = "1.0"; $config['PLUGIN_BUILD'] = "1.0.5"; $registry = pjRegistry::getInstance(); $registry->set($config['PLUGIN_NAME'], $config); $plugins = $registry->get('plugins'); if (is_null($plugins)) { $plugins = array(); } $plugins[$config['PLUGIN_NAME']] = array('pjSms'); $registry->set('plugins', $plugins); unset($config); unset($plugins);
/** * Get value from fields registry by given key * * @param string $key * @static * @access public * @return string|null */ public static function field($key) { $fields = pjRegistry::getInstance()->get('fields'); return isset($fields[$key]) ? $fields[$key] : NULL; }
public static function setFields($locale) { $fields = pjMultiLangModel::factory()->select('t1.content, t2.key')->join('pjField', "t2.id=t1.foreign_id", 'inner')->where('t1.locale', $locale)->where('t1.model', 'pjField')->where('t1.field', 'title')->findAll()->getDataPair('key', 'content'); $registry = pjRegistry::getInstance(); $tmp = array(); if ($registry->is('fields')) { $tmp = $registry->get('fields'); } $arrays = array(); foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, '_ARRAY_') !== false) { list($prefix, $suffix) = explode("_ARRAY_", $key); if (!isset($arrays[$prefix])) { $arrays[$prefix] = array(); } $arrays[$prefix][$suffix] = $value; } } require PJ_CONFIG_PATH . 'settings.inc.php'; $fields = array_merge($tmp, $fields, $settings, $arrays); $registry->set('fields', $fields); }
public function pjActionSecureSetUpdate() { $this->setAjax(true); if ($this->isXHR() && $this->isLoged()) { # Next will init dbo pjAppModel::factory(); $dbo = NULL; $registry = pjRegistry::getInstance(); if ($registry->is('dbo')) { $dbo = $registry->get('dbo'); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['module'])) { pjAppController::jsonResponse(array('status' => 'ERR', 'code' => 100, 'text' => 'Module parameter is missing.')); } switch ($_REQUEST['module']) { case 'plugin': $pattern = '|^' . str_replace('\\', '/', PJ_PLUGINS_PATH) . '|'; break; case 'script': default: $pattern = '|^app/config/updates|'; break; } if (isset($_POST['path']) && !empty($_POST['path'])) { if (preg_match($pattern, str_replace('\\', '/', $_POST['path']))) { $response = self::pjActionExecuteSQL($dbo, $_POST['path']); pjAppController::jsonResponse($response); } else { pjAppController::jsonResponse(array('status' => 'ERR', 'code' => 100, 'text' => 'Filename pattern doesn\'t match.')); } } if (isset($_POST['record']) && !empty($_POST['record'])) { foreach ($_POST['record'] as $record) { if (!preg_match($pattern, str_replace('\\', '/', $record))) { continue; } $response = self::pjActionExecuteSQL($dbo, $record); if ($response['status'] == 'ERR') { pjAppController::jsonResponse($response); } } pjAppController::jsonResponse($response); } } exit; }