function pay($amount, $description, $bank_id)
     require_once 'ideal.class.php';
     //$amount      = 118;    // Het af te rekenen bedrag in centen (!!!)
     //$description = 'Testbetaling'; // Beschrijving die consument op zijn/haar afschrift ziet.
     $return_url = $this->return_url;
     // URL waarnaar de consument teruggestuurd wordt na de betaling
     $report_url = $this->report_url;
     // URL die Mollie aanvraagt (op de achtergrond) na de betaling om de status naar op te sturen
     if (!in_array('ssl', stream_get_transports())) {
         echo "<h1>Foutmelding</h1>";
         echo "<p>Uw PHP installatie heeft geen SSL ondersteuning. SSL is nodig voor de communicatie met de Mollie iDEAL API.</p>";
     $iDEAL = new iDEAL_Payment($this->partnerID);
     if ($this->testMode) {
     if (isset($bank_id) and !empty($bank_id)) {
         if ($iDEAL->createPayment($bank_id, $amount, $description, $return_url, $report_url)) {
             /* Hier kunt u de aangemaakte betaling opslaan in uw database, bijv. met het unieke transactie_id
                Het transactie_id kunt u aanvragen door $iDEAL->getTransactionId() te gebruiken. Hierna wordt 
                de consument automatisch doorgestuurd naar de gekozen bank. */
             $data = array('transactionId' => $iDEAL->getTransactionId(), 'bankUrl' => $iDEAL->getBankURL());
             return $data;
             //header("Location: " . $iDEAL->getBankURL());
         } else {
             /* Er is iets mis gegaan bij het aanmaken bij de betaling. U kunt meer informatie 
                vinden over waarom het mis is gegaan door $iDEAL->getErrorMessage() en/of 
                $iDEAL->getErrorCode() te gebruiken. */
             $data = array('error' => true, 'msg' => $iDEAL->getErrorMessage());
             return $data;
function mollieideal_link($params)
    $gatewaypartnerid = $params['partnerid'];
    if (empty($params['customDescription'])) {
        $gatewaydescription = $params['description'];
    $return_url = $params['returnurl'];
    $report_url = $params['systemurl'] . "/modules/gateways/callback/mollieideal.php?invoiceid=" . urlencode($params['invoiceid']) . "&amount=" . urlencode($params['amount']) . "&fee=" . urlencode($params['fee']);
    $invoiceid = $params['invoiceid'];
    $description = $params['description'];
    $amount = $params['amount'];
    $currency = $params['currency'];
    $firstname = $params['clientdetails']['firstname'];
    $lastname = $params['clientdetails']['lastname'];
    $email = $params['clientdetails']['email'];
    $address1 = $params['clientdetails']['address1'];
    $address2 = $params['clientdetails']['address2'];
    $city = $params['clientdetails']['city'];
    $state = $params['clientdetails']['state'];
    $postcode = $params['clientdetails']['postcode'];
    $country = $params['clientdetails']['country'];
    $phone = $params['clientdetails']['phonenumber'];
    $companyname = $params['companyname'];
    $systemurl = $params['systemurl'];
    $currency = $params['currency'];
    if (!in_array("ssl", stream_get_transports())) {
        $code = "<h1>Foutmelding</h1>";
        $code .= "<p>Uw PHP installatie heeft geen SSL ondersteuning. SSL is nodig voor de communicatie met de Mollie iDEAL API.</p>";
        return $code;
    $iDEAL = new iDEAL_Payment($gatewaypartnerid);
    if (isset($_POST['bank_id']) && !empty($_POST['bank_id'])) {
        $idealAmount = $amount * 100;
        if ($iDEAL->createPayment($_POST['bank_id'], $idealAmount, $gatewaydescription, $return_url, $report_url)) {
            header("Location: " . $iDEAL->getBankURL());
