public static function ls($url, array $loginDetails = array(), array $options = array())
     $options['asXML'] = true;
     $output = self::executeCommand('list', $url, $loginDetails, $options);
     $output = implode($output, '');
     $xml = new XML();
     return $xml->getElementTree('');
     * Updates the language items of a language category.
     * @param	array		$items
     * @param	integer		$categoryID
     * @param	integer		$packageID
     * @param 	array		$useCustom
    public function easyUpdateItems($categoryString, $items, $packageID = null)
        $packageID = $packageID === null ? WCF::getPackageID('de.easy-coding.wcf.contest') : $packageID;
        $language = new LanguageEditor($this->languageID);
        $xmlString = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . CHARSET . '"?>
		<language languagecode="' . $this->getLanguageCode() . '">
			<category name="' . $categoryString . '">';
        foreach ($items as $key => $val) {
            if ($val === null) {
            $xmlString .= '<item name="' . $key . '"><![CDATA[' . $val . ']]></item>';
        $xmlString .= '
        $xml = new XML();
        $language->updateFromXML($xml, $packageID);
  * Creates permissions for this source
 public function createPermissions()
     // determine position for next group option
     $sql = "SELECT\tIFNULL(MAX(showOrder), 0) + 1 AS showOrder\n\t\t\tFROM\twcf" . WCF_N . "_group_option\n\t\t\tWHERE\tcategoryName = 'user.source.dynamic'\n\t\t\tAND\tpackageID = " . PACKAGE_ID;
     $row = WCF::getDB()->getFirstRow($sql);
     $showOrder = $row['showOrder'];
     // create group option
     $sql = "INSERT INTO\twcf" . WCF_N . "_group_option\n\t\t\t\t\t(packageID, optionName, categoryName, optionType, defaultValue, showOrder, validationPattern, enableOptions, permissions, options, additionalData)\n\t\t\tVALUES\t\t(" . PACKAGE_ID . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t'user.source.dynamic.canUseSource" . $this->sourceID . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t'user.source.dynamic',\n\t\t\t\t\t'boolean',\n\t\t\t\t\t0,\n\t\t\t\t\t" . intval($showOrder) . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t'',\n\t\t\t\t\t'',\n\t\t\t\t\t'',\n\t\t\t\t\t'',\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . serialize(array()) . "')";
     $optionID = WCF::getDB()->getInsertID();
     // insert new option and default value to each group
     // get all groupIDs
     // don't change values of existing options
     $sql = "SELECT\tgroupID\n\t\t\tFROM\twcf" . WCF_N . "_group";
     $result = WCF::getDB()->sendQuery($sql);
     while ($row = WCF::getDB()->fetchArray($result)) {
         $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO\twcf" . WCF_N . "_group_option_value\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(groupID, optionID, optionValue)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES\t\t\t(" . $row['groupID'] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t " . $optionID . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'0')";
     WCF::getCache()->clear(WCF_DIR . 'cache/', '*.php');
     // get available languages
     $languageCodes = Language::getLanguageCodes();
     // create language variables
     $sql = "SELECT\tlanguageID, languageItem, languageItemValue\n\t\t\tFROM\twcf" . WCF_N . "_language_item\n\t\t\tWHERE\tlanguageItem IN\n\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t'',\n\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\tAND\tpackageID = " . PACKAGE_ID;
     $result = WCF::getDB()->sendQuery($sql);
     $languageData = array();
     // create language variables for each language
     while ($row = WCF::getDB()->fetchArray($result)) {
         $key = 'option.user.source.dynamic.canUseSource' . $this->sourceID;
         if ($row['languageItem'] == '') {
             $key .= '.description';
         $value = str_replace('#sourceName#', $this->name, $row['languageItemValue']);
         $languageCode = $languageCodes[$row['languageID']];
         $languageData[$languageCode][''][$key] = $value;
     // import language variables
     foreach ($languageData as $languageCode => $data) {
         //create XML string
         $xml = LanguagesXMLPIP::create(array($languageCode => $data), true);
         // parse xml
         $xmlObj = new XML();
         // import language xml
         LanguageEditor::importFromXML($xmlObj, PACKAGE_ID);
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with WOT Game.  If not, see <>.
