static function feed($feed_id, $offset, $limit, $id) { if ($feed_id != "newest" && $feed_id != "item") { return; } $comments = ORM::factory("comment")->where("state", "published")->orderby("created", "DESC"); $all_comments = ORM::factory("comment")->where("state", "published")->orderby("created", "DESC"); if ($feed_id == "item") { $comments->where("item_id", $id); $all_comments->where("item_id", $id); } if (!empty($comments)) { $feed->view = "comment.mrss"; $comments = $comments->find_all($limit, $offset); $feed->children = array(); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $item = $comment->item(); $feed->children[] = new ArrayObject(array("pub_date" => date("D, d M Y H:i:s T", $comment->created), "text" => nl2br(p::purify($comment->text)), "thumb_url" => $item->thumb_url(), "thumb_height" => $item->thumb_height, "thumb_width" => $item->thumb_width, "item_uri" => url::abs_site("{$item->type}s/{$item->id}"), "title" => p::purify($item->title), "author" => p::clean($comment->author_name())), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS); } $feed->max_pages = ceil($all_comments->find_all()->count() / $limit); $feed->title = htmlspecialchars(t("Recent Comments")); $feed->uri = url::abs_site("albums/" . (empty($id) ? "1" : $id)); $feed->description = t("Recent Comments"); return $feed; } }
private function _send_reset() { $form = $this->_reset_form(); $valid = $form->validate(); if ($valid) { $user = ORM::factory("user")->where("name", $form->reset->inputs["name"]->value)->find(); if (!$user->loaded || empty($user->email)) { $form->reset->inputs["name"]->add_error("no_email", 1); $valid = false; } } if ($valid) { $user->hash = md5(rand()); $user->save(); $message = new View("reset_password.html"); $message->confirm_url = url::abs_site("password/do_reset?key={$user->hash}"); $message->user = $user; Sendmail::factory()->to($user->email)->subject(t("Password Reset Request"))->header("Mime-Version", "1.0")->header("Content-type", "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1")->message($message->render())->send(); log::success("user", t("Password reset email sent for user %name", array("name" => p::clean($user->name)))); } else { // Don't include the username here until you're sure that it's XSS safe log::warning("user", "Password reset email requested for bogus user"); } message::success(t("Password reset email sent")); print json_encode(array("result" => "success")); }
/** * @see REST_Controller::_update($resource) */ public function _update($photo) { access::verify_csrf(); access::required("view", $photo); access::required("edit", $photo); $form = photo::get_edit_form($photo); if ($valid = $form->validate()) { if ($form->edit_photo->filename->value != $photo->name) { // Make sure that there's not a conflict if (Database::instance()->from("items")->where("parent_id", $photo->parent_id)->where("id <>", $photo->id)->where("name", $form->edit_photo->filename->value)->count_records()) { $form->edit_photo->filename->add_error("conflict", 1); $valid = false; } } } if ($valid) { $photo->title = $form->edit_photo->title->value; $photo->description = $form->edit_photo->description->value; $photo->rename($form->edit_photo->filename->value); $photo->save(); module::event("photo_edit_form_completed", $photo, $form); log::success("content", "Updated photo", "<a href=\"photos/{$photo->id}\">view</a>"); message::success(t("Saved photo %photo_title", array("photo_title" => p::clean($photo->title)))); print json_encode(array("result" => "success", "location" => url::site("photos/{$photo->id}"))); } else { print json_encode(array("result" => "error", "form" => $form->__toString())); } }
function header($item_id) { $item = ORM::factory("item", $item_id); access::required("view", $item); access::required("edit", $item); print json_encode(array("title" => p::clean($item->title), "description" => empty($item->description) ? "" : p::clean($item->description))); }