        } else {
            $code = "<p>De betaling kon niet aangemaakt worden.</p>";
            $code .= "<p><strong>Foutmelding:</strong> " . $iDEAL->getErrorMessage() . "</p>";
            return $code;
    $bank_array = $iDEAL->getBanks();
    if ($bank_array == false) {
        return "<p>Er is een fout opgetreden bij het ophalen van de banklijst: " . $iDEAL->getErrorMessage() . "</p>";
    $code = "<form method=\"post\">\n\t<select name=\"bank_id\">\n\t\t<option value=\"\">Kies uw bank</option>";
    foreach ($bank_array as $bank_id => $bank_name) {
        $code .= "<option value=\"" . $bank_id . "\">" . $bank_name . "</option>";
    $code .= "</select>\n\t<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Betaal via iDEAL\" />\n</form>";
    return $code;
// Het af te rekenen bedrag in centen (!!!)
$description = 'Testbetaling';
// Beschrijving die consument op zijn/haar afschrift ziet.
$return_url = '';
// URL waarnaar de consument teruggestuurd wordt na de betaling
$report_url = '';
// URL die Mollie aanvraagt (op de achtergrond) na de betaling om de status naar op te sturen
if (!in_array('ssl', stream_get_transports())) {
    echo "<h1>Foutmelding</h1>";
    echo "<p>Uw PHP installatie heeft geen SSL ondersteuning. SSL is nodig voor de communicatie met de Mollie iDEAL API.</p>";
$iDEAL = new iDEAL_Payment($partner_id);
if (isset($_POST['bank_id']) and !empty($_POST['bank_id'])) {
    if ($iDEAL->createPayment($_POST['bank_id'], $amount, $description, $return_url, $report_url)) {
        /* Hier kunt u de aangemaakte betaling opslaan in uw database, bijv. met het unieke transactie_id
           Het transactie_id kunt u aanvragen door $iDEAL->getTransactionId() te gebruiken. Hierna wordt 
           de consument automatisch doorgestuurd naar de gekozen bank. */
        header("Location: " . $iDEAL->getBankURL());
    } else {
        /* Er is iets mis gegaan bij het aanmaken bij de betaling. U kunt meer informatie 
           vinden over waarom het mis is gegaan door $iDEAL->getErrorMessage() en/of 
           $iDEAL->getErrorCode() te gebruiken. */
        echo '<p>De betaling kon niet aangemaakt worden.</p>';
        echo '<p><strong>Foutmelding:</strong> ', $iDEAL->getErrorMessage(), '</p>';
 function showEndForm($pmconfigs, $order)
     $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication();
     $jshopConfig =& JSFactory::getConfig();
     $item_name = sprintf(_JSHOP_PAYMENT_NUMBER, $order->order_number);
     $notify_url = JURI::root() . "index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step7&act=notify&js_paymentclass=pm_ideal&no_lang=1";
     $return = JURI::root() . "index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step7&act=return&js_paymentclass=pm_ideal";
     $cancel_return = JURI::root() . "index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step7&act=cancel&js_paymentclass=pm_ideal";
     $params_data = $order->getPaymentParamsData();
     $bank_id = $params_data['bank_id'];
     $amount = intval($order->order_total * 100);
     $iDEAL = new iDEAL_Payment($pmconfigs['partnerid']);
     if ($pmconfigs['testmode']) {
     if ($iDEAL->createPayment($bank_id, $amount, $item_name, $return, $notify_url)) {
         $order1 =& JTable::getInstance('order', 'jshop');
         $order1->transaction = $iDEAL->getTransactionId();
         header("Location: " . $iDEAL->getBankURL());
     } else {
         saveToLog("payment.log", "Error: Order ID " . $order->order_id . ". CODE: " . $iDEAL->getErrorCode() . ". MSG: " . $iDEAL->getErrorMessage());
