function templateNodeTransformation( $functionName, &$node, $tpl, $parameters, $privateData ) { switch( $functionName ) { case $this->SetName: case $this->DefaultName: case $this->LetName: { $scope = eZTemplate::NAMESPACE_SCOPE_RELATIVE; if ( isset( $parameters['-scope'] ) ) { if ( !eZTemplateNodeTool::isConstantElement( $parameters['-scope'] ) ) return false; $scopeText = eZTemplateNodeTool::elementConstantValue( $parameters['-scope'] ); if ( $scopeText == 'relative' ) $scope = eZTemplate::NAMESPACE_SCOPE_RELATIVE; else if ( $scopeText == 'root' ) $scope = eZTemplate::NAMESPACE_SCOPE_LOCAL; else if ( $scopeText == 'global' ) $scope = eZTemplate::NAMESPACE_SCOPE_GLOBAL; } $parameters = eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodeParameters( $node ); $namespaceValue = false; if ( isset( $parameters['-name'] ) ) { if ( !eZTemplateNodeTool::isConstantElement( $parameters['-name'] ) ) { return false; } $namespaceValue = eZTemplateNodeTool::elementConstantValue( $parameters['-name'] ); } $variableList = array(); $setVarNodes = array(); foreach ( array_keys( $parameters ) as $parameterName ) { if ( $parameterName == '-name' or $parameterName == '-scope' ) { continue; } $parameterData =& $parameters[$parameterName]; $setVarNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode( false, $parameterData, eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement( $node ), array(), array( $namespaceValue, $scope, $parameterName ), ( $functionName == $this->SetName ), ( $functionName != $this->DefaultName ), false, ( $functionName == $this->DefaultName ) ); if ( $functionName == $this->LetName or $functionName == $this->DefaultName ) { $variableList[] = $parameterName; } } if ( ( $functionName == $this->LetName or $functionName == $this->DefaultName ) and $namespaceValue ) { $setVarNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createNamespaceChangeNode( $namespaceValue ); } if ( $functionName == $this->LetName or $functionName == $this->DefaultName ) { $childNodes = eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodeChildren( $node ); if ( !is_array( $childNodes ) ) { $childNodes = array(); } } else { $childNodes = array(); } $unsetVarNodes = array(); if ( ( $functionName == $this->LetName or $functionName == $this->DefaultName ) and $namespaceValue ) { $unsetVarNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createNamespaceRestoreNode(); } if ( $functionName == $this->LetName or $functionName == $this->DefaultName ) { foreach( $variableList as $parameterName ) { $unsetVarNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableUnsetNode( array( $namespaceValue, eZTemplate::NAMESPACE_SCOPE_RELATIVE, $parameterName ), array( 'remember_set' => $functionName == $this->DefaultName ) ); } } return array_merge( $setVarNodes, $childNodes, $unsetVarNodes ); } break; } }
function templateNodeTransformation($functionName, &$node, $tpl, $parameters, $privateData) { $newNodes = array(); $namespaceValue = false; $varName = 'match'; if (!isset($parameters['match'])) { return false; } if (isset($parameters['name'])) { $nameData = $parameters['name']; if (!eZTemplateNodeTool::isConstantElement($nameData)) { return false; } $namespaceValue = eZTemplateNodeTool::elementConstantValue($nameData); } if (isset($parameters['var'])) { $varData = $parameters['var']; if (!eZTemplateNodeTool::isConstantElement($varData)) { return false; } $varName = eZTemplateNodeTool::elementConstantValue($varData); } $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, $parameters['match'], false, array(), array($namespaceValue, eZTemplate::NAMESPACE_SCOPE_RELATIVE, $varName)); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, $parameters['match'], eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($node), array('variable-name' => 'match', 'text-result' => true), 'match'); // 'text-result' => false ) ); if (isset($parameters['name'])) { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createNamespaceChangeNode($parameters['name']); } $tmpNodes = array(); $children = eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodeChildren($node); $caseNodes = array(); $caseCounter = 1; if (is_array($children)) { foreach ($children as $child) { $childType = $child[0]; if ($childType == eZTemplate::NODE_FUNCTION) { if ($this->templateNodeCaseTransformation($tpl, $tmpNodes, $caseNodes, $caseCounter, $child, $privateData) === false) { return false; } } } } $newNodes = array_merge($newNodes, $tmpNodes); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("switch ( \$match )\n{"); $newNodes = array_merge($newNodes, $caseNodes); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("}"); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableUnsetNode('match'); if (isset($parameters['name'])) { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createNamespaceRestoreNode(); } $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableUnsetNode(array($namespaceValue, eZTemplate::NAMESPACE_SCOPE_RELATIVE, 'match')); return $newNodes; }