define('INSIDE', true);
$ugamela_root_path = '../';
include $ugamela_root_path . '';
include $ugamela_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx;
if (!check_user()) {
    header("Location: login.php");
require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/system/language/LanguageEditor.class.php';
require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/util/XML.class.php';
$std = 'english';
$languages = WCF::getCache()->get('languages');
foreach ($languages as $languageID => $languageArray) {
    $editor = new LanguageEditor($languageID);
    if (file_exists('lang/' . $languageArray['languageCode'] . '.xml')) {
        $xml = new XML('lang/' . $languageArray['languageCode'] . '.xml');
    } else {
        $string = file_get_contents('lang/' . $std . '.xml');
        $string = preg_replace('/languagecode="' . $std . '"/i', 'languagecode="' . $std . '"', $string, 1);
        $xml = new XML();
  * Parses a stream containing info from a packages_update.xml.
  * @param	string		$content
  * @return	array		$allNewPackages
 protected static function parsePackageUpdateXML($content)
     // load xml document
     $xmlObj = new XML();
     // load the <section> tag (which must be the root element).
     $xml = $xmlObj->getElementTree('section');
     $encoding = $xmlObj->getEncoding();
     // loop through <package> tags inside the <section> tag.
     $allNewPackages = array();
     foreach ($xml['children'] as $child) {
         // name attribute is missing, thus this package is not valid
         if (!isset($child['attrs']['name']) || !$child['attrs']['name']) {
             throw new SystemException("required 'name' attribute for 'package' tag is missing", 13001);
         // the "name" attribute of this <package> tag must be a valid package identifier.
         if (!Package::isValidPackageName($child['attrs']['name'])) {
             throw new SystemException("'" . $child['attrs']['name'] . "' is not a valid package name.", 18004);
         $package = $child['attrs']['name'];
         // parse packages_update.xml and fill $packageInfo.
         $packageInfo = self::parsePackageUpdateXMLBlock($child, $package);
         // convert enconding
         if ($encoding != CHARSET) {
             $packageInfo['packageName'] = StringUtil::convertEncoding($encoding, CHARSET, $packageInfo['packageName']);
             $packageInfo['packageDescription'] = StringUtil::convertEncoding($encoding, CHARSET, $packageInfo['packageDescription']);
             $packageInfo['author'] = StringUtil::convertEncoding($encoding, CHARSET, $packageInfo['author']);
             $packageInfo['authorURL'] = StringUtil::convertEncoding($encoding, CHARSET, $packageInfo['authorURL']);
         $allNewPackages[$child['attrs']['name']] = $packageInfo;
     return $allNewPackages;
  * Reads the data of a variables.xml file.
  * @param	string		$string		contents of a variable.xml file
  * @return	array		data
 public static function readVariablesData($string)
     // open variables.xml
     $variablesXML = new XML();
     $variablesXMLContent = $variablesXML->getElementTree('variables');
     // get variables
     $variables = array();
     foreach ($variablesXMLContent['children'] as $variable) {
         if (isset($variable['attrs']['name'])) {
             $variables[$variable['attrs']['name']] = $variable['cdata'];
     return $variables;
  * Extracts the language file and parses it with
  * SimpleXML. If the specified language file
  * was not found, an error message is thrown.