public function save($module_name, $var_name) { access::verify_csrf(); module::set_var($module_name, $var_name, Input::instance()->post("value")); message::success(t("Saved value for %var (%module_name)", array("var" => p::clean($var_name), "module_name" => $module_name))); print json_encode(array("result" => "success")); }
static function update_index($task) { try { $completed = $task->get("completed", 0); $start = microtime(true); $message = array(); foreach (ORM::factory("item")->join("exif_records", "", "exif_records.item_id", "left")->where("type", "photo")->open_paren()->where("exif_records.item_id", null)->orwhere("exif_records.dirty", 1)->close_paren()->find_all() as $item) { if (microtime(true) - $start > 1.5) { break; } $completed++; exif::extract($item); $message[] = t("Updated Exif meta data for '%title'", array("title" => p::purify($item->title))); } $task->log($message); list($remaining, $total, $percent) = exif::stats(); $task->set("completed", $completed); if ($remaining == 0 || !($remaining + $completed)) { $task->done = true; $task->state = "success"; site_status::clear("exif_index_out_of_date"); $task->percent_complete = 100; } else { $task->percent_complete = round(100 * $completed / ($remaining + $completed)); } $task->status = t2("one record updated, index is %percent% up-to-date", "%count records updated, index is %percent% up-to-date", $completed, array("percent" => $percent)); } catch (Exception $e) { $task->done = true; $task->state = "error"; $task->status = $e->getMessage(); $task->log($e->__toString()); } }
static function available_feeds($item, $tag) { $feeds["comment/newest"] = t("All new comments"); if ($item) { $feeds["comment/item/{$item->id}"] = t("Comments on %title", array("title" => p::clean($item->title))); } return $feeds; }
static function available_feeds($item, $tag) { if ($tag) { $feeds["tag/tag/{$tag->id}"] = t("Tag feed for %tag_name", array("tag_name" => p::clean($tag->name))); return $feeds; } return array(); }
public function ps() { var_dump($this); echo '<br/>'; echo 'c:p:ps<br/>'; p::s(); echo 'from parent<br/>'; parent::s(); echo 'this->pd()<br/>'; $this->pd(); }
public function remove_path() { access::verify_csrf(); $path = $this->input->get("path"); $paths = unserialize(module::get_var("server_add", "authorized_paths")); if (isset($paths[$path])) { unset($paths[$path]); message::success(t("Removed path %path", array("path" => p::clean($path)))); module::set_var("server_add", "authorized_paths", serialize($paths)); server_add::check_config($paths); } url::redirect("admin/server_add"); }
/** * Task that rebuilds all dirty images. * @param Task_Model the task */ static function rebuild_dirty_images($task) { $message = array(); try { $result = graphics::find_dirty_images_query(); $completed = $task->get("completed", 0); $ignored = $task->get("ignored", array()); $remaining = $result->count() - count($ignored); $i = 0; foreach ($result as $row) { if (array_key_exists($row->id, $ignored)) { continue; } $item = ORM::factory("item", $row->id); if ($item->loaded) { $success = graphics::generate($item); if (!$success) { $ignored[$item->id] = 1; $message[] = t("Unable to rebuild images for '%title'", array("title" => p::purify($item->title))); } else { $message[] = t("Successfully rebuilt images for '%title'", array("title" => p::purify($item->title))); } } $completed++; $remaining--; if (++$i == 2) { break; } } $task->status = t2("Updated: 1 image. Total: %total_count.", "Updated: %count images. Total: %total_count.", $completed, array("total_count" => $remaining + $completed)); if ($completed + $remaining > 0) { $task->percent_complete = (int) (100 * $completed / ($completed + $remaining)); } else { $task->percent_complete = 100; } $task->set("completed", $completed); $task->set("ignored", $ignored); if ($remaining == 0) { $task->done = true; $task->state = "success"; site_status::clear("graphics_dirty"); } } catch (Exception $e) { $task->done = true; $task->state = "error"; $task->status = $e->getMessage(); $message[] = $e->__toString(); } $task->log($message); }
