文件: model.php 项目: leowh/colla
  * Get all entries. 
  * @param  string $type custom|system
  * @access public
  * @return array
 public function getEntries($type = 'custom')
     $entries = $this->dao->select('*')->from(TABLE_ENTRY)->orderBy('`order, id`')->fetchAll();
     /* Remove entry if no rights and fix logo path. */
     $newEntries = array();
     foreach ($entries as $entry) {
         if ($entry->logo != '' && substr($entry->logo, 0, 1) != '/') {
             $entry->logo = $this->config->webRoot . $entry->logo;
         if (commonModel::hasAppPriv($entry->code)) {
             $newEntries[] = $entry;
     $entries = $newEntries;
     if ($type != 'custom') {
         return $entries;
     /* Add custom settings. */
     $customApp = isset($this->config->personal->common->customApp) ? json_decode($this->config->personal->common->customApp->value) : new stdclass();
     foreach ($entries as $entry) {
         if (isset($customApp->{$entry->id})) {
             if (isset($customApp->{$entry->id}->order)) {
                 $entry->order = $customApp->{$entry->id}->order;
             if (isset($customApp->{$entry->id}->visible)) {
                 $entry->visible = $customApp->{$entry->id}->visible;
     usort($entries, 'commonModel::sortEntryByOrder');
     return $entries;
文件: control.php 项目: leowh/colla
  * Admin all blocks. 
  * @param  int    $index 
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function admin($index = 0)
     $title = $index == 0 ? $this->lang->block->createBlock : $this->lang->block->editBlock;
     $entries = $this->dao->select('*')->from(TABLE_ENTRY)->where('block')->ne('')->orWhere('buildin')->eq(1)->fetchAll('id');
     if (!$index) {
         $index = $this->block->getLastKey('sys') + 1;
     $allEntries[''] = '';
     foreach ($entries as $id => $entry) {
         if (!commonModel::hasAppPriv($entry->code)) {
         $allEntries[$entry->code] = $entry->name;
     //$allEntries['rss']  = 'RSS';
     $allEntries['html'] = 'HTML';
     $allEntries['allEntries'] = $this->lang->block->allEntries;
     $allEntries['dynamic'] = $this->lang->block->dynamic;
     $hiddenBlocks = $this->block->getHiddenBlocks();
     foreach ($hiddenBlocks as $block) {
         $allEntries['hiddenBlock' . $block->id] = $block->title;
     $this->view->block = $this->block->getBlock($index);
     $this->view->entries = $entries;
     $this->view->allEntries = $allEntries;
     $this->view->index = $index;
     $this->view->title = $title;
文件: model.php 项目: leowh/colla
  * Check privilege for action.
  * @param  object    $action 
  * @access public
  * @return bool
 public function checkPriv($action)
     $canView = true;
     if ($action->customer) {
         static $customers = array();
         if (empty($customers)) {
             $customers = $this->loadModel('customer', 'crm')->getCustomersSawByMe();
         if (!in_array($action->customer, $customers)) {
             $canView = false;
     if ($action->contact) {
         static $contacts = array();
         if (empty($contacts)) {
             $contacts = $this->loadModel('contact', 'crm')->getContactsSawByMe();
         if (!in_array($action->contact, $contacts)) {
             $canView = false;
     if ($action->objectType == 'order') {
         static $orders = array();
         if (empty($orders)) {
             $orders = $this->loadModel('order', 'crm')->getOrdersSawByMe();
         if (!in_array($action->objectID, $orders)) {
             $canView = false;
     if ($action->objectType == 'project' && !$this->loadModel('project', 'oa')->checkPriv($action->objectID)) {
         $canView = false;
     if ($action->objectType == 'task') {
         $task = $this->loadModel('task')->getByID($action->objectID);
         if (!$this->loadModel('task', 'sys')->checkPriv($task, 'view')) {
             $canView = false;
     if ($action->objectType == 'trade') {
         $trade = $this->loadModel('trade', 'cash')->getByID($action->objectID);
         $rights = $this->app->user->rights;
         if (empty($trade) or $this->app->user->admin != 'super' and $trade->type == 'out' and (!isset($rights['tradebrowse']['out']) or !$this->loadModel('tree')->hasRight($trade->category))) {
             $canView = false;
     if ($action->objectType == 'todo') {
         $todo = $this->loadModel('todo')->getByID($action->objectID);
         if (empty($todo) or $this->app->user->account != $todo->account && $this->app->user->account != $todo->assignedTo) {
             $canView = false;
     $objectType = $action->objectType;
     $actionType = $action->action;
     if (isset($this->lang->action->label->{$objectType})) {
         $objectLabel = $this->lang->action->label->{$objectType};
         if (!is_array($objectLabel)) {
             $action->objectLabel = $objectLabel;
         if (is_array($objectLabel) and isset($objectLabel[$actionType])) {
             $action->objectLabel = $objectLabel[$actionType];
         if (strpos($action->objectLabel, '|') !== false) {
             list($objectLabel, $moduleName, $methodName, $vars) = explode('|', $action->objectLabel);
             $action->objectLabel = $objectLabel;
             if (!$this->loadModel('common')->isOpenMethod($moduleName, $methodName) and !commonModel::hasPriv($moduleName, $methodName)) {
                 $canView = false;
     if (!commonModel::hasAppPriv($action->appName)) {
         $canView = false;
     return $canView;
文件: model.php 项目: leowh/colla
  * Check current user has priviledge to the module's method or not.
  * @param mixed $module     the module
  * @param mixed $method     the method
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @return bool
 public static function hasPriv($module, $method)
     global $app, $config;
     if ($app->user->admin == 'super') {
         return true;
     if (RUN_MODE == 'admin') {
         if ($app->user->admin != 'super') {
             return false;
     $appName = '';
     if (strpos($module, '.') !== false) {
         list($appName, $module) = explode('.', $module);
     /* Check app priv. */
     if (!commonModel::hasAppPriv($appName)) {
         return false;
     $rights = $app->user->rights;
     if (isset($rights[strtolower($module)][strtolower($method)])) {
         return true;
     return false;
文件: control.php 项目: leowh/colla
  * Visit entry.
  * @param  int    $entryID 
  * @param  string $referer 
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function visit($entryID, $referer = '')
     $referer = !empty($_GET['referer']) ? $this->get->referer : $referer;
     $entry = $this->entry->getById($entryID);
     /* deny if no this app rights. */
     if (!commonModel::hasAppPriv($entry->code)) {
         $this->loadModel('common', 'sys')->deny($this->app->getModuleName(), $this->app->getMethodName());
     $location = $entry->login;
     $pathinfo = parse_url($location);
     if ($entry->integration) {
         $token = $this->loadModel('sso')->createToken(session_id(), $entryID);
         if (!empty($pathinfo['query'])) {
             $location = rtrim($location, '&') . "&token={$token}";
         } else {
             $location = rtrim($location, '?') . "?token={$token}";
         if (!empty($referer)) {
             $location .= '&referer=' . $referer;