  * @param	string		$language
  * @return 	XML 		xml
 protected function readLanguage($language)
     // No <language>-tag in the instructions in package.xml
     if (!isset($language['cdata']) || !$language['cdata']) {
         return false;
     // search language files in package archive
     // throw error message if not found
     if (($fileIndex = $this->installation->getArchive()->getTar()->getIndexByFilename($language['cdata'])) === false) {
         throw new SystemException("language file '" . $language['cdata'] . "' not found.", 13025);
     // extract language file and parse with SimpleXML
     $xml = new XML();
     return $xml;
  * Extracts information about this package (parses package.xml).
 protected function readPackageInfo()
     // search package.xml in package archive
     // throw error message if not found
     if ($this->tar->getIndexByFilename(self::INFO_FILE) === false) {
         throw new SystemException("package information file '" . self::INFO_FILE . "' not found in '" . $this->archive . "'", 13000);
     // extract package.xml, parse with SimpleXML
     // and compile an array with XML::getElementTree()
     $xml = new XML();
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // bugfix to avoid file caching problems
     $xmlContent = $xml->getElementTree('package');
     // name attribute is missing, thus this package is not valid
     if (!isset($xmlContent['attrs']['name']) || !$xmlContent['attrs']['name']) {
         throw new SystemException("required 'name' attribute for 'package' tag is missing in " . self::INFO_FILE, 13001);
     // package name is not a valid package identifier
     if (!Package::isValidPackageName($xmlContent['attrs']['name'])) {
         throw new SystemException("'" . $xmlContent['attrs']['name'] . "' is not a valid package name.", 13002);
     // assign name attribute and loop through child tags
     $this->packageInfo['name'] = $xmlContent['attrs']['name'];
     foreach ($xmlContent['children'] as $child) {
         switch (StringUtil::toLowerCase($child['name'])) {
             // read in package information
             case 'packageinformation':
                 foreach ($child['children'] as $packageInformation) {
                     switch (StringUtil::toLowerCase($packageInformation['name'])) {
                         case 'packagename':
                             if (!isset($this->packageInfo['packageName'])) {
                                 $this->packageInfo['packageName'] = array();
                             if (isset($packageInformation['attrs']['language'])) {
                                 $languageCode = $packageInformation['attrs']['language'];
                             } else {
                                 if (isset($packageInformation['attrs']['languagecode'])) {
                                     $languageCode = $packageInformation['attrs']['languagecode'];
                                 } else {
                                     $languageCode = 'default';
                             $this->packageInfo['packageName'][$languageCode] = $packageInformation['cdata'];
                         case 'packagedescription':
                             if (!isset($this->packageInfo['packageDescription'])) {
                                 $this->packageInfo['packageDescription'] = array();
                             if (isset($packageInformation['attrs']['language'])) {
                                 $languageCode = $packageInformation['attrs']['language'];
                             } else {
                                 if (isset($packageInformation['attrs']['languagecode'])) {
                                     $languageCode = $packageInformation['attrs']['languagecode'];
                                 } else {
                                     $languageCode = 'default';
                             $this->packageInfo['packageDescription'][$languageCode] = $packageInformation['cdata'];
                         case 'isunique':
                             $this->packageInfo['isUnique'] = intval($packageInformation['cdata']);
                         case 'standalone':
                             $this->packageInfo['standalone'] = intval($packageInformation['cdata']);
                         case 'promptparent':
                         case 'plugin':
                             if ($packageInformation['cdata'] != 0 && !Package::isValidPackageName($packageInformation['cdata'])) {
                                 throw new SystemException("'" . $packageInformation['cdata'] . "' is not a valid package name.", 13002);
                             $this->packageInfo['plugin'] = $packageInformation['cdata'];
                         case 'version':