public function index() { access::verify_csrf(); $user = user::active(); user::logout(); log::info("user", t("User %name logged out", array("name" => p::clean($user->name))), html::anchor("user/{$user->id}", p::clean($user->name))); if ($this->input->get("continue")) { $item = url::get_item_from_uri($this->input->get("continue")); if (access::can("view", $item)) { url::redirect($this->input->get("continue")); } else { url::redirect(""); } } }
public function index() { //access::verify_csrf(); $user = user::active(); user::logout(); log::info("user", t("User %name logged out", array("name" => p::clean($user->name))), html::anchor("user/{$user->id}", p::clean($user->name))); if ($continue_url = $this->input->get("continue")) { $item = url::get_item_from_uri($continue_url); if (access::can("view", $item)) { // Don't use url::redirect() because it'll call url::site() and munge the continue url. header("Location: {$continue_url}"); } else { url::redirect("albums/1"); } } }
static function update($item) { $data = array(); $record = ORM::factory("search_record")->where("item_id", $item->id)->find(); if (!$record->loaded) { $record->item_id = $item->id; } foreach (module::active() as $module) { $class_name = "{$module->name}_search"; if (method_exists($class_name, "item_index_data")) { $data[] = call_user_func(array($class_name, "item_index_data"), $record->item()); } } $record->data = join(" ", $data); $record->dirty = 0; $record->save(); return t("Search index updated for '%title'", array("title" => p::purify($item->title))); }
public function print_photo($id) { access::verify_csrf(); $item = ORM::factory("item", $id); access::required("view_full", $item); if (access::group_can(group::everybody(), "view_full", $item)) { $full_url = $item->file_url(true); $thumb_url = $item->thumb_url(true); } else { $proxy = ORM::factory("digibug_proxy"); $proxy->uuid = md5(rand()); $proxy->item_id = $item->id; $proxy->save(); $full_url = url::abs_site("digibug/print_proxy/full/{$proxy->uuid}"); $thumb_url = url::abs_site("digibug/print_proxy/thumb/{$proxy->uuid}"); } $v = new View("digibug_form.html"); $v->order_parms = array("digibug_api_version" => "100", "company_id" => module::get_var("digibug", "company_id"), "event_id" => module::get_var("digibug", "event_id"), "cmd" => "addimg", "partner_code" => "69", "return_url" => url::abs_site("digibug/close_window"), "num_images" => "1", "image_1" => $full_url, "thumb_1" => $thumb_url, "image_height_1" => $item->height, "image_width_1" => $item->width, "thumb_height_1" => $item->thumb_height, "thumb_width_1" => $item->thumb_width, "title_1" => p::purify($item->title)); print $v; }
private function _auth($url) { $form = user::get_login_form($url); $valid = $form->validate(); if ($valid) { $user = ORM::factory("user")->where("name", $form->login->inputs["name"]->value)->find(); if (!$user->loaded || !user::is_correct_password($user, $form->login->password->value)) { log::warning("user", t("Failed login for %name", array("name" => p::clean($form->login->inputs["name"]->value)))); $form->login->inputs["name"]->add_error("invalid_login", 1); $valid = false; } } if ($valid) { user::login($user); log::info("user", t("User %name logged in", array("name" => p::clean($user->name)))); } // Either way, regenerate the session id to avoid session trapping Session::instance()->regenerate(); return array($valid, $form); }
static function feed($feed_id, $offset, $limit, $id) { switch ($feed_id) { case "latest": $feed->children = ORM::factory("item")->viewable()->where("type !=", "album")->orderby("created", "DESC")->find_all($limit, $offset); $all_children = ORM::factory("item")->viewable()->where("type !=", "album")->orderby("created", "DESC"); $feed->max_pages = ceil($all_children->find_all()->count() / $limit); $feed->title = t("Recent Updates"); $feed->link = url::abs_site("albums/1"); $feed->description = t("Recent Updates"); return $feed; case "album": $item = ORM::factory("item", $id); access::required("view", $item); $feed->children = $item->viewable()->descendants($limit, $offset, array("type" => "photo")); $feed->max_pages = ceil($item->viewable()->descendants_count(array("type" => "photo")) / $limit); $feed->title = p::purify($item->title); $feed->link = url::abs_site("albums/{$item->id}"); $feed->description = nl2br(p::purify($item->description)); return $feed; } }
