function input_image($params) { $params['type'] = 'image'; $ui = new base_component_ui($this); $domid = $ui->new_dom_id(); $input_name = $params['name']; $input_value = $params['value']; $image_src = base_storager::image_path($input_value, 's'); if (!$params['width']) { $params['width'] = 50; } if (!$params['height']) { $params['height'] = 50; } $imageInputWidth = $params['width'] + 24; $url = ""index.php?app=desktop&act=alertpages&goto=" . urlencode("index.php?app=image&ctl=admin_manage&act=image_broswer") . """; $html = '<div class="image-input clearfix" style="width:' . $imageInputWidth . 'px;" gid="' . $domid . '">'; $html .= '<div class="flt"><div class="image-input-view" style="display:table-cell;text-align:center;vertical-align: middle;width:'; $html .= $params['width'] . 'px;height:' . $params['height'] . 'px;font-size:' . $params['height'] * 0.875 . 'px;overflow:hidden;">'; $html .= '<img src="' . $image_src . '" onload="$(this).zoomImg(' . $params['width'] . ',' . $params['height'] . ');"/>'; $html .= '</div></div>'; $html .= '<div class="image-input-handle" onclick="new imgDialog(' . $url . ',{handle:this});" style="width:20px;height:' . $params['height'] . 'px;">选择' . $ui->img(array('src' => 'bundle/arrow-down.gif', 'app' => 'desktop')); $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $input_name . '" value="' . $input_value . '"/>'; $html .= '</div>'; return $html; }
function input_image($params) { $params['type'] = 'image'; $ui = new base_component_ui($this); $domid = $ui->new_dom_id(); $input_name = $params['name']; $input_value = $params['value']; $image_src = base_storager::image_path($input_value, 's'); if (!$params['width']) { $params['width'] = 50; } if (!$params['height']) { $params['height'] = 50; } $imageInputWidth = $params['width'] + 24; $url = ""index.php?app=desktop&act=alertpages&goto=" . urlencode("index.php?app=image&ctl=admin_manage&act=image_broswer") . """; $html = '<div class="image-input clearfix" style="width:' . $imageInputWidth . 'px;" gid="' . $domid . '">'; $html .= '<div class="flt"><div class="image-input-view" style="font-size:12px;text-align:center;width:'; $html .= $params['width'] . 'px;line-height:' . $params['height'] . 'px;height:' . $params['height'] . 'px;overflow:hidden;">'; if (!$image_src) { $image_src = app::get('desktop')->res_url . '/transparent.gif'; } $html .= '<img src="' . $image_src . '" onload="$(this).zoomImg(' . $params['width'] . ',' . $params['height'] . ',function(mw,mh,v){this.setStyle("marginTop",(mh-v.height)/2)});"/>'; $html .= '</div></div>'; $html .= '<div class="image-input-handle" onclick="Ex_Loader("modedialog",function(){new imgDialog(' . $url . ',{handle:this});}.bind(this));" style="width:20px;height:' . $params['height'] . 'px;">' . app::get('desktop')->_('选择') . "" . $ui->img(array('src' => 'bundle/arrow-down.gif', 'app' => 'desktop')); $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $input_name . '" value="' . $input_value . '"/>'; $html .= '</div>'; return $html; }
public function get_goods_spec() { $gid = $this->_request->get_post('gid'); if (!$gid) { exit('error!'); } $this->pagedata['goodshtml']['name'] = kernel::single("b2c_goods_detail_name")->show($gid, $arrGoods); if ($arrGoods['spec'] && is_array($arrGoods['spec'])) { foreach ($arrGoods['spec'] as $row) { $option = $row['option']; if ($option && is_array($option)) { foreach ($option as $img) { foreach ((array) explode(',', $img['spec_goods_images']) as $imageid) { $return[$imageid] = base_storager::image_path($imageid, 's'); } } } } } $arrGoods['spec2image'] = json_encode($return); $this->pagedata['goods'] = $arrGoods; $this->pagedata['goodshtml']['spec'] = kernel::single("b2c_goods_detail_spec")->show($gid, $arrGoods); $imageDefault = app::get('image')->getConf('image.set'); $this->pagedata['image_default_id'] = $imageDefault['S']['default_image']; $this->page('site/index/spec.html', true); }
