public function test_task_timefilter()
     $task = new \local_gradelock\task\lock_grades();
     $grade_grade = new grade_grade();
     $grade_grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[0]->id;
     $grade_grade->userid = 10;
     $grade_grade->rawgrade = 88;
     $grade_grade->rawgrademax = 110;
     $grade_grade->rawgrademin = 18;
     $grade_grade->grade_item->update_final_grade($this->user[0]->id, 100, 'gradebook', '', FORMAT_MOODLE);
     $grade_grade = grade_grade::fetch(array('userid' => $this->user[0]->id, 'itemid' => $this->grade_items[0]->id));
  * Tests the gradebookservice get grade service.
  * @return void
 public function test_get_grade()
     global $DB;
     $callback = 'block_mhaairs_gradebookservice_external::get_grade';
     // Add mhaairs grade item directly.
     $params = array('courseid' => $this->course->id, 'itemtype' => 'manual', 'itemmodule' => 'mhaairs', 'iteminstance' => 101, 'itemname' => 'MH Assignment');
     $gitem = new \grade_item($params, false);
     // Add user grade directly.
     $params = array('itemid' => $gitem->id, 'userid' => $this->student1->id, 'finalgrade' => '95');
     $ggrade = new \grade_grade($params, false);
     // Service params.
     $serviceparams = array('source' => 'mhaairs', 'courseid' => $this->course->id, 'itemtype' => 'manual', 'itemmodule' => 'mhaairs', 'iteminstance' => 101, 'itemnumber' => 0, 'grades' => null, 'itemdetails' => null);
     // Grade details.
     $grades = array('userid' => 'student1', 'identity_type' => '');
     $gradesjson = urlencode(json_encode($grades));
     $serviceparams['grades'] = $gradesjson;
     $result = call_user_func_array($callback, $serviceparams);
     $this->assertEquals('MH Assignment', $result['item']['itemname']);
     $this->assertEquals($this->student1->id, $result['grades'][0]['userid']);
     $this->assertEquals(95, $result['grades'][0]['grade']);
  * Internal function for grade category grade aggregation
  * @param int    $userid The User ID
  * @param array  $items Grade items
  * @param array  $grade_values Array of grade values
  * @param object $oldgrade Old grade
  * @param array  $excluded Excluded
  * @param array  $grademinoverrides User specific grademin values if different to the grade_item grademin (key is itemid)
  * @param array  $grademaxoverrides User specific grademax values if different to the grade_item grademax (key is itemid)
 private function aggregate_grades($userid, $items, $grade_values, $oldgrade, $excluded, $grademinoverrides, $grademaxoverrides)
     global $CFG, $DB;
     // Remember these so we can set flags on them to describe how they were used in the aggregation.
     $novalue = array();
     $dropped = array();
     $extracredit = array();
     $usedweights = array();
     if (empty($userid)) {
         //ignore first call
     if ($oldgrade) {
         $oldfinalgrade = $oldgrade->finalgrade;
         $grade = new grade_grade($oldgrade, false);
         $grade->grade_item =& $this->grade_item;
     } else {
         // insert final grade - it will be needed later anyway
         $grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid' => $this->grade_item->id, 'userid' => $userid), false);
         $grade->grade_item =& $this->grade_item;
         $oldfinalgrade = null;
     // no need to recalculate locked or overridden grades
     if ($grade->is_locked() or $grade->is_overridden()) {
     // can not use own final category grade in calculation
     // Make sure a grade_grade exists for every grade_item.
     // We need to do this so we can set the aggregationstatus
     // with a set_field call instead of checking if each one exists and creating/updating.
     if (!empty($items)) {
         list($ggsql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($items), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'g');
         $params['userid'] = $userid;
         $sql = "SELECT itemid\n                      FROM {grade_grades}\n                     WHERE itemid {$ggsql} AND userid = :userid";
         $existingitems = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
         $notexisting = array_diff(array_keys($items), array_keys($existingitems));
         foreach ($notexisting as $itemid) {
             $gradeitem = $items[$itemid];
             $gradegrade = new grade_grade(array('itemid' => $itemid, 'userid' => $userid, 'rawgrademin' => $gradeitem->grademin, 'rawgrademax' => $gradeitem->grademax), false);
             $gradegrade->grade_item = $gradeitem;
     // if no grades calculation possible or grading not allowed clear final grade
     if (empty($grade_values) or empty($items) or $this->grade_item->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_VALUE and $this->grade_item->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) {
         $grade->finalgrade = null;
         if (!is_null($oldfinalgrade)) {
             $success = $grade->update('aggregation');
             // If successful trigger a user_graded event.
             if ($success) {
         $dropped = $grade_values;
         $this->set_usedinaggregation($userid, $usedweights, $novalue, $dropped, $extracredit);
     // Normalize the grades first - all will have value 0...1
     // ungraded items are not used in aggregation.
     foreach ($grade_values as $itemid => $v) {
         if (is_null($v)) {
             // If null, it means no grade.
             if ($this->aggregateonlygraded) {
                 // Mark this item as "excluded empty" because it has no grade.
                 $novalue[$itemid] = 0;
         if (in_array($itemid, $excluded)) {
             $dropped[$itemid] = 0;
         // Check for user specific grade min/max overrides.
         $usergrademin = $items[$itemid]->grademin;
         $usergrademax = $items[$itemid]->grademax;
         if (isset($grademinoverrides[$itemid])) {
             $usergrademin = $grademinoverrides[$itemid];
         if (isset($grademaxoverrides[$itemid])) {
             $usergrademax = $grademaxoverrides[$itemid];
         if ($this->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
             // Assume that the grademin is 0 when standardising the score, to preserve negative grades.
             $grade_values[$itemid] = grade_grade::standardise_score($v, 0, $usergrademax, 0, 1);
         } else {
             $grade_values[$itemid] = grade_grade::standardise_score($v, $usergrademin, $usergrademax, 0, 1);
     // For items with no value, and not excluded - either set their grade to 0 or exclude them.
     foreach ($items as $itemid => $value) {
         if (!isset($grade_values[$itemid]) and !in_array($itemid, $excluded)) {
             if (!$this->aggregateonlygraded) {
                 $grade_values[$itemid] = 0;
             } else {
                 // We are specifically marking these items as "excluded empty".
                 $novalue[$itemid] = 0;
     // limit and sort
     $allvalues = $grade_values;
     if ($this->can_apply_limit_rules()) {
         $this->apply_limit_rules($grade_values, $items);
     $moredropped = array_diff($allvalues, $grade_values);
     foreach ($moredropped as $drop => $unused) {
         $dropped[$drop] = 0;
     foreach ($grade_values as $itemid => $val) {
         if (self::is_extracredit_used() && $items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef > 0) {
             $extracredit[$itemid] = 0;
     asort($grade_values, SORT_NUMERIC);
     // let's see we have still enough grades to do any statistics
     if (count($grade_values) == 0) {
         // not enough attempts yet
         $grade->finalgrade = null;
         if (!is_null($oldfinalgrade)) {
             $success = $grade->update('aggregation');
             // If successful trigger a user_graded event.
             if ($success) {
         $this->set_usedinaggregation($userid, $usedweights, $novalue, $dropped, $extracredit);
     // do the maths
     $result = $this->aggregate_values_and_adjust_bounds($grade_values, $items, $usedweights, $grademinoverrides, $grademaxoverrides);
     $agg_grade = $result['grade'];
     // Set the actual grademin and max to bind the grade properly.
     $this->grade_item->grademin = $result['grademin'];
     $this->grade_item->grademax = $result['grademax'];
     if ($this->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
         // The natural aggregation always displays the range as coming from 0 for categories.
         // However, when we bind the grade we allow for negative values.
         $result['grademin'] = 0;
     // Recalculate the grade back to requested range.
     $finalgrade = grade_grade::standardise_score($agg_grade, 0, 1, $result['grademin'], $result['grademax']);
     $grade->finalgrade = $this->grade_item->bounded_grade($finalgrade);
     $oldrawgrademin = $grade->rawgrademin;
     $oldrawgrademax = $grade->rawgrademax;
     $grade->rawgrademin = $result['grademin'];
     $grade->rawgrademax = $result['grademax'];
     // Update in db if changed.
     if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldfinalgrade) || grade_floats_different($grade->rawgrademax, $oldrawgrademax) || grade_floats_different($grade->rawgrademin, $oldrawgrademin)) {
         $success = $grade->update('aggregation');
         // If successful trigger a user_graded event.
         if ($success) {
     $this->set_usedinaggregation($userid, $usedweights, $novalue, $dropped, $extracredit);
  * Test sync_completionelements method.
  * @dataProvider dataprovider_sync_completionelements
  * @param array $gradeitem Array of parameters to create grade_item.
  * @param array $gradegrade Array of parameters to create grade_grade.
  * @param array $coursecompletion Array of parameters to create coursecompletion.
  * @param array $studentgrade Array of parameters to create student_grade.
  * @param int $timenow Current timestamp to enable testing with time.
  * @param array $expectedstudentgrade Array of parameters we expect to be set in the student_grade.
 public function test_sync_completionelements($gradeitem, $gradegrade, $coursecompletion, $studentgrade, $timenow, $expectedstudentgrade)
     global $DB;
     $sync = new \local_elisprogram\moodle\synchronize();
     // Test data setup.
     $crs = new \course(array('idnumber' => 'CRS1', 'name' => 'Course 1', 'syllabus' => ''));
     $cls = new \pmclass(array('courseid' => $crs->id, 'idnumber' => 'CLS1'));
     $usr = new \user(array('username' => 'test1', 'idnumber' => 'test2', 'firstname' => 'test', 'lastname' => 'user', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'country' => 'CA'));
     $musr = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     $gradeitem = new \grade_item($gradeitem, false);
     $gradegrade['itemid'] = $gradeitem->id;
     $gradegrade['userid'] = $musr->id;
     $gradegrade = new \grade_grade($gradegrade, false);
     $coursecompletion['courseid'] = $crs->id;
     $coursecompletion = new \coursecompletion($coursecompletion);
     if ($studentgrade !== false) {
         $studentgrade['classid'] = $cls->id;
         $studentgrade['userid'] = $usr->id;
         $studentgrade['completionid'] = $coursecompletion->id;
         $studentgrade = new \student_grade($studentgrade);
         $studentgrade = new \student_grade($studentgrade->id);
     // Method parameter setup.
     $causer = (object) array('cmid' => $usr->id, 'pmclassid' => $cls->id);
     $gis = array($gradeitem->id => (object) array('id' => $gradeitem->id, 'grademax' => $gradeitem->grademax));
     $compelements = array($gradeitem->id => (object) array('id' => $coursecompletion->id, 'completion_grade' => $coursecompletion->completion_grade));
     $moodlegrades = array($gradeitem->id => $gradegrade);
     if ($studentgrade !== false) {
         $cmgrades = array($coursecompletion->id => $studentgrade->to_object());
     } else {
         $cmgrades = array();
     $sync->sync_completionelements($causer, $gis, $compelements, $moodlegrades, $cmgrades, $timenow);
     $actualstudentgrade = false;
     if ($studentgrade !== false) {
         $actualstudentgrade = $DB->get_record(\student_grade::TABLE, array('id' => $studentgrade->id));
     } else {
         $actualstudentgrades = $DB->get_records(\student_grade::TABLE, array(), 'id DESC');
         if (!empty($actualstudentgrades)) {
             $actualstudentgrade = array_shift($actualstudentgrades);
     if ($actualstudentgrade !== false) {
         if ($expectedstudentgrade !== false) {
             $expectedstudentgrade['id'] = $actualstudentgrade->id;
             $expectedstudentgrade['classid'] = $cls->id;
             $expectedstudentgrade['userid'] = $usr->id;
             $expectedstudentgrade['completionid'] = $coursecompletion->id;
             // This is here for tests where we can't reliably predetermine timemodified (i.e. no-sync cases).
             if (!isset($expectedstudentgrade['timemodified'])) {
                 $expectedstudentgrade['timemodified'] = $actualstudentgrade->timemodified;
             $expectedstudentgrade = (object) $expectedstudentgrade;
             $this->assertEquals($expectedstudentgrade, $actualstudentgrade);
         } else {
             $this->assertTrue(false, 'A student_grade was created when one was not expected.');
     } else {
         // If $expectedstudentgrade is false we were expected no grade to be created. If not, we have a problem.
         if ($expectedstudentgrade !== false) {
             $this->assertTrue(false, 'No student_grade created when one was expected');
         } else {
  * Validate that the version 1 plugin deletes appropriate associations when
  * deleting a user
 public function test_version1importdeleteuserdeletesassociations()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     set_config('siteadmins', 0);
     // New config settings needed for course format refactoring in 2.4.
     set_config('numsections', 15, 'moodlecourse');
     set_config('hiddensections', 0, 'moodlecourse');
     set_config('coursedisplay', 1, 'moodlecourse');
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/cohort/lib.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/course/lib.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/group/lib.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/enrollib.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/gradelib.php';
     // Create our test user, and determine their userid.
     $userid = (int) $DB->get_field('user', 'id', array('username' => 'rlipusername', 'mnethostid' => $CFG->mnet_localhost_id));
     // Create cohort.
     $cohort = new stdClass();
     $cohort->name = 'testcohort';
     $cohort->contextid = context_system::instance()->id;
     $cohortid = cohort_add_cohort($cohort);
     // Add the user to the cohort.
     cohort_add_member($cohortid, $userid);
     // Create a course category - there is no API for doing this.
     $category = new stdClass();
     $category->name = 'testcategory';
     $category->id = $DB->insert_record('course_categories', $category);
     // Create a course.
     set_config('defaultenrol', 1, 'enrol_manual');
     set_config('status', ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED, 'enrol_manual');
     $course = new stdClass();
     $course->category = $category->id;
     $course->fullname = 'testfullname';
     $course = create_course($course);
     // Create a grade.
     $gradeitem = new grade_item(array('courseid' => $course->id, 'itemtype' => 'manual', 'itemname' => 'testitem'), false);
     $gradegrade = new grade_grade(array('itemid' => $gradeitem->id, 'userid' => $userid), false);
     // Send the user an unprocessed message.
     set_config('noemailever', true);
     // Set up a user tag.
     tag_set('user', $userid, array('testtag'));
     // Create a new course-level role.
     $roleid = create_role('testrole', 'testrole', 'testrole');
     set_role_contextlevels($roleid, array(CONTEXT_COURSE));
     // Enrol the user in the course with the new role.
     enrol_try_internal_enrol($course->id, $userid, $roleid);
     // Create a group.
     $group = new stdClass();
     $group->name = 'testgroup';
     $group->courseid = $course->id;
     $groupid = groups_create_group($group);
     // Add the user to the group.
     groups_add_member($groupid, $userid);
     set_user_preference('testname', 'testvalue', $userid);
     // Create profile field data - don't both with the API here because it's a bit unwieldy.
     $userinfodata = new stdClass();
     $userinfodata->fieldid = 1;
     $userinfodata->data = 'bogus';
     $userinfodata->userid = $userid;
     $DB->insert_record('user_info_data', $userinfodata);
     // There is no easily accessible API for doing this.
     $lastaccess = new stdClass();
     $lastaccess->userid = $userid;
     $lastaccess->courseid = $course->id;
     $DB->insert_record('user_lastaccess', $lastaccess);
     $data = array('action' => 'delete', 'username' => 'rlipusername');
     $this->run_core_user_import($data, false);
     // Assert data condition after delete.
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('message_read', array('useridto' => $userid)), 0);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('grade_grades'), 0);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('tag_instance'), 0);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('cohort_members'), 0);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('user_enrolments'), 0);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('role_assignments'), 0);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('groups_members'), 0);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('user_preferences'), 0);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('user_info_data'), 0);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('user_lastaccess'), 0);
  * Internal function for grade category grade aggregation
  * @param int    $userid The User ID
  * @param array  $items Grade items
  * @param array  $grade_values Array of grade values
  * @param object $oldgrade Old grade
  * @param array  $excluded Excluded
 private function aggregate_grades($userid, $items, $grade_values, $oldgrade, $excluded)
     global $CFG;
     if (empty($userid)) {
         //ignore first call
     if ($oldgrade) {
         $oldfinalgrade = $oldgrade->finalgrade;
         $grade = new grade_grade($oldgrade, false);
         $grade->grade_item =& $this->grade_item;
     } else {
         // insert final grade - it will be needed later anyway
         $grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid' => $this->grade_item->id, 'userid' => $userid), false);
         $grade->grade_item =& $this->grade_item;
         $oldfinalgrade = null;
     // no need to recalculate locked or overridden grades
     if ($grade->is_locked() or $grade->is_overridden()) {
     // can not use own final category grade in calculation
     // sum is a special aggregation types - it adjusts the min max, does not use relative values
     if ($this->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
         $this->sum_grades($grade, $oldfinalgrade, $items, $grade_values, $excluded);
     // if no grades calculation possible or grading not allowed clear final grade
     if (empty($grade_values) or empty($items) or $this->grade_item->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_VALUE and $this->grade_item->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) {
         $grade->finalgrade = null;
         if (!is_null($oldfinalgrade)) {
     // normalize the grades first - all will have value 0...1
     // ungraded items are not used in aggregation
     foreach ($grade_values as $itemid => $v) {
         if (is_null($v)) {
             // null means no grade
         } else {
             if (in_array($itemid, $excluded)) {
         $grade_values[$itemid] = grade_grade::standardise_score($v, $items[$itemid]->grademin, $items[$itemid]->grademax, 0, 1);
     // use min grade if grade missing for these types
     if (!$this->aggregateonlygraded) {
         foreach ($items as $itemid => $value) {
             if (!isset($grade_values[$itemid]) and !in_array($itemid, $excluded)) {
                 $grade_values[$itemid] = 0;
     // limit and sort
     $this->apply_limit_rules($grade_values, $items);
     asort($grade_values, SORT_NUMERIC);
     // let's see we have still enough grades to do any statistics
     if (count($grade_values) == 0) {
         // not enough attempts yet
         $grade->finalgrade = null;
         if (!is_null($oldfinalgrade)) {
     // do the maths
     $agg_grade = $this->aggregate_values($grade_values, $items);
     // recalculate the grade back to requested range
     $finalgrade = grade_grade::standardise_score($agg_grade, 0, 1, $this->grade_item->grademin, $this->grade_item->grademax);
     $grade->finalgrade = $this->grade_item->bounded_grade($finalgrade);
     // update in db if changed
     if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldfinalgrade)) {
  * Tests grade_report::blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds()
 public function test_blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds()
     global $DB;
     $student = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     // Create a course and two activities.
