  * Authenticates against the given parameters
  * $options requires the following key-value pairs:
  *      'filename' => path to digest authentication file
  *      'realm'    => digest authentication realm
  *      'username' => digest authentication user
  *      'password' => password for the user of the realm
  * @param  array $options
  * @throws Zend_Auth_Digest_Exception
  * @return Zend_Auth_Digest_Token
 public static function staticAuthenticate(array $options)
     $optionsRequired = array('filename', 'realm', 'username', 'password');
     foreach ($optionsRequired as $optionRequired) {
         if (!isset($options[$optionRequired]) || !is_string($options[$optionRequired])) {
             throw Zend::exception('Zend_Auth_Digest_Exception', "Option '{$optionRequired}' is required to be " . 'provided as a string');
     if (false === ($fileHandle = @fopen($options['filename'], 'r'))) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Auth_Digest_Exception', "Cannot open '{$options['filename']}' for reading");
     require_once 'Zend/Auth/Digest/Token.php';
     $id = "{$options['username']}:{$options['realm']}";
     $idLength = strlen($id);
     $tokenValid = false;
     $tokenIdentity = array('realm' => $options['realm'], 'username' => $options['username']);
     while ($line = trim(fgets($fileHandle))) {
         if (substr($line, 0, $idLength) === $id) {
             if (substr($line, -32) === md5("{$options['username']}:{$options['realm']}:{$options['password']}")) {
                 $tokenValid = true;
                 $tokenMessage = null;
             } else {
                 $tokenMessage = 'Password incorrect';
             return new Zend_Auth_Digest_Token($tokenValid, $tokenIdentity, $tokenMessage);
     $tokenMessage = "Username '{$options['username']}' and realm '{$options['realm']}' combination not found";
     return new Zend_Auth_Digest_Token($tokenValid, $tokenIdentity, $tokenMessage);
  * Disconnects from the peer, closes the socket.
  * @return void
 protected function _disconnect()
     if (!is_resource($this->_socket)) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_TimeSync_ProtocolException', "could not close server connection from '{$this->_timeserver}' on port '{$this->_port}'");
     $this->_socket = null;
  * @param string $var
  * @param string $value
 protected function __set($var, $value)
     switch ($var) {
         case 'updatedMin':
         case 'updatedMax':
             throw Zend::exception('Zend_Gdata_Exception', "Parameter '{$var}' is not currently supported in Spreadsheets.");
     parent::__set($var, $value);
 public function testException()
     $this->assertTrue(Zend::exception('Zend_Exception') instanceof Exception);
     try {
         $e = Zend::exception('Zend_FooBar_Baz', 'should fail');
         $this->fail('invalid exception class should throw exception');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // success...
  * Sets a new timestamp
  * @param $date mixed - OPTIONAL timestamp otherwise actual timestamp is used
  * @return boolean
  * @throws Zend_Date_Exception
 public function setTimestamp($date = false)
     // no date value, take actual time
     if ($date === false) {
         $this->_unixtimestamp = time();
         return true;
     if (is_numeric($date)) {
         $this->_unixtimestamp = $date;
         return true;
     throw Zend::exception('Zend_Date_Exception', '\'' . $date . '\' is no valid date');
  * Create instance with parameters
  * Disallowed parameters are:
  *   - filename use Zend_Mail_Mbox for a single file
  * Supported parameters are:
  *   - rootdir rootdir of mbox structure
  *   - folder intial selected folder, default is 'INBOX'
  * @param  $params              array mail reader specific parameters
  * @throws Zend_Mail_Exception
 public function __construct($params)
     if (isset($params['filename'])) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Mail_Exception', 'use Zend_Mail_Mbox for a single file');
     if (!isset($params['rootdir']) || !is_dir($params['rootdir'])) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Mail_Exception', 'no valid rootdir given in params');
     $this->_rootdir = rtrim($params['rootdir'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     $this->selectFolder(!empty($params['folder']) ? $params['folder'] : 'INBOX');
     $this->_has['top'] = true;
  * Create instance with parameters
  * Supported parameters are:
  *   - rootdir rootdir of maildir structure
  *   - dirname alias for rootdir
  *   - delim   delim char for folder structur, default is '.'