function shopex_brand_list() { $params = $this->params; //api 调用合法性检查 $this->check($params); $params['page_no'] = isset($params['page_no']) ? $params['page_no'] : 1; $params['page_size'] = isset($params['page_size']) ? $params['page_size'] : 20; $page_no = intval($params['page_no']) - 1; $page_size = intval($params['page_size']); $page_offset = $page_no * $page_size; if ($params['page_no'] == -1) { $item_total = $this->brand_model->count(); $data['item_total'] = $item_total; $this->send_success($data); } else { $item_total = $this->brand_model->count(); $brands = $this->brand_model->getList("*", array(), $page_offset, $page_size); } foreach ($brands as $key => $value) { //将brand_logo图片id 转化为可直接访问的地址 $brand_logo = base_storager::image_path($value['brand_logo']); $data[$key] = array('brand_name' => $value['brand_name'], 'brand_url' => $value['brand_url'], 'brand_desc' => $value['brand_desc'], 'brand_logo' => substr($brand_logo, 0, -13), 'brand_alias' => $value['brand_keywords'], 'disabled' => $value['disabled'] ? 'true' : 'false', 'order_by' => $value['ordernum'], 'brand_setting' => serialize($value['brand_setting']), 'last_modify' => time()); } $data['item_total'] = $item_total; $this->send_success($data); }
public function get_goods_spec() { $gid = $this->_request->get_get('gid'); if (!$gid) { echo ''; exit; } $this->pagedata['goodshtml']['name'] = kernel::single("b2c_goods_detail_name")->show($gid, $arrGoods); if ($arrGoods['spec'] && is_array($arrGoods['spec'])) { foreach ($arrGoods['spec'] as $row) { $option = $row['option']; if ($option && is_array($option)) { foreach ($option as $img) { foreach ((array) explode(',', $img['spec_goods_images']) as $imageid) { $return[$imageid] = base_storager::image_path($imageid, 's'); } } } } } $this->pagedata['spec2image'] = json_encode($return); $imageDefault = app::get('image')->getConf('image.set'); $this->pagedata['defaultImage'] = $imageDefault['S']['default_image']; $arrGoods['spec2image'] = json_encode($return); $this->pagedata['goods'] = $arrGoods; $this->pagedata['goodshtml']['spec'] = kernel::single("b2c_goods_detail_spec")->show($gid, $arrGoods); $imageDefault = app::get('image')->getConf('image.set'); $this->pagedata['image_default_id'] = $imageDefault['S']['default_image']; $this->pagedata['goodshtml']['button'] = kernel::single('b2c_goods_detail_button')->show($gid, $arrGoods); $this->pagedata['form_url'] = $this->gen_url(array('app' => 'b2c', 'ctl' => 'site_cart', 'act' => 'add', 'arg0' => 'goods', 'arg1' => 'quick')); $this->page('site/gallery/spec_dialog.html', true); }
/** * 品牌数据. */ public function brand($params) { $mdl_brand = app::get('b2c')->model('brand'); $filter = array('disabled' => 'false'); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'brand_id': case 'brand_initial': $filter[$key] = explode(',', $value); break; case 'brand_name': $filter[$key . '|has'] = $value; break; } } $brand_list = $mdl_brand->getList('brand_id,brand_name,brand_initial,brand_logo', $filter); if (!$brand_list) { $this->failure(); } foreach ($brand_list as &$brand) { $brand['brand_logo'] = base_storager::image_path($brand['brand_logo']); $brand['detail_url'] = app::get('site')->router()->gen_url(array('app' => 'b2c', 'ctl' => 'site_list', 'args' => array($brand['brand_id']))); } $this->success($brand_list); }
public function detail_qrcode($gid) { $mobile_url = vmc::singleton('mobile_router')->gen_url(array('app' => 'b2c', 'ctl' => 'mobile_product', 'act' => 'index', 'args' => array('g' . $gid), 'full' => 1)); $qrcode_image = vmc::singleton('wechat_qrcode')->create($mobile_url); $url = base_storager::image_path($qrcode_image['image_id']); return "<img src='{$url}' />"; }
public function modifier_avatar($col) { $img_src = base_storager::image_path($col); if (!$img_src) { return ''; } return "<a href='{$img_src}' target='_blank'><img class='img-thumbnail' src='{$img_src}' style='height:30px;'></a>"; }