         JError::raiseWarning("", $iDEAL->getErrorMessage());
         $mainframe->redirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step5', 0, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl));
 public function transmitRequestXML($xml, $request)
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/cls.ideal.php';
     $response = array();
     $response['valid'] = false;
     $description = substr(AECToolbox::rewriteEngineRQ($this->settings['description'], $request), 0, 29);
     $report_url = AECToolbox::deadsureURL("index.php?option=com_acctexp&task=mollie_idealnotification");
     $return_url = $request->int_var['return_url'];
     $amount = $request->int_var['amount'] * 100;
     $mollieIdeal = new iDEAL_Payment($this->settings['partner_id']);
     if ($this->settings['testmode']) {
     } else {
     if ($mollieIdeal->createPayment($request->int_var['params']['bank_id'], $amount, $description, $return_url, $report_url)) {
         // ...Request valid transaction id from Mollie and store it...
         $request->invoice->secondary_ident = $mollieIdeal->getTransactionId();
         // Redirect to issuer bank
     } else {
         // error handling
         $this->___logError("iDEAL_Payment::createPayment failed", $mollieIdeal->getErrorCode(), $mollieIdeal->getErrorMessage());
         return $response;
     return null;
function espresso_process_ideal($payment_data)
    global $org_options, $wpdb;
    $ideal_mollie_settings = get_option('event_espresso_ideal_mollie_settings');
    require_once 'ideal.class.php';
    $partner_id = $ideal_mollie_settings['ideal_mollie_partner_id'];
    $payment_data = apply_filters('filter_hook_espresso_prepare_payment_data_for_gateways', $payment_data);
    $payment_data = apply_filters('filter_hook_espresso_get_total_cost', $payment_data);
    //amount needs to be in cents
    $amount = (int) ($payment_data['total_cost'] * 100);
    $iDEAL = new iDEAL_Payment($partner_id);
    if ($ideal_mollie_settings['ideal_mollie_use_sandbox']) {
    if ($ideal_mollie_settings['force_ssl_return']) {
        $home = str_replace("http://", "https://", home_url());
    } else {
        $home = home_url();
    if (!empty($_POST['bank_id'])) {
        $return_url = $home . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['return_url'] . '&id=' . $payment_data['attendee_id'] . '&r_id=' . $payment_data['registration_id'] . '&type=ideal';
        $report_url = $home . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['notify_url'] . '&id=' . $payment_data['attendee_id'] . '&r_id=' . $payment_data['registration_id'] . '&event_id=' . $payment_data['event_id'] . '&attendee_action=post_payment&form_action=payment&ideal=1';
        //Find the correct amount so that unsavory characters don't change it in the previous form
        $description = stripslashes_deep($payment_data['event_name']);
        if ($iDEAL->createPayment($_POST['bank_id'], $amount, $description, $return_url, $report_url)) {
            header("Location: " . $iDEAL->getBankURL());
        } else {
            echo '<p>De betaling kon niet aangemaakt worden.</p>';
            echo '<p><strong>Foutmelding:</strong> ', $iDEAL->getErrorMessage(), '</p>';
    } elseif (isset($_POST['bank_id']) && $_POST['bank_id'] == '') {
        echo "<p>" . __("Please use your browser's back button and select a bank.", 'event_espresso');
    $bank_array = $iDEAL->getBanks();
    if ($bank_array == false) {
        echo '<p>Er is een fout opgetreden bij het ophalen van de banklijst: ', $iDEAL->getErrorMessage(), '</p>';
<div id="ideal-payment-option-dv" class="payment-option-dv">