  *   - folder intial selected folder, default is 'INBOX'
  * @param  $params              array mail reader specific parameters
  * @throws Zend_Mail_Exception
 public function __construct($params)
     if (isset($params['dirname']) && !isset($params['rootdir'])) {
         $params['rootdir'] = $params['dirname'];
     if (!isset($params['rootdir']) || !is_dir($params['rootdir'])) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Mail_Exception', 'no valid rootdir given in params');
     $this->_rootdir = rtrim($params['rootdir'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     $this->_delim = isset($params['delim']) ? $params['delim'] : '.';
     $this->selectFolder(!empty($params['folder']) ? $params['folder'] : 'INBOX');
     $this->_has['top'] = true;
  * Writes/receives data to/from the timeserver
  * @return int unix timestamp
 protected function _query()
     $begin = time();
     fputs($this->_socket, "\n");
     $result = fread($this->_socket, 49);
     $end = time();
     if (!$result) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_TimeSync_ProtocolException', 'invalid result returned from server');
     } else {
         $time = abs(hexdec('7fffffff') - hexdec(bin2hex($result)) - hexdec('7fffffff'));
         $time -= 2208988800;
         // socket delay
         $time -= ($end - $begin) / 2;
         return $time;
  * fetch one or more items of one or more messages
  * @param string|array $items items to fetch from message(s) as string (if only one item)
  *                             or array of strings
  * @param int          $from  message for items or start message if $to !== null
  * @param int|null     $to    if null only one message ($from) is fetched, else it's the
  *                             last message, INF means last message avaible
  * @return string|array if only one item of one message is fetched it's returned as string
  *                      if items of one message are fetched it's returned as (name => value)
  *                      if one items of messages are fetched it's returned as (msgno => value)
  *                      if items of messages are fetchted it's returned as (msgno => (name => value))
 public function fetch($items, $from, $to = null)
     if ($to === null) {
         $set = (int) $from;
     } else {
         if (is_array($from)) {
             $set = implode(',', $from);
         } else {
             if ($to === INF) {
                 $set = (int) $from . ':*';
             } else {
                 $set = (int) $from . ':' . (int) $to;
     $items = (array) $items;
     $itemList = $this->escapeList($items);
     $this->sendRequest('FETCH', array($set, $itemList), $tag);
     $result = array();
     while (!$this->readLine($tokens, $tag)) {
         if ($tokens[1] != 'FETCH') {
         if ($to === null && $tokens[0] != $from) {
         if (count($items) == 1) {
             $data = next($tokens[2]);
         } else {
             $data = array();
             while (key($tokens[2]) !== null) {
                 $data[current($tokens[2])] = next($tokens[2]);
         if ($to === null && $tokens[0] == $from) {
             return $data;
         $result[$tokens[0]] = $data;
     if ($to === null) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Mail_Transport_Exception', 'the single id was not found in response');
     return $result;
  * Set a new type, and convert the value
  * @param $type  new type to set
  * @throws Zend_Measure_Exception
 public function setType($type)
     if (empty(self::$_UNITS[$type])) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Measure_Exception', 'unknown type of torque:' . $type);
     // Convert to standard value
     $value = parent::getValue();
     if (is_array(self::$_UNITS[parent::getType()][0])) {
         foreach (self::$_UNITS[parent::getType()][0] as $key => $found) {
             switch ($key) {
                 case "/":
                     $value /= $found;
                     $value *= $found;
     } else {
         $value = $value * self::$_UNITS[parent::getType()][0];
     // Convert to expected value
     if (is_array(self::$_UNITS[$type][0])) {
         foreach (self::$_UNITS[$type][0] as $key => $found) {
             switch ($key) {
                 case "/":
                     $value *= $found;
                     $value /= $found;
     } else {
         $value = $value / self::$_UNITS[$type][0];
     parent::setValue($value, $type, $this->_Locale);
  * Set a new type, and convert the value
  * @throws Zend_Measure_Exception
 public function setType($type)
     if (empty(self::$_UNITS[$type])) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Measure_Exception', 'unknown type of force:' . $type);
     // Convert to standard value
     $value = parent::getValue();
     $value = $value * self::$_UNITS[parent::getType()][0];
     // Convert to expected value
     $value = $value / self::$_UNITS[$type][0];
     parent::setValue($value, $type, $this->_Locale);
  * create instance with parameters
  * Supported paramters are
  *   - host hostname or ip address of IMAP server
  *   - user username
  *   - password password for user 'username' [optional, default = '']
  *   - port port for IMAP server [optional, default = 110]
  *   - ssl 'SSL' or 'TLS' for secure sockets
  *   - folder select this folder [optional, default = 'INBOX']
  * @param  $params array  mail reader specific parameters
  * @throws Zend_Mail_Exception
 public function __construct($params)
     if ($params instanceof Zend_Mail_Transport_Imap) {
         $this->_protocol = $params;
         $this->_currentFolder = 'INBOX';
         if (!$this->_protocol->select($this->_currentFolder)) {
             throw Zend::exception('Zend_Mail_Exception', 'cannot select INBOX, is this a valid transport?');
     if (!isset($params['host']) || !isset($params['user'])) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Mail_Exception', 'need at least a host an user in params');
     $params['password'] = isset($params['password']) ? $params['password'] : '';
     $params['port'] = isset($params['port']) ? $params['port'] : null;
     $params['ssl'] = isset($params['ssl']) ? $params['ssl'] : false;
     $this->_protocol = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Imap();
     $this->_protocol->connect($params['host'], $params['port'], $params['ssl']);
     if (!$this->_protocol->login($params['user'], $params['password'])) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Mail_Exception', 'cannot login, user or password wrong');
     $this->_currentFolder = isset($params['folder']) ? $params['folder'] : 'INBOX';
     if (!$this->_protocol->select($this->_currentFolder)) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Mail_Exception', 'cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist');
  * Unregister a plugin.
