function compile_error($message, $file, $line)
    error::pitch(new FAError($message, $file, $line));
 function alterTable($table, $alterdefs)
     if ($alterdefs != '') {
         $result = sqlite_query($this->link, "SELECT sql, name, type FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name = '" . $table . "' ORDER BY type DESC");
         if (sqlite_num_rows($result) > 0) {
             $row = sqlite_fetch_array($result);
             //table sql
             $tmpname = 't' . time();
             $origsql = trim(preg_replace("/[\\s]+/", " ", str_replace(",", ", ", preg_replace("/[\\(]/", "( ", $row['sql'], 1))));
             $createtemptableSQL = 'CREATE TEMPORARY ' . substr(trim(preg_replace("'" . $table . "'", $tmpname, $origsql, 1)), 6);
             $createindexsql = array();
             $i = 0;
             $defs = preg_split("/[,]+/", $alterdefs, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $prevword = $table;
             /* Doesn't work with decimal() columns.. e.g. decimal(5,2) */
             $oldcols = preg_split("/[,]+/", substr(trim($createtemptableSQL), strpos(trim($createtemptableSQL), '(') + 1), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $newcols = array();
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($oldcols); $i++) {
                 $colparts = preg_split("/[\\s]+/", $oldcols[$i], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                 $oldcols[$i] = $colparts[0];
                 $newcols[$colparts[0]] = $colparts[0];
             $newcolumns = '';
             $oldcolumns = '';
             while (list($key, $val) = each($newcols)) {
                 $newcolumns .= iif($newcolumns, ', ', '') . $val;
                 $oldcolumns .= iif($oldcolumns, ', ', '') . $key;
             $copytotempsql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $tmpname . '(' . $newcolumns . ') SELECT ' . $oldcolumns . ' FROM ' . $table;
             $dropoldsql = 'DROP TABLE ' . $table;
             $createtesttableSQL = $createtemptableSQL;
             foreach ($defs as $def) {
                 $defparts = preg_split("/[\\s]+/", $def, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                 $action = strtolower($defparts[0]);
                 switch ($action) {
                     case 'add':
                         if (sizeof($defparts) <= 2) {
                             error::pitch(new FAError('An error occured near "' . $defparts[0] . iif($defparts[1], ' ' . $defparts[1], '') . '": syntax error.', __FILE__, __LINE__));
                             return FALSE;
                         $createtesttableSQL = substr($createtesttableSQL, 0, strlen($createtesttableSQL) - 1) . ',';
                         for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($defparts); $i++) {
                             $createtesttableSQL .= ' ' . $defparts[$i];
                         $createtesttableSQL .= ')';
                     case 'change':
                         if (count($defparts) <= 3) {
                             error::pitch(new FAError('An error occured near "' . $defparts[0] . iif($defparts[1], ' ' . $defparts[1], '') . iif($defparts[2], ' ' . $defparts[2], '') . '": syntax error.', __FILE__, __LINE__));
                             return FALSE;
                         if ($severpos = strpos($createtesttableSQL, ' ' . $defparts[1] . ' ')) {
                             if ($newcols[$defparts[1]] != $defparts[1]) {
                                 error::pitch(new FAError('unknown column "' . $defparts[1] . '" in "' . $table . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__));
                                 return FALSE;
                             $newcols[$defparts[1]] = $defparts[2];
                             $nextcommapos = strpos($createtesttableSQL, ',', $severpos);
                             $insertval = '';
                             for ($i = 2; $i < count($defparts); $i++) {
                                 $insertval .= ' ' . $defparts[$i];
                             if ($nextcommapos) {
                                 $createtesttableSQL = substr($createtesttableSQL, 0, $severpos) . $insertval . substr($createtesttableSQL, $nextcommapos);
                             } else {
                                 $createtesttableSQL = substr($createtesttableSQL, 0, $severpos - iif(strpos($createtesttableSQL, ','), 0, 1)) . $insertval . ')';
                         } else {