     // One activity will be hidden.
     $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
     $coursegradeitem = grade_item::fetch_course_item($course->id);
     $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
     $data = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('data', array('assessed' => 1, 'scale' => 100, 'course' => $course->id));
     $datacm = get_coursemodule_from_id('data', $data->cmid);
     $forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', array('assessed' => 1, 'scale' => 100, 'course' => $course->id));
     $forumcm = get_coursemodule_from_id('forum', $forum->cmid);
     // Insert student grades for the two activities.
     $gi = grade_item::fetch(array('itemtype' => 'mod', 'itemmodule' => 'data', 'iteminstance' => $data->id, 'courseid' => $course->id));
     $datagrade = 50;
     $grade_grade = new grade_grade();
     $grade_grade->itemid = $gi->id;
     $grade_grade->userid = $student->id;
     $grade_grade->rawgrade = $datagrade;
     $grade_grade->finalgrade = $datagrade;
     $grade_grade->rawgrademax = 100;
     $grade_grade->rawgrademin = 0;
     $grade_grade->timecreated = time();
     $grade_grade->timemodified = time();
     $gi = grade_item::fetch(array('itemtype' => 'mod', 'itemmodule' => 'forum', 'iteminstance' => $forum->id, 'courseid' => $course->id));
     $forumgrade = 70;
     $grade_grade = new grade_grade();
     $grade_grade->itemid = $gi->id;
     $grade_grade->userid = $student->id;
     $grade_grade->rawgrade = $forumgrade;
     $grade_grade->finalgrade = $forumgrade;
     $grade_grade->rawgrademax = 100;
     $grade_grade->rawgrademin = 0;
     $grade_grade->timecreated = time();
     $grade_grade->timemodified = time();
     // Hide the database activity.
     set_coursemodule_visible($datacm->id, 0);
     $gpr = new grade_plugin_return(array('type' => 'report', 'courseid' => $course->id));
     $report = new grade_report_test($course->id, $gpr, $coursecontext, $student);
     // Should return the supplied student total grade regardless of hiding.
     $report->showtotalsifcontainhidden = array($course->id => GRADE_REPORT_SHOW_REAL_TOTAL_IF_CONTAINS_HIDDEN);
     $result = $report->blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds($course->id, $coursegradeitem, $datagrade + $forumgrade);
     $this->assertEquals(array('grade' => $datagrade + $forumgrade, 'grademax' => $coursegradeitem->grademax, 'grademin' => $coursegradeitem->grademin, 'aggregationstatus' => 'unknown', 'aggregationweight' => null), $result);
     // Should blank the student total as course grade depends on a hidden item.
     $report->showtotalsifcontainhidden = array($course->id => GRADE_REPORT_HIDE_TOTAL_IF_CONTAINS_HIDDEN);
     $result = $report->blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds($course->id, $coursegradeitem, $datagrade + $forumgrade);
     $this->assertEquals(array('grade' => null, 'grademax' => $coursegradeitem->grademax, 'grademin' => $coursegradeitem->grademin, 'aggregationstatus' => 'unknown', 'aggregationweight' => null), $result);
     // Should return the course total minus the hidden database activity grade.
     $report->showtotalsifcontainhidden = array($course->id => GRADE_REPORT_SHOW_TOTAL_IF_CONTAINS_HIDDEN);
     $result = $report->blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds($course->id, $coursegradeitem, $datagrade + $forumgrade);
     $this->assertEquals(array('grade' => floatval($forumgrade), 'grademax' => $coursegradeitem->grademax, 'grademin' => $coursegradeitem->grademin, 'aggregationstatus' => 'unknown', 'aggregationweight' => null), $result);
     // Note: we cannot simply hide modules and call $report->blank_hidden_total() again.
     // It stores grades in a static variable so $report->blank_hidden_total() will return incorrect totals
     // In practice this isn't a problem. Grade visibility isn't altered mid-request outside of the unit tests.
     // Add a second course to test:
     // 1) How a course with no visible activities behaves.
     // 2) That $report->blank_hidden_total() correctly moves on to the new course.
     $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
     $coursegradeitem = grade_item::fetch_course_item($course->id);
     $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
     $data = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('data', array('assessed' => 1, 'scale' => 100, 'course' => $course->id));
     $datacm = get_coursemodule_from_id('data', $data->cmid);
     $forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', array('assessed' => 1, 'scale' => 100, 'course' => $course->id));
     $forumcm = get_coursemodule_from_id('forum', $forum->cmid);
     $gi = grade_item::fetch(array('itemtype' => 'mod', 'itemmodule' => 'data', 'iteminstance' => $data->id, 'courseid' => $course->id));
     $datagrade = 50;
     $grade_grade = new grade_grade();
     $grade_grade->itemid = $gi->id;
     $grade_grade->userid = $student->id;
     $grade_grade->rawgrade = $datagrade;
     $grade_grade->finalgrade = $datagrade;
     $grade_grade->rawgrademax = 100;
     $grade_grade->rawgrademin = 0;
     $grade_grade->timecreated = time();
     $grade_grade->timemodified = time();
     $gi = grade_item::fetch(array('itemtype' => 'mod', 'itemmodule' => 'forum', 'iteminstance' => $forum->id, 'courseid' => $course->id));
     $forumgrade = 70;
     $grade_grade = new grade_grade();
     $grade_grade->itemid = $gi->id;
     $grade_grade->userid = $student->id;
     $grade_grade->rawgrade = $forumgrade;
     $grade_grade->finalgrade = $forumgrade;
     $grade_grade->rawgrademax = 100;
     $grade_grade->rawgrademin = 0;
     $grade_grade->timecreated = time();
     $grade_grade->timemodified = time();
     // Hide both activities.
     set_coursemodule_visible($datacm->id, 0);
     set_coursemodule_visible($forumcm->id, 0);
     $gpr = new grade_plugin_return(array('type' => 'report', 'courseid' => $course->id));
     $report = new grade_report_test($course->id, $gpr, $coursecontext, $student);
     // Should return the supplied student total grade regardless of hiding.
     $report->showtotalsifcontainhidden = array($course->id => GRADE_REPORT_SHOW_REAL_TOTAL_IF_CONTAINS_HIDDEN);
     $result = $report->blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds($course->id, $coursegradeitem, $datagrade + $forumgrade);
     $this->assertEquals(array('grade' => $datagrade + $forumgrade, 'grademax' => $coursegradeitem->grademax, 'grademin' => $coursegradeitem->grademin, 'aggregationstatus' => 'unknown', 'aggregationweight' => null), $result);
     // Should blank the student total as course grade depends on a hidden item.
     $report->showtotalsifcontainhidden = array($course->id => GRADE_REPORT_HIDE_TOTAL_IF_CONTAINS_HIDDEN);
     $result = $report->blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds($course->id, $coursegradeitem, $datagrade + $forumgrade);
     $this->assertEquals(array('grade' => null, 'grademax' => $coursegradeitem->grademax, 'grademin' => $coursegradeitem->grademin, 'aggregationstatus' => 'unknown', 'aggregationweight' => null), $result);
     // Should return the course total minus the hidden activity grades.
     // They are both hidden so should return null.
     $report->showtotalsifcontainhidden = array($course->id => GRADE_REPORT_SHOW_TOTAL_IF_CONTAINS_HIDDEN);
     $result = $report->blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds($course->id, $coursegradeitem, $datagrade + $forumgrade);
     $this->assertEquals(array('grade' => null, 'grademax' => $coursegradeitem->grademax, 'grademin' => $coursegradeitem->grademin, 'aggregationstatus' => 'unknown', 'aggregationweight' => null), $result);
 * This function creates all the gradebook data from xml
function restore_create_gradebook($restore, $xml_file)
    global $CFG;
    $status = true;
    //Check it exists
    if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
        return false;
    // Get info from xml
    // info will contain the number of record to process
    $info = restore_read_xml_gradebook($restore, $xml_file);
    // If we have info, then process
    if (empty($info)) {
        return $status;
    if (empty($CFG->disablegradehistory) and isset($info->gradebook_histories) and $info->gradebook_histories == "true") {
        $restore_histories = true;
    } else {
        $restore_histories = false;
    // make sure top course category exists
    $course_category = grade_category::fetch_course_category($restore->course_id);
    // we need to know if all grade items that were backed up are being restored
    // if that is not the case, we do not restore grade categories nor gradeitems of category type or course type
    // i.e. the aggregated grades of that category
    $restoreall = true;
    // set to false if any grade_item is not selected/restored or already exist
    $importing = !empty($SESSION->restore->importing);
    if ($importing) {
        $restoreall = false;
    } else {
        $prev_grade_items = grade_item::fetch_all(array('courseid' => $restore->course_id));
        $prev_grade_cats = grade_category::fetch_all(array('courseid' => $restore->course_id));
        // if any categories already present, skip restore of categories from backup - course item or category already exist
        if (count($prev_grade_items) > 1 or count($prev_grade_cats) > 1) {
            $restoreall = false;
        if ($restoreall) {
            if ($recs = get_records_select("backup_ids", "table_name = 'grade_items' AND backup_code = {$restore->backup_unique_code}", "", "old_id")) {
                foreach ($recs as $rec) {
                    if ($data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'grade_items', $rec->old_id)) {
                        $info = $data->info;
                        // do not restore if this grade_item is a mod, and
                        $itemtype = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMTYPE']['0']['#']);
                        if ($itemtype == 'mod') {
                            $olditeminstance = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMINSTANCE']['0']['#']);
                            $itemmodule = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMMODULE']['0']['#']);
                            if (empty($restore->mods[$itemmodule]->granular)) {
                            } else {
                                if (!empty($restore->mods[$itemmodule]->instances[$olditeminstance]->restore)) {
                            // at least one activity should not be restored - do not restore categories and manual items at all
                            $restoreall = false;
    // Start ul
    if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
        echo '<ul>';
    // array of restored categories - speedup ;-)
    $cached_categories = array();
    $outcomes = array();
    /// Process letters
    $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $restore->course_id);
    // respect current grade letters if defined
    if ($status and $restoreall and !record_exists('grade_letters', 'contextid', $context->id)) {
        if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
            echo '<li>' . get_string('gradeletters', 'grades') . '</li>';
        // Fetch recordset_size records in each iteration
        $recs = get_records_select("backup_ids", "table_name = 'grade_letters' AND backup_code = {$restore->backup_unique_code}", "", "old_id");
        if ($recs) {
            foreach ($recs as $rec) {
                // Get the full record from backup_ids
                $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'grade_letters', $rec->old_id);
                if ($data) {
                    $info = $data->info;
                    $dbrec = new object();
                    $dbrec->contextid = $context->id;
                    $dbrec->lowerboundary = backup_todb($info['GRADE_LETTER']['#']['LOWERBOUNDARY']['0']['#']);
                    $dbrec->letter = backup_todb($info['GRADE_LETTER']['#']['LETTER']['0']['#']);
                    insert_record('grade_letters', $dbrec);
    /// Preprocess outcomes - do not store them yet!
    if ($status and !$importing and $restoreall) {
        if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
            echo '<li>' . get_string('gradeoutcomes', 'grades') . '</li>';
        $recs = get_records_select("backup_ids", "table_name = 'grade_outcomes' AND backup_code = '{$restore->backup_unique_code}'", "", "old_id");
        if ($recs) {
            foreach ($recs as $rec) {
                //Get the full record from backup_ids
                $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'grade_outcomes', $rec->old_id);
                if ($data) {
                    $info = $data->info;
                    //first find out if outcome already exists
                    $shortname = backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME']['#']['SHORTNAME']['0']['#']);
                    if ($candidates = get_records_sql("SELECT *\n                                                             FROM {$CFG->prefix}grade_outcomes\n                                                            WHERE (courseid IS NULL OR courseid = {$restore->course_id})\n                                                                  AND shortname = '{$shortname}'\n                                                         ORDER BY courseid ASC, id ASC")) {
                        $grade_outcome = reset($candidates);
                        $outcomes[$rec->old_id] = $grade_outcome;
                    $dbrec = new object();
                    if (has_capability('moodle/grade:manageoutcomes', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
                        $oldoutcome = backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME']['#']['COURSEID']['0']['#']);
                        if (empty($oldoutcome)) {
                            //site wide
                            $dbrec->courseid = null;
                        } else {
                            //course only
                            $dbrec->courseid = $restore->course_id;
                    } else {
                        // no permission to add site outcomes
                        $dbrec->courseid = $restore->course_id;
                    //Get the fields
                    $dbrec->shortname = backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME']['#']['SHORTNAME']['0']['#'], false);
                    $dbrec->fullname = backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME']['#']['FULLNAME']['0']['#'], false);
                    $dbrec->scaleid = backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME']['#']['SCALEID']['0']['#'], false);
                    $dbrec->description = backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME']['#']['DESCRIPTION']['0']['#'], false);
                    $dbrec->timecreated = backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME']['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#'], false);
                    $dbrec->timemodified = backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME']['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#'], false);
                    $dbrec->usermodified = backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME']['#']['USERMODIFIED']['0']['#'], false);
                    //Need to recode the scaleid
                    if ($scale = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'scale', $dbrec->scaleid)) {
                        $dbrec->scaleid = $scale->new_id;
                    //Need to recode the usermodified
                    if ($modifier = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'user', $dbrec->usermodified)) {
                        $dbrec->usermodified = $modifier->new_id;
                    $grade_outcome = new grade_outcome($dbrec, false);
                    $outcomes[$rec->old_id] = $grade_outcome;
    /// Process grade items and grades
    if ($status) {
        if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
            echo '<li>' . get_string('gradeitems', 'grades') . '</li>';
        $counter = 0;
        //Fetch recordset_size records in each iteration
        $recs = get_records_select("backup_ids", "table_name = 'grade_items' AND backup_code = '{$restore->backup_unique_code}'", "id", "old_id");
        if ($recs) {
            foreach ($recs as $rec) {
                //Get the full record from backup_ids
                $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'grade_items', $rec->old_id);
                if ($data) {
                    $info = $data->info;
                    // first find out if category or normal item
                    $itemtype = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMTYPE']['0']['#'], false);
                    if ($itemtype == 'course' or $itemtype == 'category') {
                        if (!$restoreall or $importing) {
                        $oldcat = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMINSTANCE']['0']['#'], false);
                        if (!($cdata = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'grade_categories', $oldcat))) {
                        $cinfo = $cdata->info;
                        if ($itemtype == 'course') {
                            $course_category->fullname = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['FULLNAME']['0']['#'], false);
                            $course_category->aggregation = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['AGGREGATION']['0']['#'], false);
                            $course_category->keephigh = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['KEEPHIGH']['0']['#'], false);
                            $course_category->droplow = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['DROPLOW']['0']['#'], false);
                            $course_category->aggregateonlygraded = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['AGGREGATEONLYGRADED']['0']['#'], false);
                            $course_category->aggregateoutcomes = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['AGGREGATEOUTCOMES']['0']['#'], false);
                            $course_category->aggregatesubcats = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['AGGREGATESUBCATS']['0']['#'], false);
                            $course_category->timecreated = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#'], false);
                            $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'grade_categories', $oldcat, $course_category->id) && $status;
                            $cached_categories[$oldcat] = $course_category;
                            $grade_item = $course_category->get_grade_item();
                        } else {
                            $oldparent = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['PARENT']['0']['#'], false);
                            if (empty($cached_categories[$oldparent])) {
                                debugging('parent not found ' . $oldparent);
                                // parent not found, sorry
                            $grade_category = new grade_category();
                            $grade_category->courseid = $restore->course_id;
                            $grade_category->parent = $cached_categories[$oldparent]->id;
                            $grade_category->fullname = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['FULLNAME']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade_category->aggregation = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['AGGREGATION']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade_category->keephigh = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['KEEPHIGH']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade_category->droplow = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['DROPLOW']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade_category->aggregateonlygraded = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['AGGREGATEONLYGRADED']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade_category->aggregateoutcomes = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['AGGREGATEOUTCOMES']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade_category->aggregatesubcats = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['AGGREGATESUBCATS']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade_category->timecreated = backup_todb($cinfo['GRADE_CATEGORY']['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#'], false);
                            $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'grade_categories', $oldcat, $grade_category->id) && $status;
                            $cached_categories[$oldcat] = $grade_category;
                            $grade_item = $grade_category->get_grade_item();
                            // creates grade_item too
                        $idnumber = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['IDNUMBER']['0']['#'], false);
                        if (grade_verify_idnumber($idnumber, $restore->course_id)) {
                            $grade_item->idnumber = $idnumber;
                        $grade_item->itemname = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMNAME']['0']['#'], false);
                        $grade_item->iteminfo = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMINFO']['0']['#'], false);
                        $grade_item->gradetype = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['GRADETYPE']['0']['#'], false);
                        $grade_item->calculation = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['CALCULATION']['0']['#'], false);
                        $grade_item->grademax = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['GRADEMAX']['0']['#'], false);
                        $grade_item->grademin = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['GRADEMIN']['0']['#'], false);
                        $grade_item->gradepass = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['GRADEPASS']['0']['#'], false);
                        $grade_item->multfactor = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['MULTFACTOR']['0']['#'], false);
                        $grade_item->plusfactor = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['PLUSFACTOR']['0']['#'], false);
                        $grade_item->aggregationcoef = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['AGGREGATIONCOEF']['0']['#'], false);
                        $grade_item->display = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['DISPLAY']['0']['#'], false);
                        $grade_item->decimals = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['DECIMALS']['0']['#'], false);
                        $grade_item->hidden = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['HIDDEN']['0']['#'], false);
                        $grade_item->locked = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['LOCKED']['0']['#'], false);
                        $grade_item->locktime = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['LOCKTIME']['0']['#'], false);
                        $grade_item->timecreated = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#'], false);
                        if (backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['SCALEID']['0']['#'], false)) {
                            $scale = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "scale", backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['SCALEID']['0']['#'], false));
                            $grade_item->scaleid = $scale->new_id;
                        if (backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['OUTCOMEID']['0']['#'], false)) {
                            $outcome = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "grade_outcomes", backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['OUTCOMEID']['0']['#'], false));
                            $grade_item->outcomeid = $outcome->new_id;
                        $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, "grade_items", $rec->old_id, $grade_item->id) && $status;
                    } else {
                        if ($itemtype != 'mod' and (!$restoreall or $importing)) {
                            // not extra gradebook stuff if restoring individual activities or something already there
                        $dbrec = new object();
                        $dbrec->courseid = $restore->course_id;
                        $dbrec->itemtype = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMTYPE']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->itemmodule = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMMODULE']['0']['#'], false);
                        if ($itemtype == 'mod') {
                            // iteminstance should point to new mod
                            $olditeminstance = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMINSTANCE']['0']['#'], false);
                            $mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, $dbrec->itemmodule, $olditeminstance);
                            $dbrec->iteminstance = $mod->new_id;
                            if (!($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($dbrec->itemmodule, $mod->new_id))) {
                                // item not restored - no item
                            // keep in sync with activity idnumber
                            $dbrec->idnumber = $cm->idnumber;
                        } else {
                            $idnumber = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['IDNUMBER']['0']['#'], false);
                            if (grade_verify_idnumber($idnumber, $restore->course_id)) {
                                //make sure the new idnumber is unique
                                $dbrec->idnumber = $idnumber;
                        $dbrec->itemname = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMNAME']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->itemtype = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMTYPE']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->itemmodule = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMMODULE']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->itemnumber = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMNUMBER']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->iteminfo = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMINFO']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->gradetype = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['GRADETYPE']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->calculation = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['CALCULATION']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->grademax = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['GRADEMAX']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->grademin = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['GRADEMIN']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->gradepass = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['GRADEPASS']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->multfactor = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['MULTFACTOR']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->plusfactor = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['PLUSFACTOR']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->aggregationcoef = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['AGGREGATIONCOEF']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->display = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['DISPLAY']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->decimals = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['DECIMALS']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->hidden = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['HIDDEN']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->locked = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['LOCKED']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->locktime = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['LOCKTIME']['0']['#'], false);
                        $dbrec->timecreated = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#'], false);
                        if (backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['SCALEID']['0']['#'], false)) {
                            $scale = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "scale", backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['SCALEID']['0']['#'], false));
                            $dbrec->scaleid = $scale->new_id;
                        if (backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['OUTCOMEID']['0']['#'])) {
                            $oldoutcome = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['OUTCOMEID']['0']['#']);
                            if (empty($outcomes[$oldoutcome])) {
                                // error!