public function modifier_logo($col) { if (!$col) { return ''; } $img_url = base_storager::image_path($col, 'xs'); return '<img class="img-thumbnail img-circle" width="30" src="' . $img_url . '">'; }
public function column_content_pic($row) { $img_src = base_storager::image_path($row['@row']['image_id'], 'xs'); if (!$img_src) { return ''; } return "<img class='img-thumbnail' src='{$img_src}' style='height:30px;'>"; }
public function modifier_avatar($col) { if (!$col) { return ''; } $url = base_storager::image_path($col); return "<img src={$url} class='img-circle' width=20 height=20>"; }
function show($gid, &$aGoods = null, $other_params = array()) { $render = $this->app->render(); if (!$aGoods) { #$o = kernel::single('b2c_goods_model'); $aGoods = $this->getGoods($gid); } $render->pagedata['specimagewidth'] = $this->app->getConf('spec.image.width'); $render->pagedata['specimageheight'] = $this->app->getConf('spec.image.height'); $render->pagedata['goods'] = $aGoods; $render->pagedata['other_params'] = json_encode($other_params); $cur = app::get('ectools')->model('currency'); $cur_info = $_COOKIE["S"]["CUR"] ? $cur->getcur($_COOKIE["S"]["CUR"]) : $cur->getFormat(); if ($cur_info['cur_sign']) { $cur_info['sign'] = $cur_info['cur_sign']; } $ret = array('decimals' => $this->app->getConf(''), 'dec_point' => $this->app->getConf(''), 'thousands_sep' => $this->app->getConf(''), 'fonttend_decimal_type' => $this->app->getConf(''), 'fonttend_decimal_remain' => $this->app->getConf(''), 'sign' => $cur_info['sign']); if (isset($cur_info['cur_default']) && $cur_info['cur_default'] === "false") { $ret['cur_rate'] = $cur_info['cur_rate']; } unset($cur_info); if ($aGoods['spec'] && is_array($aGoods['spec'])) { foreach ($aGoods['spec'] as $row) { $option = $row['option']; if ($option && is_array($option)) { foreach ($option as $img) { foreach ((array) explode(',', $img['spec_goods_images']) as $imageid) { if ($imageid) { $return[$imageid] = array('small' => base_storager::image_path($imageid, 's'), 'middle' => base_storager::image_path($imageid, 'm'), 'big' => base_storager::image_path($imageid, 'b')); } } } } } } $render->pagedata['goods']['spec2image'] = json_encode($return); $render->pagedata['spec_default_pic'] = $this->app->getConf('spec.default.pic'); if ($aGoods['spec'] && is_array($aGoods['spec'])) { foreach ($aGoods['spec'] as $row) { $option = $row['option']; if ($option && is_array($option)) { foreach ($option as $img) { foreach ((array) explode(',', $img['spec_goods_images']) as $imageid) { if ($imageid) { $return[$imageid] = array('small' => base_storager::image_path($imageid, 's'), 'middle' => base_storager::image_path($imageid, 'm'), 'big' => base_storager::image_path($imageid, 'b')); } } } } } } list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $microtime = substr($usec, strpos($usec, '.') + 1) . $sec; $render->pagedata['goodsspec_classname'] = "goods-spec-" . $gid . "-" . $microtime; $render->pagedata['goods']['spec2image'] = json_encode($return); $render->pagedata['money_format'] = json_encode($ret); return $render->fetch('site/product/spec_list.html'); }
/** * finder img列的链接修改. * * @param array 某行具体数据的数组 * * @return string 链接html */ public function column_img($row) { $row = $row['@row']; if ($row['storage'] == 'network') { return '<a class="btn btn-xs btn-default" href="' . $row['ident'] . '" target="_blank">网络图片</a>'; } return '<a href="' . base_storager::image_path($row['image_id']) . '" target="_blank"> <img class="img-thumbnail" src="' . base_storager::image_path($row['image_id'], 'xs') . '" style="height:50px" /></a>'; }
function gimages_upload() { $image = $this->app->model('image'); $image_name = $_FILES['files']['name'][0]; $image_id = $image->store($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][0], null, null, $image_name); $image->rebuild($image_id, array('L', 'M', 'S', 'XS')); $this->_set_tag($image_id, array('商品相册图')); echo json_encode(array('url' => base_storager::image_path($image_id, 's'), 'image_id' => $image_id)); }