  * @param Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract $plugin
  * @return Zend_Controller_Plugin_Broker
 public function unregisterPlugin(Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract $plugin)
     $key = array_search($plugin, $this->_plugins, true);
     if (false === $key) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Controller_Exception', 'Plugin never registered.');
     return $this;
  * Send the given string followed by a LINEEND to the server
  * @param string $str
  * @throws Zend_Mail_Transport_Exception
 protected function _send($str)
     $res = fwrite($this->_con, $str . $this->EOL);
     if ($res === false) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Mail_Transport_Exception', 'Could not write to SMTP server');
     if (self::DEBUG) {
         echo "S: {$str}<br>\n";
  * stub for not supported message deletion
 public function removeMessage($id)
     throw Zend::exception('Zend_Mail_Exception', 'maildir is (currently) read-only');
  * @param string $var
  * @param string $value
 protected function __set($var, $value)
     switch ($var) {
         case 'query':
         case 'q':
             $var = 'q';
             throw Zend::exception('Zend_Gdata_Exception', 'Text queries are not currently supported in Blogger.');
         case 'publishedMin':
             $var = 'published-min';
             $value = $this->formatTimestamp($value);
         case 'publishedMax':
             $var = 'published-max';
             $value = $this->formatTimestamp($value);
         case 'blogName':
             $var = '_blogName';
         case 'category':
             $var = '_category';
             throw Zend::exception('Zend_Gdata_Exception', 'Category queries are not currently supported in Blogger.');
         case 'entry':
             $var = '_entry';
             throw Zend::exception('Zend_Gdata_Exception', 'Entry queries are not currently supported in Blogger.');
     parent::__set($var, $value);
  * Get controller name
  * Try request first; if not found, try pulling from request parameter; 
  * if still not found, fallback to default
  * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request
  * @param array $directories
  * @return string|false Returns class name on success
 protected function _getController($request, $directories = null)
     if (null === $directories) {
         $directories = $this->getControllerDirectory();
     if (empty($directories)) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception', 'Controller directory never set.  Use setControllerDirectory() first');
     $controllerName = $request->getControllerName();
     if (empty($controllerName)) {
         $controllerName = $this->getDefaultController();
     $className = $this->formatControllerName($controllerName);
      * Determine if controller is dispatchable
      * Checks to see if a module name is present in the request; if so, 
      * checks for class file existing in module directory. Otherwise, loops through 
      * directories in FIFO order to find it.
     $dispatchable = false;
     $module = (string) $request->getParam('module', false);
     if ($module && isset($directories[$module])) {
         $dispatchable = Zend::isReadable($directories[$module] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $className . '.php');
         if ($dispatchable) {
             $this->_curDirectory = $directories[$module];
     } else {
         foreach ($directories as $directory) {
             $dispatchable = Zend::isReadable($directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $className . '.php');
             if ($dispatchable) {
                 $this->_curDirectory = $directory;
     return $dispatchable ? $className : false;
  * Route a request
  * Routes requests of the format /controller/action by default (action may 
  * be omitted). Additional parameters may be specified as key/value pairs
  * separated by the directory separator: 
  * /controller/action/key/value/key/value. 