                            if (empty($outcomes[$oldoutcome]->id)) {
                                backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, "grade_outcomes", $oldoutcome, $outcomes[$oldoutcome]->id);
                            $dbrec->outcomeid = $outcomes[$oldoutcome]->id;
                        $grade_item = new grade_item($dbrec, false);
                        if ($restoreall) {
                            // set original parent if restored
                            $oldcat = $info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['CATEGORYID']['0']['#'];
                            if (!empty($cached_categories[$oldcat])) {
                        $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, "grade_items", $rec->old_id, $grade_item->id) && $status;
                    // no need to restore grades if user data is not selected or importing activities
                    if ($importing or $grade_item->itemtype == 'mod' and !restore_userdata_selected($restore, $grade_item->itemmodule, $olditeminstance)) {
                        // module instance not selected when restored using granular
                        // skip this item
                    /// now, restore grade_grades
                    if (!empty($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['GRADE_GRADES']['0']['#']['GRADE'])) {
                        //Iterate over items
                        foreach ($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['GRADE_GRADES']['0']['#']['GRADE'] as $g_info) {
                            $grade = new grade_grade();
                            $grade->itemid = $grade_item->id;
                            $olduser = backup_todb($g_info['#']['USERID']['0']['#'], false);
                            $user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "user", $olduser);
                            $grade->userid = $user->new_id;
                            $grade->rawgrade = backup_todb($g_info['#']['RAWGRADE']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade->rawgrademax = backup_todb($g_info['#']['RAWGRADEMAX']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade->rawgrademin = backup_todb($g_info['#']['RAWGRADEMIN']['0']['#'], false);
                            // need to find scaleid
                            if (backup_todb($g_info['#']['RAWSCALEID']['0']['#'])) {
                                $scale = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "scale", backup_todb($g_info['#']['RAWSCALEID']['0']['#'], false));
                                $grade->rawscaleid = $scale->new_id;
                            if (backup_todb($g_info['#']['USERMODIFIED']['0']['#'])) {
                                if ($modifier = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "user", backup_todb($g_info['#']['USERMODIFIED']['0']['#'], false))) {
                                    $grade->usermodified = $modifier->new_id;
                            $grade->finalgrade = backup_todb($g_info['#']['FINALGRADE']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade->hidden = backup_todb($g_info['#']['HIDDEN']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade->locked = backup_todb($g_info['#']['LOCKED']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade->locktime = backup_todb($g_info['#']['LOCKTIME']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade->exported = backup_todb($g_info['#']['EXPORTED']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade->overridden = backup_todb($g_info['#']['OVERRIDDEN']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade->excluded = backup_todb($g_info['#']['EXCLUDED']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade->feedback = backup_todb($g_info['#']['FEEDBACK']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade->feedbackformat = backup_todb($g_info['#']['FEEDBACKFORMAT']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade->information = backup_todb($g_info['#']['INFORMATION']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade->informationformat = backup_todb($g_info['#']['INFORMATIONFORMAT']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade->timecreated = backup_todb($g_info['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#'], false);
                            $grade->timemodified = backup_todb($g_info['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#'], false);
                            backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, "grade_grades", backup_todb($g_info['#']['ID']['0']['#']), $grade->id);
                            if ($counter % 20 == 0) {
                                if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
                                    echo ".";
                                    if ($counter % 400 == 0) {
                                        echo "<br />";
    /// add outcomes that are not used when doing full restore
    if ($status and $restoreall) {
        foreach ($outcomes as $oldoutcome => $grade_outcome) {
            if (empty($grade_outcome->id)) {
                backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, "grade_outcomes", $oldoutcome, $grade_outcome->id);
    if ($status and !$importing and $restore_histories) {
        /// following code is very inefficient
        $gchcount = count_records('backup_ids', 'backup_code', $restore->backup_unique_code, 'table_name', 'grade_categories_history');
        $gghcount = count_records('backup_ids', 'backup_code', $restore->backup_unique_code, 'table_name', 'grade_grades_history');
        $gihcount = count_records('backup_ids', 'backup_code', $restore->backup_unique_code, 'table_name', 'grade_items_history');
        $gohcount = count_records('backup_ids', 'backup_code', $restore->backup_unique_code, 'table_name', 'grade_outcomes_history');
        // Number of records to get in every chunk
        $recordset_size = 2;
        // process histories
        if ($gchcount && $status) {
            if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
                echo '<li>' . get_string('gradecategoryhistory', 'grades') . '</li>';
            $counter = 0;
            while ($counter < $gchcount) {
                //Fetch recordset_size records in each iteration
                $recs = get_records_select("backup_ids", "table_name = 'grade_categories_history' AND backup_code = '{$restore->backup_unique_code}'", "old_id", "old_id", $counter, $recordset_size);
                if ($recs) {
                    foreach ($recs as $rec) {
                        //Get the full record from backup_ids
                        $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'grade_categories_history', $rec->old_id);
                        if ($data) {
                            //Now get completed xmlized object
                            $info = $data->info;
                            //traverse_xmlize($info);                            //Debug
                            //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']);         //Debug
                            //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']="";                     //Debug
                            $oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "grade_categories", backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['OLDID']['0']['#']));
                            if (empty($oldobj->new_id)) {
                                // if the old object is not being restored, can't restoring its history
                            $dbrec->oldid = $oldobj->new_id;
                            $dbrec->action = backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['ACTION']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->source = backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['SOURCE']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->timemodified = backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#']);
                            // loggeduser might not be restored, e.g. admin
                            if ($oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "user", backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['LOGGEDUSER']['0']['#']))) {
                                $dbrec->loggeduser = $oldobj->new_id;
                            // this item might not have a parent at all, do not skip it if no parent is specified
                            if (backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['PARENT']['0']['#'])) {
                                $oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "grade_categories", backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['PARENT']['0']['#']));
                                if (empty($oldobj->new_id)) {
                                    // if the parent category not restored
                            $dbrec->parent = $oldobj->new_id;
                            $dbrec->depth = backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['DEPTH']['0']['#']);
                            // path needs to be rebuilt
                            if ($path = backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['PATH']['0']['#'])) {
                                // to preserve the path and make it work, we need to replace the categories one by one
                                // we first get the list of categories in current path
                                if ($paths = explode("/", $path)) {
                                    $newpath = '';
                                    foreach ($paths as $catid) {
                                        if ($catid) {
                                            // find the new corresponding path
                                            $oldpath = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "grade_categories", $catid);
                                            $newpath .= "/{$oldpath->new_id}";
                                    $dbrec->path = $newpath;
                            $dbrec->fullname = backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['FULLNAME']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->aggregation = backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['AGGRETGATION']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->keephigh = backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['KEEPHIGH']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->droplow = backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['DROPLOW']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->aggregateonlygraded = backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['AGGREGATEONLYGRADED']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->aggregateoutcomes = backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['AGGREGATEOUTCOMES']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->aggregatesubcats = backup_todb($info['GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY']['#']['AGGREGATESUBCATS']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->courseid = $restore->course_id;
                            insert_record('grade_categories_history', $dbrec);
                        //Increment counters
                        //Do some output
                        if ($counter % 1 == 0) {
                            if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
                                echo ".";
                                if ($counter % 20 == 0) {
                                    echo "<br />";
        // process histories
        if ($gghcount && $status) {
            if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
                echo '<li>' . get_string('gradegradeshistory', 'grades') . '</li>';
            $counter = 0;
            while ($counter < $gghcount) {
                //Fetch recordset_size records in each iteration
                $recs = get_records_select("backup_ids", "table_name = 'grade_grades_history' AND backup_code = '{$restore->backup_unique_code}'", "old_id", "old_id", $counter, $recordset_size);
                if ($recs) {
                    foreach ($recs as $rec) {
                        //Get the full record from backup_ids
                        $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'grade_grades_history', $rec->old_id);
                        if ($data) {
                            //Now get completed xmlized object
                            $info = $data->info;
                            //traverse_xmlize($info);                            //Debug
                            //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']);         //Debug
                            //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']="";                     //Debug
                            $oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "grade_grades", backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['OLDID']['0']['#']));
                            if (empty($oldobj->new_id)) {
                                // if the old object is not being restored, can't restoring its history
                            $dbrec->oldid = $oldobj->new_id;
                            $dbrec->action = backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['ACTION']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->source = backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['SOURCE']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->timemodified = backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#']);
                            if ($oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "user", backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['LOGGEDUSER']['0']['#']))) {
                                $dbrec->loggeduser = $oldobj->new_id;
                            $oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "grade_items", backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['ITEMID']['0']['#']));
                            $dbrec->itemid = $oldobj->new_id;
                            if (empty($dbrec->itemid)) {
                                // grade item not being restored
                            $oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "user", backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['USERID']['0']['#']));
                            $dbrec->userid = $oldobj->new_id;
                            $dbrec->rawgrade = backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['RAWGRADE']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->rawgrademax = backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['RAWGRADEMAX']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->rawgrademin = backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['RAWGRADEMIN']['0']['#']);
                            if ($oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "user", backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['USERMODIFIED']['0']['#']))) {
                                $dbrec->usermodified = $oldobj->new_id;
                            if (backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['RAWSCALEID']['0']['#'])) {
                                $scale = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "scale", backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['RAWSCALEID']['0']['#']));
                                $dbrec->rawscaleid = $scale->new_id;
                            $dbrec->finalgrade = backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['FINALGRADE']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->hidden = backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['HIDDEN']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->locked = backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['LOCKED']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->locktime = backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['LOCKTIME']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->exported = backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['EXPORTED']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->overridden = backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['OVERRIDDEN']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->excluded = backup_todb($info['GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY']['#']['EXCLUDED']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->feedback = backup_todb($info['GRADE_TEXT_HISTORY']['#']['FEEDBACK']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->feedbackformat = backup_todb($info['GRADE_TEXT_HISTORY']['#']['FEEDBACKFORMAT']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->information = backup_todb($info['GRADE_TEXT_HISTORY']['#']['INFORMATION']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->informationformat = backup_todb($info['GRADE_TEXT_HISTORY']['#']['INFORMATIONFORMAT']['0']['#']);
                            insert_record('grade_grades_history', $dbrec);
                        //Increment counters
                        //Do some output
                        if ($counter % 1 == 0) {
                            if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
                                echo ".";
                                if ($counter % 20 == 0) {
                                    echo "<br />";
        // process histories
        if ($gihcount && $status) {
            if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
                echo '<li>' . get_string('gradeitemshistory', 'grades') . '</li>';
            $counter = 0;
            while ($counter < $gihcount) {
                //Fetch recordset_size records in each iteration
                $recs = get_records_select("backup_ids", "table_name = 'grade_items_history' AND backup_code = '{$restore->backup_unique_code}'", "old_id", "old_id", $counter, $recordset_size);
                if ($recs) {
                    foreach ($recs as $rec) {
                        //Get the full record from backup_ids
                        $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'grade_items_history', $rec->old_id);
                        if ($data) {
                            //Now get completed xmlized object
                            $info = $data->info;
                            //traverse_xmlize($info);                            //Debug
                            //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']);         //Debug
                            //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']="";                     //Debug
                            $oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "grade_items", backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['OLDID']['0']['#']));
                            if (empty($oldobj->new_id)) {
                                // if the old object is not being restored, can't restoring its history
                            $dbrec->oldid = $oldobj->new_id;
                            $dbrec->action = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['ACTION']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->source = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['SOURCE']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->timemodified = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#']);
                            if ($oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "user", backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['LOGGEDUSER']['0']['#']))) {
                                $dbrec->loggeduser = $oldobj->new_id;
                            $dbrec->courseid = $restore->course_id;
                            $oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'grade_categories', backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['CATEGORYID']['0']['#']));
                            $oldobj->categoryid = $category->new_id;
                            if (empty($oldobj->categoryid)) {
                                // category not restored
                            $dbrec->itemname = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['ITEMNAME']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->itemtype = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['ITEMTYPE']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->itemmodule = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['ITEMMODULE']['0']['#']);
                            // code from grade_items restore
                            $iteminstance = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['ITEMINSTANCE']['0']['#']);
                            // do not restore if this grade_item is a mod, and
                            if ($dbrec->itemtype == 'mod') {
                                if (!restore_userdata_selected($restore, $dbrec->itemmodule, $iteminstance)) {
                                    // module instance not selected when restored using granular
                                    // skip this item
                                // iteminstance should point to new mod
                                $mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, $dbrec->itemmodule, $iteminstance);
                                $dbrec->iteminstance = $mod->new_id;
                            } else {
                                if ($dbrec->itemtype == 'category') {
                                    // the item instance should point to the new grade category
                                    // only proceed if we are restoring all grade items
                                    if ($restoreall) {
                                        $category = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'grade_categories', $iteminstance);
                                        $dbrec->iteminstance = $category->new_id;
                                    } else {
                                        // otherwise we can safely ignore this grade item and subsequent
                                        // grade_raws, grade_finals etc
                                } elseif ($dbrec->itemtype == 'course') {
                                    // We don't restore course type to avoid duplicate course items
                                    if ($restoreall) {
                                        // TODO any special code needed here to restore course item without duplicating it?