                             error::pitch(new FAError('Unknown column "' . $defparts[1] . '" in "' . $table . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__));
                             return FALSE;
                     case 'drop':
                         if (count($defparts) < 2) {
                             error::pitch(new FAError('An error occured near "' . $defparts[0] . iif($defparts[1], ' ' . $defparts[1], '') . '": syntax error.', __FILE__, __LINE__));
                             return FALSE;
                         if ($severpos = strpos($createtesttableSQL, ' ' . $defparts[1] . ' ')) {
                             $nextcommapos = strpos($createtesttableSQL, ',', $severpos);
                             if ($nextcommapos) {
                                 $createtesttableSQL = substr($createtesttableSQL, 0, $severpos) . substr($createtesttableSQL, $nextcommapos + 1);
                             } else {
                                 $createtesttableSQL = substr($createtesttableSQL, 0, $severpos - (strpos($createtesttableSQL, ',') ? 0 : 1) - 1) . ')';
                         } else {
                             error::pitch(new FAError('Unknown column "' . $defparts[1] . '" in "' . $table . '".', __FILE__, __LINE__));
                             return FALSE;
                         error::pitch(new FAError('An error occured near "' . $prevword . '": syntax error.', __FILE__, __LINE__));
                         return FALSE;
                 $prevword = $defparts[count($defparts) - 1];
              * this block of code generates a test table simply to verify that the columns 
              * specifed are valid in an sql statement this ensures that no reserved words 
              * are used as columns, for example.
             if (!$this->query($createtesttableSQL)) {
                 error::pitch(new FAError('The test table could not be created.<br /><br />' . $createtesttable, __FILE__, __LINE__));
                 return FALSE;
             $droptempsql = 'DROP TABLE ' . $tmpname;
             sqlite_query($this->link, $droptempsql);
             /* end block */
             $createnewtableSQL = 'CREATE ' . substr(trim(preg_replace("'" . $tmpname . "'", $table, $createtesttableSQL, 1)), 17);
             $newcolumns = '';
             $oldcolumns = '';
             while (list($key, $val) = each($newcols)) {
                 $newcolumns .= iif($newcolumns, ', ', '') . $val;
                 $oldcolumns .= iif($oldcolumns, ', ', '') . $key;
             $copytonewsql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . '(' . $newcolumns . ') SELECT ' . $oldcolumns . ' FROM ' . $tmpname;
              * Use a transaction here so that if one query fails, they all fail
             /* Begin the transaction */
             /* Create our temporary table */
             /* Copy the data to the temporary table */
             /* Drop the table that we are modifying */
             /* Recreate that original table with the column added/changed/droped */
             /* Copy the data from our temporary table to our new table */
             /* Drop our temporary table */
             /* Finish the transaction */
         } else {
             error::pitch(new FAError('Non-existant table: ' . $table, __FILE__, __LINE__));
             return FALSE;
         return true;
 function render()
     $filename = $this->getFilename(TPL_SOURCE);
     $compiled = $this->getFilename(TPL_COMPILED);
     if ($filename == $compiled) {
         error::pitch(new FAError("The source and compiled templates are the same: {$filename}", __FILE__, __LINE__));
         return FALSE;
     if (!is_readable($filename) || !file_exists($filename)) {
         error::pitch(new FAError("Cannot read template file or file does not exist: {$filename}", __FILE__, __LINE__));
         return FALSE;
     require_once TPL_BASE_DIR . '/runtime.php';
     if ($this->context == NULL) {
         $this->context =& new TPL_Context($this->vars, $this->lists);
     $template = $this;
     $context =& $this->context;
     if (!$this->cache) {
         $source =& new TPL_Source($filename);
         $buffer = $source->compile();
         eval(" ?>{$buffer}<?php ");
     } else {
         if ($this->getForce() || !file_exists($compiled) || filemtime($filename) > filemtime($compiled)) {
             $source =& new TPL_Source($filename);
         if (!file_exists($compiled)) {
             error::pitch(new FAError("The compiled template does not exist or could not be created: " . $compiled, __FILE__, __LINE__));
             return FALSE;
         include $compiled;