function templateNodeTransformation($functionName, &$node, $tpl, $parameters, $privateData) { $useLastValue = false; if (isset($parameters['last-value']) and !eZTemplateNodeTool::isConstantElement($parameters['last-value'])) { return false; } if (isset($parameters['name']) and !eZTemplateNodeTool::isConstantElement($parameters['name'])) { return false; } if (isset($parameters['var']) and !eZTemplateNodeTool::isConstantElement($parameters['var'])) { return false; } if (isset($parameters['reverse']) and !eZTemplateNodeTool::isConstantElement($parameters['reverse'])) { return false; } $varName = false; if (isset($parameters['var'])) { $varName = eZTemplateNodeTool::elementConstantValue($parameters['var']); } if (isset($parameters['last-value'])) { $useLastValue = (bool) eZTemplateNodeTool::elementConstantValue($parameters['last-value']); } if (!$varName) { $useLastValue = false; } $reverseLoop = false; if (isset($parameters['reverse'])) { $reverseLoop = eZTemplateNodeTool::elementConstantValue($parameters['reverse']); } $useLoop = isset($parameters['loop']); $allowLoop = true; $newNodes = array(); $maxText = "false"; $useMax = false; $maxPopText = false; if (isset($parameters['max'])) { if (eZTemplateNodeTool::isConstantElement($parameters['max'])) { $maxValue = eZTemplateNodeTool::elementConstantValue($parameters['max']); if ($maxValue > 0) { $maxText = eZPHPCreator::variableText($maxValue); $useMax = true; } else { return array(eZTemplateNodeTool::createTextNode('')); } } else { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, $parameters['max'], eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($node), array(), 'max'); $maxText = "\$max"; $maxPopText = ", \$max"; $useMax = true; } } // Controls whether the 'if' statement with brackets is added $useShow = false; // Controls whether main nodes are handled, also controls delimiter and filters $useMain = true; // Controls wether else nodes are handled $useElse = false; $spacing = 0; if (isset($parameters['show'])) { if (eZTemplateNodeTool::isConstantElement($parameters['show'])) { $showValue = eZTemplateNodeTool::elementConstantValue($parameters['show']); if ($showValue) { $useMain = true; $useElse = false; $useShow = false; } else { $useMain = false; $useElse = true; $useShow = false; } $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createTextNode(''); } else { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, $parameters['show'], eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($node), array(), 'show'); $spacing = 4; $useElse = true; $useShow = true; } } $children = eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodeChildren($node); if ($useShow) { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("if ( \$show )\n{\n"); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createSpacingIncreaseNode($spacing); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableUnsetNode('show'); } if (isset($parameters['name']) and !$useLoop) { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createNamespaceChangeNode($parameters['name']); } $mainNodes = eZTemplateNodeTool::extractNodes($children, array('match' => array('type' => 'before', 'matches' => array(array('match-keys' => array(0), 'match-with' => eZTemplate::NODE_FUNCTION), array('match-keys' => array(2), 'match-with' => 'section-else')), 'filter' => array(array(array('match-keys' => array(0), 'match-with' => eZTemplate::NODE_FUNCTION), array('match-keys' => array(2), 'match-with' => array('delimiter', 'section-exclude', 'section-include'))))))); $delimiterNodes = eZTemplateNodeTool::extractNodes($children, array('match' => array('type' => 'equal', 'matches' => array(array('match-keys' => array(0), 'match-with' => eZTemplate::NODE_FUNCTION), array('match-keys' => array(2), 'match-with' => 'delimiter'))))); $filterNodes = eZTemplateNodeTool::extractNodes($children, array('match' => array('type' => 'equal', 'matches' => array(array('match-keys' => array(0), 'match-with' => eZTemplate::NODE_FUNCTION), array('match-keys' => array(2), 'match-with' => array('section-exclude', 'section-include')))))); $delimiterNode = false; if (count($delimiterNodes) > 0) { $delimiterNode = $delimiterNodes[0]; } if ($useMain) { // Avoid transformation if the nodes will not be used, saves time $mainNodes = eZTemplateCompiler::processNodeTransformationNodes($tpl, $node, $mainNodes, $privateData); } if ($useLoop and $useMain) { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, $parameters['loop'], eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($node), array(), 'loopItem'); $hasSequence = false; if (isset($parameters['sequence'])) { $sequenceParameter = $parameters['sequence']; $hasSequence = true; $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, $sequenceParameter, eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($node), array(), 'sequence'); } if (isset($parameters['name'])) { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createNamespaceChangeNode($parameters['name']); } $code = "if ( !isset( \$sectionStack ) )\n" . " \$sectionStack = array();\n"; $variableValuePushText = ''; $variableValuePopText = ''; if ($varName) { $code .