  * To specify a module to use (basically, subdirectory) when routing the 
  * request, set the 'useModules' parameter via the front controller or 
  * {@link setParam()}: $router->setParam('useModules', true)
  * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request 
  * @return void
 public function route(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     if (!$request instanceof Zend_Controller_Request_Http) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Controller_Router_Exception', 'Zend_Controller_Router requires a Zend_Controller_Request_Http-based request object');
     $pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
     $pathSegs = explode('/', trim($pathInfo, '/'));
      * Retrieve module if useModules is set in object
     $useModules = $this->getParam('useModules');
     if (!empty($useModules)) {
         if (isset($pathSegs[0]) && !empty($pathSegs[0])) {
             $module = array_shift($pathSegs);
      * Get controller and action from request
      * Attempt to get from path_info; controller is first item, action 
      * second
     if (isset($pathSegs[0]) && !empty($pathSegs[0])) {
         $controller = array_shift($pathSegs);
     if (isset($pathSegs[0]) && !empty($pathSegs[0])) {
         $action = array_shift($pathSegs);
      * Any optional parameters after the action are stored in
      * an array of key/value pairs:
      * http://www.zend.com/controller-name/action-name/param-1/3/param-2/7
      * $params = array(2) {
      *              ["param-1"]=> string(1) "3"
      *              ["param-2"]=> string(1) "7"
      * }
     $params = array();
     $segs = count($pathSegs);
     if (0 < $segs) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $segs; $i = $i + 2) {
             $key = urldecode($pathSegs[$i]);
             $value = isset($pathSegs[$i + 1]) ? urldecode($pathSegs[$i + 1]) : null;
             $params[$key] = $value;
      * Set module, controller and action, now that params are set
     if (isset($module)) {
         $request->setParam('module', urldecode($module));
     if (isset($controller)) {
     if (isset($action)) {
     return $request;
  * Set Google authentication credentials.
  * Must be done before trying to do any Google Data operations that
  * require authentication.
  * For example, viewing private data, or posting or deleting entries.
  * @param string $email
  * @param string $password
  * @param string $service
  * @param Zend_Http_Client $client
  * @param string $source
  * @return Zend_Http_Client
 public function getHttpClient($email, $password, $service = 'xapi', $client = null, $source = self::DEFAULT_SOURCE)
     if (!($email && $password)) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Http_Exception', 'Please set your Google credentials before trying to authenticate');
     if ($client == null) {
         $client = new Zend_Http_Client();
     if (!$client instanceof Zend_Http_Client) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Http_Exception', 'Client is not an instance of Zend_Http_Client.');
     // Build the HTTP client for authentication
     $client->setConfig(array('maxredirects' => 0, 'strictredirects' => true));
     $client->setParameterPost('accountType', 'HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE');
     $client->setParameterPost('Email', (string) $email);
     $client->setParameterPost('Passwd', (string) $password);
     $client->setParameterPost('service', (string) $service);
     $client->setParameterPost('source', (string) $source);
     // Send the authentication request
     // For some reason Google's server causes an SSL error. We use the
     // output buffer to supress an error from being shown. Ugly - but works!
     $response = $client->request('POST');
     // Parse Google's response
     $goog_resp = array();
     foreach (explode("\n", $response->getBody()) as $l) {
         $l = chop($l);
         if ($l) {
             list($key, $val) = explode('=', chop($l), 2);
             $goog_resp[$key] = $val;
     if ($response->getStatus() == 200) {
         $headers['authorization'] = 'GoogleLogin auth=' . $goog_resp['Auth'];
         $client = new Zend_Http_Client();
         return $client;
     } elseif ($response->getStatus() == 403) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Http_Exception', 'Authentication with Google failed. Reason: ' . (isset($goog_resp['Error']) ? $goog_resp['Error'] : 'Unspecified.'));
  * Set values
  * In order to follow {@link __get()}, which operates on a number of 
  * superglobals, setting values through overloading is not allowed and will 
  * raise an exception. Use setParam() instead.