                                        // find the course category with depth 1, and course id = current course id
                                        // this would have been already restored
                                        $cat = get_record('grade_categories', 'depth', 1, 'courseid', $restore->course_id);
                                        $dbrec->iteminstance = $cat->id;
                                    } else {
                            $dbrec->itemnumber = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['ITEMNUMBER']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->iteminfo = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['ITEMINFO']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->idnumber = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['IDNUMBER']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->calculation = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['CALCULATION']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->gradetype = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['GRADETYPE']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->grademax = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['GRADEMAX']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->grademin = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['GRADEMIN']['0']['#']);
                            if ($oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "scale", backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['SCALEID']['0']['#']))) {
                                // scaleid is optional
                                $dbrec->scaleid = $oldobj->new_id;
                            if ($oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "grade_outcomes", backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['OUTCOMEID']['0']['#']))) {
                                // outcome is optional
                                $dbrec->outcomeid = $oldobj->new_id;
                            $dbrec->gradepass = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['GRADEPASS']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->multfactor = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['MULTFACTOR']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->plusfactor = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['PLUSFACTOR']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->aggregationcoef = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['AGGREGATIONCOEF']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->sortorder = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['SORTORDER']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->display = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['DISPLAY']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->decimals = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['DECIMALS']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->hidden = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['HIDDEN']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->locked = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['LOCKED']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->locktime = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['LOCKTIME']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->needsupdate = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY']['#']['NEEDSUPDATE']['0']['#']);
                            insert_record('grade_items_history', $dbrec);
                        //Increment counters
                        //Do some output
                        if ($counter % 1 == 0) {
                            if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
                                echo ".";
                                if ($counter % 20 == 0) {
                                    echo "<br />";
        // process histories
        if ($gohcount && $status) {
            if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
                echo '<li>' . get_string('gradeoutcomeshistory', 'grades') . '</li>';
            $counter = 0;
            while ($counter < $gohcount) {
                //Fetch recordset_size records in each iteration
                $recs = get_records_select("backup_ids", "table_name = 'grade_outcomes_history' AND backup_code = '{$restore->backup_unique_code}'", "old_id", "old_id", $counter, $recordset_size);
                if ($recs) {
                    foreach ($recs as $rec) {
                        //Get the full record from backup_ids
                        $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'grade_outcomes_history', $rec->old_id);
                        if ($data) {
                            //Now get completed xmlized object
                            $info = $data->info;
                            //traverse_xmlize($info);                            //Debug
                            //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']);         //Debug
                            //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']="";                     //Debug
                            $oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "grade_outcomes", backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORY']['#']['OLDID']['0']['#']));
                            if (empty($oldobj->new_id)) {
                                // if the old object is not being restored, can't restoring its history
                            $dbrec->oldid = $oldobj->new_id;
                            $dbrec->action = backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORY']['#']['ACTION']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->source = backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORY']['#']['SOURCE']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->timemodified = backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORY']['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#']);
                            if ($oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "user", backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORY']['#']['LOGGEDUSER']['0']['#']))) {
                                $dbrec->loggeduser = $oldobj->new_id;
                            $dbrec->courseid = $restore->course_id;
                            $dbrec->shortname = backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORY']['#']['SHORTNAME']['0']['#']);
                            $dbrec->fullname = backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORY']['#']['FULLNAME']['0']['#']);
                            $oldobj = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "scale", backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORY']['#']['SCALEID']['0']['#']));
                            $dbrec->scaleid = $oldobj->new_id;
                            $dbrec->description = backup_todb($info['GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORY']['#']['DESCRIPTION']['0']['#']);
                            insert_record('grade_outcomes_history', $dbrec);
                        //Increment counters
                        //Do some output
                        if ($counter % 1 == 0) {
                            if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
                                echo ".";
                                if ($counter % 20 == 0) {
                                    echo "<br />";
    if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
        //End ul
        echo '</ul>';
    return $status;
 protected function generate_random_raw_grade($item, $userid)
     $grade = new grade_grade();
     $grade->itemid = $item->id;
     $grade->userid = $userid;
     $grade->grademin = 0;
     $grade->grademax = 1;
     $valuetype = "grade{$item->gradetype}";
     $grade->rawgrade = rand(0, 1000) / 1000;
     return $grade->rawgrade;
  * This is the function which runs when cron calls.
 public function execute()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     echo "BEGIN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n\n";
      * A script, to be run overnight, to pull L3VA scores from Leap and generate
      * the MAG, for each student on specifically-tagged courses, and add it into
      * our live Moodle.
      * @copyright 2014-2015 Paul Vaughan
      * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
     // Script start time.
     $time_start = microtime(true);
     // Null or an int (course's id): run the script only for this course. For testing or one-offs.
     // TODO: Consider changing $thiscourse as an array, not an integer.
     $thiscourse = null;
     // null or e.g. 1234
     // TODO: can we use *all* the details in version.php? It would make a lot more sense.
     $version = '1.0.20';
     //$build      = '20150128';
     $build = get_config('block_leap', 'version');
     // Debugging.
     define('DEBUG', true);
     // Debugging.
     define('TRUNCATE_LOG', true);
     // Truncate the log table.
     if (TRUNCATE_LOG) {
         echo 'Truncating block_leap_log...';
         $DB->delete_records('block_leap_log', null);
         echo " done.\n";
     overnight::tlog('GradeTracker script, v' . $version . ', ' . $build . '.', 'hiya');
     overnight::tlog('Started at ' . date('c', $time_start) . '.', ' go ');
     if ($thiscourse) {
         overnight::tlog('IMPORTANT! Processing only course \'' . $thiscourse . '\'.', 'warn');
     overnight::tlog('', '----');
     // Before almost anything has the chance to fail, reset the fail delay setting back to 0.
     if (DEBUG) {
         if (!($reset = $DB->set_field('task_scheduled', 'faildelay', 0, array('component' => 'block_leap', 'classname' => '\\block_leap\\task\\overnight')))) {
             overnight::tlog('Scheduled task "fail delay" could not be reset.', 'warn');
         } else {
             overnight::tlog('Scheduled task "fail delay" reset to 0.', 'dbug');
     $leap_url = get_config('block_leap', 'leap_url');
     $auth_token = get_config('block_leap', 'auth_token');
     define('LEAP_API_URL', $leap_url . '/people/%s/views/courses.json?token=' . $auth_token);
     //overnight::tlog( 'Leap API URL: ' . LEAP_API_URL, 'dbug' );
     // Number of decimal places in the processed targets (and elsewhere).
     define('DECIMALS', 3);
     // Search term to use when searching for courses to process.
     define('IDNUMBERLIKE', 'leapcore_%');
     //define( 'IDNUMBERLIKE', 'leapcore_test' );
     // Category details for the above columns to go into.
     define('CATNAME', get_string('gradebook:category_title', 'block_leap'));
     // Include some details.
     require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../details.php';
     // Logging array for the end-of-script summary.
     $logging = array('courses' => array(), 'students_processed' => array(), 'students_unique' => array(), 'no_l3va' => array(), 'not_updated' => array(), 'grade_types' => array('btec' => 0, 'a level' => 0, 'gcse' => 0, 'refer and pass' => 0, 'noscale' => 0, 'develop, pass' => 0), 'poor_grades' => array(), 'num' => array('courses' => 0, 'students_processed' => 0, 'students_unique' => 0, 'no_l3va' => 0, 'not_updated' => 0, 'grade_types' => 0, 'grade_types_in_use' => 0, 'poor_grades' => 0));
     // Small array to store the GCSE English and maths grades from the JSON.
     $gcse = array('english' => null, 'maths' => null);
     // Just for internal use, defines the grade type (int) and what it is (string).
     $gradetypes = array(0 => 'None', 1 => 'Value', 2 => 'Scale', 3 => 'Text');
     // Define the wanted column names (will appear in this order in the Gradebook, initially).
     // These column names are an integral part of this plugin and should not be changed.
     $column_names = array(get_string('gradebook:tag', 'block_leap') => get_string('gradebook:tag_desc', 'block_leap'));
     // Make an array keyed to the column names to store the grades in.
     $targets = array();
     foreach ($column_names as $name => $desc) {
         $targets[strtolower($name)] = '';
      * The next section looks through all courses for those with a properly configured Leap block
      * and adds it (and the tracking configuration) to the $courses array.
     overnight::tlog('', '----');
     $courses = $DB->get_records('course', null, null, 'id,shortname,fullname');
     $allcourses = array();
     foreach ($courses as $course) {
         if ($course->id != 1) {
             $coursecontext = \context_course::instance($course->id);
             if (!($blockrecord = $DB->get_record('block_instances', array('blockname' => 'leap', 'parentcontextid' => $coursecontext->id)))) {
                 if (DEBUG) {
                     overnight::tlog('No Leap block found for course "' . $course->id . '" (' . $course->shortname . ')', 'dbug');
             if (!($blockinstance = block_instance('leap', $blockrecord))) {
                 if (DEBUG) {
                     overnight::tlog('No Leap block instance found for course "' . $course->id . '" (' . $course->shortname . ')', 'dbug');
             if (isset($blockinstance->config->trackertype) && !empty($blockinstance->config->trackertype)) {
                 $course->trackertype = $blockinstance->config->trackertype;
                 $course->scalename = null;
                 $course->scaleid = null;
                 $course->gradeid = null;
                 $allcourses[] = $course;
                 if (DEBUG) {
                     overnight::tlog('Tracker "' . $blockinstance->config->trackertype . '" found in course ' . $course->id . ' (' . $course->shortname . ')', 'dbug');
             } else {
                 if (DEBUG) {
                     overnight::tlog('<Tracker not found in course ' . $course->id . ' (' . $course->shortname . ')', 'dbug');
         // END if $course != 1
     // END foreach $courses as $course
             foreach ( $allcourses as $course ) {
                 // Ignore the course with id = 1, as it's the front page.
                 if ( $course->id == 1 ) {
                 } else {
                     // First get course context.
                     $coursecontext  = \context_course::instance( $course->id );
                     $blockrecord    = $DB->get_record( 'block_instances', array( 'blockname' => 'leap', 'parentcontextid' => $coursecontext->id ) );
                     $blockinstance  = block_instance( 'leap', $blockrecord );
                     // Check and add trackertype and coursetype to the $course object.
                     if (
                         isset( $blockinstance->config->trackertype ) &&
                         !empty( $blockinstance->config->trackertype ) )
                         //!empty( $blockinstance->config->trackertype ) &&
                         //isset( $blockinstance->config->coursetype ) &&
                         //!empty( $blockinstance->config->coursetype ) )
                         $course->trackertype    = $blockinstance->config->trackertype;
                         //$course->coursetype     = $blockinstance->config->coursetype;
                         // Setting some more variables we'll need in due course.
                         $course->scalename      = null;
                         $course->scaleid        = null;
                         $course->gradeid        = null;
                         // All good, so...
                         $courses[] = $course;
                         overnight::tlog( 'Course \'' . $course->fullname . '\' (' . $course->shortname . ') [' . $course->id . '] added to process list.', 'info');
                         if ( DEBUG ) {
                             overnight::tlog( json_encode( $course ), 'dbug');
     //var_dump($courses); exit(0);
     /* Example $courses array.
     array(2) {
       object(stdClass)#91 (7) {
         string(1) "2"
         string(5) "TC101"
         string(15) "Test Course 101"
         string(7) "english"
         string(14) "a2_englishlang"
         string(0) ""
       object(stdClass)#92 (7) {
         string(1) "3"
         string(5) "TC201"
         string(15) "Test course 201"
         string(7) "english"
         string(6) "a2_law"
         string(0) ""
     $num_courses = count($allcourses);
     $cur_courses = 0;
     if ($num_courses == 0) {
         overnight::tlog('No courses found to process, so halting.', 'EROR');
         // Returning false indicates failure. We didn't fail, just found no courses to process.
         return true;
     overnight::tlog('', '----');
      * Sets up each configured course with a category and columns within it.
     foreach ($allcourses as $course) {
         overnight::tlog('Processing course (' . $cur_courses . '/' . $num_courses . ') ' . $course->fullname . ' (' . $course->shortname . ') [' . $course->id . '] at ' . date('c', time()) . '.', 'info');
         $logging['courses'][] = $course->fullname . ' (' . $course->shortname . ') [' . $course->id . '].';
         //overnight::tlog( $course->coursetype, 'PVDB' );
         We need to give serious thought to NOT doing this, as it's basically impossible to set the correct scale at this point.
         Grades and that:
         Develop / Pass - would be used for all pass only type qualifications but develop will be used instead of refer, retake, fail etc.
         U, G, F, E, D, C, B, A, A*  - to be used for GCSE / A-level plus any others that have letter grades.
         Refer, Pass, Merit, Distinction.
         Refer, PP, PM, MM, MD, DD
         Refer, PPP, PPM, PMM, MMM, MMD, MDD, DDD
         Numbers from 0 - 100 - in traffic light systems the numbers will be compared and anything lower than the target will be red, higher than target will be green.
                     // Work out the scale from the course type.
                     if ( stristr( $course->coursetype, 'as_' ) || stristr( $course->coursetype, 'a2_' ) ) {
                         $course->scalename  = 'A Level';
                     } else if ( stristr( $course->coursetype, 'gcse_' ) ) {
                         $course->scalename  = 'GCSE';
                     } else if ( stristr( $course->coursetype, 'btec_' ) ) {
                         $course->scalename  = 'BTEC';
                     overnight::tlog( 'Course ' . $course->id . ' appears to be a ' . $course->scalename . ' course.', 'info' );
                     // Get the scale ID.
                     if ( !$moodlescale = $DB->get_record( 'scale', array( 'name' => $course->scalename ), 'id' ) ) {
                         overnight::tlog( '- Could not find a scale called \'' . $course->scalename . '\' for course ' . $course->id . '.', 'warn' );
                     } else {
                         // Scale located.
                         $course->scaleid = $moodlescale->id;
                         overnight::tlog( '- Scale called \'' . $course->scalename . '\' found with ID ' . $moodlescale->id . '.', 'info' );
                     overnight::tlog( json_encode( $course ), '>dbg');
                     //var_dump($courses); exit(0);
         overnight::tlog(json_encode($course), '>dbg');
         // Figure out the grade type and scale here, pulled directly from the course's gradebook's course itemtype.
         $coursegradescale = $DB->get_record('grade_items', array('courseid' => $course->id, 'itemtype' => 'course'), 'gradetype, scaleid');
         $course->gradeid = $coursegradescale->gradetype;
         $course->scaleid = $coursegradescale->scaleid;
         overnight::tlog(json_encode($course), 'PVDB');
         if ($course->gradeid == 2) {
             if ($coursescale = $DB->get_record('scale', array('id' => $course->scaleid))) {
                 $course->scalename = $coursescale->name;
                 $tolog = '- Scale \'' . $course->scaleid . '\' (' . $coursescale->name . ') found [' . $coursescale->scale . ']';
                 $tolog .= $coursescale->courseid ? ' (which is specific to course ' . $coursescale->courseid . ').' : ' (which is global).';
                 overnight::tlog($tolog, 'info');
             } else {
                 // If the scale doesn't exist that the course is using, this is a problem.
                 overnight::tlog('- Gradetype \'2\' set, but no matching scale found.', 'warn');
         overnight::tlog(json_encode($course), 'PVDB');
                     if ( $coursegradescale = $DB->get_record( 'grade_items', array( 'courseid' => $course->id, 'itemtype' => 'course' ), 'gradetype, scaleid' ) ) {
            $course->gradeid = $coursegradescale->gradetype;
            $course->scaleid = $coursegradescale->scaleid;
            overnight::tlog( 'Gradetype \'' . $course->gradeid . '\' (' . $gradetypes[$course->gradeid] . ') found.', 'info' );
            // If the grade type is 2 / scale.
            if ( $course->gradeid == 2 ) {
                if ( $coursescale = $DB->get_record( 'scale', array( 'id' => $course->scaleid ) ) ) {
                    $course->scalename  = $coursescale->name;
                    //$course->scaleid    = $scaleid;
                    //$course->coursetype = $coursescale->name;
                    $tolog = '- Scale \'' . $course->scaleid . '\' (' . $course->scalename . ') found';
                    $tolog .= ( $coursescale->courseid ) ? ' (which is specific to course ' . $coursescale->courseid . ').' : ' (which is global).';
                    overnight::tlog( $tolog, 'info' );
                } else {
                    // If the scale doesn't exist that the course is using, this is a problem.
                    overnight::tlog( '- Gradetype \'2\' set, but no matching scale found.', 'warn' );
            } else if ( $course->gradeid == 1 ) {
                // If the grade type is 1 / value.
                $course->scalename  = 'noscale';
                $course->scaleid    = 1;
                // Already set, above.
                //$course->coursetype = 'Value';
                $tolog = ' Using \'' . $gradetypes[$gradeid] . '\' gradetype.';
                     } else {
            // Set it to default if no good scale could be found/used.
            $gradeid = 0;
            $scaleid = 0;
            overnight::tlog('No \'gradetype\' found, so using defaults instead.', 'info');
                     // You may get errors here (unknown index IIRC) if no scalename is generated because a scale (or anything) hasn't been set
                     // for that course (e.g. 'cos it's a new course). Catch this earlier!
         * Category checking: create or skip.
         if ($DB->get_record('grade_categories', array('courseid' => $course->id, 'fullname' => CATNAME))) {
             // Category exists, so skip creation.
             overnight::tlog('Category \'' . CATNAME . '\' already exists for course ' . $course->id . '.', 'skip');
         } else {
             $grade_category = new \grade_category();
             // Create a category for this course.
             $grade_category->courseid = $course->id;
             // Course id.
             $grade_category->fullname = CATNAME;
             // Set the category name (no description).
             $grade_category->sortorder = 1;
             // Need a better way of changing column order.
             $grade_category->hidden = 1;
             // Attempting to hide the totals.
             // Save all that...
             if (!($gc = $grade_category->insert())) {
                 overnight::tlog('Category \'' . CATNAME . '\' could not be inserted for course ' . $course->id . '.', 'EROR');
                 return false;
             } else {
                 overnight::tlog('Category \'' . CATNAME . '\' (' . $gc . ') created for course ' . $course->id . '.');
         // We've either checked a category exists or created one, so this *should* always work.
         $cat_id = $DB->get_record('grade_categories', array('courseid' => $course->id, 'fullname' => CATNAME));
         $cat_id = $cat_id->id;
         // One thing we need to do is set 'gradetype' to 0 on that newly created category, which prevents a category total showing
         // and the grades counting towards the total course grade.