function column_goods_pic($row) { $o = app::get('b2c')->model('goods'); $g = $o->db_dump(array('goods_id' => $row['goods_id']), 'image_default_id'); $img_src = base_storager::image_path($g['image_default_id'], 's'); if (!$img_src) { return ''; } return "<a href='{$img_src}' class='img-tip pointer' target='_blank' onmouseover='bindFinderColTip(event);'><span> pic</span></a>"; }
public function index($cat_id = '', $urlFilter = null, $orderBy = 0, $page = 1, $virtual_cat_id = null, $showtype = null) { $request_params = $this->_request->get_params(); $request_params = utils::_filter_input($request_params); $urlFilter = utils::_filter_input($urlFilter); $urlFilter = htmlspecialchars(urldecode($urlFilter)); $_GET['scontent'] = htmlspecialchars($_GET['scontent']); if (!empty($urlFilter) && $urlFilter != $_GET['scontent']) { $urlFilter .= '_' . $_GET['scontent']; } else { $urlFilter = $_GET['scontent']; } if (empty($cat_id) && empty($urlFilter)) { $url = $this->gen_url(array('app' => 'wap', 'ctl' => 'default', 'act' => 'index')); $this->_response->set_redirect($url)->send_headers(); } $oSearch = $this->app->model('search'); $tmp_filter = $oSearch->decode($urlFilter); if ($request_params[5] || $_GET['virtual_cat_id']) { $virtual_cat_id = $request_params[5] ? $request_params[5] : intval($_GET['virtual_cat_id']); } $params = $this->filter_decode($tmp_filter, $cat_id, $virtual_cat_id); $page = $params['page'] ? $params['page'] : $page; $this->pagedata['filter'] = $params['params']; $goodsData = $this->get_goods($params['filter'], $page, $params['orderby']); $screen = $this->screen($cat_id, $params['params']); $this->pagedata['screen'] = $screen['screen']; $this->pagedata['active_filter'] = $screen['active_filter']; $this->pagedata['orderby_sql'] = $params['orderby']; $this->pagedata['showtype'] = $params['showtype']; $this->pagedata['is_store'] = $params['is_store']; $this->pagedata['goodsData'] = $goodsData; if ($tmp_filter['search_keywords'][0]) { $tmp_filter['search_keywords'][0] = str_replace('%xia%', '_', $tmp_filter['search_keywords'][0]); } //面包屑 $GLOBALS['runtime']['path'] = $this->runtime_path($cat_id, $tmp_filter['search_keywords'][0], $virtual_cat_id); //搜索关键字 if (isset($tmp_filter['search_keywords'][0])) { $keywords = str_replace(' ', '%20', $tmp_filter['search_keywords'][0]); $this->set_cookie('S[SEARCH_KEY]', $keywords); } //setSeo $this->_set_seo($screen['seo_info']); if (in_array('gallery-index', $this->weixin_share_page)) { $this->pagedata['from_weixin'] = $this->from_weixin; $this->pagedata['weixin']['appid'] = $this->weixin_a_appid; $this->pagedata['weixin']['imgUrl'] = base_storager::image_path(app::get('weixin')->getConf('weixin_basic_setting.weixin_logo')); $this->pagedata['weixin']['linelink'] = app::get('wap')->router()->gen_url(array('app' => 'b2c', 'ctl' => 'wap_gallery', 'act' => 'index', 'arg0' => $cat_id, 'full' => 1)); $this->pagedata['weixin']['shareTitle'] = $this->title; $this->pagedata['weixin']['descContent'] = $this->description; } $this->set_tmpl('gallery'); $this->page('wap/gallery/index.html'); }
/** * 订单取消事件埋点 * @param array sdf * @return boolean success or failure */ protected function request($sdf, $method = '', $callback = array(), $title = '', $time_out = 1, $rpc_id = null) { $arr_data = array(); $arr_data['tid'] = $sdf['order_id']; $arr_data['aftersale_id'] = $sdf['return_id']; if ($sdf['title']) { $arr_data['title'] = $sdf['title']; } if ($sdf['content']) { $arr_data['content'] = $sdf['content']; } $arr_data['messager'] = ''; if ($sdf['add_time']) { $arr_data['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $sdf['add_time']); } if ($sdf['comment']) { $arr_data['memo'] = $sdf['comment'] ? $sdf['comment'] : ''; } if ($sdf['status']) { $arr_data['status'] = $sdf['status']; } if ($sdf['member_id']) { $arr_data['buyer_id'] = $sdf['member_id']; } if ($sdf['product_data']) { $arr_product_data = unserialize($sdf['product_data']); } if ($sdf['image_file']) { $arr_data['attachment'] = base_storager::image_path($sdf['image_file']); } if (isset($arr_product_data) && $arr_product_data) { foreach ($arr_product_data as $key => &$items) { $arr_product_data[$key]['sku_bn'] = $items['bn']; unset($items['bn']); $arr_product_data[$key]['sku_name'] = $items['name']; unset($items['name']); $arr_product_data[$key]['number'] = $items['num']; unset($items['num']); } $arr_data['aftersale_items'] = json_encode($arr_product_data); } else { $arr_data['aftersale_items'] = ""; } $arr_callback = array('class' => 'b2c_api_callback_app', 'method' => 'callback', 'params' => array('method' => !$method ? '' : $method, 'tid' => $arr_data['tid'])); if (!$method) { //$rst = $this->b2c_app->matrix()->call('', $arr_data); parent::request('', $arr_data, $arr_callback, 'Aftersales add', 1); } else { //$rst = $this->b2c_app->matrix()->call($method, $arr_data); parent::request($method, $arr_data, $arr_callback, 'Aftersales update', 1); } }
/** * 获取指定id商品相关信息 * * @param int|array $id 商品id 可以传整数或整数组成的数组 */ public function _get_products($id) { if (!$id) { return false; } $router = app::get('site')->router(); $json = kernel::single('b2c_cart_json'); if (!is_array($id)) { $id = array($id); } foreach ($id as $_key => $_id) { #if( isset($this->arr_gift[$_id]) ) unset($id[$_key]); } if (!$id) { return $this->arr_gift; } $arr_gift = $this->o_product->getList_1('*', array('product_id' => $id)); foreach ((array) $arr_gift as $row) { $gift = $row['gift']; if (!$gift) { continue; } if (!isset($gift['max_limit'])) { $gift['max_limit'] = 9999999; } if ($gift['marketable'] == 'false') { //品录芄锍凳ы! unset($row); continue; } if (!$this->arr_all_goods_info[$row['goods_id']]) { $tmp = $this->o_goods->getList('image_default_id', array('goods_id' => $row['goods_id'])); $this->arr_all_goods_info[$row['goods_id']] = $tmp[0]; } $arr_goods_info = $this->arr_all_goods_info[$row['goods_id']]; $aResult[$row['product_id']] = array('bn' => $row['bn'], 'price' => array('price' => $row['price'], 'cost' => $row['cost'], 'member_lv_price' => $row['price'], 'buy_price' => 0), 'json_price' => array('price' => $row['price'], 'cost' => $row['cost'], 'member_lv_price' => $row['price'], 'buy_price' => 0), 'product_id' => $row['product_id'], 'goods_id' => $row['goods_id'], 'goods_type' => $row['goods_type'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'consume_score' => $gift['consume_score'], 'max_buy_store' => $gift['max_buy_store'], 'gain_score' => intval($row['gain_score']), 'type_id' => $row['type_id'], 'min_buy' => $row['min_buy'], 'spec_info' => $row['spec_info'], 'spec_desc' => is_array($row['spec_desc']) ? $row['spec_desc'] : @unserialize($row['spec_desc']), 'weight' => $row['weight'], 'quantity' => 1, 'params' => $row['params'], 'floatstore' => $row['floatstore'], 'store' => empty($row['store']) ? $row['store'] === 0 ? 0 : 999999 : $row['store'], 'freez' => $row['freez'], 'default_image' => array('thumbnail' => $arr_goods_info['image_default_id']), '_limit' => $gift['max_limit'] - $gift['real_limit']); //组合JSON格式让JS显示 $aResult[$row['product_id']]['json_price']['price'] = $json->get_cur_order($aResult[$row['product_id']]['json_price']['price']); $aResult[$row['product_id']]['json_price']['cost'] = $json->get_cur_order($aResult[$row['product_id']]['json_price']['cost']); $aResult[$row['product_id']]['json_price']['member_lv_price'] = $json->get_cur_order($aResult[$row['product_id']]['json_price']['member_lv_price']); $aResult[$row['product_id']]['json_price']['buy_price'] = $json->get_cur_order($aResult[$row['product_id']]['json_price']['buy_price']); $aResult[$row['product_id']]['url'] = $router->gen_url(array('app' => 'gift', 'ctl' => 'site_gift', 'full' => 1, 'act' => 'index', 'arg' => $aResult[$row['product_id']]['goods_id'])); $aResult[$row['product_id']]['thumbnail'] = base_storager::image_path($aResult[$row['product_id']]['default_image']['thumbnail'], 's'); $buy_limit = $gift['max_limit'] - $gift['real_limit']; $aResult[$row['product_id']]['max_buy_store'] = $gift['max_buy_store'] > $buy_limit ? $buy_limit : $gift['max_buy_store']; $this->arr_gift[$row['product_id']] = $aResult[$row['product_id']]; } return $this->arr_gift; }