  * @param string $key 
  * @param mixed $value 
  * @return void
  * @throws Zend_Controller_Request_Exception
 public function __set($key, $value)
     throw Zend::exception('Zend_Controller_Request_Exception', 'Setting values in superglobals not allowed; please use setParam()');
  * Set a new type, and convert the value
  * @param $type  new type to set
  * @throws Zend_Measure_Exception
 public function setType($type)
     if (empty(self::$_UNITS[$type])) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Measure_Exception', 'unknown type of number:' . $type);
     $value = $this->toDecimal(parent::getValue(), parent::getType());
     $value = $this->fromDecimal($value, $type);
     parent::setValue($value, $type, $this->_Locale);
 protected function __set($var, $value)
     switch ($var) {
         case 'startMin':
             $var = 'start-min';
             $value = $this->formatTimestamp($value);
         case 'startMax':
             $var = 'start-max';
             $value = $this->formatTimestamp($value);
         case 'visibility':
         case 'projection':
             if (!Zend_Gdata_Data::isValid($value, $var)) {
                 throw Zend::exception('Zend_Gdata_Exception', "Unsupported {$var} value: '{$value}'");
             $var = "_{$var}";
         case 'orderby':
             if (!Zend_Gdata_Data::isValid($value, 'orderby#calendar')) {
                 throw Zend::exception('Zend_Gdata_Exception', "Unsupported {$var} value: '{$value}'");
         case 'user':
             $var = '_user';
             // @todo: validate user value
         case 'event':
             $var = '_event';
             // @todo: validate event value
         case 'comments':
             $var = '_comments';
             // @todo: validate comments subfeed value
             // other params are handled by parent
     parent::__set($var, $value);
  * Find a matching route to the current PATH_INFO and inject 
  * returning values to the Request object. 
  * @throws Zend_Controller_Router_Exception 
  * @return Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract Request object
 public function route(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     if (!$request instanceof Zend_Controller_Request_Http) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Controller_Router_Exception', 'Zend_Controller_RewriteRouter requires a Zend_Controller_Request_Http-based request object');
     if ($this->useDefaultRoutes) {
     $pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
     /** Find the matching route */
     foreach (array_reverse($this->_routes) as $name => $route) {
         if ($params = $route->match($pathInfo)) {
             foreach ($params as $param => $value) {
                 $request->setParam($param, $value);
             $this->_currentRoute = $name;
     return $request;
  * Get a specific cookie according to a URI and name
  * @param Zend_Uri_Http|string $uri The uri (domain and path) to match
  * @param string $cookie_name The cookie's name
  * @param int $ret_as Whether to return cookies as objects of Zend_Http_Cookie or as strings
  * @return Zend_Http_Cookie|string
 public function getCookie($uri, $cookie_name, $ret_as = self::COOKIE_OBJECT)
     if (is_string($uri)) {
         $uri = Zend_Uri::factory($uri);
     if (!$uri instanceof Zend_Uri_Http) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Http_Exception', 'Invalid URI specified');
     // Get correct cookie path
     $path = $uri->getPath();
     $path = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/'));
     if (!$path) {
         $path = '/';
     if (isset($this->cookies[$uri->getHost()][$path][$cookie_name])) {
         $cookie = $this->cookies[$uri->getHost()][$path][$cookie_name];
         switch ($ret_as) {
             case self::COOKIE_OBJECT:
                 return $cookie;
             case self::COOKIE_STRING_ARRAY:
             case self::COOKIE_STRING_CONCAT:
                 return $cookie->__toString();
                 throw Zend::exception('Zend_Http_Exception', "Invalid value passed for \$ret_as: {$ret_as}");
     } else {
         return false;
  * Checks whether the cookie should be sent or not in a specific scenario
  * @param string|Zend_Uri_Http $uri URI to check against (secure, domain, path)
  * @param boolean $matchSessionCookies Whether to send session cookies
  * @param int $now Override the current time when checking for expiry time
  * @return boolean
 public function match($uri, $matchSessionCookies = true, $now = null)
     if (is_string($uri)) {
         $uri = Zend_Uri::factory($uri);
     // Make sure we have a valid Zend_Uri_Http object
     if (!($uri->valid() && ($uri->getScheme() == 'http' || $uri->getScheme() == 'https'))) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Http_Exception', 'Passed URI is not a valid HTTP or HTTPS URI');
     // Check that the cookie is secure (if required) and not expired
     if ($this->secure && $uri->getScheme() != 'https') {
         return false;
     if ($this->isExpired($now)) {
         return false;
     if ($this->isSessionCookie() && !$matchSessionCookies) {
         return false;
     // Validate domain and path
     // Domain is validated using tail match, while path is validated using head match
     $domain_preg = preg_quote($this->getDomain(), "/");
     if (!preg_match("/{$domain_preg}\$/", $uri->getHost())) {
         return false;
     $path_preg = preg_quote($this->getPath(), "/");
     if (!preg_match("/^{$path_preg}/", $uri->getPath())) {
         return false;
     // If we didn't die until now, return true.
     return true;
  * Set response class/object
  * Set the response object.  The response is a container for action
  * responses and headers. Usage is optional.