<head> <title><?php echo p::clean($subject); ?> </title> </head> <body> <h2><?php echo p::clean($subject); ?> </h2> <table> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <?php echo t("To view the changed album %title use the link below.", array("title" => p::purify($item->parent()->title))); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo t("Url:"); ?> </td> <td> <a href="<?php echo $item->parent()->url(array(), true); ?> "> <?php echo $item->parent()->url(array(), true);
" class="gThumbnail" alt="photo" src="<?php echo $child->thumb_url(); ?> " width="<?php echo $child->thumb_width; ?> " height="<?php echo $child->thumb_height; ?> " /> </a> <h2><?php echo p::purify($child->title); ?> </h2> <?php echo $theme->thumb_bottom($child); ?> <ul class="gMetadata"> <?php echo $theme->thumb_info($child); ?> </ul> </li> <? endforeach ?> </ul> <?php echo $theme->dynamic_bottom();
/** * Import a single comment. */ static function import_comment(&$queue) { $g2_comment_id = array_shift($queue); try { $g2_comment = g2(GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($g2_comment_id)); } catch (Exception $e) { return t("Failed to import Gallery 2 comment with id: %id\\%exception", array("id" => $g2_comment_id, "exception" => $e->__toString())); } $text = $g2_comment->getSubject(); if ($text) { $text .= " "; } $text .= $g2_comment->getComment(); // Just import the fields we know about. Do this outside of the comment API for now so that // we don't trigger spam filtering events $comment = ORM::factory("comment"); $comment->author_id = self::map($g2_comment->getCommenterId()); $comment->guest_name = $g2_comment->getAuthor(); $comment->item_id = self::map($g2_comment->getParentId()); $comment->text = self::_transform_bbcode($text); $comment->state = "published"; $comment->server_http_host = $g2_comment->getHost(); $comment->created = $g2_comment->getDate(); $comment->save(); self::map($g2_comment->getId(), $comment->id); return t("Imported comment '%comment' for item with id: %id", array("id" => $comment->item_id, "comment" => text::limit_words(nl2br(p::purify($comment->text)), 50))); }
?> " width="20" height="20" /> <?php echo p::clean($user->name); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo p::clean($user->full_name); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo p::clean($user->email); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $user->last_login == 0 ? "" : gallery::date($user->last_login); ?> </td> <td class="gActions"> <a href="<?php echo url::site("admin/users/edit_user_form/{$user->id}"); ?> " open_text="<?php echo t("close"); ?>
<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access."); ?> <fieldset> <legend> <?php echo t('Edit Permissions'); ?> </legend> <table> <tr> <th> </th> <? foreach ($groups as $group): ?> <th> <?php echo p::clean($group->name); ?> </th> <? endforeach ?> </tr> <? foreach ($permissions as $permission): ?> <tr> <td> <?php echo t($permission->display_name); ?> </td> <? foreach ($groups as $group): ?> <? $intent = access::group_intent($group, $permission->name, $item) ?> <? $allowed = access::group_can($group, $permission->name, $item) ?> <? $lock = access::locked_by($group, $permission->name, $item) ?>
<? endif ?> </ul> <strong><?php echo $current_letter; ?> </strong> <ul> <? endif ?> <li> <span id="gTag-<?php echo $tag->id; ?> " class="gEditable tag-name"><?php echo p::clean($tag->name); ?> </span> <span class="understate">(<?php echo $tag->count; ?> )</span> <a href="<?php echo url::site("admin/tags/form_delete/{$tag->id}"); ?> " class="gDialogLink delete-link gButtonLink"> <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-trash"><?php echo t("Delete this tag"); ?> </span></a>