function index() { $GLOBALS['runtime']['path'][] = array('title' => app::get('wap')->_('首页'), 'link' => kernel::base_url(1)); $this->set_tmpl('index'); $this->title = app::get('wap')->getConf('wap.shopname'); if (in_array('index', $this->weixin_share_page)) { $this->pagedata['from_weixin'] = $this->from_weixin; $this->pagedata['weixin']['appid'] = $this->weixin_a_appid; $this->pagedata['weixin']['imgUrl'] = base_storager::image_path(app::get('weixin')->getConf('weixin_basic_setting.weixin_logo')); $this->pagedata['weixin']['linelink'] = app::get('wap')->router()->gen_url(array('app' => 'wap', 'ctl' => 'default', 'full' => 1)); $this->pagedata['weixin']['shareTitle'] = app::get('weixin')->getConf('weixin_basic_setting.weixin_name'); $this->pagedata['weixin']['descContent'] = app::get('weixin')->getConf('weixin_basic_setting.weixin_brief'); } $this->page('index.html'); }
function get_share_goods_data($aGoods) { if ($aGoods['images']) { foreach ($aGoods['images'] as $images_row) { $image_url = base_storager::image_path($images_row['image_id']); $images[] = $image_url; } } $data['title'] = $aGoods['title']; $data['price'] = $aGoods['price']; $data['image'] = implode(',', $images); $url_array = array('app' => 'b2c', 'ctl' => 'site_product', 'arg0' => $aGoods['product_id']); $product_url = kernel::single('base_component_request')->get_full_http_host() . kernel::single('site_controller')->gen_url($url_array); $data['link'] = $product_url; $data['shopname'] = app::get('site')->getConf(''); return $data; }
public function get_params($sdf) { $arr_data = array(); $arr_data['tid'] = $sdf['order_id']; $arr_data['aftersale_id'] = $sdf['return_id']; if ($sdf['title']) { $arr_data['title'] = $sdf['title']; } if ($sdf['content']) { $arr_data['content'] = $sdf['content']; } $arr_data['messager'] = ''; if ($sdf['add_time']) { $arr_data['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $sdf['add_time']); } if ($sdf['comment']) { $arr_data['memo'] = $sdf['comment'] ? $sdf['comment'] : ''; } if ($sdf['status']) { $arr_data['status'] = $sdf['status']; } if ($sdf['member_id']) { $arr_data['buyer_id'] = $sdf['member_id']; } if ($sdf['product_data']) { $arr_product_data = unserialize($sdf['product_data']); } if ($sdf['image_file']) { $arr_data['attachment'] = base_storager::image_path($sdf['image_file']); } if (isset($arr_product_data) && $arr_product_data) { foreach ($arr_product_data as $key => &$items) { $arr_product_data[$key]['sku_bn'] = $items['bn']; unset($items['bn']); $arr_product_data[$key]['sku_name'] = $items['name']; unset($items['name']); $arr_product_data[$key]['number'] = $items['num']; unset($items['num']); } $arr_data['aftersale_items'] = json_encode($arr_product_data); } else { $arr_data['aftersale_items'] = ""; } return $arr_data; }
function column_img($row) { $set = $this->app->getConf('image.set'); if (!$set) { $set = app::get('image')->getConf('image.default.set'); } $obj = app::get('image')->model('image'); $row = $obj->dump($row['image_id']); if ($set) { if ($set['S']['width']) { $width = 'width=' . ($row['width'] > $set['S']['width'] ? $set['S']['width'] : $row['width']); } } if ($row['storage'] == 'network') { return '<a href="' . $row['ident'] . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $row['ident'] . '" ' . $width . ' /></a>'; } return '<a href="' . base_storager::image_path($row['image_id']) . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . base_storager::image_path($row['image_id'], 's') . '" ' . $width . ' /></a>'; }