= "\$variableValue = new eZTemplateSectionIterator();\n" . "\$lastVariableValue = false;\n"; $variableValuePushText = "&\$variableValue, "; $variableValuePopText = "\$variableValue, "; } $code .= "\$index = 0;\n" . "\$currentIndex = 1;\n"; $arrayCode = ''; $numericCode = ''; $stringCode = ''; $offsetText = '0'; if (isset($parameters['offset'])) { $offsetParameter = $parameters['offset']; if (eZTemplateNodeTool::isConstantElement($offsetParameter)) { $iterationValue = (int) eZTemplateNodeTool::elementConstantValue($offsetParameter); if ($iterationValue > 0) { $arrayCode = " \$loopKeys = array_splice( \$loopKeys, {$iterationValue} );\n"; } $offsetText = $iterationValue; } else { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, $offsetParameter, eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($node), array(), 'offset'); $arrayCode = " if ( \$offset > 0 )\n" . " \$loopKeys = array_splice( \$loopKeys, \$offset );\n"; $offsetText = "\$offset"; } } // Initialization for array $code .= "if ( is_array( \$loopItem ) )\n{\n" . " \$loopKeys = array_keys( \$loopItem );\n"; if ($reverseLoop) { $code .= " \$loopKeys = array_reverse( \$loopKeys );\n"; } $code .= $arrayCode; $code .= " \$loopCount = count( \$loopKeys );\n"; $code .= "}\n"; // Initialization for numeric $code .= "else if ( is_numeric( \$loopItem ) )\n{\n" . " \$loopKeys = false;\n" . $numericCode . " if ( \$loopItem < 0 )\n" . " \$loopCountValue = -\$loopItem;\n" . " else\n" . " \$loopCountValue = \$loopItem;\n" . " \$loopCount = \$loopCountValue - {$offsetText};\n" . "}\n"; // Initialization for string $code .= "else if ( is_string( \$loopItem ) )\n{\n" . " \$loopKeys = false;\n" . $stringCode . " \$loopCount = strlen( \$loopItem ) - {$offsetText};\n" . "}\n"; // Fallback for no item $code .= "else\n{\n" . " \$loopKeys = false;\n" . " \$loopCount = 0;\n" . "}"; // Initialization end $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode($code); $code = "while ( \$index < \$loopCount )\n" . "{\n"; if ($useMax) { $code .= " if ( \$currentIndex > {$maxText} )\n" . " break;\n" . " unset( \$item );\n"; } // Iterator check for array $code .= " if ( is_array( \$loopItem ) )\n" . " {\n" . " \$loopKey = \$loopKeys[\$index];\n" . " unset( \$item );\n" . " \$item = \$loopItem[\$loopKey];\n" . " }\n"; // Iterator check for numeric $code .= " else if ( is_numeric( \$loopItem ) )\n" . " {\n" . " unset( \$item );\n"; if ($reverseLoop) { $code .= " \$item = \$loopCountValue - \$index - {$offsetText};\n"; } else { $code .= " \$item = \$index + {$offsetText} + 1;\n"; } $code .= " if ( \$loopItem < 0 )\n" . " \$item = -\$item;\n"; if ($reverseLoop) { $code .= " \$loopKey = \$loopCountValue - \$index - {$offsetText} - 1;\n"; } else { $code .= " \$loopKey = \$index + {$offsetText};\n"; } $code .= " }\n"; // Iterator check for string $code .= " else if ( is_string( \$loopItem ) )\n" . " {\n" . " unset( \$item );\n"; if ($reverseLoop) { $code .= " \$loopKey = \$loopCount - \$index - {$offsetText} + 1;\n"; } else { $code .= " \$loopKey = \$index + {$offsetText};\n"; } $code .= " \$item = \$loopItem[\$loopKey];\n" . " }\n"; // Iterator check end $code .= " unset( \$last );\n" . " \$last = false;\n"; $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode($code); $code = ''; if ($useLastValue) { $code .= " if ( \$currentIndex > 1 )\n" . " {\n" . " \$last = \$lastVariableValue;\n" . " \$variableValue = new eZTemplateSectionIterator();\n" . " }\n"; } if ($varName) { $code .