public function delete($id) { access::verify_csrf(); $item = model_cache::get("item", $id); access::required("view", $item); access::required("edit", $item); if ($item->is_album()) { $msg = t("Deleted album <b>%title</b>", array("title" => p::purify($item->title))); } else { $msg = t("Deleted photo <b>%title</b>", array("title" => p::purify($item->title))); } $parent = $item->parent(); $item->delete(); message::success($msg); if (Input::instance()->get("page_type") == "album") { print json_encode(array("result" => "success", "reload" => 1)); } else { print json_encode(array("result" => "success", "location" => url::site("albums/{$parent->id}"))); } }
echo $item->url(array(), true); ?> </a></td> </tr> <? if ($item->original("description") != $item->description): ?> <tr> <td><?php echo t("New Description:"); ?> </td> <td><?php echo p::clean($item->description); ?> </td> </tr> <? elseif (!empty($item->description)): ?> <tr> <td><?php echo t("Description:"); ?> </td> <td><?php echo p::clean($item->description); ?> </td> </tr> <? endif ?> </table> </body> </html>
<? endif ?> <p> <?php echo t("Photos will be uploaded to album: "); ?> </p> <ul class="gBreadcrumbs"> <? foreach ($item->parents() as $parent): ?> <li> <?php echo p::clean($parent->title); ?> </li> <? endforeach ?> <li class="active"> <?php echo p::clean($item->title); ?> </li> </ul> <p><?php echo t("Upload Queue"); ?> </p> <div id="gAddPhotosCanvas" style="text-align: center;"> <div id="gAddPhotosQueue"></div> <div id="gEditPhotosQueue"></div> <span id="gChooseFilesButtonPlaceholder"></span> </div> <button id="gUploadCancel" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all" type="button" onclick="swfu.cancelQueue();"
?> " title="<?php echo p::clean($child->title); ?> " height="<?php echo $child->thumb_height; ?> " width="<?php echo $child->thumb_width; ?> " /></a><br /> <? endif ?> <?php echo p::clean($child->description); ?> </p> ]]> </content:encoded> <media:thumbnail url="<?php echo $child->thumb_url(true); ?> " fileSize="<?php echo @filesize($child->thumb_path()); ?> " height="<?php echo $child->thumb_height; ?>
} download = function(){ // send request $('<form action="<?php echo url::site("admin/maintenance/save_log/{$task->id}?csrf={$csrf}"); ?> " method="post"></form>'). appendTo('body').submit().remove(); }; </script> <div id="gTaskLogDialog"> <h1> <?php echo $task->name; ?> </h1> <div class="gTaskLog"> <pre><?php echo p::purify($task->get_log()); ?> </pre> </div> <button id="gCloseButton" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all" onclick="dismiss()"><?php echo t("Close"); ?> </button> <button id="gSaveButton" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all" onclick="download()"><?php echo t("Save"); ?> </button> </div>
public function sort() { access::verify_csrf(); $itemids = $this->input->post("item"); $item = ORM::factory("item")->in("id", $itemids[0])->find(); access::required("view", $item); access::required("edit", $item); $form = organize::get_sort_edit_form($item); if ($form->validate()) { $orig = clone $item; $item->sort_column = $form->column->value; $item->sort_order = $form->direction->value; $item->save(); log::success("content", "Updated album", "<a href=\"albums/{$item->id}\">view</a>"); $message = t("Saved album %album_title", array("album_title" => p::purify($item->title))); print json_encode(array("form" => $form->__toString(), "message" => $message)); } else { print json_encode(array("form" => $form->__toString())); } }
<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.") ?> <?= $theme->header_top() ?> <? if ($header_text = module::get_var("gallery", "header_text")): ?> <?= $header_text ?> <? else: ?> <a href="<?= url::site("albums/1") ?>"> <img width="107" height="48" id="gLogo" alt="<?= t("Gallery: Your photos on your web site") ?>" src="<?= $theme->url("images/logo.png") ?>" /> </a> <? endif ?> <div id="gSiteMenu" style="display: none"> <?= $theme->site_menu() ?> </div> <?= $theme->header_bottom() ?> <? if (!empty($parents)): ?> <ul class="gBreadcrumbs"> <? foreach ($parents as $parent): ?> <li> <a href="<?= url::site("albums/{$parent->id}?show=$item->id") ?>"> <?= p::clean($parent->title) ?> </a> </li> <? endforeach ?> <li class="active"><?= p::clean($item->title) ?></li> </ul> <? endif ?>