         $DB->set_field_select('grade_items', 'gradetype', 0, "courseid = " . $course->id . " AND itemtype = 'category' AND iteminstance = " . $cat_id);
          * Column checking: create or update.
         // Step through each column name.
         foreach ($column_names as $col_name => $col_desc) {
             // Need to check for previously-created columns and force an update if they already exist.
             //if ( $DB->get_record('grade_items', array( 'courseid' => $course->id, 'itemname' => $col_name, 'itemtype' => 'manual' ) ) ) {
             //    // Column exists, so update instead.
             //    overnight::tlog('- Column \'' . $col_name . '\' already exists for course ' . $course->id . '.', 'skip');
             //} else {
             $grade_item = new \grade_item();
             // Create a new item object.
             $grade_item->courseid = $course->id;
             // Course id.
             $grade_item->itemtype = 'manual';
             // Set the category name (no description).
             $grade_item->itemname = $col_name;
             // The item's name.
             $grade_item->iteminfo = $col_desc;
             // Description of the item.
             $grade_item->categoryid = $cat_id;
             // Set the immediate parent category.
             $grade_item->hidden = 0;
             // Don't want it hidden (by default).
             $grade_item->locked = 1;
             // Lock it (by default).
             // Per-column specifics.
             if ($col_name == 'TAG') {
                 $grade_item->sortorder = 1;
                 // In-category sort order.
                 //$grade_item->gradetype  = $course->gradeid;
                 $grade_item->gradetype = 3;
                 // Text field.
                 //$grade_item->scaleid    = $course->scaleid;
                 //$grade_item->display    = 1;        // 'Real'. MIGHT need to seperate out options for BTEC and A Level.
                 $grade_item->display = 0;
                 // No frills.
             //if ( $col_name == 'L3VA' ) {
             //    // Lock the L3VA col as it's calculated elsewhere.
             //    $grade_item->sortorder  = 2;
             //    $grade_item->locked     = 1;
             //    $grade_item->decimals   = 0;
             //    $grade_item->display    = 1; // 'Real'.
             //if ( $col_name == 'MAG' ) {
             //    $grade_item->sortorder  = 3;
             //    //$grade_item->locked     = 1;
             //    $grade_item->gradetype  = $gradeid;
             //    $grade_item->scaleid    = $scaleid;
             //    $grade_item->display    = 1; // 'Real'.
             // Scale ID, generated earlier. An int, 0 or greater.
             // TODO: Check if we need this any more!!
             //$grade_item->scale = $course->scaleid;
             // Check to see if this record already exists, determining if we insert or update.
             if (!($grade_items_exists = $DB->get_record('grade_items', array('courseid' => $course->id, 'itemname' => $col_name, 'itemtype' => 'manual')))) {
                 // INSERT a new record.
                 if (!($gi = $grade_item->insert())) {
                     overnight::tlog('- Column \'' . $col_name . '\' could not be inserted for course ' . $course->id . '.', 'EROR');
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     overnight::tlog('- Column \'' . $col_name . '\' created for course ' . $course->id . '.');
             } else {
                 // UPDATE the existing record.
                 $grade_item->id = $grade_items_exists->id;
                 if (!($gi = $grade_item->update())) {
                     overnight::tlog('- Column \'' . $col_name . '\' could not be updated for course ' . $course->id . '.', 'EROR');
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     overnight::tlog('- Column \'' . $col_name . '\' updated for course ' . $course->id . '.');
             //} // END skip processing if manual column(s) already found in course.
         // END while working through each rquired column.
         // Good to here.
          * Move the category to the first location in the gradebook if it isn't already.
         //$gtree = new grade_tree($course->id, false, false);
         //$temp = grade_edit_tree::move_elements(1, '')
          * Collect enrolments based on each of those courses
         // EPIC 'get enrolled students' query from Stack Overflow:
         // Only selects manually enrolled, not self-enrolled student roles (redacted!).
         $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT AS userid, firstname, lastname, username\n                FROM mdl_user u\n                    JOIN mdl_user_enrolments ue ON ue.userid =\n                    JOIN mdl_enrol e ON = ue.enrolid\n                        -- AND e.enrol = 'leap'\n                    JOIN mdl_role_assignments ra ON ra.userid =\n                    JOIN mdl_context ct ON = ra.contextid\n                        AND ct.contextlevel = 50\n                    JOIN mdl_course c ON = ct.instanceid\n                        AND e.courseid =\n                    JOIN mdl_role r ON = ra.roleid\n                        AND r.shortname = 'student'\n                WHERE courseid = " . $course->id . "\n                    AND e.status = 0\n                    AND u.suspended = 0\n                    AND u.deleted = 0\n                    AND (\n                        ue.timeend = 0\n                        OR ue.timeend > NOW()\n                    )\n                    AND ue.status = 0\n                ORDER BY userid ASC;";
         if (!($enrollees = $DB->get_records_sql($sql))) {
             overnight::tlog('No enrolled students found for course ' . $course->id . '.', 'warn');
         } else {
             $num_enrollees = count($enrollees);
             overnight::tlog('Found ' . $num_enrollees . ' students enrolled onto course ' . $course->id . '.', 'info');
             // A variable to store which enrollee we're processing.
             $cur_enrollees = 0;
             foreach ($enrollees as $enrollee) {
                 // Attempt to extract the student ID from the username.
                 $tmp = explode('@', $enrollee->username);
                 $enrollee->studentid = $tmp[0];
                 // A proper student, hopefully.
                 overnight::tlog('- Processing user (' . $cur_enrollees . '/' . $num_enrollees . ') ' . $enrollee->firstname . ' ' . $enrollee->lastname . ' (' . $enrollee->userid . ') [' . $enrollee->studentid . '] on course ' . $course->id . '.', 'info');
                 $logging['students_processed'][] = $enrollee->firstname . ' ' . $enrollee->lastname . ' (' . $enrollee->studentid . ') [' . $enrollee->userid . '] on course ' . $course->id . '.';
                 $logging['students_unique'][$enrollee->userid] = $enrollee->firstname . ' ' . $enrollee->lastname . ' (' . $enrollee->studentid . ') [' . $enrollee->userid . '].';
                 // Assemble the URL with the correct data.
                 $leapdataurl = sprintf(LEAP_API_URL, $enrollee->studentid);
                 //if ( DEBUG ) {
                 //    overnight::tlog('-- Leap URL: ' . $leapdataurl, 'dbug');
                 // Use fopen to read from the API.
                 if (!($handle = fopen($leapdataurl, 'r'))) {
                     // If the API can't be reached for some reason.
                     overnight::tlog('- Cannot open ' . $leapdataurl . '.', 'EROR');
                 } else {
                     // API reachable, get the data.
                     $leapdata = fgets($handle);
                     if (DEBUG) {
                         overnight::tlog('-- Returned JSON: ' . $leapdata, 'dbug');
                     // Handle an empty result from the API.
                     if (strlen($leapdata) == 0) {
                         overnight::tlog('-- API returned 0 bytes.', 'EROR');
                     } else {
                         // Decode the JSON into an object.
                         $leapdata = json_decode($leapdata);
                         // Checking for JSON decoding errors, seems only right.
                         if (json_last_error()) {
                             overnight::tlog('-- JSON decoding returned error code ' . json_last_error() . ' for user ' . $enrollee->studentid . '.', 'EROR');
                         } else {
                             // We have a L3VA score! And possibly GCSE English and maths grades too.
                             //$targets['l3va']    = number_format( $leapdata->person->l3va, DECIMALS );
                             //$gcse['english']    = $leapdata->person->gcse_english;
                             //$gcse['maths']      = $leapdata->person->gcse_maths;
                             //if ( $targets['l3va'] == '' || !is_numeric( $targets['l3va'] ) || $targets['l3va'] <= 0 ) {
                             //    // If the L3VA isn't good.
                             //    overnight::tlog('-- L3VA is not good: \'' . $targets['l3va'] . '\'.', 'warn');
                             //    $logging['no_l3va'][$enrollee->userid] = $enrollee->firstname . ' ' . $enrollee->lastname . ' (' . $enrollee->studentid . ') [' . $enrollee->userid . '].';
                             //} else {
                             //overnight::tlog('-- ' . $enrollee->firstname . ' ' . $enrollee->lastname . ' (' . $enrollee->userid . ') [' . $enrollee->studentid . '] L3VA score: ' . $targets['l3va'] . '.', 'info');
                             overnight::tlog('-- ' . $enrollee->firstname . ' ' . $enrollee->lastname . ' (' . $enrollee->userid . ') [' . $enrollee->studentid . '].', 'info');
                             // If this course is tagged as a GCSE English or maths course, use the grades supplied in the JSON.
                                                                 if ( $course->coursetype == 'leapcore_gcse_english' ) {
                                                                     $magtemp        = overnight::make_mag( $gcse['english'], $course->coursetype, $course->scalename );
                                                                     $tagtemp        = array( null, null );
                                                                 } else if ( $course->coursetype == 'leapcore_gcse_maths' ) {
                                                                     $magtemp        = overnight::make_mag( $gcse['maths'], $course->coursetype, $course->scalename );
                                                                     $tagtemp        = array( null, null );
                                                                 } else {
                                                                     // Make the MAG from the L3VA.
                                                                     $magtemp        = overnight::make_mag( $targets['l3va'], $course->coursetype, $course->scalename );
                                                                     // Make the TAG in the same way, setting 'true' at the end for the next grade up.
                                                                     $tagtemp        = overnight::make_mag( $targets['l3va'], $course->coursetype, $course->scalename, true );
                                                                 $targets['mag'] = $magtemp[0];
                                                                 $targets['tag'] = $tagtemp[0];
                                                                 if ( $course->coursetype == 'leapcore_gcse_english' || $course->coursetype == 'leapcore_gcse_maths' ) {
                                                                     overnight::tlog('--- GCSEs passed through from Leap JSON: MAG: \'' . $targets['mag'] . '\' ['. $magtemp[1] .']. TAG: \'' . $targets['tag'] . '\' ['. $tagtemp[1] .'].', 'info');
                                                                 } else {
                                                                     overnight::tlog('--- Generated data: MAG: \'' . $targets['mag'] . '\' ['. $magtemp[1] .']. TAG: \'' . $targets['tag'] . '\' ['. $tagtemp[1] .'].', 'info');
                                                                 if ( $targets['mag'] == '0' || $targets['mag'] == '1' ) {
                                                                     $logging['poor_grades'][] = 'MAG ' . $targets['mag'] . ' assigned to ' . $enrollee->firstname . ' ' . $enrollee->lastname . ' (' . $enrollee->studentid . ') [' . $enrollee->userid . '] on course ' . $course->id . '.';
                                                                 if ( $targets['tag'] == '0' || $targets['tag'] == '1' ) {
                                                                     $logging['poor_grades'][] = 'TAG ' . $targets['tag'] . ' assigned to ' . $enrollee->firstname . ' ' . $enrollee->lastname . ' (' . $enrollee->studentid . ') [' . $enrollee->userid . '] on course ' . $course->id . '.';
                             // Loop through all settable, updateable grades.
                             foreach ($targets as $target => $score) {
                                 // Need the for grade_grades.itemid.
                                 $gradeitem = $DB->get_record('grade_items', array('courseid' => $course->id, 'itemname' => strtoupper($target)), 'id, categoryid');
                                 // Check to see if this data already exists in the database, so we can insert or update.
                                 $gradegrade = $DB->get_record('grade_grades', array('itemid' => $gradeitem->id, 'userid' => $enrollee->userid), 'id');
                                 // New grade_grade object.
                                 $grade = new \grade_grade();
                                 $grade->userid = $enrollee->userid;
                                 $grade->itemid = $gradeitem->id;
                                 $grade->categoryid = $gradeitem->categoryid;
                                 $grade->rawgrade = $score;
                                 // Will stay as set.
                                 $grade->finalgrade = $score;
                                 // Will change with the grade, e.g. 3.
                                 $grade->timecreated = time();
                                 $grade->timemodified = $grade->timecreated;
                                 // TODO: "excluded" is a thing and prevents a grade being aggregated.
                                 $grade->excluded = true;
                                 // If no id exists, INSERT.
                                 if (!$gradegrade) {
                                     if (!($gl = $grade->insert())) {
                                         overnight::tlog('--- ' . strtoupper($target) . ' insert failed for user ' . $enrollee->userid . ' on course ' . $course->id . '.', 'EROR');
                                     } else {
                                         overnight::tlog('--- ' . strtoupper($target) . ' (' . $score . ') inserted for user ' . $enrollee->userid . ' on course ' . $course->id . '.');
                                 } else {
                                     // If the row already exists, UPDATE, but don't ever *update* the TAG.
                                     //if ( $target == 'mag' && !$score ) {
                                     //    // For MAGs, we don't want to update to a zero or null score as that may overwrite a manually-entered MAG.
                                     //    overnight::tlog('--- ' . strtoupper( $target ) . ' of 0 or null (' . $score . ') purposefully not updated for user ' . $enrollee->userid . ' on course ' . $course->id . '.' );
                                     //    $logging['not_updated'][] = $enrollee->firstname . ' ' . $enrollee->lastname . ' (' . $enrollee->studentid . ') [' . $enrollee->userid . '] on course ' . $course->id . ': ' . strtoupper( $target ) . ' of \'' . $score . '\'.';
                                     //} else if ( $target != 'tag' ) {
                                     $grade->id = $gradegrade->id;
                                     // We don't want to set this again, but we do want the modified time set.
                                     $grade->timemodified = time();
                                     if (!($gl = $grade->update())) {
                                         overnight::tlog('--- ' . strtoupper($target) . ' update failed for user ' . $enrollee->userid . ' on course ' . $course->id . '.', 'EROR');
                                     } else {
                                         overnight::tlog('--- ' . strtoupper($target) . ' (' . $score . ') update for user ' . $enrollee->userid . ' on course ' . $course->id . '.');
                                     //} else {
                                     //    overnight::tlog('--- ' . strtoupper( $target ) . ' purposefully not updated for user ' . $enrollee->userid . ' on course ' . $course->id . '.', 'skip' );
                                     //    $logging['not_updated'][] = $enrollee->firstname . ' ' . $enrollee->lastname . ' (' . $enrollee->studentid . ') [' . $enrollee->userid . '] on course ' . $course->id . ': ' . strtoupper( $target ) . ' of \'' . $score . '\'.';
                                     //} // END ignore updating the TAG.
                                 // END insert or update check.
                             // END foreach loop.
                             //} // END L3VA check.
                         // END any json_decode errors.
                     // END empty API result.
                 // END open leap API for reading.
             // END cycle through each course enrollee.
         // END enrollee query.
         // Final blank-ish log entry to separate out one course from another.
         overnight::tlog('', '----');
     // END foreach course tagged 'leapcore_*'.
     // Sort and dump the summary log.
     overnight::tlog('Summary of all performed operations.', 'smry');
     // Processing.
     $logging['num']['courses'] = count($logging['courses']);
     $logging['num']['students_processed'] = count($logging['students_processed']);
     $logging['num']['students_unique'] = count($logging['students_unique']);
     $logging['num']['no_l3va'] = count($logging['no_l3va']);
     $logging['num']['not_updated'] = count($logging['not_updated']);
     $logging['num']['grade_types'] = count($logging['grade_types']);
     foreach ($logging['grade_types'] as $value) {
         $logging['num']['grade_types_in_use'] += $value;
     $logging['num']['poor_grades'] = count($logging['poor_grades']);
     if ($logging['num']['courses']) {
         overnight::tlog($logging['num']['courses'] . ' courses:', 'smry');
         $count = 0;
         foreach ($logging['courses'] as $course) {
             overnight::tlog('- ' . sprintf('%4s', ++$count) . ': ' . $course, 'smry');
     } else {
         overnight::tlog('No courses processed.', 'warn');
     if ($logging['num']['students_processed']) {
         overnight::tlog($logging['num']['students_processed'] . ' student-courses processed:', 'smry');
         $count = 0;
         foreach ($logging['students_processed'] as $student) {
             overnight::tlog('- ' . sprintf('%4s', ++$count) . ': ' . $student, 'smry');
     } else {
         overnight::tlog('No student-courses processed.', 'warn');
     if ($logging['num']['students_unique']) {
         overnight::tlog($logging['num']['students_unique'] . ' unique students:', 'smry');
         $count = 0;
         foreach ($logging['students_unique'] as $student) {
             echo sprintf('%4s', ++$count) . ': ' . $student . "\n";
             overnight::tlog('- ' . sprintf('%4s', $count) . ': ' . $student, 'smry');
     } else {
         overnight::tlog('No unique students processed.', 'warn');
     if ($logging['num']['no_l3va']) {
         overnight::tlog($logging['num']['no_l3va'] . ' students with no L3VA:', 'smry');
         $count = 0;
         foreach ($logging['no_l3va'] as $no_l3va) {
             echo sprintf('%4s', ++$count) . ': ' . $no_l3va . "\n";
             overnight::tlog('- ' . sprintf('%4s', $count) . ': ' . $no_l3va, 'smry');
     } else {
         overnight::tlog('No missing L3VAs.', 'warn');
     if ($logging['num']['not_updated']) {
         overnight::tlog($logging['num']['not_updated'] . ' students purposefully not updated (0 or null grade):', 'smry');
         $count = 0;
         foreach ($logging['not_updated'] as $not_updated) {
             overnight::tlog('- ' . sprintf('%4s', ++$count) . ': ' . $not_updated, 'smry');
     } else {
         overnight::tlog('No students purposefully not updated.', 'warn');
     if ($logging['num']['grade_types']) {
         overnight::tlog($logging['num']['grade_types'] . ' grade types with ' . $logging['num']['grade_types_in_use'] . ' grades set:', 'smry');
         $count = 0;
         foreach ($logging['grade_types'] as $grade_type => $num_grades) {
             overnight::tlog('- ' . sprintf('%4s', ++$count) . ': ' . $grade_type . ': ' . $num_grades, 'smry');
     } else {
         overnight::tlog('No grade_types found.', 'warn');
     if ($logging['num']['poor_grades']) {
         overnight::tlog($logging['num']['poor_grades'] . ' poor grades:', 'smry');
         $count = 0;
         foreach ($logging['poor_grades'] as $poorgrade) {
             overnight::tlog('- ' . sprintf('%4s', ++$count) . ': ' . $poorgrade, 'smry');
     } else {
         overnight::tlog('No poor grades found. Good!', 'smry');
     // Finish time.
