/** * 模板渲染 * * @param string $template 模板文件 * @return htmlcode */ public function fetch($template = '') { $hashkey = core_debug::info('compile template: ' . $template); $html = $this->getRender()->fetch($template); core_debug::upTime($hashkey); return $html; }
public function __construct() { $this->_properties = array_keys(get_object_vars($this)); if (array_pop($this->_properties) != '_properties') { core_debug::i()->add('500', 'Core Error', '_properties is not last item in array'); } }
public static function i() { if (self::$instance === null) { $c = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $c(); } return self::$instance; }
public function __construct($params = array()) { if (!isset($params['cache_dir']) || !$this->getInstance()->isDir($params['cache_dir'])) { $this->savepath = core::getConfig('cache_filesystem_dir'); } else { $this->savepath = $params['cache_dir']; } core_debug::info('set filesystem dir: ' . $this->getSavePath()); }
public function grabEventsFromEmailAction() { //echo phpinfo(); $m = new manage_model_event(); $m->emailGrab(); core_debug::dump($m); core_debug::dump(imap_errors()); die('at ctrl'); }
public function display($params = array()) { $loadWidgetHashkey = core_debug::info('load widget: ' . get_class($this)); $params = $this->params($params); $compileWidgetHashkey = core_debug::info('compile widget: ' . $this->tpl()); $this->render->display($this->tpl()); core_debug::upTime($loadWidgetHashkey); core_debug::upTime($compileWidgetHashkey); }
public function __construct($params = array()) { $host = $params['host']; $port = !empty($params['port']) ? $params['port'] : 6379; if ($host != '') { core_debug::info('add redis server: ' . $host . ":" . $port); $this->getInstance()->connect($host, $port); } else { throw new Exception('can\'t load cache_redis_host, please check it.'); } }
static function log($message, $logfile = 'core.log') { if (!is_string($message)) { $message = core_debug::dump($message, false); } $message = date('[m-d-Y H:i:s]:') . $message; $fpath = app::getConfig('dir/sd') . DS . self::LOG_DIR . DS . $logfile; core_fs::createDirIfNotExists(dirname($fpath)); $fh = fopen($fpath, 'a+'); fputs($fh, $message . "\n"); fclose($fh); return $message; }
public function rndAction() { for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { $lt = rand(1, 10); $lng = rand(1, 10); $a = rand(1, 3); $u = rand(24, 27); $c = rand(1, 4); $e = new manage_model_event(); $data = array('lat' => 49.26 + $lt / 10, 'long' => 27.69 + $lng / 10, 'user_id' => $u, 'activity_id' => $a, 'city_id' => $c, 'date' => strtotime(rand(1, 29) . '.' . rand(1, 7) . '.' . '2015'), 'marker_color' => '#efefef'); $e->setData($data); core_debug::dump($e); $e->save(); } }
public function __construct($params = array()) { $hosts = array(); if ($params['host'] != '') { $config = explode(',', $params['host']); foreach ($config as $v) { $v = trim($v); $tmp = explode(':', $v); $hosts[] = array($tmp[0], $tmp[1]); core_debug::info('add memcached server: ' . $v); } $this->getInstance()->addServers($hosts); } else { throw new Exception('can\'t load cache_memcache_host, please check it.'); } }
function read($query = false, $query_column = false, $query_order = false, $query_dir = false, $query_start = false, $query_limit = false) { $int_time_start = lib_datetime_microtime(); parent::read($query, $query_column, $query_order, $query_dir, $query_start, $query_limit); $array_data['results'] = count($this->array_result); if (count($this->array_result) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->array_result); $i++) { try { $array_data['nodes'][] = new model_forum_categories($this->array_result[$i]); } catch (Exception $e) { core_debug::i()->add('500', $e->getMessage(), ''); } } } $array_data['elapsed'] = lib_datetime_microtime() - $int_time_start; return $array_data; }