function get_sales_ads($params = array()) { $ad_position = $params['ad_position'] ? $params['ad_position'] : 1; $db = kernel::database(); $sql = "select * FROM `sdb_mobileapi_sales_ads` where disabled = 'false' and ad_position = '" . $ad_position . "' order by ordernum asc;"; $indexads = $db->select($sql); $groupad = array(); foreach ($indexads as $key => $v) { $v['ad_img'] = base_storager::image_path($v['ad_img']); $groupad[$v['group_code']]['items'][] = $v; } $res = array(); foreach ($groupad as $key => $value) { $res[] = $value; } return $res; //print_r($res);exit; }
function input_siteimage($params) { $ui = new base_component_ui($this); $domid = $ui->new_dom_id(); $input_name = $params['name']; $input_value = $params['value']; if ($input_value) { $image_url = base_storager::image_path($input_value); } $render = app::get('seller')->render(); $render->pagedata = $params; $render->pagedata['id'] = $domid; $render->pagedata['name'] = $input_name; $render->pagedata['url'] = $image_url; $render->pagedata['image_id'] = $input_value; $render->pagedata['tag'] = $params['tag']; return $render->fetch('ui/input_image_seller.html'); }
function get_all_list() { $db = kernel::database(); /* $sql = "select * FROM `sdb_mobileapi_indexad` where disabled = 'false' order by group_code asc, ordernum asc;"; $indexads = $db->select($sql); $groupad = array(); foreach ($indexads as $key => $v){ $v['ad_img'] = base_storager::image_path($v['ad_img']); $groupad[$v['group_code']]['group_code'] = $v['group_code']; $groupad[$v['group_code']]['group_name'] = $v['group_name']; $groupad[$v['group_code']]['items'][] = $v; } $res = array(); foreach ($groupad as $key => $value) { $res[] = $value; } */ $sql = "select * FROM `sdb_mobileapi_indexad_group` where disabled = 'false' order by ordernum asc, group_id asc;"; $indexads_group = $db->select($sql); $now_time = time(); foreach ($indexads_group as $key => $v) { $sql = "select * FROM `sdb_mobileapi_indexad` where disabled = 'false' and group_id = '" . $v['group_id'] . "' order by ordernum asc, ad_id asc;"; $indexads = $db->select($sql); $groupad = array(); foreach ($indexads as $ads) { if ($ads['url_type'] == 'goods') { $sql = 'select g.buy_count, sg.initial_num FROM `sdb_starbuy_special_goods` AS sg LEFT JOIN `sdb_b2c_products` AS p ON p.product_id = sg.product_id LEFT JOIN `sdb_b2c_goods` AS g ON p.goods_id = g.goods_id WHERE sg.product_id = ' . $ads['ad_url']; $counts = $db->selectrow($sql); $ads['buy_count'] = $counts['buy_count'] + $counts['initial_num']; } $ads['ad_img'] = base_storager::image_path($ads['ad_img']); $groupad[] = $ads; } $indexads_group[$key]['items'] = $groupad; $indexads_group[$key]['system_time'] = $now_time; } return $indexads_group; //print_r($res);exit; }
function shopex_spec_values_list($params) { $params = $this->params; //api 调用合法性检查 $this->check($params); /*如果当前用户不是系统管理员,检查当前用户操作权限(暂时不限制权限) if( !$this->is_admin ) $this->user_permission($this->user_id,'catgoods'); */ $params['page_no'] = isset($params['page_no']) ? $params['page_no'] : 1; $params['page_size'] = isset($params['page_size']) ? $params['page_size'] : 20; $page_no = intval($params['page_no']) - 1; $page_size = intval($params['page_size']); $page_offset = $page_no * $page_size; $spec_row = $this->spec_model->getList('spec_id', array('spec_name' => $params['spec_names'], 'alias' => $params['spec_alias'])); if ($spec_row) { $spec_id = $spec_row[0]['spec_id']; $filter['spec_id'] = $spec_id; } else { $error['code'] = null; $error['msg'] = 'ECStore中没有对应的规格'; $this->send_error($error); } if ($params['page_no'] == -1) { $item_total = $this->spec_values_model->count($filter); $data['item_total'] = $item_total; $this->send_success($data); } else { $item_total = $this->spec_values_model->count($filter); $spec_values = $this->spec_values_model->getList('*', $filter, $page_offset, $page_size); } if (!