     $time_end = microtime(true);
     $duration = $time_end - $time_start;
     $mins = floor($duration / 60) == 0 ? '' : floor($duration / 60) . ' minutes';
     $secs = $duration % 60 == 0 ? '' : $duration % 60 . ' seconds';
     $secs = $mins == '' ? $secs : ' ' . $secs;
     overnight::tlog('', '----');
     overnight::tlog('Finished at ' . date('c', $time_end) . ', took ' . $mins . $secs . ' (' . number_format($duration, DECIMALS) . ' seconds).', 'byby');
     return true;
     echo "\nEND   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n";
  * Updates final grade value for given user, this is a only way to update final
  * grades from gradebook and import because it logs the change in history table
  * and deals with overridden flag. This flag is set to prevent later overriding
  * from raw grades submitted from modules.
  * @param int $userid the graded user
  * @param mixed $finalgrade float value of final grade - false means do not change
  * @param string $howmodified modification source
  * @param string $note optional note
  * @param mixed $feedback teachers feedback as string - false means do not change
  * @param int $feedbackformat
  * @return boolean success
 function update_final_grade($userid, $finalgrade = false, $source = NULL, $feedback = false, $feedbackformat = FORMAT_MOODLE, $usermodified = null)
     global $USER, $CFG;
     $result = true;
     // no grading used or locked
     if ($this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_NONE or $this->is_locked()) {
         return false;
     $grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid' => $this->id, 'userid' => $userid));
     $grade->grade_item =& $this;
     // prevent db fetching of this grade_item
     if (empty($usermodified)) {
         $grade->usermodified = $USER->id;
     } else {
         $grade->usermodified = $usermodified;
     if ($grade->is_locked()) {
         // do not update locked grades at all
         return false;
     $locktime = $grade->get_locktime();
     if ($locktime and $locktime < time()) {
         // do not update grades that should be already locked, force regrade instead
         return false;
     $oldgrade = new object();
     $oldgrade->finalgrade = $grade->finalgrade;
     $oldgrade->overridden = $grade->overridden;
     $oldgrade->feedback = $grade->feedback;
     $oldgrade->feedbackformat = $grade->feedbackformat;
     // changed grade?
     if ($finalgrade !== false) {
         if ($this->is_overridable_item()) {
             $grade->overridden = time();
         } else {
             $grade->overridden = 0;
         $grade->finalgrade = $this->bounded_grade($finalgrade);
     // do we have comment from teacher?
     if ($feedback !== false) {
         if ($this->is_overridable_item_feedback()) {
             // external items (modules, plugins) may have own feedback
             $grade->overridden = time();
         $grade->feedback = $feedback;
         $grade->feedbackformat = $feedbackformat;
     // HACK: Bob Puffer to allow accurate max score to be inserted into the grade_item record
     $grade->rawgrademax = $this->grademax;
     // END OF HACK
     if (empty($grade->id)) {
         $grade->timecreated = null;
         // hack alert - date submitted - no submission yet
         $grade->timemodified = time();
         // hack alert - date graded
         $result = (bool) $grade->insert($source);
     } else {
         if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldgrade->finalgrade) or $grade->feedback !== $oldgrade->feedback or $grade->feedbackformat != $oldgrade->feedbackformat or $grade->overridden != $oldgrade->overridden) {
             $grade->timemodified = time();
             // hack alert - date graded
             $result = $grade->update($source);
         } else {
             // no grade change
             return $result;
     if (!$result) {
         // something went wrong - better force final grade recalculation
     } else {
         if ($this->is_course_item() and !$this->needsupdate) {
             if (grade_regrade_final_grades($this->courseid, $userid, $this) !== true) {
         } else {
             if (!$this->needsupdate) {
                 $course_item = grade_item_local::fetch_course_item($this->courseid);
                 if (!$course_item->needsupdate) {
                     if (grade_regrade_final_grades_local($this->courseid, $userid, $this) !== true) {
                 } else {
     return $result;
 // Check to see if this data already exists in the database, so we can insert or update.
 $gradegrade = $DB->get_record('grade_grades', array('itemid' => $gradeitem->id, 'userid' => $enrollee->userid), 'id');
 // New grade_grade object.
 $grade = new grade_grade();
 $grade->userid = $enrollee->userid;
 $grade->itemid = $gradeitem->id;
 $grade->categoryid = $gradeitem->categoryid;
 $grade->rawgrade = $score;
 // Will stay as set.
 $grade->finalgrade = $score;
 // Will change with the grade, e.g. 3.
 $grade->timecreated = time();
 $grade->timemodified = $grade->timecreated;
 // If no id exists, INSERT.
 if (!$gradegrade) {
     if (!($gl = $grade->insert())) {
         tlog('   ' . strtoupper($target) . ' insert failed for user ' . $enrollee->userid . ' on course ' . $course->id . '.', 'EROR');
     } else {
         tlog('   ' . strtoupper($target) . ' (' . $score . ') inserted for user ' . $enrollee->userid . ' on course ' . $course->id . '.');
 } else {
     // If the row already exists, UPDATE, but don't ever *update* the TAG.
     if ($target == 'mag' && !$score) {
         // For MAGs, we don't want to update to a zero or null score as that may overwrite a manually-entered MAG.
         tlog('   ' . strtoupper($target) . ' of 0 or null (' . $score . ') purposefully not updated for user ' . $enrollee->userid . ' on course ' . $course->id . '.');
         $logging['not_updated'][] = $enrollee->firstname . ' ' . $enrollee->lastname . ' (' . $enrollee->studentid . ') [' . $enrollee->userid . '] on course ' . $course->id . ': ' . strtoupper($target) . ' of \'' . $score . '\'.';
     } else {
         if ($target != 'tag') {
             $grade->id = $gradegrade->id;
             // We don't want to set this again, but we do want the modified time set.
  * internal function for category grades aggregation
 function aggregate_grades($userid, $items, $grade_values, $oldgrade, $excluded)
     global $CFG;
     if (empty($userid)) {
         //ignore first call
     if ($oldgrade) {
         $grade = new grade_grade($oldgrade, false);
         $grade->grade_item =& $this->grade_item;
     } else {
         // insert final grade - it will be needed later anyway
         $grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid' => $this->grade_item->id, 'userid' => $userid), false);
         $grade->grade_item =& $this->grade_item;
         $oldgrade = new object();
         $oldgrade->finalgrade = $grade->finalgrade;
         $oldgrade->rawgrade = $grade->rawgrade;
         $oldgrade->rawgrademin = $grade->rawgrademin;
         $oldgrade->rawgrademax = $grade->rawgrademax;
         $oldgrade->rawscaleid = $grade->rawscaleid;
     // no need to recalculate locked or overridden grades
     if ($grade->is_locked() or $grade->is_overridden()) {
     // can not use own final category grade in calculation
     // if no grades calculation possible or grading not allowed clear both final and raw
     if (empty($grade_values) or empty($items) or $this->grade_item->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_VALUE and $this->grade_item->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) {
         $grade->finalgrade = null;
         $grade->rawgrade = null;
         if ($grade->finalgrade !== $oldgrade->finalgrade or $grade->rawgrade !== $oldgrade->rawgrade) {
     /// normalize the grades first - all will have value 0...1
     // ungraded items are not used in aggregation
     foreach ($grade_values as $itemid => $v) {
         if (is_null($v)) {
             // null means no grade
         } else {
             if (in_array($itemid, $excluded)) {
         $grade_values[$itemid] = grade_grade::standardise_score($v, $items[$itemid]->grademin, $items[$itemid]->grademax, 0, 1);
     // If global aggregateonlygraded is set, override category value
     if ($CFG->grade_aggregateonlygraded != -1) {
         $this->aggregateonlygraded = $CFG->grade_aggregateonlygraded;
     // use min grade if grade missing for these types
     if (!$this->aggregateonlygraded) {
         foreach ($items as $itemid => $value) {
             if (!isset($grade_values[$itemid]) and !in_array($itemid, $excluded)) {
                 $grade_values[$itemid] = 0;
     // limit and sort
     asort($grade_values, SORT_NUMERIC);
     // let's see we have still enough grades to do any statistics
     if (count($grade_values) == 0) {
         // not enough attempts yet
         $grade->finalgrade = null;
         $grade->rawgrade = null;
         if ($grade->finalgrade !== $oldgrade->finalgrade or $grade->rawgrade !== $oldgrade->rawgrade) {
     /// start the aggregation
     switch ($this->aggregation) {
             // Middle point value in the set: ignores frequencies
             $num = count($grade_values);
             $grades = array_values($grade_values);
             if ($num % 2 == 0) {
                 $agg_grade = ($grades[intval($num / 2) - 1] + $grades[intval($num / 2)]) / 2;
             } else {
                 $agg_grade = $grades[intval($num / 2 - 0.5)];
         case GRADE_AGGREGATE_MIN:
             $agg_grade = reset($grade_values);
         case GRADE_AGGREGATE_MAX:
             $agg_grade = array_pop($grade_values);
             // the most common value, average used if multimode
             $freq = array_count_values($grade_values);
             // sort by frequency keeping keys
             $top = reset($freq);
             // highest frequency count
             $modes = array_keys($freq, $top);
             // search for all modes (have the same highest count)
             rsort($modes, SORT_NUMERIC);
             // get highes mode
             $agg_grade = reset($modes);
             // Weighted average of all existing final grades
             $weightsum = 0;
             $sum = 0;
             foreach ($grade_values as $itemid => $grade_value) {
                 if ($items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef <= 0) {
                 $weightsum += $items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef;
                 $sum += $items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef * $grade_value;
             if ($weightsum == 0) {
                 $agg_grade = null;
             } else {
                 $agg_grade = $sum / $weightsum;
             // special average
             $num = 0;
             $sum = 0;
             foreach ($grade_values as $itemid => $grade_value) {
                 if ($items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef == 0) {
                     $num += 1;
                     $sum += $grade_value;
                 } else {
                     if ($items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef > 0) {
                         $sum += $items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef * $grade_value;
             if ($num == 0) {
                 $agg_grade = $sum;
                 // only extra credits or wrong coefs
             } else {
                 $agg_grade = $sum / $num;
             // Arithmetic average of all grade items (if ungraded aggregated, NULL counted as minimum)
         // Arithmetic average of all grade items (if ungraded aggregated, NULL counted as minimum)
             $num = count($grade_values);
             $sum = array_sum($grade_values);
             $agg_grade = $sum / $num;
     /// prepare update of new raw grade
     $grade->rawgrademin = $this->grade_item->grademin;
     $grade->rawgrademax = $this->grade_item->grademax;
     $grade->rawscaleid = $this->grade_item->scaleid;
     $grade->rawgrade = null;
     // categories do not use raw grades
     // recalculate the rawgrade back to requested range
     $finalgrade = grade_grade::standardise_score($agg_grade, 0, 1, $this->grade_item->grademin, $this->grade_item->grademax);
     if (!is_null($finalgrade)) {
         $grade->finalgrade = bounded_number($this->grade_item->grademin, $finalgrade, $this->grade_item->grademax);
     } else {
         $grade->finalgrade = $finalgrade;
     // update in db if changed
     if ($grade->finalgrade !== $oldgrade->finalgrade or $grade->rawgrade !== $oldgrade->rawgrade or $grade->rawgrademin !== $oldgrade->rawgrademin or $grade->rawgrademax !== $oldgrade->rawgrademax or $grade->rawscaleid !== $oldgrade->rawscaleid) {
 function test_gradebook()
     global $DB;
     // reset all changes automatically after this test
     $location_str = 'manual';
     // try to get category
     $grade_category = grade_category::fetch(array('courseid' => $this->courseid, 'fullname' => $this->cat_name));
     // NOTE: grade category will not be null but it will be empty
     // create a category
     $params = new stdClass();
     $params->courseid = $this->courseid;
     $params->fullname = $this->cat_name;
     $grade_category = new grade_category($params, false);
     $this->assertTrue(method_exists($grade_category, 'insert'));
     // now we will really get the category that we just made
     $grade_category_fetched = grade_category::fetch(array('courseid' => $this->courseid, 'fullname' => $this->cat_name));
     $this->assertTrue($grade_category_fetched !== false);
     $this->assertEquals($grade_category->id, $grade_category_fetched->id);
     $this->assertEquals($grade_category->courseid, $grade_category_fetched->courseid);
     $this->assertEquals($grade_category->path, $grade_category_fetched->path);
     $this->assertEquals($grade_category->fullname, $grade_category_fetched->fullname);
     $this->assertEquals($grade_category->parent, $grade_category_fetched->parent);
     // try to get grade item
     $grade_item = grade_item::fetch(array('courseid' => $this->courseid, 'categoryid' => $grade_category->id, 'itemname' => $this->item_name));
     // NOTE: grade category will not be null but it will be empty
     // create a grade item
     $grade_item = new grade_item();
     $this->assertTrue(method_exists($grade_item, 'insert'));
     $grade_item->courseid = $this->courseid;
     $grade_item->categoryid = $grade_category->id;
     $grade_item->idnumber = $this->item_name;
     // lookup
     $grade_item->itemname = $this->item_name;
     // display
     $grade_item->itemtype = 'blocks';
     $grade_item->itemmodule = 'iclicker';
     $grade_item->iteminfo = 'blocks/iclicker for unit testing';
     // grademax=100, grademin=0
     $grade_item->grademax = 100.0;
     // now we will really get the new item
     $grade_item_fetched = grade_item::fetch(array('courseid' => $this->courseid, 'categoryid' => $grade_category->id, 'itemname' => $this->item_name));
     $this->assertTrue($grade_item_fetched !== false);
     $this->assertEquals($grade_item->id, $grade_item_fetched->id);
     $this->assertEquals($grade_item->courseid, $grade_item_fetched->courseid);
     $this->assertEquals($grade_item->categoryid, $grade_item_fetched->categoryid);
     $this->assertEquals($grade_item->itemname, $grade_item_fetched->itemname);
     // get empty grades list
     $all_grades = grade_grade::fetch_all(array('itemid' => $grade_item->id));
     // add grade
     $grade_grade = new grade_grade();
     $this->assertTrue(method_exists($grade_grade, 'insert'));
     $grade_grade->itemid = $grade_item->id;
     $grade_grade->userid = $this->studentid1;
     $grade_grade->rawgrade = $this->grade_score;
     // get new grade
     $grade_grade_fetched = grade_grade::fetch(array('itemid' => $grade_item->id, 'userid' => $this->studentid1));
     $this->assertTrue($grade_grade_fetched !== false);
     $this->assertEquals($grade_grade->id, $grade_grade_fetched->id);
     $this->assertEquals($grade_grade->itemid, $grade_grade_fetched->itemid);
     $this->assertEquals($grade_grade->userid, $grade_grade_fetched->userid);
     $this->assertEquals($grade_grade->rawgrade, $grade_grade_fetched->rawgrade);
     // update the grade
     $grade_grade->rawgrade = 50;
     $result = $grade_grade->update($location_str);
     $grade_grade_fetched = grade_grade::fetch(array('id' => $grade_grade->id));
     $this->assertTrue($grade_grade_fetched !== false);
     $this->assertEquals($grade_grade->id, $grade_grade_fetched->id);
     $this->assertEquals($grade_grade->rawgrade, $grade_grade_fetched->rawgrade);
     $this->assertEquals(50, $grade_grade_fetched->rawgrade);
     // get grades
     $all_grades = grade_grade::fetch_all(array('itemid' => $grade_item->id));
     $this->assertTrue($all_grades !== false);
     $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($all_grades));
     // add more grades
     $grade_grade2 = new grade_grade();
     $grade_grade2->itemid = $grade_item->id;
     $grade_grade2->userid = $this->studentid2;
     $grade_grade2->rawgrade = $this->grade_score;
     // get grades
     $all_grades = grade_grade::fetch_all(array('itemid' => $grade_item->id));
     $this->assertTrue($all_grades !== false);
     $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($all_grades));
     // make sure this can run
     $result = $grade_item->regrade_final_grades();
     // remove grades
     $this->assertTrue(method_exists($grade_grade, 'delete'));
     $result = $grade_grade->delete($location_str);
     $result = $grade_grade2->delete($location_str);
     // check no grades left
     $all_grades = grade_grade::fetch_all(array('itemid' => $grade_item->id));
     // remove grade item
     $this->assertTrue(method_exists($grade_item, 'delete'));
     $result = $grade_item->delete($location_str);
     // remove grade category
     $this->assertTrue(method_exists($grade_category, 'delete'));
     $result = $grade_category->delete($location_str);
 private static function save_grade_item($grade_item)
     if (!$grade_item) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("grade_item must be set");
     if (!$grade_item->courseid) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("grade_item->courseid must be set");
     if (!$grade_item->categoryid) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("grade_item->categoryid must be set");
     if (!$grade_item->name) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("grade_item->name must be set");
     if (!isset($grade_item->item_number)) {
         $grade_item->item_number = 0;
     // check for an existing item and update or create
     $grade_item_tosave = grade_item::fetch(array('courseid' => $grade_item->courseid, 'itemmodule' => self::GRADE_ITEM_MODULE, 'itemname' => $grade_item->name));
     if (!$grade_item_tosave) {
         // create new one
         $grade_item_tosave = new grade_item();
         $grade_item_tosave->itemmodule = self::GRADE_ITEM_MODULE;
         $grade_item_tosave->courseid = $grade_item->courseid;
         $grade_item_tosave->categoryid = $grade_item->categoryid;
         $grade_item_tosave->iteminfo = $grade_item->typename;
         //$grade_item_tosave->iteminfo = $grade_item->name.' '.$grade_item->type.' '.self::GRADE_CATEGORY_NAME;
         $grade_item_tosave->itemnumber = $grade_item->item_number;
         //$grade_item_tosave->idnumber = $grade_item->name;
         $grade_item_tosave->itemname = $grade_item->name;
         $grade_item_tosave->itemtype = self::GRADE_ITEM_TYPE;
         //$grade_item_tosave->itemmodule = self::GRADE_ITEM_MODULE;
         if (isset($grade_item->points_possible) && $grade_item->points_possible > 0) {
             $grade_item_tosave->grademax = $grade_item->points_possible;
     } else {
         // update
         if (isset($grade_item->points_possible) && $grade_item->points_possible > 0) {
             $grade_item_tosave->grademax = $grade_item->points_possible;