/** * 发起请求 * * @param string $url 请求地址 * @param array $method 请求方式 * @param array $params 请求参数 * @return void */ private function _request($url = '', $method = 'POST', $params = array()) { $hashkey = core_debug::info("curl {$method} request: {$url} , requesting ..."); curl_setopt($this->client, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20); curl_setopt($this->client, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($this->client, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($this->client, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $this->getTimeout()); curl_setopt($this->client, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->getTimeout()); if ($method == 'POST') { curl_setopt($this->client, CURLOPT_POST, count($params)); curl_setopt($this->client, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params); } $this->response = curl_exec($this->client); curl_close($this->client); if ($this->response === false) { $debugInfo = "curl {$method} request: {$url} , timeout(" . $this->getTimeout() . " Seconds)."; } else { $debugInfo = "curl {$method} request: {$url} , ok."; } core_debug::info($debugInfo, $hashkey); return $this->response; }
public final function connect() { if (core_settings::i()->get('CONFIG_SETTINGS_AUTH') == 2) { if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == core_settings::i()->get('CONFIG_AUTH_NTLM_IP') && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE')) { if (!$this->connect_ntlm()) { if ($this->http_auth_complete) { // Only display a 403 if the NTLM is complete. core_debug::i()->add('403', 'Cannot find user in Database: ', ''); } else { exit; } } } else { if (!$this->connect_ldap()) { header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="iTrafford Login"'); exit('Unauthorized <a href="/">Retry</a>'); } } } if (core_settings::i()->get('CONFIG_SETTINGS_AUTH') == 1) { $this->connect_db(); } }
/** * Prints the Paper buffer to the screen */ public function display() { try { header('Content-Type: ' . $this->mime . '; charset=' . strtoupper($this->encoding) . ''); header('Expires: ' . date('D, d M Y H:i:s ', time() + core_settings::i()->get('CONFIG_PAPER_EXPIRES')) . 'GMT'); $handle = fopen($this->template, "r"); $contents = fread($handle, filesize($this->template)); fclose($handle); $find = array_keys($this->data); $replace = array_values($this->data); $xhtml = str_replace($find, $replace, $contents); print $xhtml; } catch (Exception $e) { core_debug::i()->add('500', $e->getMessage(), ''); } }
global $Plugins; switch ($this->OutputType) { case "XML": break; case "HTML": $text = _("Plugin Summary"); $V .= "<H2>{$text}</H2>"; foreach ($Plugins as $key => $val) { $V .= "{$key} : {$val->Name} (state={$val->State})<br>\n"; } $text = _("Plugin State Details"); $V .= "<H2>{$text}</H2>"; $V .= "<pre>"; $V .= print_r($Plugins, 1); $V .= "</pre>"; break; case "Text": print_r($Plugins); break; default: break; } if (!$this->OutputToStdout) { return $V; } print "{$V}"; return; } } $NewPlugin = new core_debug(); $NewPlugin->Initialize();
public function columns($table) { if (core_settings::i()->get('CONFIG_SETTINGS_DEBUG')) { $starttime = lib_datetime_microtime(); } $store = array(); $object_result = core_database::i()->query("\n\t\t\t\tselect * from `" . core_database::i()->real_escape_string($table) . "` LIMIT 1;\n\t\t\t"); $object_fields = $object_result->fetch_fields(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($object_fields); $i++) { $store[] = $object_fields[$i]->name; } if (core_settings::i()->get('CONFIG_SETTINGS_DEBUG')) { $endtime = lib_datetime_microtime(); core_debug::i()->add('query', $query, round($endtime - $starttime, 6)); } return $store; }