= " \$variableValue->setIteratorValues( \$item, \$loopKey, \$currentIndex - 1, \$currentIndex, false, \$last );"; $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode($code); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, 'variableValue', eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($node), array('spacing' => 4), array('', eZTemplate::NAMESPACE_SCOPE_RELATIVE, $varName), false, true, true); } else { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, 'loopKey', eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($node), array('spacing' => 4), array('', eZTemplate::NAMESPACE_SCOPE_RELATIVE, 'key'), false, true, true); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, 'item', eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($node), array('spacing' => 4), array('', eZTemplate::NAMESPACE_SCOPE_RELATIVE, 'item'), false, true, true); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("\$currentIndexInc = \$currentIndex - 1;\n"); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, 'currentIndexInc', eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($node), array('spacing' => 4), array('', eZTemplate::NAMESPACE_SCOPE_RELATIVE, 'index'), false, true, true); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, 'currentIndex', eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($node), array('spacing' => 4), array('', eZTemplate::NAMESPACE_SCOPE_RELATIVE, 'number'), false, true, true); } $mainSpacing = 0; $hasFilter = false; if (count($filterNodes) > 0) { $newFilterNodes = array(); $matchValue = true; $hasDynamicFilter = false; foreach ($filterNodes as $filterNode) { $filterParameters = eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodeParameters($filterNode); if (!isset($filterParameters['match'])) { continue; } $hasFilter = true; $filterParameterMatch = $filterParameters['match']; $filterParameterMatch = eZTemplateCompiler::processElementTransformationList($tpl, $filterNode, $filterParameterMatch, $privateData); if (eZTemplateNodeTool::isConstantElement($filterParameterMatch)) { $matchValue = eZTemplateNodeTool::elementConstantValue($filterParameterMatch); if (eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodeName($filterNode) == 'section-exclude') { if ($matchValue) { $matchValue = false; } } else { if ($matchValue) { $matchValue = true; } } $newFilterNodes = array(); $hasDynamicFilter = false; } else { $newFilterNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, $filterParameterMatch, eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($filterNode), array('spacing' => 4), 'tmpMatchValue'); if (eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodeName($filterNode) == 'section-exclude') { $newFilterNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("if ( \$tmpMatchValue )\n \$matchValue = false;", array('spacing' => 4)); } else { $newFilterNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("if ( \$tmpMatchValue )\n \$matchValue = true;", array('spacing' => 4)); } $hasDynamicFilter = true; } } if ($hasFilter) { $mainSpacing += 4; $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, $matchValue, eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($filterNode), array('spacing' => 4), 'matchValue'); if ($hasDynamicFilter) { $newNodes = array_merge($newNodes, $newFilterNodes); } $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("if ( \$matchValue )\n{\n", array('spacing' => 4)); } } $sequencePopText = ''; if ($hasSequence) { $sequencePopText = ", \$sequence"; if ($varName) { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("if ( is_array( \$sequence ) )\n" . "{\n" . " \$sequenceValue = array_shift( \$sequence );\n" . " \$variableValue->setSequence( \$sequenceValue );\n" . " \$sequence[] = \$sequenceValue;\n" . " unset( \$sequenceValue );\n" . "}", array('spacing' => $mainSpacing + 4)); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, 'variableValue', eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($node), array('spacing' => 4), array('', eZTemplate::NAMESPACE_SCOPE_RELATIVE, $varName), false, true, true); } else { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("if ( is_array( \$sequence ) )\n" . "{\n" . " \$sequenceValue = array_shift( \$sequence );\n", array('spacing' => $mainSpacing + 4)); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, 'sequenceValue', eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($node), array('spacing' => $mainSpacing + 4), array('', eZTemplate::NAMESPACE_SCOPE_RELATIVE, 'sequence'), false, true, true); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode(" \$sequence[] = \$sequenceValue;\n" . " unset( \$sequenceValue );\n" . "}", array('spacing' => $mainSpacing + 4)); } } $code = "\$sectionStack[] = array( " . $variableValuePushText . "&\$loopItem, \$loopKeys, \$loopCount, \$currentIndex, \$index" . $sequencePopText . $maxPopText . " );\n" . "unset( \$loopItem, \$loopKeys );\n"; $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode($code, array('spacing' => $mainSpacing + 4)); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createSpacingIncreaseNode($mainSpacing + 4); if ($delimiterNode) { $delimiterChildren = eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodeChildren($delimiterNode); $delimiterParameters = eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodeParameters($delimiterNode); $delimiterChildren = eZTemplateCompiler::processNodeTransformationNodes($tpl, $node, $delimiterChildren, $privateData); $delimiterModulo = false; $matchCode = false; $useModulo = true; if (isset($delimiterParameters['match'])) { $delimiterMatch = $delimiterParameters['match']; $delimiterMatch = eZTemplateCompiler::processElementTransformationList($tpl, $delimiterNode, $delimiterMatch, $privateData); if (eZTemplateNodeTool::isConstantElement($delimiterMatch)) { $moduloValue = eZTemplateNodeTool::elementConstantValue($delimiterMatch); $useModulo = false; } else { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, $delimiterMatch, eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($node), array('spacing' => 0), 'matchValue'); $matchCode = " and \$matchValue"; } } else { if (isset($delimiterParameters['modulo'])) { $delimiterModulo = $delimiterParameters['modulo']; $delimiterModulo = eZTemplateCompiler::processElementTransformationList($tpl, $delimiterModulo, $delimiterModulo, $privateData); if (eZTemplateNodeTool::isConstantElement($delimiterModulo)) { $moduloValue = (int) eZTemplateNodeTool::elementConstantValue($delimiterModulo); $matchCode = " and ( ( \$currentIndex - 1 ) % {$moduloValue} ) == 0"; } else { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableNode(false, $delimiterModulo, eZTemplateNodeTool::extractFunctionNodePlacement($node), array('spacing' => 0), 'moduloValue'); $matchCode = " and ( ( \$currentIndex - 1 ) % \$moduloValue ) == 0"; } } } if ($useModulo) { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("if ( \$currentIndex > 1{$matchCode} )\n{"); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createSpacingIncreaseNode(4); $newNodes = array_merge($newNodes, $delimiterChildren); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createSpacingDecreaseNode(4); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("}\n"); } } $newNodes = array_merge($newNodes, $mainNodes); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createSpacingDecreaseNode($mainSpacing + 4); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("list( " . $variableValuePopText . "\$loopItem, \$loopKeys, \$loopCount, \$currentIndex, \$index" . $sequencePopText . $maxPopText . " ) = array_pop( \$sectionStack );", array('spacing' => $mainSpacing + 4)); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("++\$currentIndex;\n", array('spacing' => $mainSpacing + 4)); if ($varName) { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("\$lastVariableValue = \$variableValue;", array('spacing' => $mainSpacing + 4)); } if ($hasFilter) { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode(" }"); $mainSpacing -= 4; } $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("++\$index;\n", array('spacing' => $mainSpacing + 4)); $code = "}\n" . "unset( \$loopKeys, \$loopCount, \$index, \$last, \$loopIndex, \$loopItem"; if ($hasSequence) { $code .= ", \$sequence"; } $code .= " );"; $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode($code); } else { if ($useMain) { $newNodes = array_merge($newNodes, $mainNodes); } } if (isset($parameters['name'])) { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createNamespaceRestoreNode(); } if ($useShow) { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createSpacingDecreaseNode($spacing); } if ($useElse) { $elseNodes = eZTemplateNodeTool::extractNodes($children, array('match' => array('type' => 'after', 'matches' => array(array('match-keys' => array(0), 'match-with' => eZTemplate::NODE_FUNCTION), array('match-keys' => array(2), 'match-with' => 'section-else'))))); $elseNodes = eZTemplateCompiler::processNodeTransformationNodes($tpl, $node, $elseNodes, $privateData); if (count($elseNodes) > 0) { if ($useShow) { // This is needed if a 'if ( $show )' was used earlier $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("}\nelse\n{\n"); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createSpacingIncreaseNode($spacing); $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createVariableUnsetNode('show'); } if (isset($parameters['name'])) { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createNamespaceChangeNode($parameters['name']); } $newNodes = array_merge($newNodes, $elseNodes); if (isset($parameters['name'])) { $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createNamespaceRestoreNode(); } if ($useShow) { // This is needed if a 'if ( $show )' was used earlier $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createSpacingDecreaseNode($spacing); } } if ($useShow) { // This is needed if a 'if ( $show )' was used earlier $newNodes[] = eZTemplateNodeTool::createCodePieceNode("}\n"); } } return $newNodes; }