         $grade_item_tosave->categoryid = $grade_item->categoryid;
         $grade_item_tosave->iteminfo = $grade_item->typename;
     $grade_item_id = $grade_item_tosave->id;
     $grade_item_pp = $grade_item_tosave->grademax;
     // now save the related scores
     if (isset($grade_item->scores) && !empty($grade_item->scores)) {
         // get the existing scores
         $current_scores = array();
         $existing_grades = grade_grade::fetch_all(array('itemid' => $grade_item_id));
         if ($existing_grades) {
             foreach ($existing_grades as $grade) {
                 $current_scores[$grade->userid] = $grade;
         // run through the scores in the gradeitem and try to save them
         $errors_count = 0;
         $processed_scores = array();
         foreach ($grade_item->scores as $score) {
             $user = self::get_users($score->user_id);
             if (!$user) {
                 $score->error = self::USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR;
                 $processed_scores[] = $score;
             $user_id = $user->id;
             // null/blank scores are not allowed
             if (!isset($score->score)) {
                 $score->error = 'NO_SCORE_ERROR';
                 $processed_scores[] = $score;
             if (!is_numeric($score->score)) {
                 $score->error = 'SCORE_INVALID';
                 $processed_scores[] = $score;
             $score->score = floatval($score->score);
             // Student Score should not be greater than the total points possible
             if ($score->score > $grade_item_pp) {
                 $score->error = self::POINTS_POSSIBLE_UPDATE_ERRORS;
                 $processed_scores[] = $score;
             try {
                 $grade_tosave = null;
                 if (isset($current_scores[$user_id])) {
                     // existing score
                     $grade_tosave = $current_scores[$user_id];
                     // check against existing score
                     if ($score->score < $grade_tosave->rawgrade) {
                         $score->error = self::SCORE_UPDATE_ERRORS;
                         $processed_scores[] = $score;
                     $grade_tosave->finalgrade = $score->score;
                     $grade_tosave->rawgrade = $score->score;
                     $grade_tosave->timemodified = time();
                     /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */
                 } else {
                     // new score
                     $grade_tosave = new grade_grade();
                     $grade_tosave->itemid = $grade_item_id;
                     $grade_tosave->userid = $user_id;
                     $grade_tosave->finalgrade = $score->score;
                     $grade_tosave->rawgrade = $score->score;
                     $grade_tosave->rawgrademax = $grade_item_pp;
                     $now = time();
                     $grade_tosave->timecreated = $now;
                     $grade_tosave->timemodified = $now;
                 /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedFieldInspection */
                 $grade_tosave->user_id = $score->user_id;
                 $processed_scores[] = $grade_tosave;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // General errors, caused while performing updates (Tag: generalerrors)
                 $score->error = self::GENERAL_ERRORS;
                 $processed_scores[] = $score;
         /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedFieldInspection */
         $grade_item_tosave->scores = $processed_scores;
         // put the errors in the item
         if ($errors_count > 0) {
             $errors = array();
             foreach ($processed_scores as $score) {
                 if (isset($score->error)) {
                     $errors[$score->user_id] = $score->error;
             /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedFieldInspection */
             $grade_item_tosave->errors = $errors;
     return $grade_item_tosave;
  * Internal function that does the final grade calculation
  * @param int $userid The user ID
  * @param array $params An array of grade items of the form {'gi'.$itemid]} => $finalgrade
  * @param array $useditems An array of grade item IDs that this grade item depends on plus its own ID
  * @param grade_grade $oldgrade A grade_grade instance containing the old values from the database
  * @return bool False if an error occurred
 public function use_formula($userid, $params, $useditems, $oldgrade)
     if (empty($userid)) {
         return true;
     // add missing final grade values
     // not graded (null) is counted as 0 - the spreadsheet way
     $allinputsnull = true;
     foreach ($useditems as $gi) {
         if (!array_key_exists('gi' . $gi, $params) || is_null($params['gi' . $gi])) {
             $params['gi' . $gi] = 0;
         } else {
             $params['gi' . $gi] = (double) $params['gi' . $gi];
             if ($gi != $this->id) {
                 $allinputsnull = false;
     // can not use own final grade during calculation
     unset($params['gi' . $this->id]);
     // Check to see if the gradebook is frozen. This allows grades to not be altered at all until a user verifies that they
     // wish to update the grades.
     $gradebookcalculationsfreeze = get_config('core', 'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $this->courseid);
     $rawminandmaxchanged = false;
     // insert final grade - will be needed later anyway
     if ($oldgrade) {
         // Only run through this code if the gradebook isn't frozen.
         if ($gradebookcalculationsfreeze && (int) $gradebookcalculationsfreeze <= 20150627) {
             // Do nothing.
         } else {
             // The grade_grade for a calculated item should have the raw grade maximum and minimum set to the
             // grade_item grade maximum and minimum respectively.
             if ($oldgrade->rawgrademax != $this->grademax || $oldgrade->rawgrademin != $this->grademin) {
                 $rawminandmaxchanged = true;
                 $oldgrade->rawgrademax = $this->grademax;
                 $oldgrade->rawgrademin = $this->grademin;
         $oldfinalgrade = $oldgrade->finalgrade;
         $grade = new grade_grade($oldgrade, false);
         // fetching from db is not needed
         $grade->grade_item =& $this;
     } else {
         $grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid' => $this->id, 'userid' => $userid), false);
         $grade->grade_item =& $this;
         $rawminandmaxchanged = false;
         if ($gradebookcalculationsfreeze && (int) $gradebookcalculationsfreeze <= 20150627) {
             // Do nothing.
         } else {
             // The grade_grade for a calculated item should have the raw grade maximum and minimum set to the
             // grade_item grade maximum and minimum respectively.
             $rawminandmaxchanged = true;
             $grade->rawgrademax = $this->grademax;
             $grade->rawgrademin = $this->grademin;
         $oldfinalgrade = null;
     // no need to recalculate locked or overridden grades
     if ($grade->is_locked() or $grade->is_overridden()) {
         return true;
     if ($allinputsnull) {
         $grade->finalgrade = null;
         $result = true;
     } else {
         // do the calculation
         $result = $this->formula->evaluate();
         if ($result === false) {
             $grade->finalgrade = null;
         } else {
             // normalize
             $grade->finalgrade = $this->bounded_grade($result);
     // Only run through this code if the gradebook isn't frozen.
     if ($gradebookcalculationsfreeze && (int) $gradebookcalculationsfreeze <= 20150627) {
         // Update in db if changed.
         if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldfinalgrade)) {
             $grade->timemodified = time();
             $success = $grade->update('compute');
             // If successful trigger a user_graded event.
             if ($success) {
     } else {
         // Update in db if changed.
         if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldfinalgrade) || $rawminandmaxchanged) {
             $grade->timemodified = time();
             $success = $grade->update('compute');
             // If successful trigger a user_graded event.
             if ($success) {
     if ($result !== false) {
         //lock grade if needed
     if ($result === false) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
             if ($alis_num = grade_grade::fetch(array('itemid' => $itemids['alisnum'], 'userid' => $student->id))) {
                 $alis_num->rawgrade = $mtg['number'];
                 $alis_num->finalgrade = $mtg['number'];
                 $alis_num->timemodified = time();
             } else {
                 $alis_num = new grade_grade();
                 $alis_num->itemid = $itemids['alisnum'];
                 $alis_num->userid = $student->id;
                 $alis_num->rawgrade = $mtg['number'];
                 $alis_num->finalgrade = $mtg['number'];
                 $alis_num->timecreated = time();
                 $alis_num->timemodified = time();
         } catch (tg\no_data_for_student_exception $e) {
             $empty_students[] = $e->getMessage();
         } catch (tg\no_mtg_for_student_exception $e) {
             $failed_grade_calcs[] = $e->getMessage();
 } catch (tg\no_students_exception $e) {
     $empty_courses[] = $e->getMessage();
 } catch (tg\no_config_for_course_exception $e) {
     $unconfigured_courses[] = $e->getMessage();
 if ($regrade) {
  * internal function - does the final grade calculation
 function use_formula($userid, $params, $useditems, $oldgrade)
     if (empty($userid)) {
         return true;
     // add missing final grade values
     // not graded (null) is counted as 0 - the spreadsheet way
     foreach ($useditems as $gi) {
         if (!array_key_exists('gi' . $gi, $params)) {
             $params['gi' . $gi] = 0;
         } else {
             $params['gi' . $gi] = (double) $params['gi' . $gi];
     // can not use own final grade during calculation
     unset($params['gi' . $this->id]);
     // insert final grade - will be needed later anyway
     if ($oldgrade) {
         $oldfinalgrade = $oldgrade->finalgrade;
         $grade = new grade_grade($oldgrade, false);
         // fetching from db is not needed
         $grade->grade_item =& $this;
     } else {
         $grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid' => $this->id, 'userid' => $userid), false);
         $grade->grade_item =& $this;
         $oldfinalgrade = null;
     // no need to recalculate locked or overridden grades
     if ($grade->is_locked() or $grade->is_overridden()) {
         return true;
     // do the calculation
     $result = $this->formula->evaluate();
     if ($result === false) {
         $grade->finalgrade = null;
     } else {
         // normalize
         $result = bounded_number($this->grademin, $result, $this->grademax);
         if ($this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) {
             $result = round($result + 1.0E-5);
             // round scales upwards
         $grade->finalgrade = $result;
     // update in db if changed
     if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldfinalgrade)) {
     if ($result !== false) {
         //lock grade if needed
     if ($result === false) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
  * Validate that the method respects the locked status when run for a
  * specific user
 public function test_methodonlyupdatesunlockedenrolmentsforspecificuserid()
     global $DB;
     // Set up enrolments.
     enrol_try_internal_enrol(2, 100, 1);
     enrol_try_internal_enrol(2, 101, 1);
     // Set required PM course grade.
     $pmcourse = new \course(array('id' => 100, 'completion_grade' => 50));
     // Set up course grade item.
     $coursegradeitem = \grade_item::fetch_course_item(2);
     $coursegradeitem->grademax = 100;
     $coursegradeitem->needsupdate = false;
     $coursegradeitem->locked = true;
     // Assign student grades.
     $coursegradegrade = new \grade_grade(array('itemid' => 1, 'userid' => 100, 'finalgrade' => 100));
     $coursegradegrade = new \grade_grade(array('itemid' => 1, 'userid' => 101, 'finalgrade' => 100));
     // Enrol the student.
     $student = new \student();
     $student->userid = 103;
     $student->classid = 100;
     $student->grade = 0;
     $student->completestatusid = STUSTATUS_NOTCOMPLETE;
     $student->locked = 1;
     // Call and validate that locked record is not changed.
     $sync = new \local_elisprogram\moodle\synchronize();
     $this->assert_student_exists(100, 103, 0, STUSTATUS_NOTCOMPLETE, null, null, 1);
     $DB->execute("UPDATE {" . \student::TABLE . "} SET locked = 0");
     // Call and validate that unlocked record is changed.
     $sync = new \local_elisprogram\moodle\synchronize();
     // Validate count.
     $count = $DB->count_records(\student::TABLE, array('completestatusid' => STUSTATUS_PASSED));
     $this->assertEquals(1, $count);
     // NOTE: this method does not lock enrolments.
     $this->assert_student_exists(100, 103, 100, STUSTATUS_PASSED, null, null, 0);
 * Recover a user's grades from grade_grades_history
 * @param int $userid the user ID whose grades we want to recover
 * @param int $courseid the relevant course
 * @return bool true if successful or false if there was an error or no grades could be recovered
function grade_recover_history_grades($userid, $courseid)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    if ($CFG->disablegradehistory) {
        debugging('Attempting to recover grades when grade history is disabled.');
        return false;
    //Were grades recovered? Flag to return.
    $recoveredgrades = false;
    //Check the user is enrolled in this course
    //Dont bother checking if they have a gradeable role. They may get one later so recover
    //whatever grades they have now just in case.
    $course_context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid);
    if (!is_enrolled($course_context, $userid)) {
        debugging('Attempting to recover the grades of a user who is deleted or not enrolled. Skipping recover.');
        return false;
    //Check for existing grades for this user in this course
    //Recovering grades when the user already has grades can lead to duplicate indexes and bad data
    //In the future we could move the existing grades to the history table then recover the grades from before then
    $sql = "SELECT\n              FROM {grade_grades} gg\n              JOIN {grade_items} gi ON = gg.itemid\n             WHERE gi.courseid = :courseid AND gg.userid = :userid";
    $params = array('userid' => $userid, 'courseid' => $courseid);
    if ($DB->record_exists_sql($sql, $params)) {
        debugging('Attempting to recover the grades of a user who already has grades. Skipping recover.');
        return false;
    } else {
        //Retrieve the user's old grades
        //have history ID as first column to guarantee we a unique first column
        $sql = "SELECT, gi.itemtype, gi.itemmodule, gi.iteminstance as iteminstance, gi.itemnumber, h.source, h.itemid, h.userid, h.rawgrade, h.rawgrademax,\n                       h.rawgrademin, h.rawscaleid, h.usermodified, h.finalgrade, h.hidden, h.locked, h.locktime, h.exported, h.overridden, h.excluded,,\n                       h.feedbackformat, h.information, h.informationformat, h.timemodified, AS timecreated\n                  FROM {grade_grades_history} h\n                  JOIN (SELECT itemid, MAX(id) AS id\n                          FROM {grade_grades_history}\n                         WHERE userid = :userid1\n                      GROUP BY itemid) maxquery ON = AND h.itemid = maxquery.itemid\n                  JOIN {grade_items} gi ON = h.itemid\n                  JOIN (SELECT itemid, MAX(timemodified) AS tm\n                          FROM {grade_grades_history}\n                         WHERE userid = :userid2 AND action = :insertaction\n                      GROUP BY itemid) itemcreated ON itemcreated.itemid = h.itemid\n                 WHERE gi.courseid = :courseid";
        $params = array('userid1' => $userid, 'userid2' => $userid, 'insertaction' => GRADE_HISTORY_INSERT, 'courseid' => $courseid);
        $oldgrades = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
        //now move the old grades to the grade_grades table
        foreach ($oldgrades as $oldgrade) {
            $grade = new grade_grade($oldgrade, false);
            //2nd arg false as dont want to try and retrieve a record from the DB
            //dont include default empty grades created when activities are created
            if (!is_null($oldgrade->finalgrade) || !is_null($oldgrade->feedback)) {
                $recoveredgrades = true;
    //Some activities require manual grade synching (moving grades from the activity into the gradebook)
    //If the student was deleted when synching was done they may have grades in the activity that haven't been moved across
    grade_grab_course_grades($courseid, null, $userid);
    return $recoveredgrades;
  * Internal function that does the final grade calculation
  * @param int $userid The user ID
  * @param array $params An array of grade items of the form {'gi'.$itemid]} => $finalgrade
  * @param array $useditems An array of grade item IDs that this grade item depends on plus its own ID
  * @param grade_grade $oldgrade A grade_grade instance containing the old values from the database
  * @return bool False if an error occurred
 public function use_formula($userid, $params, $useditems, $oldgrade)
     if (empty($userid)) {
         return true;
     // add missing final grade values
     // not graded (null) is counted as 0 - the spreadsheet way
     $allinputsnull = true;
     foreach ($useditems as $gi) {
         if (!array_key_exists('gi' . $gi, $params) || is_null($params['gi' . $gi])) {
             $params['gi' . $gi] = 0;
         } else {
             $params['gi' . $gi] = (double) $params['gi' . $gi];
             if ($gi != $this->id) {
                 $allinputsnull = false;
     // can not use own final grade during calculation
     unset($params['gi' . $this->id]);
     // insert final grade - will be needed later anyway
     if ($oldgrade) {
         $oldfinalgrade = $oldgrade->finalgrade;
         $grade = new grade_grade($oldgrade, false);
         // fetching from db is not needed
         $grade->grade_item =& $this;
     } else {
         $grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid' => $this->id, 'userid' => $userid), false);
         $grade->grade_item =& $this;
         $oldfinalgrade = null;
     // no need to recalculate locked or overridden grades
     if ($grade->is_locked() or $grade->is_overridden()) {
         return true;
     if ($allinputsnull) {
         $grade->finalgrade = null;
         $result = true;
     } else {
         // do the calculation
         $result = $this->formula->evaluate();
         if ($result === false) {
             $grade->finalgrade = null;
         } else {
             // normalize
             $grade->finalgrade = $this->bounded_grade($result);
     // update in db if changed
     if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldfinalgrade)) {
         $grade->timemodified = time();
     if ($result !== false) {
         //lock grade if needed
     if ($result === false) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
    protected function process_grade_grade($data) {
        $data = (object)($data);

        $data->itemid = $this->get_new_parentid('grade_item');
        $data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
        $data->usermodified = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->usermodified);
        $data->rawscaleid = $this->get_mappingid('scale', $data->rawscaleid);
        // TODO: Ask, all the rest of locktime/exported... work with time... to be rolled?