/** * F*****G SHIT FUNCTION . SORRY FOR THS F**K * @param $csv * @param $orig * @return array * @throws Exception */ protected function _pareseEmailBodyCsv($csv, $orig) { //$orig = $this->_prepareCsvString($csv); $csv = $this->_prepareCsvString($orig); $array = explode(';', $csv); if (!is_array($array) || !isset($array[0]) || !isset($array[1]) || !isset($array[2]) || !isset($array[3]) || !isset($array[4])) { $csv = $this->tryEncodeUtf8($orig); $csv = $this->_prepareCsvString($csv); core_debug::dump($csv); $array = str_getcsv($csv, ';'); } if (!is_array($array) || !isset($array[0]) || !isset($array[1]) || !isset($array[2]) || !isset($array[3]) || !isset($array[4])) { $csv = $this->tryEncodebase64($orig); $csv = $this->_prepareCsvString($csv); core_debug::dump($csv); $array = str_getcsv($csv, ';'); } if (!is_array($array) || !isset($array[0]) || !isset($array[1]) || !isset($array[2]) || !isset($array[3]) || !isset($array[4])) { throw new Exception('Error while parsing email body'); } $lat = $array[1]; $long = $array[2]; $user_id = $this->_getUserByImei($array[0]); $user = new manage_model_user(); $user->load($user_id); $city_name = core_google_geo::findCityName($lat, $long); if (!$city_name) { $city_id = $user->getData('city_id'); } else { $city_id = $this->_getCityIdByName($city_name); } $data = array('imei' => $array[0], 'user_id' => $user_id, 'lat' => $lat, 'long' => $long, 'date' => $array[3] / 1000, 'activity_id' => $array[4], 'city_id' => $city_id); core_log::log($data, self::$grabtime . '.event.imap.log'); return $data; }
} } else { // Can't find the presenter at all. // Show a 404 core_debug::i()->add('404', 'File not found: ', __DIR__ . '/../../application/presenters/presenter_' . core_requests::i()->get('presenter') . '.php'); } } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="DISPLAY RESULTS"> core_paper::i()->add($presenter->data); core_paper::i()->template = core_requests::i()->get('presenter') . '.html'; core_paper::i()->display(); // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="DEBUGGING + LOGGING"> if (core_settings::i()->get('CONFIG_SETTINGS_DEBUG')) { // Only display the debug data in xml or html files if (core_paper::i()->mime == 'text/html' && core_paper::i()->mime == 'text/xml') { print "<!--[\n\n"; if (isset($_SESSION)) { print session_id() . "\n\n"; print_r($_SESSION); print "\n\n"; } print_r(core_debug::i()->get()); print "\n]-->"; } } if (core_settings::i()->get('CONFIG_SETTINGS_LOGFILE')) { core_logging::i()->write(); } // </editor-fold>
/** * 设置参数信息 * * @return void */ private static function setBoot() { $pathinfo = self::instance('core_url')->getPathInfo(); $queryString = self::instance('core_router')->parse($pathinfo); $get = self::instance('core_url')->getQueryParams($queryString); $controller = $get[self::$config['mvc_controller']]; $action = $get[self::$config['mvc_action']]; if ($controller == '') { $controller = self::$config['default_controller']; } if ($action == '') { $action = self::$config['default_action']; } self::$boot[self::$config['mvc_controller']] = $controller; self::$boot[self::$config['mvc_action']] = $action; self::$boot['pathinfo'] = $pathinfo; core_debug::info('path info: ' . $pathinfo); core_debug::info('query string: ' . $queryString); }
/** * Sets $request_method * Throws an error if not GET, POST, PUT or DELETE * * @param string $method */ private function set_request_method($method) { if ($method == "GET" || $method == "POST" || $method == "PUT" || $method == "DELETE") { $this->request_method = $method; } else { core_debug::i()->add('500', $e->getMessage(), ''); } }
/** * Delete record prototype */ public function delete() { // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="BUILD QUERY"> $pad = ' '; $str_ident = '##' . get_called_class() . ' ' . __FUNCTION__ . '()' . " \n"; $obj_data->sanitize(); $str_update = 'DELETE FROM ' . static::$db_table . " \n"; if (array_key_exists($query_column, static::$db_columns)) { $str_where = 'WHERE `' . core_database::i()->real_escape_string($query_column) . '` = "' . core_database::i()->real_escape_string($query) . '"' . " \n"; } else { core_debug::i()->add('500', 'Unknown db_column', '"' . $query_column . '"'); } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="QUERY DATABASE"> try { $this->array_result = core_database::i()->debug_query($str_update . $pad . $str_set . $pad . $str_where); } catch (Exception $e) { core_debug::i()->add('500', $e->getMessage(), ''); } // </editor-fold> }