$spec_values) { $this->send_success(); } //获取规格值 foreach ($spec_values as $spec_k => $spec_v) { $image_url = base_storager::image_path($spec_v['spec_image']); $spec_value[$spec_k] = array('spec_value' => $spec_v['spec_value'], 'new_spec_value' => '', 'spec_value_alias' => $spec_v['alias'], 'order_by' => intval($spec_v['p_order']), 'image_url' => substr($image_url, 0, -13)); } $data = $spec_value; $data['item_total'] = $item_total; $this->send_success($data); }
/** * 购物车结果 */ public function preview() { $cart_stage = vmc::singleton('b2c_cart_stage'); $cart_result = $cart_stage->currency_result(); $is_empty = $cart_stage->is_empty($cart_result); if ($is_empty) { $this->failure('购物车为空'); } $result_arr = array(); foreach ($cart_result['objects']['goods'] as $key => $item) { $product = $item['item']['product']; $product['item_url'] = app::get('site')->router()->gen_url(array('app' => 'b2c', 'ctl' => 'site_product', 'args' => array($product['product_id']))); $product['remove_url'] = app::get('site')->router()->gen_url(array('app' => 'b2c', 'ctl' => 'site_cart', 'act' => 'remove', 'args' => array($item['obj_ident']))); $product['image_url'] = base_storager::image_path($product['image_id'], 'm'); $product['price'] = vmc::singleton('ectools_math')->formatNumber($product['price'], app::get('ectools')->getConf('site_decimal_digit_count'), app::get('ectools')->getConf('site_decimal_digit_count')); $result_arr[] = $product; } $this->success($result_arr); }
function get_sales_ads($key) { $ads_id = ''; foreach ($this->ads_position as $k => $v) { if ($v['key'] == $key) { $ads_id = $k; } } if ($ads_id) { $re = $this->getList('*', array('ad_position' => $ads_id, 'disabled' => 'false'), 0, -1, " ordernum ASC"); if ($re) { foreach ($re as $k => $v) { $re[$k]['img_url'] = base_storager::image_path($v['ad_img']); } } return $re; } return false; }
public function save() { $this->begin('index.php?app=wechat&ctl=admin_autoreply&act=index'); $data = $_POST; $mdl_rr = app::get('wechat')->model('replyrule'); if (isset($data['keywords']) && trim($data['keywords']) != '') { $data['keywords'] .= ','; } if (!$data['media']['wmedia_id']) { $data['media']['update_time'] = time(); } if ($data['media']['wtype'] == 'news') { $data['media']['wcontent']['Articles']['item']['PicUrl'] = base_storager::image_path($data['media']['wcontent']['Articles']['item']['PicUrl_image_id']); } if ($mdl_rr->save($data)) { $this->end(true, '保存成功!'); } else { $this->end(false, '保存失败!'); } }
/** * finder img列的链接修改 * @param array 某行具体数据的数组 * @return string 链接html */ function column_img($row) { $obj = app::get('image')->model('image'); $row = $obj->dump($row['image_id']); $limitwidth = 50; $maxsize = max($row['width'], $row['height']); if ($maxsize > $limitwidth) { $size = 'width='; $size .= $row['width'] - $row['width'] * (($maxsize - 50) / $maxsize); $size .= ' height='; $size .= $row['height'] - $row['height'] * (($maxsize - 50) / $maxsize); } else { $size = 'width=' . $row['width'] . ' height=' . $row['height']; } if ($row['storage'] == 'network') { return '<a href="' . $row['ident'] . '" target="_blank"><div title="' . $row['ident'] . '" style="line-height:41px;width:50px;text-align:center;background:#efefef;">网络图片</div></a><input type="text" value="' . $row['ident'] . '" style="font-size:9px;font-family:verdana;border:none;width:50px;padding:0;margin:0;display:block;background:#333;color:#fff"/>'; } return '<div style="width:50px;height:50px;display:block;font-family:Arail;vertical-align: middle;display:table-cell;font-size:42.5px;padding:1px;background:#fff;"><a href="' . base_storager::image_path($row['image_id']) . '" target="_blank" style="display:block;"> <img src="' . base_storager::image_path($row['image_id'], 's') . '" ' . $size . ' /></a></div>'; }