        $data->overridden = $this->apply_date_offset($data->overridden);

        $grade = new grade_grade($data, false);
        // no need to save any grade_grade mapping
  * Test that the upgrade script correctly flags courses to be frozen due to letter boundary problems.
 public function test_upgrade_course_letter_boundary()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/db/upgradelib.php';
     // Create a user.
     $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     // Create some courses.
     $courses = array();
     $contexts = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 45; $i++) {
         $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
         $context = context_course::instance($course->id);
         if (in_array($i, array(2, 5, 10, 13, 14, 19, 23, 25, 30, 34, 36))) {
             // Assign good letter boundaries.
         if (in_array($i, array(3, 6, 11, 15, 20, 24, 26, 31, 35))) {
             // Assign bad letter boundaries.
         if (in_array($i, array(3, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30, 31, 40))) {
             grade_set_setting($course->id, 'displaytype', '3');
         } else {
             if (in_array($i, array(8, 17, 28))) {
                 grade_set_setting($course->id, 'displaytype', '2');
         if (in_array($i, array(37, 43))) {
             // Show.
             grade_set_setting($course->id, 'report_user_showlettergrade', '1');
         } else {
             if (in_array($i, array(38, 42))) {
                 // Hide.
                 grade_set_setting($course->id, 'report_user_showlettergrade', '0');
         $assignrow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('assign', array('course' => $course->id, 'name' => 'Test!'));
         $gi = grade_item::fetch(array('itemtype' => 'mod', 'itemmodule' => 'assign', 'iteminstance' => $assignrow->id, 'courseid' => $course->id));
         if (in_array($i, array(6, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 34, 35, 36, 41))) {
             grade_item::set_properties($gi, array('display' => 3));
         } else {
             if (in_array($i, array(12, 21, 32))) {
                 grade_item::set_properties($gi, array('display' => 2));
         $gradegrade = new grade_grade();
         $gradegrade->itemid = $gi->id;
         $gradegrade->userid = $user->id;
         $gradegrade->rawgrade = 55.5563;
         $gradegrade->finalgrade = 55.5563;
         $gradegrade->rawgrademax = 100;
         $gradegrade->rawgrademin = 0;
         $gradegrade->timecreated = time();
         $gradegrade->timemodified = time();
         $contexts[] = $context;
         $courses[] = $course;
     // No system setting for grade letter boundaries.
     // [0] A course with no letter boundaries.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[0]->id}));
     // [1] A course with letter boundaries which are default.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[1]->id}));
     // [2] A course with letter boundaries which are custom but not affected.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[2]->id}));
     // [3] A course with letter boundaries which are custom and will be affected.
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[3]->id});
     // [4] A course with no letter boundaries, but with a grade item with letter boundaries which are default.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[4]->id}));
     // [5] A course with no letter boundaries, but with a grade item with letter boundaries which are not default, but not affected.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[5]->id}));
     // [6] A course with no letter boundaries, but with a grade item with letter boundaries which are not default which will be affected.
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[6]->id});
     // System setting for grade letter boundaries (default).
     set_config('grade_displaytype', '3');
     for ($i = 0; $i < 45; $i++) {
         unset_config('gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[$i]->id);
     // [7] A course with no grade display settings for the course or grade items.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[7]->id}));
     // [8] A course with grade display settings, but for something that isn't letters.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[8]->id}));
     // [9] A course with grade display settings of letters which are default.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[9]->id}));
     // [10] A course with grade display settings of letters which are not default, but not affected.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[10]->id}));
     // [11] A course with grade display settings of letters which are not default, which will be affected.
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[11]->id});
     // [12] A grade item with display settings that are not letters.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[12]->id}));
     // [13] A grade item with display settings of letters which are default.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[13]->id}));
     // [14] A grade item with display settings of letters which are not default, but not affected.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[14]->id}));
     // [15] A grade item with display settings of letters which are not default, which will be affected.
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[15]->id});
     // System setting for grade letter boundaries (custom with problem).
     $systemcontext = context_system::instance();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 45; $i++) {
         unset_config('gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[$i]->id);
     // [16] A course with no grade display settings for the course or grade items.
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[16]->id});
     // [17] A course with grade display settings, but for something that isn't letters.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[17]->id}));
     // [18] A course with grade display settings of letters which are default.
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[18]->id});
     // [19] A course with grade display settings of letters which are not default, but not affected.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[19]->id}));
     // [20] A course with grade display settings of letters which are not default, which will be affected.
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[20]->id});
     // [21] A grade item with display settings which are not letters. Grade total will be affected so should be frozen.
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[21]->id});
     // [22] A grade item with display settings of letters which are default.
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[22]->id});
     // [23] A grade item with display settings of letters which are not default, but not affected. Course uses new letter boundary setting.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[23]->id}));
     // [24] A grade item with display settings of letters which are not default, which will be affected.
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[24]->id});
     // [25] A course which is using the default grade display setting, but has updated the grade letter boundary (not 57) Should not be frozen.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[25]->id}));
     // [26] A course that is using the default display setting (letters) and altered the letter boundary with 57. Should be frozen.
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[26]->id});
     // System setting not showing letters.
     set_config('grade_displaytype', '2');
     for ($i = 0; $i < 45; $i++) {
         unset_config('gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[$i]->id);
     // [27] A course with no grade display settings for the course or grade items.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[27]->id}));
     // [28] A course with grade display settings, but for something that isn't letters.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[28]->id}));
     // [29] A course with grade display settings of letters which are default.
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[29]->id});
     // [30] A course with grade display settings of letters which are not default, but not affected.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[30]->id}));
     // [31] A course with grade display settings of letters which are not default, which will be affected.
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[31]->id});
     // [32] A grade item with display settings which are not letters.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[32]->id}));
     // [33] All system defaults.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[33]->id}));
     // [34] A grade item with display settings of letters which are not default, but not affected. Course uses new letter boundary setting.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[34]->id}));
     // [35] A grade item with display settings of letters which are not default, which will be affected.
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[35]->id});
     // [36] A course with grade display settings of letters with modified and good boundary (not 57) Should not be frozen.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[36]->id}));
     // Previous site conditions still exist.
     for ($i = 0; $i < 45; $i++) {
         unset_config('gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[$i]->id);
     // [37] Site setting for not showing the letter column and course setting set to show (frozen).
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[37]->id});
     // [38] Site setting for not showing the letter column and course setting set to hide.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[38]->id}));
     // [39] Site setting for not showing the letter column and course setting set to default.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[39]->id}));
     // [40] Site setting for not showing the letter column and course setting set to default. Course display set to letters (frozen).
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[40]->id});
     // [41] Site setting for not showing the letter column and course setting set to default. Grade item display set to letters (frozen).
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[41]->id});
     // Previous site conditions still exist.
     for ($i = 0; $i < 45; $i++) {
         unset_config('gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[$i]->id);
     set_config('grade_report_user_showlettergrade', '1');
     // [42] Site setting for showing the letter column, but course setting set to hide.
     $this->assertTrue(empty($CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[42]->id}));
     // [43] Site setting for showing the letter column and course setting set to show (frozen).
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[43]->id});
     // [44] Site setting for showing the letter column and course setting set to default (frozen).
     $this->assertEquals(20160518, $CFG->{'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courses[44]->id});
 protected function process_grade_grade($data)
     $data = (object) $data;
     $olduserid = $data->userid;
     $data->itemid = $this->get_new_parentid('grade_item');
     $data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid, null);
     if (!empty($data->userid)) {
         $data->usermodified = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->usermodified, null);
         $data->rawscaleid = $this->get_mappingid('scale', $data->rawscaleid);
         // TODO: Ask, all the rest of locktime/exported... work with time... to be rolled?
         $data->overridden = $this->apply_date_offset($data->overridden);
         $grade = new grade_grade($data, false);
         // no need to save any grade_grade mapping
     } else {
         debugging("Mapped user id not found for user id '{$olduserid}', grade item id '{$data->itemid}'");
  * Validate that the version 1 plugin deletes appropriate associations when
  * deleting a course
 public function test_version1importdeletecoursedeletesassociations()
     global $DB, $CFG, $USER;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/gradelib.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/group/lib.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/conditionlib.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/enrollib.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/tag/lib.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/questionlib.php';
     // Setup.
     $initialnumcontexts = $DB->count_records('context', array('contextlevel' => CONTEXT_COURSE));
     // Set up the course with one section, including default blocks.
     set_config('defaultblocks_topics', 'search_forums');
     set_config('maxsections', 10, 'moodlecourse');
     $this->run_core_course_import(array('shortname' => 'deleteassociationsshortname', 'numsections' => 1));
     // Create a user record.
     $record = new stdClass();
     $record->username = '******';
     $record->password = '******';
     $userid = user_create_user($record);
     // Create a course-level role.
     $courseid = $DB->get_field('course', 'id', array('shortname' => 'deleteassociationsshortname'));
     $coursecontext = context_course::instance($courseid);
     $roleid = create_role('deleterole', 'deleterole', 'deleterole');
     set_role_contextlevels($roleid, array(CONTEXT_COURSE));
     $enrol = new stdClass();
     $enrol->enrol = 'manual';
     $enrol->courseid = $courseid;
     $enrol->status = ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED;
     if (!$DB->record_exists('enrol', (array) $enrol)) {
         $DB->insert_record('enrol', $enrol);
     // Assign the user to the course-level role.
     enrol_try_internal_enrol($courseid, $userid, $roleid);
     // Create a grade item.
     $gradeitem = new grade_item(array('courseid' => $courseid, 'itemtype' => 'manual', 'itemname' => 'testitem'), false);
     $gradegrade = new grade_grade(array('itemid' => $gradeitem->id, 'userid' => $userid), false);
     // Assign the user a grade.
     // Create a grade outcome.
     $gradeoutcome = new grade_outcome(array('courseid' => $courseid, 'shortname' => 'bogusshortname', 'fullname' => 'bogusfullname'));
     // Create a grade scale.
     $gradescale = new grade_scale(array('courseid' => $courseid, 'name' => 'bogusname', 'userid' => $userid, 'scale' => 'bogusscale', 'description' => 'bogusdescription'));
     // Set a grade setting value.
     grade_set_setting($courseid, 'bogus', 'bogus');
     // Set up a grade letter.
     $gradeletter = new stdClass();
     $gradeletter->contextid = $coursecontext->id;
     $gradeletter->lowerboundary = 80;
     $gradeletter->letter = 'A';
     $DB->insert_record('grade_letters', $gradeletter);
     // Set up a forum instance.
     $forum = new stdClass();
     $forum->course = $courseid;
     $forum->intro = 'intro';
     $forum->id = $DB->insert_record('forum', $forum);
     // Add it as a course module.
     $forum->module = $DB->get_field('modules', 'id', array('name' => 'forum'));
     $forum->instance = $forum->id;
     $cmid = add_course_module($forum);
     // Set up a completion record.
     $completion = new stdClass();
     $completion->coursemoduleid = $cmid;
     $completion->completionstate = 0;
     $completion->userid = 9999;
     $completion->timemodified = time();
     $DB->insert_record('course_modules_completion', $completion);
     // Set up a completion condition.
     $forum->id = $cmid;
     $ci = new condition_info($forum, CONDITION_MISSING_EVERYTHING, false);
     $ci->add_completion_condition($cmid, COMPLETION_ENABLED);
     // Set the blocks position.
     $instances = $DB->get_records('block_instances', array('parentcontextid' => $coursecontext->id));
     $page = new stdClass();
     $page->context = $coursecontext;
     $page->pagetype = 'course-view-*';
     $page->subpage = false;
     foreach ($instances as $instance) {
         blocks_set_visibility($instance, $page, 1);
     // Create a group.
     $group = new stdClass();
     $group->name = 'testgroup';
     $group->courseid = $courseid;
     $groupid = groups_create_group($group);
     // Add the user to the group.
     groups_add_member($groupid, $userid);
     // Create a grouping containing our group.
     $grouping = new stdClass();
     $grouping->name = 'testgrouping';
     $grouping->courseid = $courseid;
     $groupingid = groups_create_grouping($grouping);
     groups_assign_grouping($groupingid, $groupid);
     // Set up a user tag.
     tag_set('course', $courseid, array('testtag'));
     // Add a course-level log.
     add_to_log($courseid, 'bogus', 'bogus');
     // Set up the default course question category.
     $newcategory = question_make_default_categories(array($coursecontext));
     // Create a test question.
     $question = new stdClass();
     $question->qtype = 'truefalse';
     $form = new stdClass();
     $form->category = $newcategory->id;
     $form->name = 'testquestion';
     $form->correctanswer = 1;
     $form->feedbacktrue = array('text' => 'bogustext', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML);
     $form->feedbackfalse = array('text' => 'bogustext', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML);
     $question = question_bank::get_qtype('truefalse')->save_question($question, $form);
     if (function_exists('course_set_display')) {
         // Set a "course display" setting.
         course_set_display($courseid, 1);
     // Make a bogus backup record.
     $backupcourse = new stdClass();
     $backupcourse->courseid = $courseid;
     $DB->insert_record('backup_courses', $backupcourse);
     // Add a user lastaccess record.
     $lastaccess = new stdClass();
     $lastaccess->userid = $userid;
     $lastaccess->courseid = $courseid;
     $DB->insert_record('user_lastaccess', $lastaccess);
     // Make a bogus backup log record.
     $log = new stdClass();
     $log->backupid = $courseid;
     $log->timecreated = time();
     $log->loglevel = 1;
     $log->message = 'bogus';
     $DB->insert_record('backup_logs', $log);
     // Get initial counts.
     $initialnumcourse = $DB->count_records('course');
     $initialnumroleassignments = $DB->count_records('role_assignments');
     $initialnumuserenrolments = $DB->count_records('user_enrolments');
     $initialnumgradeitems = $DB->count_records('grade_items');
     $initialnumgradegrades = $DB->count_records('grade_grades');
     $initialnumgradeoutcomes = $DB->count_records('grade_outcomes');
     $initialnumgradeoutcomescourses = $DB->count_records('grade_outcomes_courses');
     $initialnumscale = $DB->count_records('scale');
     $initialnumgradesettings = $DB->count_records('grade_settings');
     $initialnumgradeletters = $DB->count_records('grade_letters');
     $initialnumforum = $DB->count_records('forum');
     $initialnumcoursemodules = $DB->count_records('course_modules');
     $initialnumcoursemodulescompletion = $DB->count_records('course_modules_completion');
     $initialnumcoursemodulesavailability = $DB->count_records('course_modules_availability');
     $initialnumblockinstances = $DB->count_records('block_instances');
     $initialnumblockpositions = $DB->count_records('block_positions');
     $initialnumgroups = $DB->count_records('groups');
     $initialnumgroupsmembers = $DB->count_records('groups_members');
     $initialnumgroupings = $DB->count_records('groupings');
     $initialnumgroupingsgroups = $DB->count_records('groupings_groups');
     $initialnumtaginstance = $DB->count_records('tag_instance');
     $initialnumcoursesections = $DB->count_records('course_sections');
     $initialnumquestioncategories = $DB->count_records('question_categories');
     $initialnumquestion = $DB->count_records('question');
     if (self::$coursedisplay) {
         $initialnumcoursedisplay = $DB->count_records('course_display');
     $initialnumbackupcourses = $DB->count_records('backup_courses');
     $initialnumuserlastaccess = $DB->count_records('user_lastaccess');
     $initialnumbackuplogs = $DB->count_records('backup_logs');
     // Delete the course.
     $data = array('action' => 'delete', 'shortname' => 'deleteassociationsshortname');
     $this->run_core_course_import($data, false);
     // Validate the result.
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('course'), $initialnumcourse - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('role_assignments'), $initialnumroleassignments - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('user_enrolments'), $initialnumuserenrolments - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('grade_items'), $initialnumgradeitems - 2);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('grade_grades'), $initialnumgradegrades - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('grade_outcomes'), $initialnumgradeoutcomes - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('grade_outcomes_courses'), $initialnumgradeoutcomescourses - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('scale'), $initialnumscale - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('grade_settings'), $initialnumgradesettings - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('grade_letters'), $initialnumgradeletters - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('forum'), $initialnumforum - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('course_modules'), $initialnumcoursemodules - 1);
      Uncomment the two lines below when this fix is available:
      $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('course_modules_completion'), $initialnumcourse_modules_completion - 1);
      $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('course_modules_availability'), $initialnumcourse_modules_availability - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($initialnumblockinstances - 4, $DB->count_records('block_instances'));
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('block_positions'), 0);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('groups'), $initialnumgroups - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('groups_members'), $initialnumgroupsmembers - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('groupings'), $initialnumgroupings - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('groupings_groups'), $initialnumgroupingsgroups - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('log', array('course' => $courseid)), 0);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('tag_instance'), $initialnumtaginstance - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('course_sections'), $initialnumcoursesections - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('question_categories'), $initialnumquestioncategories - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('question'), $initialnumquestion - 1);
     if (self::$coursedisplay) {
         $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('course_display'), $initialnumcoursedisplay - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('backup_courses'), $initialnumbackupcourses - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($DB->count_records('user_lastaccess'), $initialnumuserlastaccess - 1);