	<a id="ideal-payment-option-lnk" class="payment-option-lnk display-the-hidden" rel="ideal-payment-option-form" style="cursor:pointer;">
		<img alt="Pay using a Credit Card" src="<?php 

	<div id="ideal-payment-option-form-dv" class="hide-if-js">	
		<div class="event-display-boxes">
		<div class = "event_espresso_form_wrapper">
			<form id="ideal-mollie-form" class="ee-forms" method="post" action="<?php 
    echo $home . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['notify_url'];
				<fieldset id="ideal-billing-info-dv">
					<h4 class="section-title"><?php 
    _e('Select Bank', 'event_espresso');
						<select id ="bank_id" name="bank_id" class="required">
							<option value=''>Kies uw bank</option>

    foreach ($bank_array as $bank_id => $bank_name) {
								<option value="<?php 
        echo $bank_id;
        echo $bank_name;

				<input name="amount" type="hidden" value="<?php 
    echo $amount;
" />
				<input name="ideal" type="hidden" value="1" />
				<input name="id" type="hidden" value="<?php 
    echo $payment_data['attendee_id'];
" />
				<p class="event_form_submit">
					<input id="submit_ideal" type="submit" class="submit-payment-btn" name="submit" value="Betaal via iDEAL" />

		<p class="choose-diff-pay-option-pg">
			<a class="hide-the-displayed" rel="ideal-payment-option-form" style="cursor:pointer;"><?php 
    _e('Choose a different payment option', 'event_espresso');

function espresso_process_ideal($payment_data)
    global $org_options, $wpdb;
    $ideal_mollie_settings = get_option('event_espresso_ideal_mollie_settings');
    require_once 'ideal.class.php';
    $partner_id = $ideal_mollie_settings['ideal_mollie_partner_id'];
    $payment_data = apply_filters('filter_hook_espresso_prepare_payment_data_for_gateways', $payment_data);
    $payment_data = apply_filters('filter_hook_espresso_get_total_cost', $payment_data);
    //amount needs to be in cents
    $amount = (int) ($payment_data['total_cost'] * 100);
    $iDEAL = new iDEAL_Payment($partner_id);
    if ($ideal_mollie_settings['ideal_mollie_use_sandbox']) {
    if (isset($_POST['bank_id']) and !empty($_POST['bank_id'])) {
        $return_url = home_url() . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['return_url'] . '&id=' . $payment_data['attendee_id'];
        $report_url = home_url() . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['notify_url'] . '&id=' . $payment_data['attendee_id'] . '&event_id=' . $payment_data['event_id'] . '&attendee_action=post_payment&form_action=payment&ideal=1';
        //Find the correct amount so that unsavory characters don't change it in the previous form
        $description = stripslashes_deep($payment_data['event_name']);
        if ($iDEAL->createPayment($_POST['bank_id'], $amount, $description, $return_url, $report_url)) {
            header("Location: " . $iDEAL->getBankURL());
        } else {
            echo '<p>De betaling kon niet aangemaakt worden.</p>';
            echo '<p><strong>Foutmelding:</strong> ', $iDEAL->getErrorMessage(), '</p>';
    } elseif (isset($_POST['bank_id']) && $_POST['bank_id'] == '') {
        echo "<p>" . __("Please use your browser's back button and select a bank.", 'event_espresso');
    $bank_array = $iDEAL->getBanks();
    if ($bank_array == false) {
        echo '<p>Er is een fout opgetreden bij het ophalen van de banklijst: ', $iDEAL->getErrorMessage(), '</p>';
	<div class="event-display-boxes">
		<form id="ideal-mollie-form" class="ee-forms" method="post" action="<?php 
    echo home_url() . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['notify_url'];
			<select id ="bank_id" name="bank_id" class="required">
				<option value=''>Kies uw bank</option>

    foreach ($bank_array as $bank_id => $bank_name) {
					<option value="<?php 
        echo $bank_id;
        echo $bank_name;

			<input name="amount" type="hidden" value="<?php 
    echo $amount;
" />
			<input name="ideal" type="hidden" value="1" />
			<input name="id" type="hidden" value="<?php 
    echo $payment_data['attendee_id'];
" />
			<input id="submit" type="submit" class="btn_event_form_submit payment-submit" name="submit" value="Betaal via iDEAL" />