  * If a class name is provided, instantiates a response object.
  * @param string|Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response
  * @throws Zend_Controller_Exception if invalid response class
  * @return Zend_Controller_Front
 public function setResponse($response)
     if (is_string($response)) {
         $response = new $response();
     if (!$response instanceof Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Controller_Exception', 'Invalid response class');
     $this->_response = $response;
     return $this;
  * Assembles user submitted parameters forming a URL path defined by this route 
  * @param array An array of variable and value pairs used as parameters 
  * @return string Route path with user submitted parameters
 public function assemble($data = array(), $reset = false)
     $url = array();
     if (!$reset) {
         $data += $this->_params;
     foreach ($this->_parts as $key => $part) {
         if (isset($part['name'])) {
             if (isset($data[$part['name']])) {
                 $url[$key] = $data[$part['name']];
             } elseif (isset($this->_values[$part['name']])) {
                 $url[$key] = $this->_values[$part['name']];
             } elseif (isset($this->_defaults[$part['name']])) {
                 $url[$key] = $this->_defaults[$part['name']];
             } else {
                 throw Zend::exception('Zend_Controller_Router_Exception', $part['name'] . ' is not specified');
         } else {
             if ($part['regex'] != '\\*') {
                 $url[$key] = $part['regex'];
             } else {
                 foreach ($data as $var => $value) {
                     $url[$var] = $var . self::URI_DELIMITER . $value;
     return implode(self::URI_DELIMITER, $url);
  * Getter for mail headers - name is matched in lowercase
  * @param  string $name         header name
  * @throws Zend_Mail_Exception
  * @return string|array         header line or array of headers if header exists more than once
 public function __get($name)
     $name = strtolower($name);
     if (!isset($this->_headers[$name])) {
         throw Zend::exception('Zend_Mail_Exception', "no Header with Name {$name} found");
     return $this->_headers[$name];
  * magic method for unserialize()
  * with this method you can cache the mbox class
  * for cache validation the mtime of the mbox file is used
 public function __wakeup()
     if ($this->_filemtime != filemtime($this->_filename)) {
     } else {
         $this->_fh = @fopen($this->_filename, 'r');
         if (!$this->_fh) {
             throw Zend::exception('Zend_Mail_Exception', 'cannot open mbox file');
  * Read response from server
  * @return string
 public function read()
     // First, read headers only
     $response = '';
     while ($line = fgets($this->socket)) {
         $response .= $line;
         if (!chop($line)) {
     // Handle 100 and 101 responses internally by restarting the read again
     if (Zend_Http_Response::extractCode($response) == 100 || Zend_Http_Response::extractCode($response) == 101) {
         return $this->read();
     // Check headers to see what kind of connection / transfer encoding we have
     $headers = Zend_Http_Response::extractHeaders($response);
     // if the connection is set to close, just read until socket closes
     if (isset($headers['connection']) && $headers['connection'] == 'close') {
         while ($buff = fread($this->socket, 8192)) {
             $response .= $buff;
         // Else, if we got a transfer-encoding header (chunked body)
     } elseif (isset($headers['transfer-encoding'])) {
         if ($headers['transfer-encoding'] == 'chunked') {
             do {
                 $chunk = '';
                 $line = fgets($this->socket);
                 $chunk .= $line;
                 $hexchunksize = chop($line);
                 $chunksize = hexdec(chop($line));
                 if (dechex($chunksize) != $hexchunksize) {
                     throw Zend::exception('Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Exception', 'Invalid chunk size "' . $hexchunksize . '" unable to read chunked body');
                 $left_to_read = $chunksize;
                 while ($left_to_read > 0) {
                     $chunk .= fread($this->socket, $left_to_read);
                     $left_to_read = $chunksize - strlen($chunk);
                 $chunk .= fgets($this->socket);
                 $response .= $chunk;
             } while ($chunksize > 0);
         } else {
             throw Zend::exception('Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Exception', "Can't handle '" . $headers['transfer-encoding'] . "' transfer encoding");
         // Else, if we got the content-length header, read this number of bytes
     } elseif (isset($headers['content-length'])) {
         $left_to_read = $headers['content-length'];
         $chunk = '';
         while ($left_to_read > 0) {
             $chunk = fread($this->socket, $left_to_read);
             $left_to_read -= strlen($chunk);
             $response .= $chunk;
         // Fallback: just read the response (should not happen)
     } else {
         while ($buff = fread($this->socket, 8192)) {
             $response .= $buff;
     return $response;