                             $this->packageInfo['version'] = $packageInformation['cdata'];
                         case 'date':
                             $this->packageInfo['date'] = @strtotime($packageInformation['cdata']);
                             if ($this->packageInfo['date'] === -1 || $this->packageInfo['date'] === false) {
                                 throw new SystemException("invalid dateformat '" . $packageInformation['cdata'] . "' in package.xml", 13003);
                             $this->packageInfo['date'] += 43201;
                         case 'packageurl':
                             $this->packageInfo['packageURL'] = $packageInformation['cdata'];
                 // read in author information
             // read in author information
             case 'authorinformation':
                 foreach ($child['children'] as $authorInformation) {
                     switch (StringUtil::toLowerCase($authorInformation['name'])) {
                         case 'author':
                             $this->authorInfo['author'] = $authorInformation['cdata'];
                         case 'authorurl':
                             $this->authorInfo['authorURL'] = $authorInformation['cdata'];
                 // read in requirements
             // read in requirements
             case 'requiredpackages':
                 foreach ($child['children'] as $requiredPackage) {
                     // reference to required package is not a valid package identifier
                     if (!Package::isValidPackageName($requiredPackage['cdata'])) {
                         throw new SystemException("'" . $requiredPackage['cdata'] . "' is not a valid package name.", 13002);
                     $this->requirements[$requiredPackage['cdata']] = array('name' => $requiredPackage['cdata']) + $requiredPackage['attrs'];
                 // read in optionals
             // read in optionals
             case 'optionalpackages':
                 foreach ($child['children'] as $optionalPackage) {
                     // reference to optional package is not a valid package identifier
                     if (!Package::isValidPackageName($optionalPackage['cdata'])) {
                         throw new SystemException("'" . $optionalPackage['cdata'] . "' is not a valid package name.", 13002);
                     if (!isset($optionalPackage['attrs']['file']) || !$optionalPackage['attrs']['file']) {
                         throw new SystemException("required 'file' attribute for 'optionalPackage' tag is missing in " . self::INFO_FILE, 13001);
                     $this->optionals[] = array('name' => $optionalPackage['cdata']) + $optionalPackage['attrs'];
                 // read in excluded packages
             // read in excluded packages
             case 'excludedpackages':
                 foreach ($child['children'] as $excludedPackage) {
                     // reference to excluded package is not a valid package identifier
                     if (!Package::isValidPackageName($excludedPackage['cdata'])) {
                         throw new SystemException("'" . $excludedPackage['cdata'] . "' is not a valid package name.", 13002);
                     $this->excludedPackages[$excludedPackage['cdata']] = array('name' => $excludedPackage['cdata']) + $excludedPackage['attrs'];
                 // get installation and update instructions
             // get installation and update instructions
             case 'instructions':
                 if ($child['attrs']['type'] == 'update') {
                     if (!isset($child['attrs']['fromversion']) || !$child['attrs']['fromversion']) {
                         throw new SystemException("required 'fromversion' attribute for 'instructions type=update' tag is missing in " . self::INFO_FILE, 13001);
                     $this->update[$child['attrs']['fromversion']] = array();
                     $processData =& $this->update[$child['attrs']['fromversion']];
                 } else {
                     $this->install = array();
                     $processData =& $this->install;
                 foreach ($child['children'] as $instruction) {
                     switch ($instruction['name']) {
                         // get links to sql file
                         case 'sql':
                             $processData['sql'] = $instruction['cdata'];
                             // get links to language files
                         // get links to language files
                         case 'languages':
                             if (!isset($processData['languages'])) {
                                 $processData['languages'] = array();
                             $processData['languages'][] = array('cdata' => $instruction['cdata']) + $instruction['attrs'];
                             // get links to other (any but not sql) files
                         // get links to other (any but not sql) files
                             if (!isset($processData[$instruction['name']])) {
                                 $processData[$instruction['name']] = array();
                             $processData[$instruction['name']][] = array('cdata' => $instruction['cdata']) + $instruction['attrs'];
                 foreach ($processData as $key => $val) {
                     if ($key != 'languages' && is_array($val) && count($val) == 1) {
                         $processData[$key] = array_shift($val);
     // add com.woltlab.wcf to package requirements
     if (!isset($this->requirements['com.woltlab.wcf']) && $this->packageInfo['name'] != 'com.woltlab.wcf') {
         $this->requirements['com.woltlab.wcf'] = array('name' => 'com.woltlab.wcf');
     // examine the right update instruction block
     if ($this->package !== null && $this->update !== null) {
         $validUpdate = null;
         foreach ($this->update as $fromVersion => $update) {
             if (Package::checkFromversion($this->package->getVersion(), $fromVersion)) {
                 $validUpdate = $update;
         $this->update = $validUpdate;
     // check required tags
     if (!isset($this->packageInfo['packageName'])) {
         throw new SystemException("required tag 'packageName' is missing in " . self::INFO_FILE, 13001);
     if (!isset($this->packageInfo['version'])) {
         throw new SystemException("required tag 'version' is missing in " . self::INFO_FILE, 13001);
     // set default values
     if (!isset($this->packageInfo['isUnique'])) {
         $this->packageInfo['isUnique'] = 0;
     if (!isset($this->packageInfo['standalone'])) {
         $this->packageInfo['standalone'] = 0;
     if (!isset($this->packageInfo['plugin'])) {
         $this->packageInfo['plugin'] = '';
     if (!isset($this->packageInfo['packageURL'])) {
         $this->packageInfo['packageURL'] = '';
     // get package name in selected language
     // get package description in selected language
     if (isset($this->packageInfo['packageDescription'])) {
     if (CHARSET != 'UTF-8') {
         if (isset($this->authorInfo['author'])) {
             $this->authorInfo['author'] = StringUtil::convertEncoding('UTF-8', CHARSET, $this->authorInfo['author']);
         if (isset($this->authorInfo['authorURL'])) {
             $this->authorInfo['authorURL'] = StringUtil::convertEncoding('UTF-8', CHARSET, $this->authorInfo['authorURL']);
     // add plugin to requirements
     if ($this->packageInfo['plugin'] && !isset($this->requirements[$this->packageInfo['plugin']])) {
         $this->requirements[$this->packageInfo['plugin']] = array('name' => $this->packageInfo['plugin']);
  * @param  string
  * @param  array (string key => mixed value, ...)
  * @param  string  "POST"|"GET"
  * @return array XML DOM
  * @throws HTTPException
  * @throws XMLParserException
 public function call($url, $params = null, $method = 'GET')
     if ($params && is_array($params)) {
         $vv = array();
         foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
             if (is_array($v)) {
                 foreach ($v as $v2) {
                     $vv[] = rawurlencode($k) . '=' . rawurlencode($v2);
             } else {
                 $vv[] = rawurlencode($k) . '=' . rawurlencode($v);
         $params = implode('&', $vv);
     } else {
         $params = '';
     $conn = new HTTPConnection(strval($url));
     $conn->method = $method;
     $conn->curlOptions[CURLOPT_USERAGENT] = 'RESTService $Id$';
     $conn->curlOptions[CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT] = 10;
     # short connect timeout
     if ($method != 'POST' && $params) {
         $conn->url .= '?' . $params;
         $params = null;
     if ($this->debug) {
         print 'DEBUG>> RESTService->call(' . $service_id . ':' . $name . '): ' . ($conn->method == 'POST' ? 'POST' : 'GET') . ' ' . $conn->url . "<br/>\n";
         if ($conn->method == 'POST') {
             print 'DEBUG>> POST data: ' . var_export($params, 1) . "\n<br/>";
     # Send request
     $data = $conn->connect($params);
     if ($this->debug) {
         print 'DEBUG>> RESTService->call(' . $service_id . ':' . $name . '): Response: HTTP/' . $conn->responseProtocol . ' ' . $conn->responseStatus . "<br/>\n{$data}\n<br/>";
     # Parse response
     $data = XML::loadString($data);
     # Handle response errors
     if (substr(strval($conn->responseStatus), 0, 1) != '2') {
         throw new HTTPException($conn->responseStatusName, $conn->responseStatus);
     return $data;